USER GUIDE Electronic Bidet Seat BEYOND TECHNOLOGY Powered by TOTO Functions Functions Rearwash Cleanse Rear soft cleanse Ladywash Nozzle position adjustment Water volume Basic Changing the washing Functions Oscillating comfort wash method Pulsating wash User setting Drying Air dryer Changing the temperature Temperature adjustment Sanitary Removing odors Functions $LUSXUL¿HU Remote controlled seat and lid Opening and closing Automatic open / close (seat and lid) Convenient Lighting up Night light Functions Heating the toilet seat Heated seat Timer energy saver Energy saving Auto energy saver Removable toilet lid Maintenance Nozzle cleaning 2 Table of Contents Safety Precautions .................... 4 Operational Precautions ........... 10 Parts Names ............................. 12 Preparation ............................... 14 Introduction Model name Basic Operations ...................... 16 Part No. Automatic Functions ................. 20 $LUSXUL¿HUDXWRRSHQFORVH night light ............................... 20 Temperature adjustment ........... 22 Operation Energy Saver Features ............. 24 Power Plug / Main unit .............. 28 Gap between the Main Unit and the Toilet Lid ...................... 30 Deodorizing Filter ..................... 31 Nozzle cleaning ........................ 32 :DWHU¿OWHUGUDLQYDOYH 33 Maintenance Changing Settings .................... 34 What to Do?............................... 46 Ɣ,I\RXFDQQRWRSHUDWHZLWK the remote control .................. 46 Ɣ)UHH]H'DPDJH3UHYHQWLRQ 47 Ɣ/RQJ3HULRGVRI'LVXVH 48 Troubleshooting ........................ 59 ,PSRUWDQW8VHU*XLGDQFH Reference ,QIRUPDWLRQ 54 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 55 3 Safety Precautions These precautions are important for safe usage. Be sure to follow them and use the product correctly. Symbols and Meanings :$51,1*May result in death or serious injury. &$87,21 May result in injury or property damage. The following symbols are used to indicate important safety instructions for the use of the product. This symbol indicates a prohibited use of the product. This symbol is used to indicate a required step in the use of this product. Ɣ7KLVSURGXFWLVFODVVL¿HGDV&ODVV(TXLSPHQWDQGPXVWEHJURXQGHG Ɣ7KHSRZHUFRUGLVPLQOHQJWK7KHHOHFWULFDORXWOHWVKRXOGEHORFDWHGRQWKH ZDOOZLWKLQWKHUHDFKRIWKHSRZHUSOXJ3OHDVHVHHWKHUHFRPPHQGDWLRLQWKH installation guide. Ɣ7KLVDSSOLDQFHLVQRWLQWHQGHGIRUXVHE\SHUVRQV LQFOXGLQJFKLOGUHQ ZLWK UHGXFHGSK\VLFDOVHQVRU\RUPHQWDOFDSDELOLWLHVRUODFNRIH[SHULHQFHDQG NQRZOHGJHXQOHVVWKH\KDYHEHHQJLYHQVXSHUYLVLRQRULQVWUXFWLRQFRQFHUQLQJ use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Ɣ8VHWKHQHZKRVHVHWLQFOXGHGZLWKWKLVHTXLSPHQW'RQRWUHXVHDQROGKRVHVHW WARNING Do not touch the power plug or connection of electrical box with wet hands. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHHOHFWULFDOVKRFN Do not get any water or cleaning solution on the main unit or power plug or electrical box. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVH¿UHHOHFWULFDOVKRFNKHDWRUVKRUWFLUFXLW Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHWKHSURGXFWWRFUDFNUHVXOWLQJLQLQMXU\RUZDWHUGDPDJH Never disassemble, repair or alter. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVH¿UHHOHFWULFDOVKRFNKHDWVKRUWFLUFXLWRUSHUPDQHQW damage. Do not install the product on moving vehicles such as wheeled vehicles or boats. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVH¿UHHOHFWULFVKRFNVKRUWFLUFXLWRUPDOIXQFWLRQ Ɣ7KHWRLOHWVHDWWRLOHWOLGPDLQXQLWRURWKHUSDUWVPD\FRPHORRVHDQGIDOORII resulting in injury. 4 Safety Precautions WARNING Do not use if a malfunction occurs. Ɣ$OZD\VXQSOXJWKHSOXJIURPWKHRXWOHW $OZD\VVZLWFKWKHEUHDNHURQWKHGLVWULEXWLRQERDUGWR2)) 8. Introduction Ɣ&ORVHWKHZDWHUVKXWRIIYDOYHWRVWRSZDWHUVXSSO\ Possible malfunctions: :DWHULVOHDNLQJIURPDSLSHRUWKHPDLQXQLW 7KHSURGXFWLVFUDFNHGRUEURNHQ 7KHSURGXFWPDNHVDVWUDQJHQRLVHRUHPLWVDVWUDQJHRGRU 7KHSURGXFWHPLWVVPRNH - The product is abnormally hot. - The toilet seat cushion is out of place. Ɣ&RQWLQXHGXVHDIWHUPDOIXQFWLRQFRXOGFDXVHD¿UHHOHFWULFVKRFNKHDWVKRUW FLUFXLWLQMXU\RUZDWHUGDPDJH Only use tap water or potable well water (underground water). Do not use seawater, industrial water or rainwater for the water supply. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHLUULWDWLRQWRWKHVNLQDQGPDOIXQFWLRQ Do not touch the power plug or electrical box during thunderstorms. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHHOHFWULFDOVKRFN Do not allow the water supply hose to touch the power plug or outlet or elec- trical box. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHFRQGHQVDWLRQUHVXOWLQJLQD¿UHHOHFWULFDOVKRFNKHDWRUD short. Do not do anything that may damage the power cord, power plug. 'RQRWVWULNH\DQNWZLVWH[FHVVLYHO\EHQGGDPDJHDOWHURUKHDWWKHHOHFWULFDO FRUGV$OVRGRQRWSODFHDQ\WKLQJKHDY\RQELQGRUSLQFKWKHHOHFWULFDOFRUGV Ɣ8VLQJDGDPDJHGHOHFWULFDOFRUGPD\UHVXOWLQD¿UHHOHFWULFDOVKRFNKHDWRU short. Do not use a loose or faulty electrical outlet. (Europe and Russia) Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVH¿UHRUVKRUWFLUFXLW 'RQRXVHDQ\RXWOHWRUZLULQJHTXLSPHQWEH\RQGLWVVSHFL¿HGUDWLQJ (Europe and Russia) Ɣ3OXJJLQJWRRPDQ\SOXJVLQWRWKHVDPHRXWOHWIRUH[DPSOHXVLQJRXWOHWVSOLWWHUV FDQFDXVH¿UHGXHWRKHDW 'RQRWXVHDQ\SRZHUVXSSO\RWKHUWKDQWKHRQHVSHFL¿HG $&99+] Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVH¿UHRUH[FHVVLYHKHDW Make sure not to splash water, detergents, or urine to the power supply. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHDQHOHFWULFDOVKRFN 5 Safety Precautions WARNING 7RUHGXFHWKHGDQJHURIEXUQVGHDWKIURPHOHFWULFVKRFN¿UHRURWKHU human injury: 1HYHURSHUDWHWKLVSURGXFWLILWKDVDGDPDJHGFRUGRUSOXJLILWLVQRWZRUNLQJ SURSHUO\LILWKDVEHHQGURSSHGRUGDPDJHGRULILWKDVEHHQGURSSHGLQZDWHU 5HWXUQWKHSURGXFWWR9LOOHUR\ %RFK(XURSH*PE+IRUH[DPLQDWLRQDQGUHSDLU 1HYHUEORFNWKHDLURSHQLQJVRIWKHSURGXFWRUSODFHLWRQDVRIWVXUIDFHVXFK DVDEHGRUDFRXFKZKHUHWKHDLURSHQLQJVFRXOGEHEORFNHG.HHSWKHDLU RSHQLQJVIUHHRIOLQWKDLURUDVLPLODUPDWHULDO - Never use it while sleepy or drowsy. - Never drop or insert anything into any opening or hose. - Do not use it outdoors where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where R[\JHQLVEHLQJDGPLQLVWHUHG Do not bend or distort the nozzle. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHSURGXFWGDPDJHDQGSHUIRUPDQFHUHGXFWLRQ Do not place anything on the warm air outlet or drape clothes over it. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHEXUQVHOHFWULFDOVKRFNRUPDOIXQFWLRQ .HHSFLJDUHWWHVDQGRWKHURSHQÀDPHVDZD\IURPWKHSURGXFW Do not place a heater near the product. Ɣ)DLOXUHWRGRVRPD\FDXVH¿UH Beware of irritation or burn Ɣ,PSURSHUXVHRIWKHWRLOHWVHDWPD\FDXVHLUULWDWLRQRUEXUQ :KHQVLWWLQJIRUDORQJWLPHRQWKHWRLOHWVHDWVZLWFKWKHWRLOHWVHDWWHPSHUDWXUH adjustment to „OFF“. :KHQDQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJSHUVRQVXVHDKHDWHGVHDWRUZDUPDLUGU\LQJ someone should switch the toilet seat temperature adjustment to „OFF“ and switch the drying air temperature to „Low“. <RXQJFKLOGUHQWKHDJHGDQGRWKHUXVHUVXQDEOHWRVHWWKHWHPSHUDWXUHDS propriately themselves 7KHLOOSK\VLFDOO\GLVDEOHGDQGRWKHUVZKRGRQRWKDYHIUHHGRPRI movement. - Those using any medicines that cause drowsiness (sleeping or cold PHGLFLQH WKRVHZKRKDYHEHHQGULQNLQJKHDYLO\DQ\RQHVHYHUHO\IDWLJXHG and anyone else liable to fall asleep. 7RUHGXFHWKHGDQJHURIEXUQVGHDWKIURPHOHFWULFVKRFN¿UHRURWKHU human injury: - Close supervision is necessary when this product is used by or near children or invalids. - Use this product only for its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use accessories not recommended by the manufacturer. .HHSWKHFRUGDZD\IURPKHDWHGVXUIDFHV - Connect this product to a properly grounded outlet only. 7KHWDQNVKRXOGRQO\EH¿OOHGZLWKZDWHU 6 Safety Precautions WARNING This is an electrical product. Do not install it anywhere water is likely to get on the product or anywhere with humidity high enough that water is likely to form on the surface of this product. When using the product in a EDWKURRPLQVWDOODIDQRUYHQWLODWLRQSRUWDQGHQVXUHJRRGDLUÀRZWKURXJK Introduction the bathroom. Ɣ)DLOXUHWRGRVRPD\FDXVH¿UHRUHOHFWULFDOVKRFN Always connect to the cold water supply. Ɣ&RQQHFWLQJWRKRWZDWHUVXSSO\PD\UHVXOWLQEXUQVDQGHTXLSPHQWGDPDJH (OHFWULFDOSRZHUVXSSO\VKRXOGEHEXLOGE\TXDOL¿HGHOHFWULFDOSHUVRQQHO Check that an appropriate ground is installed. Ɣ,IWKHJURXQGLVQRWLQVWDOOHGLIWKHUHLVDEUHDNGRZQRUHOHFWULFDOFXUUHQWOHDN WKHODFNRIDJURXQGFRXOGFDXVHHOHFWULFDOVKRFN )RUWKHJURXQGXVHFRSSHUZLUHZLWKDJURXQGUHVLVWDQFHRIȍPD[DQGD diameter of 1.6 mm min. ,IWKHUHLVQRJURXQGLQVWDOOHGDVNWKHFRQWUDFWRUZKRGLGWKHLQVWDOODWLRQWR install the ground. Make sure that a properly grounded (3 prong) outlet has been installed. Ɣ)DLOXUHWRLQVWDOODJURXQGHGRXWOHWFRXOGFDXVHHOHFWULFDOVKRFNLQWKHHYHQWRID malfunction or short circuit. Check that the outlet for electrical power is as follows. Ɣ)DLOXUHWRGRVRPD\FDXVH¿UHRUHOHFWULFDOVKRFN a.Apply a current to the outlet (or device) through a differential residual current GHYLFH ''5 ZKRVHUHOHDVHFXUUHQWGRHVQRWH[FHHGP$ E,QVWDOOWKHRXWOHW RUGHYLFH DQGLWVZLULQJSOXJDWOHDVWPDZD\IURPWKH outside of the shower tub or bathtub. &KHFNWKDWWKHZLULQJLQDDQGEDERYHLVFRPSOHWH,IWKHZLULQJKDVQRWEHHQ FRPSOHWHGDVNWKHFRQWUDFWRUZKRGLGWKHLQVWDOODWLRQWRGRLW Insert the power plug securely into the outlet. Check that the power cord is connected. (UK) Ɣ)DLOXUHWRGRVRPD\FDXVH¿UHKHDWRUVKRUWFLUFXLW :KHQLQVWDOOLQJWKLVSURGXFWREVHUYHWKHORFDOODZVDQGUHJXODWLRQVUHJDUGLQJ installation. To unplug, hold the plug, not the cord. (Europe and Russia) Do not unplug by pulling the cord. Ɣ3XOOLQJRQWKHFRUGPD\FDXVHGDPDJHDQGUHVXOWLQ¿UHRUKHDW Do not use wet hands to insert or remove power plug. Ɣ'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHD¿UHRUDQHOHFWULFDOVKRFN If the electric cord is damaged, avoid danger by having the manufacturer’s repair department or equivalent specialist replace it. 7 Safety Precautions WARNING Always disconnect the power plug from the outlet before cleaning, maintenance or inspection. $OZD\VVZLWFKWKHEUHDNHURQWKHGLVWULEXWLRQERDUGWR2)) 8. Ɣ)DLOXUHWRGRVRPD\FDXVHHOHFWULFDOVKRFNRUPDOIXQFWLRQ ([FHSWZKHQXVLQJÄ1R]]OHFOHDQLQJ³
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