. I , / - ■ ■ ' :• : ' ; , ■ - * ' ; ^ / r . ' r Llbrai-lnn ; - F * l eather * Final ^ 1 ■ . • . Partly Cloudyj d y "" . > I. Edition • / ■ The Magjc'Valley] N ew spaper!)laper^eDicateD-to SefVing anDand PrPromoting the Growth of NfagNia Irrignted l 8 aho ConntliearantliEB 167 ^ ■ VOL. 64, NO. n o .■ ' ' ' ~ ' IT\ym FALLS,’IDAjiO,[0 , FRFRI ID A Y , A U G U ST 4, 1967 , tEN CEBITS , — ' • — ... ^ ------ :: . ' _ r--'- B "H"TT • T ~ U .- S . H'" B"'- B H a m m e r J msm E n e m y " rDefehisiiSe Budgdget Expispecti3 r m P.y BOB HORTON EExactly how high, draft DefenDefense Secretary Robert S. Mc-iduct-1 a SAIGON (AP> — Americanican . Me duct a .searching review ot all p ----- -WASHINGTON (AP) - High--willligh- -will-go now is being determinedmned ^'ama^ 'am ar^ —believe.'; - $2- billion—midofonst 4 ____ TparptaTiP';_ hatnmnrrt— Nonth ~W M n-midofonse—cspcnd tures—and—tp-------- ^ ^ £ r - iit a f j.- c a lls niiti a ,pp.ssit)lee $S2-2- in fa Pentagnn sliidv nf whatIt the plaiin:Diarined spending can he.h e . withhold withhol all-such expenditures V ielnam ’ with- 197 sirike mis- I. ...v lT ?^ billionbill iiupplemental defense neM slons Thursday, 22 more than lense newly authorized '525,000-manl-man trimmtrimmed trom the defense budg-ludg- that areai not now essentjal lor '' budget request are likely as a levt 1 were e v e r flown in a single day as a level for Vietnam next sumnmer m er et to offset partially the possibleisible nationalnations security." JJJiUll—of— PH)Md6n t-^ llB S <son;?--will M » -will d'o to -over-all-U;^-m ilitafy- ft-b itt during, tbe VA y ea rs,oi pomDlnk .ordcred,.trQop increase tor Vjet-Viet- strengAstrt . -the■the P;President. ' in the ]prjv:ess of cutting, back on the Com m unist North, the U. S. pam, .Pentagon sources say.' AnnouncedA draft'callr^orthe-—Ther t h r —The-$2-billion-differenGe-woul4 H)uld lighter-^ightor-aircraftr-purchasoSj-T-hey-------- Com m and said Today. ^ The Presitlent announced five an- ■: I I ^ b h Iv h i P ^ v '’ t heed five months extending throughrough have to be covered by a ssup u p say thithis is possible because of a — S. headquarters also an- B . Thursday that 45,000' to 50,0000.000 SeptemSep ber have risen to ann av- plemeplemental budget rcqti^st early lower-than-expectedlower-t rate of nounced that 635 com bat planesanes ■L,:B l. ’ ' ' H mmo ore men will be deployedd to erageera, of about 23,000 a month,lonth. next jyear, sources said.- losseslosses over Nortti Vietnam. h*e been lost over North Viet-^iet- B I the war-zone in response to rec- ThisThi: reflects, in part, the Penta-'enta- The administration also 'had The nam, .including an Air Forceorce . .H H 'i I'l'fX 'had The level ot U.S. forces ill FI05 Thunderchlef dowped by V om'mendations of top defenseense gon’sgon move to meet its 1966-ap-j6-ap- tp get a $l2-biIlion defense .sup- Vietna,Vietnam now stands otticially at and military officials. proproved Vietnam manpower ceil- plemepleinent for fiscal 19C7, butt thetlie 454,0004.M,000 after a/7,000-man "sta- ground fire Thursday ai^d' threehree H : At the sam e time, he .said, ing losses not previously disclosed. /Y' A IIPiW IPH '' .said, ing of 480,000. 196S196S budget ,w as suppo.sedd to ti.stlcal adjustnient" by the Pen- K there is a pos.iibility that be- SourcesSi said d raft calls dur- cover ail anticipated war spend-3ond- tagon Thursday,' the ground war continued,d.in in BVW 0 '■■ \W' cause of increascci military ing 1 one of Its periodic lulls and two ijV V tl/- ilary ing the last quarter of this year ing a;as well as TnSe^ other mill- TheThe Pentagon said rnost of the L J spespending, defen.se expendilureslures likelylike will exceed 35,000)0 a tary rneeds. 45,000-15,000 ntiw1 troops will be Army. majonsperations ended. 'U tor fi.scal 1988 may exceed'r the moimonih. J j TheThe President said McNa- No I One was the massive swejpresp IJW^S k; S'' ■' I s icNa- No Reserve callup is expect- ■ "S7.1■$73 billion budget by up lo0 $4 AAs for spending, sourcesi say,say, mara m ara had been ordered to "con-'con- ed,ed, tbetlie Pentagon said. by at) estim ated 10,000 U. S. and I', ' ■// ; billbiJlion. South Vietnamese troops in the ■' ^ Mekong delta 45 miles southh of I ' Saigon, the biggest allied opera- ____ tion staged so far in the_deltn.a._ j ^iDeiicels I ' ~ T rt«e same-dclta^ro^'ontlf _jiEaxi£iiich=tckSillrR eJke - M L S o o n | Vietnamese troops reported kill- jng the commander ot a hard-lard- ' < SifteD I I I core Viet Cong battalion