Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 10, Number 27, July 19, 1983 • Italys War on Crime by Marco Fanini Was Calvi killed by the Swiss masonry? of his godfather Henry Kissinger; who' - A British court accepts the homicide theory and orders new refused outright to meet with thelial-' investigations; the POE and the Italian magistrates were right. ian judges. Craxi conducted hinecent­ electoral campaign by insulting and slanderingthe magistrates (only lobe:, latedly kick indicted.mafi9soJe�dp, out of his party when the election was over). "., , j ' T he "open" verdict issued by the oligarchy as financier Carlo De Be­ Not one party has dare� t(; cOple British court on the death of the banker nedetti and former industrial associa­ out in defense of Judge Carlo Palermo, Roberto Calvi and the order to reopen tion head Bruno Visentini. who has been attacked and threatened the investigation vindicates all those-­ One thing is clear: the macabre by masonic lawyers, 'secte(serVice: such as European Labor Party (POE) drama of Blackfriars Bridge of Lon­ agents, and gangsters Of every'varie-' secretary Fiorella Operto or the Mil­ don, where Calvi's body was found ty. Yet his investigation haS' 'clarified anese government prosecutor Pierlui­ hanged, was staged to place the blame many aspectsof how thetraffic itldrugs ' gi Dell'Osso--who always main­ entirely on the British masons. Now and arms interacts at the international - tained that Calvi was murdered and that the British and Swiss financiers level, inCluding the role .of.the W�st; that the orders for his death came from have broken over such key issues as em secret services control)ed by. :P-2 the Propaganda-2 masonic lodge. the lbero-American debt bomb and the and that of the secret services, offhe , Rightly, the British court's suspi­ Andropov problem, the British court East, not to mention the, N¥,:i ll�tc � cions are pointing toward Flavio Car­ has not hesitated to raise the question works operating today in Swit" i'erland: boni and Hans Albert Kunz, who or­ of who lurks behind Kunz and his pos­ andBavaria. ganized Calvi's final tragic journey to sible involvement in the Calvi mur­ The same can be said for Judg� London one year ago. Both Kunz and der. The answer to that question inter­ Calogero, betrayed even by the ltailan' Carboni are known to be the weapons ests not only the City of London police Communist Party (PCI), which' used' traffickers linked to the P-210dge, the and Judge Dell'Osso, but also Judge to support him. The PCI riui, OII'its­ deposed Savoy royal family of Italy, Carlo Palermo, who has been looking electoral slate pro-terrorists who ac­ and the Swiss financial oligarchy into the networks of ex-Nazis who tually used the slogan !'Negri to! the ' which consistently protected their sprout up all over thepeaks of the Swiss House and the PCI to the Senate. "Cal­ business and their highly suspect bank banking world. ogero has issued some 4Q arrest :war­ accounts. Carboni and his live-in mis­ The President of Italy, Sandro rants against Red Brigades "l;1l,)fes- , tress have never been able to explain, Pertini, defended the magistrates re­ sor" Antonio Negri and hisg�g of for example, how on earth their mul­ cently at the funeral of Bruno Caccia, terrorists. Now he has to sit by and tiple bank accounts filled up with dol­ the State's Attorney of Turin mur­ watch the immoral disgrace of Negrl lars the day after the assassination of dered by the Red Brigades (or by the enjoying judicial immunity in the Ital� Calvi, the president of the powerful mafia).Pertini said: "The Italian mag­ ian parliament, where he was 'elected Banco Ambrosiano. istracy has been on the front lines in on theRadical Party ticket! Just as the' The Swiss bankers of the" Alpine" thewar against terrorism. It has dem­ judges areproving that from his 'irtsane) masonic lodge should be able to ex­ onstrated boldness and courage. You mind came the orders: which have plain, on the other hand, why their [magistrates], by defending the law caused Italy so much grief and blood"1. prize client Roberto Calvi, who made against terrorism, are defending the shed, Negri goes free. , ,; rivers of dollars flow from the Italian freedom which has cost the Italian The terrorist Negri must retum to mafia into the Swiss banks, had be­ people so many sacrifices. In the name prison. The parliament must give the come such a thorn in the side. He of the Italian people, I express to you authorization, provided fq�� n- tqf8QR-l wanted to quit the game, to link up all my gratitude." stitution, for Negri'sarre,st. jl.ldkes Th¢ with Opus Dei, to betray the masonry , Unfortunately, corruption of the must be protected, phYSically �ridj)O�, they said. Perhaps the Swiss had de­ Italian politicians has reachedits acme, litically, to carry out the cruCial hives! cided to get rid of Calvi and tum over and they are not saying what Pertini tigations that will keep Italy from falli- the Ambrosiano empire to such trust­ says. Italian Socialist Party chief Bet­ ing into the clutches ofAndropov and' worthy assets of the Venetian-Swiss tino Craxi is following in the footsteps his friends in the Swiss masonry. EIR July 19,1983 InteqlatiQJlal'i ,47 © 1983 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited..
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