Check out our Facebook page! New goodies every day! FREE Vol.Vol. 3,7, No. 1126 Published Every Other Published Wednesday Every Other www.venturabreeze.com Wednesday October 1 – October March 10 14, - 23,2014 2010 Ventura declares water shortage emergency The Ventura City Council declared a Stage 3 Water Shortage Emergency yesterday as local water supplies continue to drop during the third year of California’s historic drought. To achieve a 20% water use reduction as mandated by the State Water Resources Control Board, Ventura Water customers are now required to limit outdoor watering through a sprinkler irrigation system to Ask the Chief two days a week and not water between the hours of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. These by Ken Corney In this issue we introduce another wonderful portrait series by Johanna Spinks (page new restrictions are in addition to the Chief, Ventura Police Department 8) called the Face Of Ventura Awards. The first award recipient was Ken Cozzens as following current water waste prohibi- Q: Chief, what is the crime rate in our selected by the series sponsors Jordon and Sandra Laby. Ken Cozzens was presented his tions: community and what is the Ventura Police portrait at a “presentation lunch” where Sandra Laby, Ken Cozzens, Trisha Cozzens · Sprinklers that spray pavement, such Department doing to address it? and Johanna Spinks proudly displayed his portrait. as sidewalks, driveways or streets A: I am pleased to tell you that for the · Irrigation water that runs onto year to date (August 31) Ventura’s Part pavement, such as sidewalks, driveways 1 Crime Rate is down. After several or streets years of increased Part 1 Property Crime • Leaking irrigation systems or broken rates (Burglary, Thefts, Auto Thefts and sprinklers that are not repaired within Arson) the City of Ventura’s Part 1 Crime 48 hours of discovery Rate is currently down 6%. · Using a hose to wash a driveway, Most notably, Residential and Com- sidewalk or other paved surface mercial Burglaries are down more than · Washing a car without a shutoff 19%. In real numbers this means there nozzle on the hose were approximately 100 less burglar- · Serving water at a restaurant without ies year to date compared to the same being requested by the customer time period in 2013. General larcenies “We believe that limiting outdoor (theft) are down 1%, but this reduction watering to two days a week is essential is masked by a more than 25% increase to reaching a 20% water use reduction in “shoplift” crimes. As a result of goal,” said Mayor Cheryl Heitmann. the increase in shoplifting crimes our “Our community has historically been reduction in vehicle crimes (e.g., break- very responsive during drought cycles ins, thefts) is less prominent in the and we are confident that Ventura overall larceny/theft reductions. residents will continue to work together Overall Part 1 Violent Crime successfully to save water during this Continued on page 4 emergency.” The newest restrictions follow the While visiting Kingston, recommendations of the city’s Water Shortage Task Force. The City Council Jamaica, for National also confirmed the Task Force’s pref- erence to retain the current penalty Heroes Day structure for noncompliance of the (October 15), you can TheThVt Ventura ChChamber b of fC Commerce hldthiheld their semi-annual i lFllBi Fall Business EpExpo “A water prohibitions, which carries a fine Bountiful Harvest” on Thursday, September 25 at the Four Points Sheraton – of $25 and $50 for the third and fourth always catch up Ventura Harbor. Over 70 Chamber member businesses exhibited and displayed their offense. For more information, visit products. The event was attended by hundreds of residents and business owners. The www.cityofventura.net/water/shortage. with the Breeze at Ventura Breeze display was selected as the “best of show” thanks to the artistic talents Ventura Water is helping residential of Jaime and Ana Baker. customers find ways to save water by venturabreeze.com Continued on page 4 This is a wonderful place to spend your retirement years! Staff is caring and attentive to all needs & there are many interesting people to meet. The Ocean Views, Full Kitchens, All Day Dining w/Pro Chefs, Remodeled & Standard grounds are spacious & Apartments & Garden Villas on 12 Lushly Landscaped Acres. Pets Welcomed! beautifully taken care of. Bob & Barbara LeCroy, Residents Call Now for a Visit! 