Westher DISTRIBUTION - 7 MJB. (qnpentnre IT. Cloudy TODAY fbb nwnrintt hwwnlm fair by BED BANK afternoon, high 7t. Tonight, fair, 35,000 Controlled low In the 5fe. Tomorrow partly cloudy, Ugh In the 70s. Tburv MomxrntaocMnwju-ut.mn day, fair. See weather, page 2. DIAL 741-0010 Issued dmisy, Monday through rrlda;. Second Clui Fostut PAGE ONE VOL. 86, NO. 240 Paid U Red Bank and at Additional Mailing Ollicei. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1964 7c PER COPY Turbulent Finish in California Primary Bay of Decision SAN FRANCISCO (AP)—Cal- tle for the Democratic senatorial two terminals away at the Republican voters will come aft- Yorty. Both delegations are in- ifornia Republicans choose be- nomination were expected to sprawling airport, avoided any er 7 a.m.-to-7 p.m. balloting — formally pledged to President tween Barry Goldwater and Nel- bring out nearly 70 per cent of predictions. But his supporters 8 p.m. in four counties—in 32,861 Johnson. son A. Rockefeller today in a the state's 4 million Democratic remained optimistic that he precincts. , The real Democratic battle in- last-in-the-nation primary • that voters and 2.9 million Republi- would win—and win fairly big. Goldwater will await the re- volved an acriminious clash be- may decide the kind of Repub- cans. Police called for help when turns in Los Angeles, Rockefell- tween Pierre Salinger, press sec- lican the party will nominate Final Salvos Rockefeller landed after a 12 - er in New York. retary to two presidents, and for president in July. Goldwater and Rockefeller city, 1,500 - mile aerial tour in Areas to watch: Los Angeles, State Controller Alan Cranston • A turbulent finish climaxed closed their pounding drive Mon- which he continued to assail his Orange and San Diego counties, for the party nomination for ail- the campaign for 86 pledged day night with final salvos as opponent's political views as ex- bulwark of Southern Californias ing Sen. Clair Engle's seat. delegates in a showdown be- discordant as the rival victory tremist. predominant voting strength; Power Struggle tween the professed conserva- predictions. About half the 1,000 persons in San Francisco and its populous The race pitted Brown, or- tism of the Arizona senator and Goldwater, disputing state- the welcoming crowd appeared neighbors, and the agricultural ganized labor and the Demo- the moderate credo of the New wide polls which tabbed Rocke- to be Goldwater supporters who central valley. cratic club movement, behind York governor. feller to repeat his May 15 Ore- booed Rockefeller's assertion Democrats had a choice to Cranston, against Assembly It's a winner-take-all affair, gon victory, told an airport rally that the senator has taken "an make, too, on whether to hand Speaker Jesse M. Unruh, Atty. with no write-ins permitted. in Los Angeles: "We're going to impulsive and irresponsible their 154 national convention Gen. Stanley Mosk and other ROCKY IN HOME STRETCH — Gov. GOLDWATER RETURNS — Sen. Barry Balmy weather, quickening in- win. I've never been so confi' stand" on the use of nuclear votes to opposing slates headed party elements supporting Sal- Nelson Rockefeller of New York began Goldwater, lower left, makes his way terest in the presidential race dent." weapons. by Gov. Edmund G. Brown and inger in a power struggle. Sal- his final day of campaigning for the Re- through the crowd of supporters who and a fierce, party-splitting bat- Rockefeller, who finished up The long-awaited decision by Los Angeles Mayor Samuel W. (See PRIMARY, Page 2) publican presidential nomination at San welcomed him at Los Angeles Interna- Diego, Calif, yesterday. He shook hands tional Airport- last night as he returned with well-wishers who met' him at the from Washington for today's California airport and engaged in a traditional cam- presidential primary election. paign pastime, hugging youngsters. (AP Wirephotol Feelings Mixed on Today's Primary TRENTON - The state's top GOP politicians "At the meeting of national committee mem- once a Rockefeller booster, is said to lean now have mixed feelings about the big California bers and state chairmen in Washington the talk toward" Soranton. Through his persistence he got Raritan Emergency Plan presidential primary which reaches a climax at centered around Pennsylvania Gov. William W. the Pennsylvania governor to consent to appear at the polls today, with 86 delegate votes at stake. Scranton," Mrs. Neuberger remarked. "And the state committee's fund raising dinner June 23 The personal verbal duel between New York Richard Nixon wasn't forgotten, either," she said. in Newark. Gov. Nelson A. Rocketeller and Arizona Sen. Assembly Speaker Alfred N. Beadleston, Rum- An Essex County party leader, discussing Sen. Barry Goldwater, leading candidates for their son, feels this way about the primary: "I don't Goldwater's claim he has more