COLONIALND A REVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF UPPER S OUTH CAROLINA, EMBRACING F OR THE MOST PART THE PRIMITIVE AND COLONIAL HISTORY OF THE TERRITORY COMPRIS ING THE ORIGINAL COUNTY OF SPARTANBURG WITH A GENERAL REVIEW OF THE EN TIRE MILITARY OPERATIONS IN THE UPPER PORTION OF SOUTH CARO LINA AND PORTIONS OF NORTH CAROLINA. BY .Dr. J B. O. LANDRUM. 1897-: Shannon & C o., Printers and Binders, Greenville, S. C. "Z/e^t,^ t .1~Usly, y,o~u^\^^ , J,.. B Cl £cu*ucLvu.nts. TOY M WIFE. THE D EVOTED COMPANION OF TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS, AND THE DESCENDANT OF REVOLUTIONARY ANCESTRY, WHO ADVOCATED THE PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH, LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE, AND RIGHT OF SELF-GOVERNMENT, AND WHOSE HEROIC DEEDS IN BATTLING FOR AND MAINTAINING THE SAME IN OUR COUNTRY'S GREATEST PERIL, ARE IMMORTALIZED AND WILL BE PERPETUATED BY GENERATIONS YET UNBORN, THIS VOLUME IS SACREDLY INSCBIBED BY THE AUTHOR. INDEX. fAct o Parliament— Passed Dec, 1795 43 Adair, J ames— An old hunter 1 Adair, J ohn 183 Allaire, C aptain — A British officer 134 Anderson, D avid IOI, 357 Arnold, G en. Benedict 261 Attakulla K ulla— An Indian chief 35 Augusta— S iege of 228 Bacon, N athaniel 311 Balfour, C olonel 174 Barry, C apt. John 357 Bates, " Bloody Bill" 359~363 Baxter, C ol John 310 Beautyf o Scenery— Upper South Carolina 1 Beattie's M ill— Skirmish at 178 Bell a nd Foster, Lieutenants 29 Bishop, M r. — Murder of . - 91 Big W arrior — An Indian chief 96 Bedford H ill— Skirmish at 17b Blackstocks— B attle of 243 Blackstock R oad — Location of ,. 33 Block H ouse Fort 33-9° Boyce, J ohn 351 Brandon, C ol. Thomas 105, 148, 1S9, 206, 310 Bratton, C olonel 149, 240,310 British O utposts — Summer 1880 114 Brantion, C aptain . .. 279 Brown, " Plundering Sam" 131 Brown, T homas — a Scotchman 48, 53, 174 Buffingtou's I ron Works ; 145 Buffalo a nd other game 5 Brindletown — S kirmish near 176-186 Bull, L ieut. Governor 40 Caldwell, C apt. John 46. 63, 342. 349 Campbell, C ol. William. 182, 1S4, 198, 199, 201, 204, 206, 20S. 210, 211. 214, 2 15, 238 sketch of 221 Campbell, L ord William, Gov. 37. 5°. 57. 6S, 75 Campbell, E nsign Robert 196 Cameron, A lexander — Deputy Superintendent of Cherokee* . 40. S5 Canebrakes — B attle of 101 Camden — E vacuation of 317. 31S Caswell — G overnor of North Carolina itx. Candler, C olonel 243 ii I ndex. l'AGE. Casey, C aptain 351 Cedar S pring — First battle of 110 Cedar S pring — Second battle of - . „ 135 Cherokee — A S loop-of-War 1 42 Chuloch C ulla—An Indian chief 23 Cherokees — U prising of 345 Cherokee I ndians — First people 7-325 Change f rom Proprietary to Royal authority 15 Cherokee W ar 29 Chambers, S amuel 185 Chronicle, M ajor 197, 200, 206, 213 Clark, C ol. Elijah . 112, 114, 129, 135. 137, 160, 161. 