/ / MONT^AY, AUQUBT 18, 1960 PAOB SDCTEEN A rerafe Dally Net Preaa Run fa . Wwtlur , ^nrt|[^stpr lEo^ning For OM Wbek Baded 'rereeaot ef Ua Jine dth. IMO The LsMlles Auxiliary of the Man­ Fair and eed * tea4»fc3S»iY I f chester Chapter, No. 17, Disabled Savings Bank 13,125 ‘ to M. Wedneeday - ^ ' About Town American Veterans, wUl hold a Member of the Aodlt airt. n g a 75 to M, meeUng Wednesday evening a 6 Hnrean ef OtrooIatioB Mr. sad Mrs. ARKn J. Vsup, 78 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Cora 55 Years Old Manchegter~^A City of Village Chprm . Buauaer Bt, have return^ home Blow, 7 Florence St. A social Will after a l>we^ vacation In Florida follow. , ' apd In NasMUi, Bahamas. The Savinga Bank of Manches­ (ClaeeHled Adverttatog on Fag* Mrs. Rose Schwoerer of 108 ter tomorrow begina an 11-week VOL. LXXIX, NO. 270 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1960 PRICE FIVE CENTS Lskota Council, Degree of Poc- Mather St. will hold a lawn party will meet Wednesday at celebraUon of Ita 5Sth anniveraary. and luncheon Wednesday at 12:80 During the anniveraary obaerv- 7:S0 pan. at Odd Fellows hall. A' p.m. In case of rain, the luncheon ance, which will end Oct. 81, the social hour- win follow the meet- win be held the following day. Lodge to Ask inff. Proceeds will be donated to the bank will offer a premium of aix State News. Slaters of the Cross and Passion crystal Iced tea glasses with each in Farmington. deposit o f 125 or more in a new or Report to OAS Fast Restart of existing account. President Lyn­ Roundup Congo Police Arrest wood K. Elmore added that extra WM. DICKSON glassware pliis Imported translu­ Arms Cut Talk Progress Slows cent china can be obtained with an additional deposits of S25 or more* By MILTON BESSER &S0N On School Work plus a small extra charge. Warns on Reds Mother, 17, Held The anniversary offer will be In United Nations, N. Y., Aug. 260 TOLLAND TPKE. In Baby’s Death 16 {JP) —r, U.S. Ambassador Alterations and repairs at effect at the main bank at 923 Washington, Aug. 16 (OAS) prepared to open ita confer­ TEL. MI 9-0920 Main St. and sit the' two branch Henry Cabot Lodge was ex­ ESTABLISHED 1918 Barnard Junior High School are The Senate Foreign Eelatiims ence of foreign ministers tonight. banks, one at the Parkade and the Security police braced to put New Lpndon, Aug. 16' (JP)— pected to urge the 82-nation not proceeding rapidly enough to other at 285 E. Center St. committee approved without down any Oomrnuhlst demonstra­ be completed before school opens In its 55 years, the bank’s de- The manslaughter case of the U.N. disarmament cctomis- Commtreid and dissent today a bill authm’- tions that might be timed to coin­ 17-year*old wife of a sub­ sion today to call for a speedy next month accprdihg to James -posits have grown from $150,000 to. tzihg a $600 million Latiif- cide with .the arrival of U.S. Secre­ L. Perry, work coordinator. $38,485,450. tary of State Christian A. Herter. mariner in connection with resumption of negotiations be­ Induttriol Painrinq He said difficulties in manpow­ OPEN UNTIL American 'economic develop­ ^ ‘‘This progress,” said Elmore, Diplomatic Informants In Washing­ nhe death of her infant daugh- tween the West and the Com­ er and deliveries have slowed "not only denotes bank growth, but ment program. f u l l y i n s u r e i ton warned that the- Reds-'might i;er was continued today in po­ munists on how to start the progress in electrical work, on is a concrete sign of acceptance try to stage another outbreak like D ag on W ay which other work such as floor The cmnmittee went along ke court to Aug. 24. world on the path to total dis­ from citizens o f . Manchester arid the one that occurred during the .r /I. ; covering and ^painting depend. the surrounding area.” with ^administration requests Bogota conference In ■ 1948, when Mrs. Joan Littlejohn appeued in armament. A meeting o f’ the Town Build­ court but idle was not put to plea. ill? i'S: Founded Bank 5 P.M. for s^ cific authority to spend Gen. George C. Marshall was secre­ Prospects were that the Soviet T o G et New ing Committee bn bow the work Frank Cheney Jr. and F. Ernest up to $500 million as an initial tary of state and headed the U.S. Judge A. A. Washton continued Union and other Communist bloc can be pushed has been called for AUTO IVatkins found the bank and open­ payment on a program for im­ delegation.' the previous bond. members would boycott the open­ BODY 8 p.m‘. today at the Barnard main ed the first office in the Watkins Whiting