The Senate report on the petition of the East Boston. East Boston Gas Company was accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. The House reports, on the order relative to abolishing surgeon- the office of Surgeon-General; and GencraL On the annual report of the warden of the state prison, warden of ,, , • 1 ' the state were severally accepted in concurrence. prison. Adjourned. SATURDAY, March 1, 1873. Met according to adjournment. The journal of yesterday was read. , Mr. Potter presented a petition of G. A. Southworth A.south- • i p li-ii • worth et als. and others, in aid ot the passage of the bill proposing the annexation of certain towns to the city of Boston. Referred to the committee on Towns. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Papers from the House. A bill to incorporate the Tremont Market Company (on the petition of E. D. Winslow and others) ; and A resolve to pay certain bounties to agricultural socie- c- Burleigh, ties, were severally read and ordered to a second reading. A report discharging the committee on Claims from the further consideration of the petition of Charles Burleigh, and referring: the same to the committee on the Iloosac Tunnel and the Troy and Greenfield Railroad, was accepted in concurrence. Reports, granting leave to withdraw, Reports. Of the committee on Roads and Bridges, on the petition of J. C. Hoadley and others ; Of the committee on Banks and Banking, on the peti- tion of the New England Labor Reform League, were sev- erally read and placed in the orders of the day for Monday. A petition of John G. Mudge and others, for the con- noosac solidation of the Fitchburg, Vermont and Massachusetts and Troy and Boston Railroad Companies ; and Remonstrances of, E. II. Sawyer and others ; and A. S. French and others, severally against the sale or lease of the Iloosac Tunnel or its consolidation with cer- tain railroads leading thereto, were referred to the com- mittee on Railways. b. Finan. ^ petition of B. Finaii for compensation for dam- ages to the uniforms of the 9th regiment while on duty at the great fire in Boston, was referred to the committee on Military Affairs. Beokefman petition of George Barrows and others, in aid of that etais. ' of John A. Beckerman and others, was referred to the committee on Towns. w.w.Godding ct als - A remonstrance of Rodney French and others, against the petition of W. W. Godding and others, was referred to the committee on Public Charitable Institutions. Remonstrances of ANDREW J. Andrew J. Bates and others ; and F^H?cow-* F. II. Cowing and others, severally against the repeal mgetais. Qr mo<jification 0f the act of 1869, relating to the catching of smelts, were referred to the committee on the Fisheries. Severally in concurrence. Adjourn- The orders of the day were taken up, and the first mat- ter therein, being the motion to reconsider the vote where- by the Senate voted to adjourn from this day until Tuesday March 4, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the same was carried in the negative : so the Senate refused to reconsider. Bins. The bills Fixing the fees of clerks and registrars of towns and cities for registry and return of births ; For the better organization of the lire department of the city of Fitchburg ; In addition to an act to supply the town of Winchester with pure water; In relation to the reports of the inspectors of the state prison; Concerning accidents on railroads ; To authorize Job T. Wilson to construct a wharf 111 Fall River; To authorize Barnabas Clark to extend his wharf in Fall River; To authorize the town of Everett to choose a board of water commissioners, were severally read a second time and ordered to a third reading. Houi110"'8 Senate bill to unite the Fall River Orphan Asylum Faiiuiver. and the Children's Friend Society, under the name of the Children's Home of Fall River, was read a third time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. The Senate bill to extend the time for the location and T^W construction of the Tyngsborough and Brookline Railroad, lineK.R. was read a third time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. The House bills Bi"8- Concerning the waiver by widows of the provisions made for them in wills ; To confer a veto power on the mayors of cities; To change the name of the Wellesley Female Seminary ; To authorize John F. Dodge and others, to construct a wharf in Quincy; To authorize Owen Bearse to construct a wharf in Quincy, were severally read a third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence. m The House bill to incorporate the South Framingham fn°gh^ - Camp Meeting Association was passed to bo engrossed in g^Meet