Today't Iitue RED BANK REGISTER 14,750 Copies VOLUME LXXV, NO. 18. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1952 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12. Democratic Candidates for Council Conway Receives Outstanding Citizen Award $14,000 Purchase Sea Bright GOP Asks for Votes, At Sea Bright Criticize 'Waste' Of Rail Strip Tells of 'Real Accomplishments' 4- SEA BRIGHT—Former Mayor Is Authorized SEA BRIGHT — Four borough Thomas Farrell,' Democratic candi- Speaks Sunday Night Republican candidates for local gov- date for council, this week lashed Board to Sell More Facts Asked ernment posts this week presented At Reformation Service out at the present governing body's By State on an outline of what they said had "constant policy of waste, confus- $380,000 in Bonds Dr. Milton J. Hoffmen, professor been "real accomplishments" under ion, expense and trouble," Jetty Request of Church History at the New he administration of Mayor George In a campaign statement he KEYPORT—The board of educa- Brunswick Theological seminary, H, Krauss, and asked the voters to gave that as a reason why "I al- tion here will sell $380,000 in bonds will he the speaker at a Protejtant elect them next Tuesday "so evea lowed myself to be persuaded by for the addition to the high-school SEA BRIGHT — By resolution more can be done." at a meeting Tuesday, Dec. 2, at Tuesday night, the mayor and Reformation service to be held friends to re-enter local politics, council agreed to complete its Sunday at 8 p. m. by iht Red The four are/ Councilman Neils and again seek office In hope that borough hall. A resolution setting Jacobsen, up f8r re-election to an the date and stating terms of the $14,000 purchase of the mid-town Bank Church council in the Meth- something can be done, and quick- section of the former Jersey Cen- odist church. unexpired term of two years; Howi ly, to straighten out the situation sale was adopted at a special meet- ard F. Miller and Charles Ellen- ing of the board last week. tral railroad right of way along in Sea Bright. Ocean ave. berger, up for full three-year coun- "After having completed 13 years The bonds will mature without cil terms, and Clarence Stevens, of service to the borough—eight as option on the first day of August The strip takes in land already present borough clerk and collect- each year. The schedule calls for incorporated in the municipal mayor and five as councilman, beach parking lot and extends or, op for election as collector. without break—I had hoped that the retirement of $15,000 each year Both Mr. Jacobsen and Mr. Ste- others the people would elect would between 1653 and 1957, inclusive, south to Beach st. Provision for $20,000 each year from 1958 until the purchase was made in a $17,000 vens Issued statements. pick up where my administration 'Proud of Sea Wall' left off and lead this town progres- 1967 and $21,000 from 1968, until bond issue floated last year. sively forward. Sadly, that has not 1972. Interest will be payable in Borough Attorney George A. In his, Mr. Jacobsen spoke with been the case." February and August, and the Gray informed the board that ne- personal pride over the Installation bonds will be in bearer form with gotiations were completed and this year of a J97.000 sea wall on Platform Endorsed coupons. that a consent judgment had been the South Beach, "a project 1 have Mr. Farrell's running-mates, Carl Herbert C. Burrbwes, a member given permitting the borough to been fighting for for many years. R. Nelson, former councilman, and of the school board, questioned the acquire a section between the bor- With this .wall in place, you will' Robert F, Keehn, war veteran, both advisability of maturing the 1068- ough hall and Beach st. that orig- see In the very near future a good seeking council seats, gave their 72 bonds in $21,000 amounts. He inally was to be sold to Mrs. Hat- many new houses being built along tie Nelson Kaplan. Litigation over "full endorsement" to the ex- said he understood that bond buy- Ralph H. Belknap, second from left, chairman of the business and public affairs com' ur oceanfront and this will be of mayor'B statement that also said: ers usually are more interested In the Kaplan strip has delayed com- reat help to our local economy. "We give this as our platform: bidding on an entire < issue where mittee.of the Kiwanis club, presents plaque for being selected as "Outstanding Citizen of pletion of the deal until now, Mr. We'll get new taxes with which we Gray said. "We insist that Sea Bright—a the maturity amount^ are in mul- 1952" in this area