Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1990-1991 Eastern Progress 2-28-1991 Eastern Progress - 28 Feb 1991 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1990-91 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 28 Feb 1991" (1991). Eastern Progress 1990-1991. Paper 22. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1990-91/22 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1990-1991 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Accent Activities Weekend weather Product push Trimming down Sweet victory Friday: Rain possible. High 50, night low 40. An abundance of war-related Many students are Colonels defeat Tech Saturday and Sunday: material has stormed the exercising for break to end regular season Rain possible. High of market Page B-1 Page B-4 Page B-6 60, low near 40. THE EASTERN PROGRESS Vol. 69/No. 22 16 pages February 28,1991 Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 40475 ©The Eastern Progress, 1991 Broadly-written rules may cause Greeks legal troubles The National Panhcllenic Confer- tions the IFC and Panhellenic Council Shelbume, who graduated from versity's fraternities last April, accord- Editor's note: This is the last of a ing to the Eastern Progress article. three-part series examining the ence, which sets guidelines for the uni- legally have the right to create and the university in 1982, said the Na- versity's Panhcllenic Council, and the Greek impose policies over the Greek com- tional Panhcllenic Conference's guide- A source in the article said last evolution of the Greek system and its week that the IFC alcohol committee policies on alcohol. Interfratemity Council have broadened munity, even if some of the groups' lines arc so broad and the language regulations over the last few years to life regulations seem to infringe on indi- unusually strong, it in itself could be discussed breaking up parties and By Clint Riley help protect against liability suits. The party's over vidual rights. open to a legal challenge. bringing charges against a fraternity Assistant news editor Phrases such as "party balls" have "Any time I elect to join a group, I "If there was a challenge it would that holds a party off-campus in a been written into regulations to bring choose to give up rights. When I chose be to particularize those broad pow- private residence. With fraternities and sororities them up to date with the current col- to become a lawyer, I gave up rights. If ers," Shelbume said. IFC president Brian Ritchie said ing the power tp where a decision will five or six members from the same facing increased liability insurance, lege scene. have to be made by a court challenge,'' I choose to join XYZ church, I'm The same she said could also hap- pen with the IFC policies. fraternity constitutes an IFC violation. the bodies that govern their actions The National Panhellenic Confer- said Markita Shelbume, a private giving up certain rights because I will ence is ready to "exert powerful influ- have to conform to the requirements Currently, there is discussion in an In an interview with a Progress have decided the time has come to lawyer with the firm of Ballard and tighten the rules. ence in determining trie nature of in- and die lates of the organization," Smith IFC committee to expand the power reporter prior to the Feb. 13 alcohol terf ratemal and chapter activities,'' the Shelbume in Shelbyville. said. and interpretation of the IFC'salcohol committee meeting, Ritchie said pos- The rules, however, may soon be However, Shelbume and Com- reaching into the living rooms of guidelines read. Both Shelbume and Smith agree policy, sources in a recent Eastern sible legal problems for fraternities members of the Greek community "This phase as well as some of the monwealth's Attorney Tom Smith, the legal rights of both organizations Progress ankle said. The policy was justify such an IFC action. resulting in a collision of the Greek things that were in the 1FC guidelines who prosecutes Madison County cases, are very broad under the guidelines created and adopted overwhelmingly and United States constitutions. are going to lend themselves to push- both agree under the current regula- with which they govern. by representatives of each of the uni- See GREEKS, Page A4 Pie in your eye News of war brings joy to students J.S. Newton Psychology professor talks Editor about war's effects on children. As Kuwait steps closer to securing See story, A6 its liberation from Iraqi forces, Kuwaiti students at the university are slicking any thing, just pray to God that they are close to their televisions to get the all