Two Old Capitol partners reveal members By soorr WRIGHT nership's members. pany's "true owners." The identities were Kempf. wife) as the company's incorporators and ding, and Stevens Sand and Gravel had 100 Staff Writer Old Capitol prepared papers June 27.and concealed. he said, because of a "com­ The concealment of the ownership of initial board of directors. shares outstanding. according to articles One of the firms comprising the Old filed July 5 after attorney Kingsley Clarke petitive bidding situation" where Metro Pavers-by no means According to the company's 1970 annual of merger, adopted "for the purpose of Capitol Business Center Co . has moved advised Wilfreda Hieronymus. Old disclosure would have resulted in the loss unusual-would have lasted only a year. report-the last before the merger took merging Johnson County Sand and Gravel quickly to avoid violating the same trade Capitol's chairwoman, that two of his of an edge over several competitors for a according to Meardon, until the required place-Wilbert and Edith Frantz were still Co .. Inc. into Stevens Sand and Gravel Co .• name law Old Capitol had been violating clients were considering civil litigation to city paving contract. filing of the company's annual report with directors at that time, although new Inc." W1til rp.gistering its trade name with the force such a ming. The company's original articles list as the secretary of state. The firm members officers were listed: John Stevens Sr., Asked about the merger and whether ('oullt i· l'ecorder. The HLM Investments partnership incorporators : William L. Meardon. withdrew from the corporation a day after president ; Mildred Stevens . Wilbert and Edith Frantz now own stock in HLM Investments-a partnership like (HLM represents the initials of the part­ Robert N. Downer, and Edith the articles were signed in 1966. said Mear­ vice-president; and John Stevens Jr.. Stevens Sand and Gravel. John Stevens Jr. Old Capitol-registered its trade name ners) is comprised of Richard F. Hansen. Frederickson, all of Meardon. Sueppel and don. secretary and treasurer. insisted Monday upon the "family" nature Friday. less than a week after Thursday's John H. Lind and Carl D. Meyer. all of Downer, a law firm located at 100 Linn St. Another Old Capitol partner-Stevens Authorized capitalization of Johnson of the business. disclosure of Old Capitol's similar action. Hansen-Lind-Meyer. a local architectural But Meardon said that he and the two Sand and Gravel Co .. Inc.-is less candid County Sand and Gravel is 1000 shares at Johnson County Sand and Gravel "is not; Another firm in the Old' Capitol partner­ firm . members of his firm incorporated Metro concerning its makeup. John Stevens, Jr., $100 par per shar, common. involved in this," he said, referring to the ship-Metro Pavers, Inc., a cor­ Meyer is one of the three executive com· Pavers acting solely as attorneys for secretary-treasurer of the company, was Stevens Sand and Gravel was incor­ Old Capitol partnership structure of which poration-has voluntarily disclosed its mittee members of Old Capitol. Wayne Kempf and Kenneth Albrecht. reluctant Monday to fUlly clarify the com­ porated in 1956. Its initial board of direc· Stevens Sand and Gravel is a part. "They ownership. HLM is the only partnership which is a Albrecht is president of Metro Pavers, pany's relationship with Wilbert and Edith tors were John Stevens Sr. and Mildred (Johnson County Sand and Gravel) The trade name registrations (those of member or Old Capitol; Hieronymus is and Kempf is vice-president of Challenge E. Frantz, directors of the Frantz Con­ Stevens (husband and wife) . John Stevens merged into Stevens, and this is it." Old Capitol and HLM) were apparently the the only individual member; and the Construction Co.. a local construction struction Co., another local firm . was president and treasurer. and Mildred Asked if Frantz is still a stockholder in result of The Daily Iowan's June ' 14 remaining six par:tners are corporations. firm . The question was raised because of a Stevens was vice-president and secretary. Stevens Sand and Gravel. Stevens said no. disclosure that Old Capitol-the firm plan­ Meardon added that Duane Riggen· 1970 merger between the Johnson County Stevens Sand and Gravel has an But when asked if Edith and Wilbert Fran· ning to bid on Iowa City's urban renewal An attorney tor Metro Pavers. Inc. bach-president-secretary of Challenge Sand and Gravel Co. and Stevens Sand and authorized capitalization of $75.000 divided tz had been "bought out," Stevens referred project site-was in violation of an Iowa disclosed Monday that he and two other Construction-"might also have had at Gravel Co. into common shares at $100 par each for a The Dally Iowan to his attorney. Philip A. law requiring that any partnership doing members of his law firm were that com· some time" a financial interest in Metro The 1968 articles of incorporation of John total of 750 shares. LeU. rosiness under a trade name register that pany's 1966 incorporators in order to tern· Pavers because of a partnership County Sand and Gravel Co. list Wilbert At the time of the merger. Johnson Coun· Leff was out of town and could not be . name along with the identities of the part- porarily conceal the identities of the com- arrangement between Riggenbach and Frantz and Edith E. Frantz (husband and ty Sand and Gravel had 200 shares outstan- reached. Tuesday July 17. 