to Edward H. Conway. The award was made to Mr. Conway by the Ki- can make new Improvements." town of over 1,000 population and tiples it $5,000. Data Requested Mr. Jacobsen said he alio was more than 600 persons of voting Herbert H, Rothenberg, counsel wanis club Monday night at the Molly Pitcher hotel. Others in the photo are John B. Myers, appy "to see that the county board The resolution gives Mr. Gray f freeholders has acted on my age—is entitled to and should have to the board of education, replied Jr., left, first vice president of the Kiwanis cfub, who presided in the absence of President the right to pay the railroad. a better local government than it that the maturity amounts were recommendation to straighten out has today, Ross E. King, and former Mayor'Charles R. English, who was selected as the 'outstanding cit- Word was received from the Ocean ave. where It turns across fixed to conform so far as possible State Department of Conservation "We insist that this government, with financial statements made to izen' in 1950. the old railroad grade crossing, and Economic Development that Dr. Milton J. Hoffman his work Is being, done now and at all times, should be onen and borough taxpayers before the ref- Sea Bright's recent request for above board with all (he people. We erendum in April when the build- will add to the appearance of our Ing program was approved. He $40,000 for maintenance of a mid- Dr. Hoffman was a Rhodes scho- downtown area and be helpful In object most strenuously to 'back town ocean jetty had been received. lar at Oxford university and Is one room' conferences that precede and said the board devised the program Scouts to Conduct the handling of.traffic through the for bond retirement and Interest Bond Issues for Institutions, Request was made for information of the foremost authorities on the >orough." delay most council meetings, and as to the original financing ar- Reformation period. sometimes come right in the middle charges over a permitted 20-ycar Mr. Jacobaen, who has had more period, This, the attorney said, will Vote Campaign rangements for the construction of Several local clergymen and the than 25 years' service as a munici- of them. What is said behind the this barrier and asking its exact choir of the Methodist church will shut door? The people have a not require large increases in the Parkway Before Voters Tuesday pal official, said that if re-elected tax rate. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Sat- location. participate in the service, "I'll fight for other improvements." right to know. W.e intend to open urday will be observed throughout The department reminded coun- that door if we are elected. TRENTON (A.P.)—Should New He added: Driscoll over the governor's edict the United States as "Get Out the cil that state maintenance funds "First, borough sidewalks are In "We insist there is no need for Jersey borrow $25,000,000 to im- are available only if "the munici- wasteful spending of the taxpay- prove its mental hospitals and oth- last summer to clean up their pens Vote" day by every unit of the bad condition. I think It entirely or get out of the area. Drlscoll's Boy Scouts of Amerioa. In con- pality shared in the original con- Sales Reported possible to put In a new system of ers' money. Our resources here William White er state welfare facilities? struction coat, under new state law. are waiting to be developed. During Should the state guarantee $285,- action was aimed at killing off junction with this nation-wide cam- sidewalks and curbs and have prop- odors. Council decided to turn the matter erty owners assessed for the cost our previous administration we got 000,000 in bonds to be issued by paign, Cub Pack 22, Scout troops over to Borough Engineer O. Wol-In Oceanport Area the New Jersey highway Author- Registration Record over a period of from eight to tea ' such development with the munici- Buys New House 22 and 97, Sea Scout ship 6 and cott Morris for an investigation OCEANPORT — Commissioner years without having our local tax- pal beach program. We proved we ity to finance the construction of New Jersey's voting registration and reply. EATONTOWN — Among recent the Garden State parkway? Explorer Post 22, will combine Walter B, Savage of Orange has ation go up too severely. I believe can make part of our operations has set an all-time record. their efforts to make the drive a Councilman Ralph W. Lawrence, sold through the Marie Cox real some money to get this wcyk start- mean income Instead of all outgo.
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