DOCUMENT RESUME ED 026 543 72 vT 007 918 By-Per lberg, A.; And Others Preparation of Teachers for Vocational-Technical Schools in Israel.Final Report. Technion-Israel Inst. of Technology, Haifa (Israel). Spons Agency-Office cf Education (OHEW), Washington, D.C. Bureau No-BR-5-1392 Pub Date Dec 68 Contrac t OEC -5-21-009 Note- 112p. EDRS Price MF -$0.50 HC-$5.70 Descriptors-Educational Administration, *Foreign Countries, InserviceEducation, Professional Recognition, Student Teaching, TeacherCertification, *Teacher Education, Teacher Education Curriculum.Teacher Educ.,.tors, Teacher Interns, Teacher Recruitment, *Technical Education,*Vocational Education, *Vocational Education Teachers Identifiers-*Israel, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology This study attempts to solve the problem ofIsrael's shortage of qualified teachers for vocational and technical schools byanalyzing the problems contained in their preparation, and by suggesting an appropriate programof studies for them, along with recommendations for its effective use.Analysis of the general as well as the vocational and technical educational system inIsrael provides a basis for an evaluation of the teacher preparation for vocationaland technical education in that country. The problems inIsrael of vocational teachers' certification requirements,the status of vocational educatfon, and the sourcesand recruitment of vocational and technical teachers, are considered in the programthat is recommended for technical teachersin engineeringandrelatedsubjectsinelectronicsand mechanical engineering. Specific recommendationsinclude a need to raise the status of the vocational teacher, to stress scientific and technicalsubject matter mastery, and to offer occvpational experience along withprofessional education preparation. (MU) IN- /3e-lr:/3,2°(4/ -4- Ln , OE '13 it 4) k PA°742- (.10 i cp)2ninai1pilt )1$32von/trio 411, $301320 112?3 - 11 $33 12 ?I L.L/nion Research and Development Foundation Ltd. Technlon - Israel Institute of Technology PREPARATION OF TEACHERS FOR VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL SCHOOLS IN ISRAEL rinm niwn 5741vi'3 1:1171YMI 1917 ma5 Haifa, Israel, December 1968 1968 inns" ,noln U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH,EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICEOF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. Final Report Contract No. 0E-5-21-009 PREPARATION OF TEACHERS FORVOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL SCHOOLS INISRAEL December, 1968 U.S. Department of Health,Education and Welfare Office of Education Bureau of Research SCHOOLS IN ISRAEL, PREPARATION OF TEACHERSFOR VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL Contract No. 0E-5-21-009 by BEN SHALOM U., KOHN D. pERLBERCA. HANANI H., AVIGAD M., ) December, 1968 ;. pursuant to a contract The research reportedherein was performed of Health, Education with the Office ofEducation, U.S. Department such projects undergovernment and Welfare. Contractors undertaking sponsorlhip are encouragedto expressfreely their professional Points of view oropinions judgment in the conductof the project. official Office of stated do not, therefore,necessarily represent Education position orpolicy. 7TECHNION-ISRAEL INSTITUTEOF TECHNOLOGY HAIFA,C/SRAEL) CONTENTS PREFACE 1 PART I. INTRODUCTION 1 1. The problem 2 2. Objectives 3 3. Procedures Identification and analysisof problem in Israel. 3 Identification and analysisof programs, innova- 3 tions and problems invocational teacher education in selected countries. The research committee. 5 6 4. Scope 6 5. Definitions 7 PART II. ISRAEL - BACKGROUND INFORMATION Chapter A. Developmental Trends and TheirImplications to.Vocational-Technical Education 7 Rapid growth 7 Mass immigration 7 Agriculture 9 10 Industrialization 13 Building Chapter B. The Educational System -General and Vocational-Technical Education 13 13 1. The general educational system 18 2. Vocational-technical education 18 Background Administration and supervision 19 Type of schools 19 Duration of training 20 21 Curricula Graduates and theirprivileges 22 23 PART III. VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL TEACHER EDUCATION 23 Chapter A. Vocational-technica/ TeacherEducation in Israel 23 1. Teacher Education in Israel -The General System 24 2. Vocational-technical Teachers -Requirements and Present Status Technion 26 3. Vocational-technical Teacher Education at 26 Background Evaluation of the program 28 Pg 31 Chapter B. Critical Issues inVocational-technical Education in Israeland Selected Countries vocational-technical educationand 31 1. The status of its impact on theproblem of teachereducation of vocational- 35 2. Job andcertification requirements technical teachers teachers 38 3. Supply and demandof vocational-technical vocational-technical 