OBSAH CONTENTS Opening Adresses Business Consultancy Words by the President of the Slovak republic . 3 Translations and Interpreting Words by the Minister of Economy . 4 Fairs and Exhibitions Words by the Mayor of Bratislava . 6 Water Management Words by the General Manager of Slovak Water Management Publishing Houses Enterprise . 7 3 . Tourism . 61 Self-government of the Slovak republic Hotels, Accommodation Great Moravian Empire . 8 Spa Slovak Republic - General Information . 9 Restaurants, Catering Capital City of the Slovak Republic . 10 Slovak Tourism Association . 66 Self-government - Higher Territorial Units . 12 Self-government - Cities and Towns . 14 Slovak Agricultural and Food Chamber Words by the President of SAFC . 68 Slovak Museums . 22 Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry Roads & traffic infrastructure of the Slovak Republic Words by the President of SCCI . 71 Road Network . 36 The Region of Banská Bystrica . 74 Air Transport . 43 The Region of Bratislava . 76 Railways Transport . 44 The Region of Košice . 77 Important Companies Presentation The Region of Nitra . 78 1 . Industry . 45 The Region of Prešov . 79 Agricultural and Food Industry The Region of Trenčín . 80 Heat-generation and Electrical Industry The Region of Trnava . 81 Pharmaceutical Industry The Region of Žilina - North-Slovakia County . 82 Chemical, Rubber and Plastic Industry Addresses of National Institutions . 85 Paper Industry Building Industry Diplomatic Missions Engineering Industry Slovak Embassies Worldwide . 87 Textile and Boot-and-Shoe Industry Commercial and Economic Departments of Embassies . 90 Slovak Missions and Slovak Institutes . 93 2 . Services . 52 Foreing Embassies Accredited for Slovakia . 94 Security Services Transport and Logistics Database . 98 Financial and Economic Services Forest Management V . I . P . 103 Standardization, Quality Control, Certification and Metrology Register . 104 Trade grafické štúdio, vydavateľstvo, darčekové predmety Published by: Graphical design: Head of the Editorial Board Copyright © INFOMA® Business Trading, spol. s r. o. 2011 INFOMA Business Trading, spol . s r . o .® INFOMA Graphics Studio Dipl . Ing . Miroslav Porubän 12th edition Bulharská 70, P . O . Box 47 Bulharská 70, P . O . Box 47 Editorial board: Circulation: 3000 copies 820 02 Bratislava 22 820 02 Bratislava 22 Dipl . Ing . Ferdinand Krasňanský All Rights Reserved tel .: +421-2-4342 1531 tel .: +421-2-4342 1563 Dipl . Ing . Július Geleta ISBN 978-80-89087-46-4 fax: +421-2-2081 2018, 4825 2449 fax: +421-2-2081 2018, 4825 2449 e-mail: infoma@infoma .sk e-mail: grafika@infoma .sk www .infoma .sk Mgr . Marcel Kostelník Editor: Dipl . Ing . MIlan Nehaj Product manager: Daniela Malečková Printed by: OTA, a .s . Košice 1 CONTENTS OBSAH Príhovory Podnikateľské poradenstvo Príhovor prezidenta Slovenskej republiky . 3 Preklady a tlmočenie Príhovor ministra hospodárstva . 4 Veľtrhy a výstavy Príhovor primátora Bratislavy . 6 Vodné hospodárstvo Príhovor generálneho riaditeľa Slovenského vodohospodárskeho Vydavateľstvá podniku, š .p . 7 3 . Cestovný ruch . 61 Samospráva SR Hotely, ubytovacie zariadenia Veľkomoravská ríša . 8 Kúpele Základné informácie o Slovenskej republike . 9 Reštaurácie, stravovacie zariadenia Hlavné mesto Slovenskej republiky . 10 Zväz cestovného ruchu SR . 66 Samospráva - vyššie územné celky . 12 Samospráva - mestá a obce . 14 Slovenská poľnohospodárska a potraninárska komora Príhovor prezidenta SPPK . 68 Slovenské múzeá . 22 Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora Dopravná infraštruktúra Slovenskej republiky Príhovor prezidenta SOPK . 71 Cestná doprava . 36 Región Banská Bystrica . 74 Letecká doprava . 43 Región Bratislava . 76 Železničná doprava . 44 Región Košice . 77 Prezentované spoločnosti Región Nitra . 78 1 . Priemysel . 45 Región Prešov . 79 Agrárny a potravinársky priemysel Región Trenčín . 80 Energetický a elektrotechnický priemysel Región Trnava . 81 Farmaceutický priemysel Región Žilina . 82 Chemický, gumárenský a plastikárenský priemysel Adresy štátnych inštitúcií . 85 Papierenský priemysel Stavebný priemysel Diplomatické misie Strojársky priemysel Slovenské veľvyslanectvá vo svete . 87 Textilný a obuvnícky priemysel Obchodno - ekonomické oddelenia . 90 Slovenské misie a Slovenské inštitúty . 93 2 . Služby . 52 Zahraničné veľvyslanectvá akreditované pre Slovenskú republiku . 94 Bezpečnostné služby Doprava a logisitka Databáza . 98 Finančné a ekonomické služby Lesné hospodárstvo V . I . P . 103 Normalizácia, skúšobníctvo, certifikácia, metrológia Register . 104 Obchod grafické štúdio, vydavateľstvo, darčekové predmety Vydalo: Grafické spracovanie: Vedúci redakčnej rady: Copyright © INFOMA® Business Trading, spol. s r. o. 2011 INFOMA Business Trading, spol . s r . o .