than half the 655 party's presidential nomination has grabbed the care who wdns in California, I stdll think former votes needed to nominate him, says: "The sena- Water Curtailment political spotlight for weeks. Vice President Nixon is the most experienced to tor, I think, counted Ms delegate strength twice cope with foreign and domestic affairs. He is the and added the figures." County GOP Chairman J. Russell Woolley has man I hope is nominated, but I'm not a dele- thoughts about the California results today but re- gate." The politico finished with: "Even if Rocky fused to reveal them. • Assemblyman Clarkson S. Fisher, West Long beats Goldwater today, he'fl lose the nomination." "I'll only say that whoever is nominated at Branch, believes Nixon has the best chance of At least five of the delegates in the state say Measure Is Rejected our convention in San Francisco will beat Presi- getting the nomination and going on to beat that, win or lose today, Goldwater will walk off dent Johnson. And I'm playing it neutral until township sanitary, inspector, pro- Co., with the Public Utility Com- President Johnson. "Regardless of who wins in . with the nomination next month. RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The our 40-member delegation gets out there."- California today I don't think he will be nomi- Board of Health last night flatly tested—contending that such a mission ordinance behind it, has Joyful Democrats are saying the Rocky-Gold- regulation could alleviate a "haz- already informed users of the National GOP Commjtteewoman Katherine nated,as our candidate. But I'm a Republican and water campaign fiasco is hurting the whole Re- rejected a request by, Dr. Marc K. Neuberger, Middletown, isn't convinced that Til do anything I can to help the man they name Krohn, township health officer, ard." water shortage and restricted publican party. At any rate, the GOP elephant usage." today's California winner will go on to take the to head the ticket," he added. is getting more attention than he's received in to "promote an ordinance with "Excessive usage in one de- nomination. teeth in it" directing residents to velopment affects every other de- The water company last week State Republican Chairman Webster B. Todd, stop using water for other than velopment," stated Mr. Quail. sent out warning notices to its household necessities during the Mr. Whalen replied: consumers restricting use of "any current water shortage. "The West Keansburg Water (See RARITAN, Page 2) The township, along with a sec- tion of Holmdel, is serviced by Might Force Propane Firms to Move the West Keansburg Water Co., which on the weekend of May 23-24, failed to provide water for More Study On MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Township Committeeman Jay He cited sections of the code which give examples of high- more than 500 homes. Kriviuky last night recommended that the governing body take way business, such as drug stores and the like. The board's denial of the'doc- action which could force two propane gag concerns to pack He indicated that the police department or township zon- tor's request came on the heels their equipment and get out at town. ing officer will investigate to determine if the intent of the of his announcement that the Issue His dramatic approach was the final word in an emotion- code Is being violated, as to the type of business, toward the state will nofpermit the water packed public hearing which saw a mother and father, Mr. end ol closing down the operations. • ""-; company to use a new well be- MIDiDLETOWN—The Planning stand one way or another on and Mrs. Nicholas Lega, Amboy Rd.; »ay<hBy would "move At the time of the fire, township fire officials said that cause of a "dangerous" iron con- Board plans to give extensive the controversial issue. heaven and earth" to protect their three ^children. if the blaze had spread to the loadW Pjppane tanks in the • tent. time and thought before it takes Mr. Strong's two-page memo- The two plants are Standard Propape'Corp,, and the In- Standard Propane Corp. yard, resuKaWr .explosions would have a position on the question of randum dealt with the financial dustrial Handling Co., adjacent to each other, on- Amboy Rd. Speaks For Board wreaked destruction and death for blocks arotind. apartment construction in the aspects of apartments. There are several residences in the area, two of which are Standard has been at the site for a number of years, where- Apparently echoing the senti- township. He said that surveys through- within 15 feet of the companies' storage yards. ments of die entire group, Presi- as Industrial Handling Co. started its operation ortly six montlis Board members expressed these out the state disclose that, under On April 13, fire and explosions broke out in the Industrial ago.
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