163, 173, 175, 180, 182, 2 40, 267, 319, 326 Cleveland, C ol. Benjamin .... 163, 183, 185, 199, 208: Sketch of. .224 Clinton, S ir Henry — British General 103,312 Clary, C ol. Daniel 151, 172 Cleremont— C apture of 259 Cornwallis, L ord — British general . 2, 103, 107, 173, 180, 182, 198, 201, 2 37, 239, 268, 270, 289, 299, 303, 309 Congaree S tore - 52, 104 Continental C ongress 38 Councilf o Safety 38, 45, 53, 54, 61, 68,- 81, 82 Commercial R eport— Charleston, 1731-47 5, 74 Cowpens — B attle of 275 Cowpensmen . 1 9 Cottymore, C aptain . 29 Culbertson, J osiah 141 Cunningham, R obert 45, 48, 49, 56, 63 Cunningham, P atrick - 45. 65, 79 Cunningham, " Bloody Bill" 341-358 Cummings, S ir Alexander . 16 Crawford, J ames 185 Cruger, C olonel— British Colonel 108, 160, 173, 326, 329 Cusack, A dam 240 Davidson, C olonel 152, 189, 237, 302, 303 Dalrymple's A ddress 48, 53 DePeyster, C apt. Abraham — A British officer ...... .152,210,112 Deckard R ifle 184 DeEstang, C ount Dickson, M aj. Joseph 129 Dillard, M rs 144, 145, 244 Drayton, J ohn, LL.D 76 Drayton, H on. Wm. Henry 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 57, 61, 62 Doak, R ev. Samuel 184 Draper, H on. Lyman C ; 206, 208 Index. i ii PAGE. Dunlap, M ajor 114, 120, 126, 176 Duval, L ieutenant 330 Karle's F ord— Battle of . m. "4 Earley S ettlers— North and Middle Tygers 25 Edgehills— M assacre at 349 Elletti M rst--Author 105. 132 Eutaw S pring— Battle of 338-339 Established C hurch *5 Fairfield— O rigin of name . 2 Fair F orest — Origin of name 2 Fanning, D avid 106, 152, 159 Ferguson, M aj. Patrick . 100, 104, 112, 187, 192, 197,207, 209, 212; Sketchf o . .. 334 Fishing C reek— Battle of 229. 337. 345 Fishdam— B attle of . 240 Fletchall, C ol. Thomas 45, 4». 57. 76, no Ford's M uster Ground 45. 49. 5<>, 53 Fort C harlotte 55. 81 Fort C ornwallis— Capture of 3^. 32i. 322 Fort G ilpin or Galphin— Capture of 321 Fort G ranby— Capitulation of 3l8 Fort G rierson— Capture of 3!9> 321. 322 Fort M otte— Capture of 318 Fort P rince— Skirmish at • 125 Fort P rince George —A British outpost 29 Fort W atson— Capture of 3J4 Franks, M yer 357 Frazer, M ajor . 156 Gage, G eneral 38, 41. 49 Game — A bundance of I Gates, G en. Horatio 191, 198, 258, 261, 266, 337 Geiger, E mily 332 General C ommittee 46 Giles, C olonel 105 Gillespie — A n oted scout 158 Gilmer, E noch 197. 199. 200 Glen, G ov. James f . 23, 25 Gowen's F ort — Night attack on 117 Graham, C ol. Joseph 80, 99, 143 Graham, C ol. William 135- 189. 201 Granby— F all of ... 318-319 Grant, C olonel 35 Grant — I ndian War 35 Great C anebrake — Attack on 79 iv I ndex. PACE. Greene, G en. Nathaniel . 258, 260, 26 i, 263, 269, 301, 307, 308, 309, 312, 3 16, 329, 326, 327, 328, 331 "Grasshoppers." — S mall cannon 290, 307 Guilford, C . H.