® INFOMA Graphics Studio Ing . Miroslav Porubän Dvanáste vydanie Bulharská 70, P . O . Box 47 Bulharská 70, P . O . Box 47 Redakčná rada: Náklad: 3000 výtlačkov 820 02 Bratislava 22 820 02 Bratislava 22 Ing . Ferdinand Krasňanský Všetky práva vyhradené tel .: +421-2-4342 1531 tel .: +421-2-4342 1563 Ing . Július Geleta ISBN 978-80-89087-46-4 fax: +421-2-2081 2018, 4825 2449 fax: +421-2-2081 2018, 4825 2449 e-mail: infoma@infoma .sk e-mail: grafika@infoma .sk www .infoma .sk Mgr . Marcel Kostelník Editor: Ing . MIlan Nehaj Produkt manažér: Daniela Malečková Tlač: OTA, a .s . Košice 2 WORDS BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE SLovaK REPUBLIC PRÍhovor prezidenta SLovensKEJ REPUBLIKY Dear readers, Dear friends of Slovakia, I am very glad that I can greet you by Slovakia is not only a country suitable for means of this publication and invite you to investments and doing business . Our beautiful visit our home country in the heart of Europe . natural sites, extensive cave complexes, Although Slovakia is not a big country in geothermal healing springs, historic castles and size, it will definitely win your appreciation manor houses, as well as modern cities such with its diversity . From the Danube up to the as Bratislava and Košice, are worth visiting . monumental peaks of the Tatra Mountains, it Our mountains extending on the major part will endow you with cordiality and hospitality, of our territory are suitable for both summer so typical of the Slovaks . The Slovak Republic is and winter sports . The Slovak folklore and a modern democratic country today, a member the country’s manifold folk art are other of the European Union, NATO and other attractions for foreign visitors, just like the important international organisations . I am glad Andy Warhol Museum in Medzilaborce which that Slovakia is now an internationally accepted hosts a large collection of his artworks . Many and respected democracy, a responsible people do not even know that this famous and trustful political partner and an ally to pop-art representative had a Slovak origin . An international institutions that ensure security advantage of travelling to Slovakia is good air, and peace in the world . Slovakia’s membership and road and railway transport connections in the EU’s Schengen Area and the single between the capital city and the nearby capitals European currency – the euro – facilitates the of our neighbouring countries – Vienna and movement of entrepreneurs and visitors of Budapest . our country . The benefits of doing business in Slovakia include a flat tax rate of 19%, The Slovak Republic is definitely a country a good geographical position and a qualified worth seeing . I will be happy to have you visit workforce . The driving force of the Slovak us . economy is the car industry and production of electronics . Slovakia is the world’s number one See you in Slovakia! car manufacturer when calculated per capita . These are attributes thanks to which the Slovak economy has reported one of the highest GDP increases in the European Union in spite of the persisting effects of the economic crisis . Ivan GAŠPAROVIČ President of the Slovak Republic OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Hodžovo nám . 1, P .O . Box 128 SK - 810 00 Bratislava 1, SLOVAKIA e-mail: informacie@prezident .sk http://www .prezident .sk 3 WORDS BY THE MINISTER OF EconomY PRÍHOVOR MINISTRA HOSPODÁRSTVA Slovakia lies in the very centre of Europe, plants, and the companies SONY and AU directly in the heart of this continent . But Optronics have operations in our country, it is not only this extraordinarily favourable too . IT companies such as Dell, IBM, Siemens geographical position that counts as its or T-Systems (system services centre of the advantage . Slovakia has all the possibilities German Deutsche Telekom) also have an to become the “gate to Europe”, as it is a full important position in Slovakia . member of the European Union (EU), the Schengen Area, the Eurozone, OECD and NATO . Our objective for the forthcoming period It has the highest GDP growth of all EU Member is to improve our business environment to States, the highest labour productivity of the attract investors and have them establish their Visegrad Four countries, the best business businesses in our country . Hence, our priority environment in this region, and a relatively actions include measures aimed at facilitating uniform tax system that is the simplest in the even more business in Slovakia in every region . Moreover, Slovakia offers an open stage; from beginning, through development, economy, transparent investment incentives innovation, up to termination of business policy, as well as a high level of education or sale of companies . Our vision is to turn and a sophisticated system of unemployment Slovakia into a small Singapore of
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