805.642.3263 Get More Fun & Amenities for your Money! www.venturatownehouse.com • 4900 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003 2 October 1 – October 14, 2014 Ventura BREEZE SUPPORT YOUR LIBRARY - BECOME A FRIEND We purchase new library materials and equipment - books, CDs, DVDs, books on tape, and fund library programs. Membership: Student $10; Individual $20; Family $30 www.sanbuenaventurafriendsofthelibrary.org P.O. Box 403, Ventura, CA 93002 Contact: [email protected] Donations of books, CDs, and DVDs in good condition welcome Serving Ventura’s Libraries Since 1969 7UDYHOLQJWRDQG IURP/$;KDVQHYHU EHHQHDVLHU RQHZD\ URXQGWULS sVMSG’s Emergency Room is open )XHOVXUFKDUJHZLOODSSO\ 24 / 7 / 365 and employs Board-Certifi ed 'LVFRXQWVIRUJURXSV Emergency and Critical Care Specialists. DQGFKDUWHUV sVMSG’s Emergency Team is supported by over &DVKRQO\RQWKH 15 veterinarians specialty-trained GD\RIWUDYHO in Emergency and Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Advanced Imaging, Surgery, Cardiology, and Oncology. Depart Ventura Text PET911 to 95577 4:30am • 6:30am • 8:30am • 10:45am to receive our Emergency Room contact info, • 1:00pm • 3:15pm • 5:30pm • 7:30pm so that it’s handy if and when your pet needs it.* • Oxnard departs 15 minutes later. • No departures: 7:30pm Vta, 7:45pm Oxn, on Saturdays only. Depart LAX 6:30am • 8:30am • 11:00am • 1:00pm • 3:15pm • 5:30pm • 7:30pm • No departures 9:30pm Saturdays only. +ROLGD\,QQLV Veterinary Medical and Surgical Group FKDUJLQJDGD\IRUSDUNLQJ 805.339.2290 | vmsg.com 1RFKDUJHLIGURSSLQJRIIRQO\ 2199 Sperry Avenue | Ventura We offer fi nancing and accept most major credit cards. * You will receive VMSG Pet Information. Get up to 1 message per month. Text HELP for help. Text STOP to cancel. Message and data rates may apply. 1DYLJDWRU'U9HQWXUD36& HWLFNHWVRQOLQHDWZZZYHQWXUDVKXWWOHFRP Ventura BREEZE October 1 – October 14, 2014 3 Saturday Night Harbor Cruises 7 to 9pm Oct. 4 Anacapa Brewery Cruise and appetizers. World class bluegrass fi ddler Phil Salazar Oct. 18 Greek at the Harbor Cruise. Tri tip and shrimp dinner Acoustic rock & blues with Photo by Linda Peters Teresa Russell & Stephen Geyer For rates and information: ISLANDPACKERS.COM 805.642.1393 4 October 1 – October 14, 2014 Ventura BREEZE City News defensive Japanese martial art whose Fall City of physical goal is to neutralize attacks via deflective techniques, pins and throws. Instructor Dennis Belt. Classes held at Ventura Classes Aikido Dojo Training Center 2406 E Ca ll 658- 4726 or 654 -7552 to register, Main St. in Ventura. Course# 38676 or if you already have an account online, visit www.cityofventura.net. Check out hundreds more on our web-site. Classes/ Ask the Chief Events held the Barranca Vista Center, Continued from page 1 7050 Ralston Street, in Ventura unless (Homicide, Rape, Robbery and Aggra- otherwise noted. vated/Felony Assault) in 2014 also The Secrets of Ancient Egypt continues to decline as we are down 6-12 years 12% year to date from 2013. Leading 10/7-10/28 Tuesdays 4:00-5:00 pm this decline is a nearly 20% reduction $40 in Felony Assaults and a 7% reduction We explore the Nile’s monuments, in Robbery. mummies, myths and mysteries through These results are encouraging crafts and stories (the tale of Cinderella given the environment of factors such is ancient and Egyptian). No class 10/21. as State Prison Realignment and past Instructor Richard Senate. Course resource reductions (i.e., reduction #38951. in staffing, resources, budget, etc.) Cooking with Norma Lyons throughout the Criminal Justice 18 years-Adults System. Our success comes from a Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 pm simple formula of team culture and $35 each strategy. 10/7 Everybody’s Favorite: Taco The dedicated and courageous Night! Course #38964 men and women who serve as 10/14 Cooking for One or Two members of the Ventura Police De- Course #38965 partment are key to the team culture Our new chef, daughter of a local and success of our organization. restaurant legend, will teach you simple Our VPD team includes uniformed cooking techniques to build exciting officers patrolling our streets as well new menus with recipe handouts and as others who serve as Investigators, sampling of all food prepared by the take part in other Specialty Assign- class. ments, or are part of our dedicated Ballroom Dancing non-sworn staff and volunteer crime 13 years-Adult fighters. 10/7-11/18 Tuesdays 7:15-8:15 pm The strategy part of the formula $45 is something less apparent. It Put your shoes on and dance to mad involves a continuous and coordi- hot ballroom. Learn waltz, fox trot, nated response to what influences swing, and rumba! No partner needed. crime and quality of life issues in Instructor Ed Gafford. No class 11/11. our community. Our strategy Course #38844. includes a focus on “People - Places Heat Up the Night Latin Workshops and Things” as part of our daily 13 years-Adult work. People: Members of our 10/7-11/18 Tuesdays 8:15-9:15 pm crime fighting team make it their $45 business to know the names, where- Learn sensuous and steamy Latin abouts and activities of our most dances in six weeks. Instructor Ed habitual offenders. Places: We Gafford. No class 11/11. Course #38847. work to provide timely and relevant Line Dance with a Twist crime location information and 18 years-Adult utilize “hot spot” policing efforts to 10/8-11/10 M/W 1-2 pm impact crime in these areas.
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