concurrence. The House reports on the petitions of The Dorchester Gas Light Company; and The New Bedford Gas Company, were severally accepted in concurrence. * The following engrossed bills (the first of which orig- inated in the Senate) passed to be enacted and were laid before before the Governor for his approval, to wit:— In addition to an act to incorporate the Holyoke Water Power Company. To amend chapter 158 of the acts of the year 1871 in relation to road commissioners. In further addition to an act making appropriations for the maintenance of the government during the present year. The following engrossed resolves (all of which origin- »JJ*«^ ated in the House) passed and were, laid before the Gov- iaw before ernor, with the exception of the last, to wit:— emor. Concerning the Universal Exposition at Vienna. Providing for expenses incurred in the supervision of the Hoosac Tunnel. For the reimbursement of certain taxes overpaid by insurance agents. Adjourned. TUESDAY, March 4, 1873. Met according to adjournment. The journal of Saturday was read. G. Downes. Mr. Stickney, from the committee on the Treasury, on 'the resolve in favor of George Downes, reported that the same ought to pass ; and it was accordingly ordered to a second reading. state Mr. Learnard, from the same committee, on the bill au- thorizing the construction of a new state prison, reported the same without amendment; and it was placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. Agricul- Mr. Whittle, from the same committee, submitted a cictlef0' similar report on the resolve to pay bounties to certain agricultural societies; and the same was ordered to a sec- ond reading. District Mr. Torrey, on leave, introduced a bill to authorize dis- Attoi trict attorneys to employ clerical assistance, and the same was read and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. iioosac Mr. Parsons presented a petition of Hon. Edward Southworth and others, in favor of the consolidation of the Iioosac Tunnel with certain railroads leading thereto. Referred to the committee on Railways. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred. Bills. Bills, To extend the charter of the South Danvers Mutual Fire Insurance Company (on the petition of the same) ; To extend the charter of the City Mutual Fire Insurance Company (on the petition of the same) ; To extend the charter of the Annisquam [Mutual Fire Insurance Company (on the petition of the same) ; To extend the charter of the Merrimack Mutual Fire Insurance Company (on the petition of the same) ; To authorize the Boston and Maine Railroad to build a wharf in Somerville (on the petition of said company) ; To amend an act to supply the city of Springfield with water (in a new draft) were severally read and ordered to a second reading. Gloucester A report of the committee on Railways, granting leave and Lanes- 1 p 1 T v I'Y viiieK.u. to withdraw, on the petition ot the Gloucester and Lanes- ville Railroad Company, was read and placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. A petition of Israel AY. Gerrisk and others, in aid of g™®^ the passage of the bill to enlarge the territory of, and ais. unite certain towns with the city of Boston; and Remonstrances of BccLfman Samuel H. Nye and others ; and ct "is. B. F. Bourne and others, severally against the petition of John A. Beckerman and others, were referred to the committee on Towns. John G reuuuiiPetitions Uofl Whittlere- t William Dickinson and others ; and «is- Eliphalet Williams and others, severally in aid of that of John G. Whittier and others, were referred to the com- mittee on Federal Relations. Petitions of H. N. Daggett and others ; and mSMt James P. Ray and others, severally in aid of the exten- IUi~Co- sion of the Milford and AVoonsocket Railroad Company, were referred to the committee on Railways. Also, a remonstrance of Luther Prescott and others, Boston and against the petition of the Boston and Lowell Railroad coT Company for authority to unite with the Fitchburg Rail- road Company. A remonstrance of G. B. Perry and others, against the B. Perry repeal or modification of the act of 1869, concerning the cultivation of useful fishes, was referred to the committee on the Fisheries. Severally in concurrence. The orders of the clay were taken up, and the bill to in- corporate the Tremont Market Company, was read a sec- ' ond time and ordered to a third reading. The Senate bill fixing the fees of clerks and registrars j^f?of of towns or cities for the registry and return of births, was read a third time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Came up concurred.
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