39 4. The sources forrecruitment of teachers vocational-technical 41 5. Recruitment andselection of teachers model for the preparationof 43 6. The institutional vocational-technical teachers education 46 7. Curricula ofvocational-technical teacher programs 52 8. Occupational experience 56 and internship 9. Student teaching 57 10. In-service education innovative approaches tovocational- 59 11. New media and technical teachereducation TEACHERS IN 61 PART IV. A PROGRAM OFSTUDIES FOR TECHNICAL ENGINEERING AND RELATEDSUBJECTS - ELECTRONICS AND MECHANICALENGINEERING Procedures 61 1. The CurriculumCommittees Preparation of theProgram 61 2. Guidelines for 62 Reality 3. Optimal Goals and 63 4. The Programs 68 PART V. SUMMARY ANDRECOMMENDATIONS 76 APPENDICES 100 BIBLIOGRAPHY ANDREFERENCES ii 41.4. PREFACE teachers for vocational The acute growingshortage of qualified realization that this and technical schoolsin Israel and the expand and inten- shortage might imparethe government's plans to education, have brought sify programs ofvocational and technical about the inceptionof this study. Haim Hanani, Professorof Mathematics, former VicePresident Institute of Technology, for Academic Affairsof the Technion-Israel and a former adviser tothe Ministry of Educationand Culture on the planning of highereducation, together withEngineer Meir Avigad, Director ofthe Department ofVocational and Technical submitted a Education in the Ministryof Education and Culture, research proposal forstudying the problems ofpreparing teachers junior colleges. and instructors forvocational schools and technical After the approval ofthe proposal, Dr. AryePerlberg, former Department at Head of the Science andTechnical Teacher-Training investigators and the Technion, joinedthe team of principal assumed the directorshipof this study. Two research associates, Mr. Uri Ben-Shalom(B.A.), State Supervisorin Vocational and Technical Education andEngineer David Kohn(M.Sc.), Coordinator joined the research of the Technion'sExtension bivision, also team. third Even though the originalproposal was approved, only a of the required budget wasappropriated. This forced the resear- mainly chers to limit the scopeof the study and to concentrate preparation of teachersfor the on theproblems related td the sciences andengineering-related subjectsin technical schools procedures and technical juniorcolleges. Moreover, the proposed in several for the involvement ofadministrator and teachers selected schools inevaluation of curriculumand teaching activities and the plansfor a statisticalanalysis of student achievements in these schools werecurtailed. While in most relevant to the whole cases the generaldiscussion of problems is the specific field of vocational-technicalteacher education, curricula have been preparedfor teachers ofelectronics and mechanical engineeringonly. Technion and Many persons, notablyfaculty members of the education, have state supervisorsof vocational-technical the purposes of cooperated with theresearchers in attaining in Israel this study. Experts invocational-technical education knowledge and and various other countrieshave shared their experience with us. We have learnedfrom all of them, and many of theirsuggestions areincorporated in this report. However, the responsibilityfor the final analysisand iii recommendation.lies.solely wtththe researchers. The opinlons. expressed in this reportdo not in any way representthe opinions and the Israel of the Technion-IsraelInstitute of Technology Ministry of Educationand Culture, who grantedthe researchers permission and time to carry onthis study. Finally, we would like tothank the U.S. Officeof'Education We for making this studypossle through itsfinancial help. Illinois College of A would also like tothank the University of Education which awardedDr. Perlberg, duringhis sabbatical year, coordinate and funds for travel,secretarial help, and time to prepare thefinal report. 1.V PART I. INTRODUCTION 1. The Problem Changing the occupational profile of the Jewish people was considered as one of the most important roles of the modern Jewish settlement movement in Palestine andater in the State of Israel. Shifting the occupational emphasis from a people engaged mainly in services, "middle-men" occupations, and white-collar professions to a productive agricultural and industtial society, was the goal. The role of vocational-technical education in this social revolution was recognized to be of prime importance even before the establish- ment of the State of Israel. However, it was not until the establishment of the State in 1948 that the development of vocational-technical education gained a significant momentum, as compared with previous emphasis on academic, college preparatory secondary schools. Mass immigration
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