right." most up-to-date information from the The 29-year-old fire safety war in the Gulf. engineer plans on finishing the Many of the students from Kuwait semester out and moving his family to arc anxious to get in touch with family the United States. members they have not talked to since Since the war has broken out, the stan of the invasion. Kuwaiti students have had a problem "July is the last time I talked to my pay ing tuition and fees at the university. family," Musaed Al-Mutairi,a Kuwaiti The war has put a freeze on many student, said. "I pray for them. I can't Kuwaiti assets and made their money do anything. Just pray. I just hope they worthless in the world market are alive." But AI-Mutairi said money means He said he has a wife and two kids nothing when weighed against the price Twelve fraternities and left in Kuwait. nine sororities participated In The "Many days I can't sleep thinking Greek Games, an event held last about them," he said. "I can't do See KUWAIT, Page A4 Tuesday In the Weaver Gym, In accordance with Greek Week. The university's Intertraternity Council and Panhelllnlc sponsored the University justice week's events. (Upper) Beta Theta PI Mike Custer(lett), a sophomore from different, not equal Lancaster, Ohio and Joe Thorn (right) a Phi Delta Theta sophomore By Clint Riley room open when they went downtown from Atlanta, Ga. participate In a so people on the floor could use their pie-eating contest. The object of Assistant news editor microwave and VCR. the contest was forthe blindfolded Grant said the officer informed all participants to find the piece of Twenty-year-old John Grant, his three of possible criminal charges and gum In the pie. The first to blow a roommate and a friend relumed to university sanctions. bubble with the gum wins. Grant's Matiox Hall room from down- Then Grant said the officer put in (Lower) Tina Watts, a town without a problem around 1:30 simple terms, "If somebody produces freshman Alpha Chi Omega from a.m. Feb. 13. Then came a knock at the some marijuana, we'll see what we Hazard participates in the sorority door. can do." pie-eating contest also held last It was the campus police. Baker handed the officer a bag of Tuesday at Weaver Gym. According to a police report of the suspected marijuana from his dresser. incident, officers arrived at Grant's door after a nighl worker reported Grant said none of the three know smelling marijuanaodorscoming from where the bag came from. Progress Photos by LESLIE YOUNG ihc room. Grant said thai he and his roommate, Rodney Baker, left their See JUDICIAL, Page A4 Family Dog awaits Inside Upchurch elected director ■ Students are still strong soap addicts despite war By Terry Sebastian position from Marsha Whatlcy, East- ABC license ruling coverage. See story, B3 Managing editor ern 's Student Association president. "The job will help benefit EKU an alleged staff meeting and Super Ken Upchurch, senior political students on what's going on in By Clint Riley Frankfort, and help me know what Assistant news editor Bowl Sunday party Jan. 27. science major, sees his new position Moody originally charged Robin- ■ Kentucky's governor and as director of governmental relations students want.," Upchurch said. lieutenant governor candi- Being a political science major, Local Alcohol Beverage Control son, the Family Dog's manager, with for the Board of Student Body Presi- having people in the upper level of the dates prepare themselves for dents as an opportunity to keep uni- Upchurch said the position is in- Board Administrator Pete Flaherty is triguing to him. expected to release a written opinion Family Dog, formerly know as Fcdo's, the May primary. See story, versity students informed. now the Top Dog, and serving them A6 "I will be a liaison for the Board Debbie McGuffy, assistant di- in eight days on whether the Family rector of administrative services for Dog/Top Dog bar is guilty of being free beer. The action Moody charged of Student Body Presidents between was in violation of KRS 244.050 and Accent B1 the governor, both houses and the the council, will be working with open on a Sunday and serving beer Activities B4&5 Upchurch. without receiving fair payment. city ordnance 90-44. Council on Higher Education," However, early on in the hearing. Arts/Entertainment B2&3 Upchurch said. "I will be keeping the "The biggest thing Ken will be If found guilty, the Family Dog/ doing is to keep track of all legisla- Top Dog could face a fine and lose or Moody decided he also wanted Classifieds A4 board informed on different issues.
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