RibiicTtika Publiczna .-------------------- . PUBLICATIONS OF THE SILESIAN INSTITUTE KATOWICE, POLAND SILESIAN AFFAIRS NO. 1 EDITED BY ROMAN LUTMAN REPRINTED FROM VOL. III. NO. 2. 6. MAY 1937 BALTIC AND SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES PUBLISHED BY THE BALTIC INSTITUTE, GDYNIA, POLAND THE SILESIAN INSTITUTE, KATOWICE, POLAND ORGAN Z A T I O N a representative of the Polish Western Association, and the The Silesian Institute was founded in 1934. It has its seat Director of the Institute. in Katowice. It is a registered body with a regularly legalized The personnel of the executive bodies of the Institute is as constitution. Its supreme authority is a generał meeting of its follows: members, who belong to two categories, ordinary and sup- The Board of Trustees: the Voivode of Silesia, Dr. Michał porting. Any person accepted by the Executive Board can be an Grażyński; the Marshal of the Silesian Seym, Karol Grzesik; ordinary member; legał bodies accepted by the Executive Board the General Secretary of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Dr. can be supporting members. On April 1, 1937, the number of Stanisław Kutrzeba. ordinary members was -130; the supporting members comprised The Executive Board: Engineer Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski, 48 economic and social institutions and the municipal councils Minister of Finances, (President); Dr. Tadeusz Kupczyński, of the towns and counties of the Voivodship of Silesia. Head of the Department of Public Education of the Office of The executive of the Institute is composed of a Board of Voivode of Silesia, (Vice-President); Dr. Wacław Olszewicz, Trustees, an Executive Board, an Auditing Committee and a (Treasurer); Dr. Roman Lutman (Director and Secretary); and Director. The Voivode of Silesia, the Marshal of the Silesian other members: Dr. Tadeusz Dobrowolski, Director of the Si­ Seym and the General Secretary of the Polish Academy of lesian Museum; Stanisław Ligoń, member of the Polish Seym Sciences are ex officio members of the Board of Trustees; the and Director of the Katowice broadcasting station; Jan Przybyła, latter appoints the Director, draws up the programme of activity Head of the Commune of Chropaczów; Dr. Emil Szramek, Canon of the Institute and exercises control over the actions of the and President of the Society for the Friends of Science in Silesia; Executive Board. Józef Wojciechowski, Director of the Polish Western Association The Executive Board is the directing authority; it is com­ at Katowice. posed of nine members, of whom five are elected by the General Director: Dr. Roman Lutman; Vice-Director: Dr. Antoni Assembly and four are ex officio members, these four being: Wrzosek. a representative of the Office of the ,Voivode of Silesia, a re- The budget of the Silesian Institute for the year 1937-38 presentative of the Society for the Friends of Science in Silesia, amounts to 175,254 zlotys. A I M S A N D T A S K S The purpose of the Institute is to conduct study and research professors and docents of higher educational establishments and work on problems concerning Silesia, especially those pro- research scholars and specialists in generał. It co-ordinates re­ blems which arise from the exigencies of the moment. The search work on Silesian problems, maintaining contact with all Institute serves as a centre for research work on Silesian pro­ persons and institutions studying such ąuestions both in the blems and also organizes such research work itself. For this Silesian Voivodship and in the rest of Poland. Its field of purpose it maintains regular relations with all centres of learning activity being Silesian affairs, it does not limit itself to problems in Poland, for instance with the Polish Academy of Sciences, concerning the Silesian Voivodship, but in addition embraces the universities and other scientific and research establishments the whole of historical Silesia, especially the Polish Silesian areas and institutions. At present it has over 200 collaborators — which at present form parts of Germany and Czechoslovakia. THE FIELD OF A C T I V I T Y The activities of the Silesian Institute fali into three ca­ culture. The series ‘Library of Silesian Writers’ embraces editions tegories: of the works of outstanding Silesian writers. The series ‘Polish 1. Organization of Research Work. In this field, the In­ Silesia’ is made up of short, original historical and cultural stitute determines the forms of study deemed necessary for studies. The series ‘Economic Problems of Silesia’ contains Silesia, puts forward problems which reąuire investigation, and similar studies on economic subjects. The series ‘Communi- organizes the necessary studies. The work already accomplish- ąues’ serves to make public short articles on ąuestions of ed in this category includes: the investigation of the state and culture, history and economics in Silesia. Further, the Institute the reąuirements of Polish studies on Silesia, the cataloguing issues a ąuarterly ‘Record of Curre-nt Literature on Silesia’ and of the contents of archives, museums and libraries, the drawing a cultural-łiterary ąuarterly ‘Silesian Dawn’. It also issues