and . capturing his assistant. BK k ; J I I f N e w PProgram r o Iss EiEnacteD 1 The air attacks Thursday Murder Case [ si ranged from deep in North Viet-^iet- KETCHUM - All scraps of " nam's heartland to the coun-oun- By JOSEPH R. COYNEE withhtwithholding lo Increase byy 10 income taxes eveiy two weeks & -evidence wliich have been gath- WASHING'rON,{AP)-If^ Con- per c(cent to reflect the proposedlosed can exexpect Uncle Sam to take try's southern panhandle. fi' ored in the fatal .shooting of a" Navy pilots reported de- ° gre.ss enacls President John- boost,boost. J4-1,J44, fOfOr exflmpla. • . " •m a S S m ,''. -J II' kKetchum ci construction worker at son's tax program, Americans■leans Congress,Con however. ' .must John xfipying or damaging 72 supplypp’>' K ....BoundaryBoi campgrounds Tuesday ^y|l| most Johnson said /or mosl-Ameri- boats or barges along the coast. sday ^y|l| |,egj„ feeijnp the pinchch of make the final decision on “oyany cans thetl surcharge should range • night -are' being studied . by higher[,[„ taxes with their first tax increasei: -and its effective from 1 Other Navy fliers' reported .set-s e t -■ ' Blaine county sheriff’s officers Clive from a few cents to about $9 icers paychecks after Oct. 1. dale.date. extra 1 ting off a secondary explosion andant Sun Valley special agents. extra a month. among a cluster ot buiiuings ai j'}l'i:.—AlthQugh,iiew-ta,\ .tables -ha.v.e.have _-But..if the program recom- —About-lli-million-taitpayors-inaho,, ------- U —Sshenir Urville Urexler said yety^t (o-ije drafted. Treasuryy De- mendedmendi by Johnson Is adopted, | __ the Quang Nap storage area they are checking the most like- p^f ptea, 0,5 brackets would be ' three miles southwest of Thanh 'v.vyi like- partm ent oflicals .say the aver- a wwor orker who ha.s $'10 deducted M ly leads into the murder of Glen agea„j taxpayer can expectt his from his paycheck for federal exempt., Hoa, in the panhandle. The pi- |H A. Coppinger, 38, Boi.se-Cascadeicade —----------------------------------- ---- ^------------------------ — --------------------------- A susurcharge-actually Is a tax . lots said dense smoke towered Iriv ' PH Co., employe who was workingrking on a 1tax. It's levied not on a up 5,000 feet. on construction of pre-fabricated:ated "TVT" X J.*1 • TT personperson’s basic sa la ry but on the ' 1 «QT -1 ----- l - S -------------wx-hft,------tax-hft-pays.-------------------:----- ^------- hut all tho leads are very -1- / I Cd li l/ 1 l U i l ± 0 If, tor examflle, a person Kebel Troops'S cocCOOKING UP A CUP of friendshipFriendshlp-soup, that Is—at the Boy ScoutScou World Jamboree at Far-ar- "slim.”"si would pay $800 in taxes th is' ragut Stale Park In Nprthenihem IdaIdaho, is Twin Falls ScoutIt Bobby Bopp, wearing chef's hat.at. It1 was reported Friday by /-> ____ year under presenl- r,Hes, hli -------- WIth-hlm-auv-froniJoftr-Eoter-SohiU)tor-^hmidfrrWtrodiider-CTIfTSlev5n^■^teven^ahha, |t^tchlkan, Alaska,;a, 'WtKsTTa'hceT^fchum, tha't thf ijxlra taxes Iw a full'yeat- under -S%-100 --S5;and Graham Sharp, Sydney,‘y, Australia.Austri The JambdF^ marksirks the 60thi yea^'fet scouting, andnd blueblu and white Ford sfation the surcharge would be $80. But ^ 1 is the first World Scout Jamboreelamboree ever to be held In the! United IStates, wagonwa officers are looking’SStartedlBrT for ■[n W ichita psince the surcharge wouldn’t -] waswa: seen the night of the mur-mur­ take eleffect until Oct. 1. he would , Congolese der driving back and forthh on By The Associated Press5s WyiWyandanch, N.Y., a predom-dom- pay fofor only pne-founh a y e a r' the 'Trail creek road about half A shotgua_biast from aI carca r jnajlt!Inantly Negro co mmunity/ on “ Of $20r-fort 1967, KAMEMBEr-Rwanda (AP) — third The same result as a 10 per Rebel troops killed about 100 W f a mile from the Boundary camp-amp- occupiedocc by white youths at.aat a t-PIB I^nd, endured_ ^ third The ;™ S c o u t s Elim l m inAte^Conhm petitim' •'f: ground. shesheriff arid a group of Negrovlegro night of scattered disorders.'Po-:. Po- cent Isurcharge could be ob^ ' Congolese soldiers in a clash a f t e r tained It basic , tax rates are Thursday near Bukavu in the ' ^ NMr. Nance said he and1 his youthsyou touched of( a noisy dem- I'celice aarrested nine youths after tamed wife were having a fish fryy qt onstrationons in Wichita, Kan., ear- cars 1were hit by stones ond1 bot- hwedbiked 10 per cent.
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