A Visitor’s Guide to the Old Testament A Visitor’s Guide to the Old Testament The Book of the Kings (and parts of 1 and 2 Chronicles) I. Remember… A. Like Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings belong to one scroll – it’s ONE story! 1. The division between 1 & 2 Kings appears somewhat arbitrary 2. 1 Kings ends shortly after the reign of Ahab (north) and Jehoshaphat (south), but splits the reign of Ahaziah (north). 3. The division also splits the ministry of Elijah somewhat awkwardly. B. The accounts serve to highlight the destiny of Israel and her kings in relationship to their proximity to the Law and the promises of God to David and his descendants. II. Who, What and When A. Who? 1. Author… ? 2. Content… B. What? (Sources) C. When? III. Of Kings, Covenant, and Prophets A. Remember what the “history” books of the O.T. are not meant to be! 1. What it seems like… 2. What it actually is… B. Sequel to the books of Samuel 1. Information about the kings of Israel and Judah as they relate to the covenant 2. Historical significance of God’s promises to David C. The prophets as messengers of God’s covenant purposes Page – 1 A Visitor’s Guide to the Old Testament Outline of the Book of 1 & 2 Kings Theme: King, Covenant and Prophecy I. The Solomonic Era (1:1—12:24) A. Solomon’s Succession to the Throne (1:1—2:12) B. Solomon’s Throne Established (2:13–46) C. Solomon’s Wisdom (ch. 3) D. Solomon’s Reign Characterized (ch. 4) E. Solomon’s Building Projects (5:1—9:9) 1. Preparation for building the temple (ch. 5) 2. Building the temple (ch. 6) 3. Building the palace (7:1–12) 4. The temple furnishings (7:13–51) 5. Dedication of the temple (ch. 8) 6. The Lord’s response and warning (9:1–9) F. Solomon’s Reign Characterized (9:10—10:29) G. Solomon’s Folly (11:1–13) H. Solomon’s Throne Threatened (11:14–43) I. Rehoboam’s Succession to the Throne (12:1–24) II. Israel and Judah from Jeroboam I/Rehoboam to Ahab/Asa (12:25—16:34) A. Jeroboam I of Israel (12:25—14:20) B. Rehoboam of Judah (14:21–31) C. Abijah of Judah (15:1–8) D. Asa of Judah (15:9–24) E. Nadab of Israel (15:25–32) F. Baasha of Israel (15:33—16:7) G. Elah of Israel (16:8–14) H. Zimri of Israel (16:15–20) I. Omri of Israel (16:21–28) J. Ahab of Israel (16:29–34) III. The Ministries of Elijah and Others from Ahab/Asa to Ahaziah/Jehoshaphat (chs. 17–22) A. Elijah (and Other Prophets) in the Reign of Ahab (17:1—22:40) 1. Elijah and the drought (ch. 17) 2. Elijah on Mount Carmel (ch. 18) 3. Elijah’s flight to Horeb (ch. 19) 4. A prophet condemns Ahab for sparing Ben-Hadad (ch. 20) 5. Elijah condemns Ahab for seizing Naboth’s vineyard (ch. 21) 6. Micaiah prophesies Ahab’s death; its fulfillment (22:1–40) A. Jehoshaphat of Judah (22:41–50) B. Ahaziah of Israel (22:51–53) Page – 2 A Visitor’s Guide to the Old Testament IV. The Ministries of Elijah/Elisha during the Reigns of Ahaziah and Joram (2Ki 1:1—8:15) A. Elijha in the Reign of Ahaziah (ch. 1) B. Elijah’s Translation; Elisha’s Inauguration (2:1–18) C. Elisha in the Reign of Joram (2:19—8:15) 1. Elisha’s initial miraculous signs (2:19–25) 2. Elisha during the campaign against Moab (ch. 3) 3. Elisha’s ministry to needy ones in Israel (ch. 4) 4. Elisha heals Naaman (ch. 5) 5. Elisha’s deliverance of one of the prophets (6:1–7) 6. Elisha’s deliverance of Joram from Aramean raiders (6:8–23) 7. Aramean siege of Samaria lifted, as Elisha prophesied (6:24—7:20) 8. The Shunammite’s land restored (8:1–6) 9. Elisha prophesies Hazael’s oppression of Israel (8:7–15) V. Israel and Judah from Joram/Jehoram to the Exile of Israel (8:16—17:41) A.. Jehoram of Judah (8:16–24) B. Ahaziah of Judah (8:25–29) C. Jehu’s Revolt and Reign in Israel (chs. 9–10) 1. Elisha orders Jehu’s anointing (9:1–13) 2. Jehu’s assassination of Joram and Ahaziah (9:14–29) 3. Jehu’s execution of Jezebel (9:30–37) 4. Jehu’s slaughter of Ahab’s family (10:1–17) 5. Jehu’s eradication of Baal worship (10:18–36) D. Athaliah and Joash of Judah; Repair of the Temple (chs. 11–12) E. Jehoahaz of Israel (13:1–9) F. Jehoash of Israel; Elisha’s Last Prophecy (13:10–25) G. Amaziah of Judah (14:1–22) H. Jeroboam II of Israel (14:23–29) I. Azariah of Judah (15:1–7) J. Zechariah of Israel (15:8–12) K. Shallum of Israel (15:13–16) L. Menahem of Israel (15:17–22) M. Pekahiah of Israel (15:23–26) N. Pekah of Israel (15:27–31) O. Jotham of Judah (15:32–38) P. Ahaz of Judah (ch. 16) Q. Hoshea of Israel (17:1–6) R. Exile of Israel; Resettlement of the Land (17:7–41) VI. Judah from Hezekiah to the Babylonian Exile (chs. 18–25) A. Hezekiah (chs. 18–20) 1. Hezekiah’s good reign (18:1–8) 2. The Assyrian threat and deliverance (18:9—19:37) 3. Hezekiah’s illness and alliance with Babylon (ch. 20) B. Manasseh (21:1–18) Page – 3 A Visitor’s Guide to the Old Testament C. Amon (21:19–26) D. Josiah (22:1—23:30) 1. Repair of the temple; discovery of the Book of the Law (ch. 22) 2. Renewal of the covenant; end of Josiah’s reign (23:1–30) E. Jehoahaz Exiled to Egypt (23:31–35) F. Jehoiakim: First Babylonian Deportation (23:36—24:7) G. Jehoiachin: Second Babylonian Deportation (24:8–17) H. Zedekiah: Third Babylonian Deportation (24:18—25:21) I. Removal of the Remnant to Egypt (25:22–26) J. Elevation of Jehoiachin in Babylon (25:27–30) (adapted from, https://www.biblica.com/resources/scholar-notes/niv-study-bible/intro-to-1-kings/) Chronology of Foreign Kings This is a chronology of selected foreign kings connected with this history of Israel. ASSYRIA Belshazzar 423-404 Tilgath-Pileser III 745-727 * Coregency w/Nabonidus 553(?)-539 Shalmaneser V 727-722 Sargon II 721-705 Sennacherib 705-681 PERSIA Esarhaddon 681-669 Cyrus the Great 559-530 Ashurbanipal 669-627 Cambyses 530-522 Darius I the Great 522-486 Xerxes (Ahasuerus) 486-465 BABYLONIA Artaxerxes I 465-424 Nebuchadnezzar II 605-562 Darius II 423-404 Nabonidus 556-539 Page – 4 A Visitor’s Guide to the Old Testament Questions for the Book of 1 Kings (13-22) & 2 Kings (1-14) II. Israel and Judah from Jeroboam I/Rehoboam to Ahab/Asa (12:25—16:34) 1. What did the man of God prophesy? (13) 2. How did Jeroboam respond? (13) 3. How did God show he was still in control? (13) 4. To whom did Jeroboam turn in his trouble? To which god did he not turn? Why is this significant? (13) 5. How did the old man convince the man of God that his words were also from God? What true message from God did this old prophet ultimately speak? (13) 6. How did the Lord bring to pass the words of the old prophet? (13) 7. Why did Jeroboam send his wife to Ahijah in disguise? (14:1-20) 8. Before the Lord told Jeroboam’s wife what would happen, he rebuked Jeroboam sharply. Why was Jeroboam so wicked? (14:7-9) 9. What great judgment would befall Jeroboam? (14:1-20) 10. What further judgment did God threaten? Why? (14:1-20) 11. How did the Lord begin to carry out his judgment on Jeroboam? (14:1-20) 12. What was the spiritual condition of Judah under Rehoboam? (14:22-24) 13. What impression do you get of Rehoboam’s rule from the account of Shishak’s pillaging of the temple? from the account of the bronze shields? (14:21–15:24) 14. What was Abijah’s biggest problem? What was his greatest asset? (14:21–15:24) 15. How was Asa different from the other kings? (14:21–15:24) 16. However, how did Asa solve his problems with Baasha? Where does real security lie? (14:21– 15:24) 17. What was Baasha’s main purpose as king of Israel? (15:25–16:34) 18. Although the Lord used Baasha to fulfill his purpose toward the house of Jeroboam, Baasha did not learn the lesson Jeroboam should have learned. What did the Lord promise Baasha? (15:25–16:34) 19. What was the legacy of the next king, Elah? (15:25–16:34) 20. What was Zimri’s purpose in God’s history? What happened to him? (15:25–16:34) 21. What was Omri’s spiritual nature like? (15:25–16:34) Page – 5 A Visitor’s Guide to the Old Testament III. The Ministries of Elijah and Others from Ahab/Asa to Ahaziah/Jehoshaphat (chs. 17–22) 1. Were Elijah’s first words law or gospel? (17) 2. In what unusual way did God provide for Elijah? (17) 3. How did the Lord next care for Elijah? How was the Lord’s method of caring for Elijah an indictment of Israel? (See Luke 4:23-26.) (17) 4.
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