other up of a Silesian bibliography, the composition of a Silesian publications not included in the above series, and maps. By the volume of the Geographical Dictionary of the Republic of end of 1936 the bibliography of the Institute’s publications Poland, the holding of a Silesian census in. 1931, the compilation comprised 63 items. A fuli list of its publications up to da.te is of an historical atlas of Silesia, the collection of materiał bearing presented below. As yet all publications have appeared in on the history of the Silesian Insurrections, the collection of Polish. Publications in the English and French languages are Silesian folk-songs and dances, the conducting of sociographical, in preparation. anthropological and psychosociological investigations in Silesia, 3. Information. Apart from its work in organizing study the compilation of a list of Silesan place-names, and the in- and in issuing publications, the Institute has also the task of vestigation of the history of the book in Silesia. mcreasing and extending knowledge of Silesian affairs and of 2. Publishing Work. The publications of the Silesian In­ stimulating interest in them. To this end it supplies information stitute fali into various series. The principal of these is the to the press, to institutions and to persons who are interested, ‘Records of the Silesian Institute’, composed of larger, indepen- arranges public lectures and debates and radio talks, supplies dently conceived works of learning. The series: ‘Silesia: its answers to ąuestions on all matters connected with the study Land and People’ is composed of monograms dealing with of Silesia, and compiles a bibliography both of past and current Silesian natural conditions, geography, history, economics and works rełating to Silesia. PUBLICATIONS OF THE SILESIAN INSTITUTE RECORDS OF THE SILESIAN INSTITUTE. Vol. V. Szata roślinna województwa śląskiego (Vegetation Vol. I. Stan i potrzeby nauki polskiej o Śląsku (The State in the Voivodship of Silesia), by Aniela Kozłowska. 28 illustra- and the Reąuirements of Polish Study on Silesia), collective tions. 1936. pp. 53. Price: 1-20 zł. work by Roman Lutman. 1936, pp. XX+525. Price: 15 zł., Vol. VI. Roboty publiczne w województwie śląskim (Public bound 18 zl. Works in the Voivodship of Silesia), by Stefan Kaufman and Voł. II. Materiały do dziejów Wielkich Katowic (Materiał Roman Marymarczyk. 24 illustrations, 2 maps. 1937. pp. 70. for the History of Oreater Katowice), (1299— 1799). 5 plans, Price: 1-50 zł. FF 13 illustrations. Collected and edited by Ludwik Musiol. 1936, pp. 219. Price 6 zł., bound 8 zł. LIBRARY OF SILESIAN WRITERS Vol. III. Na Śląsku Opolskim (In Oppeln Silesia), by Sta­ Vol. I—III. Norbert Bonczyk. Pisma poetyckie (Norbert nisław Wasylewski. 354 illustrations. 1937, pp. XV+286. Price: Bonczyk. Poetical Works), edited by Wincenty Ogrodziński 17 zł., bound 20 zł. Vol. I. Stary Kościół Miechowski (The Old Church of Miechów). Fourth critical edition. 1936. pp. LXXX4-266. Price: 4 zl., bound SILESIA: ITS LAND AND PEOPLE 5-50 zł. Vol. I. Zarys geologii śląska (An Outline of Silesian Geo- Vol. IV. Walenty Roździeński. Officina Ferraria seu Huta logy), by Marian Książkiewicz. 16 illustrations. 1936. pp. 65. y Warstat z Kuźniami szlachetnego dzieła żelaznego. (Officina Price: 1-20 zł. Ferraria or Foundry and Workship with Smithies for fine Iron Vol. II. Krajobraz Śląska Polskiego (z uwzględnieniem Work). From the uniąue copy of the Library of the Cathedral przyległych krain) (The Landscape of Polish Silesia, consider- Chapter of Gniezno, edited by Roman Pollak with preface and ing adjoining territories), by Władysław Marchacz. 2 maps, notes. 1936. 9 tables. pp. XXV+113. Price: 3'50 zł., bound 5 zł. 2 synthetic plans, 16 illustrations. 1936. pp. 111. Price: 1-50 zł. VoI. V. Jerzy Bock. Nauka domowa i wyjątki z Agendy Vol. III. Zarys klimatologii śląska (An Outline of Silesian (Home Teaching and Extracts from the Agenda). Edited by Climatology), by Jan Moniak and Edward Stenz. 16 illustrations. Wincenty Ogrodziński. 1936. pp. XLI+54. Price: 2:50 zł., bound 1937. pp. 517. Price: 1 zł. 5 zł. Vol. IV. Górnictwo śląskie (Silesian Mining), by Andrzej Vol. VI. Krzysztof Winter. Kuźnic śląskich i kopalń opis Battaglia. 32 illustrations. 1936. pp. 77. Price: 1 -20 zł. i oznaczenie krótkie, (A Description and Short Account of Si- CONTENTS SILESIA: ITS NAME, TERRITORY AND BOUNDARIES THE ECONOMIC STRUCTURE OF POLISH UPPER by Władysław Semkowicz 1 SILESIA AND LOCALIZATION OF POLISH UPPER SILESIA: A GLANCE DOWN THE YEARS UPPER SILESIAN INDUSTRY by W i 11 i a m J. R o s e 14 byWacławOlszewicz 36 THE RACIAL STRUCTURE OF SILESIA THE EXPORT TRADE OF UPPER SILESIA byJanCzekanowski 19 by Aleksander Szczepański 43 OFFIC1AL ALTERATION OF PLACE-NAMES IN GER­ ENGLAND’S PART IN THE CREATION OF UPPER MAN UPPER SILESIA SILESIAN INDUSTRY by Ludwik Musiof 25 byJózefPiernikarczyk 50 A GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SURVEY OF THE POL1SH-GERMAN UPPER SILESIAN CONVEN- THE SILESIAN VOIVODSHIP TION, 1922— 1935 by Antoni Wrzosek 29 by Stanisław Komar 54 REYIEWS KURTZ, HEINRICH: ‘Slavische Bodenfunde in Schlesien’.
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