WiUauer, U.S. ambassa­ Mrs. Littlejohn brought her 214- ing meeting of the commission, OLLIE’S building. Bros; Building. At the Ume, accord­ proving living and cultural dor to Costa Rica, predicted the month-old daughter Earlene to po­ called into session at the- request .While Barnard School renova­ TODAY! Instructions ing to Elmore, the population of standards of Latin Ameri­ Communists would start trouble lice headquarters' yesterday. The of the United States following the ir W ELDING tions will be late. Perry said the Manchester was about 11,000 and during the minister’s parley, but bhild was rushed to a hospital but most of the work on eight older ALSO TUESDAY and FRIDAT cans. breakdown of the Geneva arms AUTO BODY and the, average weekly pay of a mill he expressed confidence Costa Ri­ was dead on ahival. talks. Leopoldville, The Ckmgo, elementary schools should be com­ 9 A M . to 5 PAI. FENDER REPAIRS worker was about $10. At the end can reaction would be strbngly Police said the infant had suf­ Lodge, chief U.S. delegate to the Aug. 16 (/P)— Premier Patrice pleted In time to avoid disrup­ of the' first year, deposits were San Jose, Costa ^ Rica) Aug. fered Injuries over a period of tions when school opens. The work THURSDAY against such demonstrations. The United Nations for nearly eight Lumumba’s Congolese police COMPLETE CAR $150,000, an Indication, Elmore 9 AM. to 8 PM. 16 </P)—Foreign ministers of Communist party is Illegal In Costa time. They said Mrs. Littlejohn years and now the Republican involves lighting modernization, told.them she could not. tolerate swept through Leopoldville PAINTING heating and plumbing improve­ added, that the-bsnk had been ac­ tire American republics as­ Rica, but there are about 300 card- nominee for, vice president, was cepted sis a depository by both WEDNESDAY carrying Reds here, Willnauer said the child’s ciying listed as the leadoff speaker. It was homes and hotels today, ar­ ’ LACQUER and ENAMEL ments, and painting'; 9 A.M. to 12 NOON sembled here today amid Dr. HSrold H. Irwin, medical ex­ The schools involved arc Hollis­ wage earner and salaried man. Police disarmed several mem­ slated to be his final major U.N. resting- Europeans and United TEL. HI 9-5025 ShorUy. after its founding, larg­ warnings that Russia’s rising bers of the Cuban delegation yes­ aminer, who performed an autopsy, ter, Green, Buckland, Keeney An­ interest in the hemisphere has speech before . resigning to cam­ Nations personnel. nex, Robertson, Lincoln, Highland er quarters were made'available terday at their hotel and detained said the cause of death was shock. paign; U.N. Undenecretary Ralph 281 A D A M S ST. ■c0»teAedio^ •& •ft 41 Bond for the woman was set at Park and Nathan Hale. In the Bowers Block, Then, In sharpened tensions in the a Cuban newsman for carrying Lodge was in Washington yes­ Bunche intervened personally to 1920, the bank, ;ln need of addi­ Caribbean area. firearms. Police also broke up a $25,000. - terday to attend a meeting of Pres­ obtain the release of two UJ4. o f­ tional space, moved to Us present FOR YOUR ‘The warning came In a 250-page crowd of abotit 100 i>ersons outside She and her husband, Mack Lit- ident Eisenhower's cabinet, and to ficers the Congo..police picked up. Veteran Parishioners Congratulate Neiv Bishop location. ’The E. Center St. branch report of the Inter-American Peace a hotel shouting "Cuba sL” Uejohn, a seaman aboard the sub­ confer with Elsenhower and U.S. The police said the officers “ were was opened in February 1956, and marine Dogfish at the Naval Base .,.. Committee, made public aa the Or­ State Department officials on the Belgians camouflaged under U.N. Mrs. Carrie Anderson, 21 Edmund St., and Mrs. Robert Richmond, 603 S. Main St., were among the Parkade office In July, 1958. fiANVjjPNIjjPNftF ^ ganization of Affierlcan States (Conttoned on Page Seven) In Groton, have another child aged ''■'if' '■: uniform.” more than 800 members and friends of South Methodist Church who greeted Mrs. W. Ralph Ward disarmament picture. He returned ’The bank has oiperated as a two years. to New York last night to'put the The Congolese police even raid­ Jr., Gerald Ward, and Bishop Ward yesterday after morning service. Mrs. Anderson has been a mutual savings institution during Det.' Lieut. Dennis J. Murphy member of several church commissions, and Mrs. Richmond is a trustee of the church. During the polishing touches on his speech. ed the reeidence l^ousing moat o f its lifetime.
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