1973 Iowa City, Jowa 52240 Vol. 106. No. 30 10c White House telephones tapped with Nixon's okay, aide reveals WASHINGTON (AP) - An Kalmbach, who said he still handles remarked that If word of his assign­ terfield said. "The President was quite administration official said Monday legal matters for Nixon. told the ment got out "they could have our conscious to that type of thing." that President Nixon had listening now-familiar story of being summoned heads in their laps" and might jeopar­ Q. On whose authority were they devices in his offices and on his by Dean, asked to raise money for the dize the Nixon re-election campaign. installed? telephones that would have recorded Watergate defendants and channeling Kalmbach said he received another A. On the President's and conversations with Watergate figures $75.000 he received from Maurice H. batch of money from Thomas V. Jones, Haldeman·s. John W. Dean III. H.R. Haldeman. Stans to the defendants through former chairman of Northrop Corp. in Califor­ John D. Ehrlicbman and Charles W. New York policeman Anthony Ula· nia who gave him a package of $75.000 Volunteered Colson . sewicz. in $100 bills. He said he told Jones the The microphones and telephone taps money was "for a special assignment, Minority counsel Fred Thompson, were installed with Nixon'S knowledge Bond scenario that I could not reveal the nature of it. who questioned Butterfield, brought and concurrence and operated all the that I had been given the assignment by out that the executive had vol­ tLme. Alexander P. Butterfield. a for· But when Dean asked him to raise someone in authority at the White unteered the information about the nier presidential assistant, told the more money, Kalmbach said. he House and that was sufficient. " recording devices at a staff interview Senate Watergate committee. became concerned about "the James last Frjday. &nd scenario" in the S(!Crecy that was Concern Butterfiel~ was called as a surprise Activated in '71 involved-Including long-dIstance calls wltness-on only three hours' notice. he from telephone booths-and that he By late August. Kalmbach said. "this said-ahead of Herbert W. Kalmbach, The White House confirmed that the went to Ehrlichman. whole degree of concern came back to the President's former personal lawyer devices were activated in 1971 and said HI wanted Ehrlichman to confirm me. I knew 1 dido't want to participate and an ace fund-raiser. " they had also been used in the Johnson that Dean had the authority to direct in this assignment... He said he told administration. Committee counsel me to carry out this assignment and Dean and campaign aide Frederick C. Samuel Dash said efforts would be second I wanted him to assure me of the La Rue he could not do It any more. Devices installed made to get the tapes. propriety of this assignment ... Kalm­ Butterfield said the conversations After Butterfield's surprise bach said in a monotone. were taped to preserve the historical He said the listening devices were testimony , Nixon's fnrmer personal record and declared at the end of his placed in the Oval Office in the summer lawyer. Herbert W. Kalmbach , told the Has authority brief appearance that he believes Nixon or fall of 1970. At the same time other committee that Ehrlichman authorized "innocent of any crime or wrongdoing" microphones and telephone taps were Butterfield tells oj' bugging his' raising support money and legal "He said .Herbert . John does have in the Watergate scandal. put in Nixon's office in the Executive Alexander Porter Butterfield, former deputy listening devices were Installed on various fees for the Watergate defendants. He the authority. it is proper and you are to "There was no doubt in my mind they Office Building. in the Cabinet Room. assistant to the President, testlfled Monday phones In the White House, for historical said at the time he did not think it go forward.'" were installed to record things for and the west wing of the White House, before the Senate Watergate committee. Butter­ purposes. illegal or improper. Kalmbach said Ehrlichman posterity.
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