— Battle of 310, 311 Grierson F ort 319, 321, 322 Hammond, M aj. LeRoy 78, 161, 163, 189, 347 Hammond, C ol. Samuel 144, 148, 206, 244 Hammond's S tore — Affair at 268 Hambright, C olonel 201, 206 Hampton, A nthony » S7 Hampton, C apt. Edward. .86,87, 121, 124, 127; Murder of ... 3S4 Hampton, J onathan 178, 187 Hampton, P reston 86 Hampton G raves — Opening of. ." 36 Hampton, C ol. Wade : 313, 337 Hannon, E dwin 95 Hannon, J ohn 96 Hannon — M assacre 97 Hanger, M ajor 107 Hannah's C owpens 277 Harrison, J ames 87 Hawsey, C aptain . ^ - 155 Hawthorne, C olonel 206 Hayne, C ol. Isaac 104 ; Execution of . 337 Hayes, M ajor ,279 Hays, C ol. Joseph 350 Hays' S tation — Massacre at 349 Haynsworth, B ill 131 High C ourts or Commission 15 Hill, C olonel 189, 240, 310 Hobkirk's H ill— Battle of 315 Horry, C ol. Peter 310 Horry, C apt. Hugh .... 318 Howard, J ohn Eager, Lieut-Colonel . 278, 284, 291; Sketch of. 293 Howard, C aptain 96 Huger, C ol. Isaac 35, 104, 261 Hughes, C ol. Joseph 211 Husband, C ol. Vezey 209 Indians — C herokee — First people 7 Indian M assacres— 1776 28, 8.1, 89 Indian M erchants or Traders 20 Inman, C apt. Shadrack 152, 156, 164 lnnes, C ol. Alexander 151, 156, 175 Intrigue, o f Lord Win. Campbell, Governor 44 Introductory — B reaking out of Revolution 32 Indkx. V I- A GE. Insurgents 6 9, 7 1, So, 83, 85 Jackson, M aj. James 246 Jackson, M rs. Nancy i31 Jackson. C apt. Thomas 94 James, M ajor 3,Q Jefleries, C apt. Nathaniel i31 Jones, C ol. John 1 i5 Johnson, G ov. Robert i7 Johnson, C apt. William ii5 Kerr— C ripple spy 112, 197 Kershaw, R everend 47 Kirkland, M oses 4i< 53, 5^ Kind's M ountain— Battle of 303, 220 Kingsmen 5 5, 5*>, 59 Kosciusko— G eneral 260,327, 328 Lacy, C olonel 189, 240, 310 Laurens, C ol. Henry 35-39 Lee, L ieut-Col. Henry 312, 314, 318, 319, 320, 322, 336, 337 Leslie, G eneral 260, 273 Lincoln, B enjamin, Major-General 101, 102, 103 Littler o Middle District — Boundaries of .... 42, 45 Littleton, W in. Henry 22. 2S Logan, J ohn A I, 4 Lowerr o Dutch Fork District — Boundaries of 42, 45 Lowndes, G overnor 100 Loyalists . 129, 305, 32S Maham's T ower 322 Marion, G en. Francis 104, 238, 239, 309, 314, 331, 337. 339 Martin, W illiam 129 Mattocks, C aptain 100-113 Mayson, M ajor 57-^5 McCall, C apt. James 14S, 279 McCall, C apt. Joseph 129 McClure, C apt. John 357 McDowell, C ol. Charles . 119, 121, 128, 135, 160, 163, 175, 176. iSfi, 1S9. 1 9c McDowell, C ol. Joseph 112, 122, 14S, 206, 279 McJunkin, M aj. Samuel Ill, 131, 14S McPherson, L ieut.-Colonel 31 S Middletcn, C olonel 35. 240 Mills S tation— Massacre at 360 Mills, C ol. Ambrose 120,217; Sketch of .. 235 Miller, J ohn — Murder of 90 Moore, C harles 352 vi I ndex. I'AGK. Moore, G overnor 16 Moore, C apt. Patrick 114, 129 Moore, S amuel — A noted Scout Morgan, G en. Daniel . 261, 266, 268, 269, 271, 276, 281, 2S5, 2S8, 298, 301, 3 06, 309; Sketch of .
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