Index abacus model 533–6 Aeneid (Vergil) 88, 93–4, 97, 116, 226–7, Abaris 273 287–91, 296–7, 356–7, 453, 480–91, 511 Abel 237 Aequorna 82–3 Abraham 485, 519 Aeschylus 99–103, 107–11, 125–6, 129–30, Abritus (Razgrad) 403–4 146–57, 373–4, 378, 381–4, 510 Absalom 519 Oresteia 99–103, 107–11, 125, 146–57, 369 Abydos 95–6 Aesop’s fables 18, 226, 453, 510, 548, 556 Academy of Sciences Agamemnon 125, 147, 153–5, 207, 212–13, Bulgaria 405–6 219, 238–9, 240–1 St. Petersburg 453, 472–3, 496–9, 503–4 Agamemnon’s Tomb (Slowacki) 207, Accademia degli Arcadi 57, 60–1 212–13, 219 Acciarini, Tideo 52 Agathangelos 524 Achaeans 401–2 Agathon 128 actors, staging Greek tragedies 438–47, The Age of Poetry (Horace) 37 548–58 Agesilaos (Slowacki) 207 Adam 380–1, 519–20 Agócs, Péter 256 Adam, James 29 Agrigentum 489 Adam, Robert 21, 22, 29, 31–2 Aksakov, Ivan 459 Adamclisi 312–24 Akunin, Boris 474 Adams, Bernard 230 al‐Batani 171 Adelphi terrace, London 31 Alcaic stanza 353–4 Adrianopolis (Edirne) 403–4 Alcibiades 127, 415–16 adultery 240–1COPYRIGHTEDAlcibiades MATERIAL the Great (Mutafchieva) 415–16 Ady, Endre 229–30, 257 Alcmanian 353 Aegeus 440–1 Alegre, Francisco Xavier 59 Aegisthus 237–9, 240–1 Aleksidze, Giorgi 554 Aelii 316 Aleppo Zengi 520 A Handbook to Classical Reception in Eastern and Central Europe, First Edition. Edited by Zara Martirosova Torlone, Dana LaCourse Munteanu, and Dorota Dutsch. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 0002833610.INDD 560 01/03/2017 12:08:08 PM Index 561 Alexander the Great (356–323BC) 53, 107, Aphthonius of Antioch 511, 519 162–3, 164, 171, 399, 509, 511, 519–20, Apianus, Petrus 79–82, 86 522, 525, 543 Apollo 17, 73, 140–1, 149–50, 398, Alexander II (1818–1881) 457–9 428–9, 489 Alexander III 454 Apollo the Healer, bronze statue 398 Alexandrescu, Gr. (1810–1885) 284 Apollonia (Sozopol) 280, 397, 398, Alexandria 510, 517–18, 522–3 399–400 Allason, Thomas 29 Apulum (Alba Iulia) 281 Allusions to labyrinth, Bulgaria 411–21 Ara Pacis Auguste 313 Almus (Lom) 400 Aragonese arch at Castelnuovo 25 altars 75–86, 313–24 Aramaic 509, 541–2 see also Roman inscriptions Arcadia group 57, 60–4, 210, 291, 354 Altheim, Franz 255, 257 Archaeological Commission, Russia 501–3 Amantius, Bartholomäus 79–80 archaeology American Revolution heroes, Poland 195 Armenia 511–15 Anabasis (Xenophon) 460, 461, 463 Bulgaria 393–5, 397–409, 416–17, 430–1 Anacreontica 71, 288 Crimea 454 anamnesis 302, 305–8 Georgia 541–2, 545 Anaximander 173, 397 Romania 280–1, 312–24 Ancic, Ivan 337–8 Russia 454, 469–70, 493–504 Anderson, Benedict 200 Soviet Union (1917–1991) 494–5, 503–4 Andronicus, Livius 41, 58 Archilochian 353, 367 Ani, Armenia 509, 513–15, 528–38 architecture Anjaparidze, Veriko 558 Armenia 9, 512–15, 528–38 Ankerschmidt, Ritter von 250–1 Croatia 7, 21–33 Annensky, Innokentii 454, 462 Czech Republic 5, 115–19, 133–44, Anouilh, Jean 101, 104–5, 109, 556 148–9 Antigone Georgia 9 Anouilh 104–5, 109, 556 Russia 496–504, 530–1 Bulgaria 437, 439, 443–7 Slovenia 72–3, 74–86, 118 Czech Republic 146–8, 154, 156 Ardelean School 279, 283, 287–8, 295 Georgia 548, 550, 553–8 Ardevan, Radu xii, 279–86 Slovenia 99–111 Areni 513 Smole, Dominik 99–111 Argonauts 24, 62, 541–2, 544–5, 550 Sophocles 101, 107, 146–8, 154, 156, Argos 154, 219 437, 439, 443–7, 548, 550, 553–8 Ariadne 489–90 unfulfilled promises 110–11 Arianism 404 Antigone the Mortal (Mladenova) 446 Aristarchus 174 ‘Antiquus Austriacus’ 74, 80–2 Aristides 48 see also Tyfernus, Augustinus Prygl Aristotle 18–19, 169, 172–3, 175, 183, (c.1475–1536) 305–6, 331–2, 337, 462, 510–11, antitrinitarianism 234, 243 516–19, 524, 543, 545 Anton, Karl Gottlob von 91–2 Alexander the Great (356–323BC) Antov, Plamen 423–4 519, 543 Apelles 52 Armenia 510–11, 516–19, 524 Aphrodite 62–4, 95–6, 266, 363, 494, 523 Categories 510, 516–17, 524 0002833610.INDD 561 01/03/2017 12:08:08 PM 562 Index Aristotle (cont’d) national identity 514–15, 529–31 Croatia 18–19 neoclassicism 514–15, 528–38 Georgia 543, 545 occupying countries 529–31 Metaphysics 462 Orthodox church domes 512, 529–38 On Interpretation 510, 516–17 paintings 513–15 Poland 169, 172–3, 175, 183 Physiologus 516, 518–19, 522 Politics 18, 183 Plato 510, 517, 522–3 potentiality/actuality model 305–6 poetry 511–15, 520–5 Romania 305–6 printing 511 Aristyllus 170 Public House theater 514 Armavir 509–10 rhetoric 509, 511, 519–20 Armenia xvi, 2, 3–4, 9, 181, 507, 509–15, Rome 509–15, 522–4 516–27, 528–40 Russia 514, 530–1 archaeology 511–15 sarcophagus 529–30 architecture 9, 512–15, 528–38 School of Ani 509, 514–15, 528–38 art deco 514, 530–1 sculpture 513–15, 529–38 art nouveau 514 Tamanyan, Alexander 509, 514 background 9, 181, 509–15, 516–25, Thrax, Dionysius 510–11, 516, 518, 528–38 520–2 Bagratid kingdom 513, 528–38 Tigranes II (99–55BC) 509 blind arcades 512–13, 528–38 translations 509–15, 516–25 Book of Chreia 511, 516, 519–22, 525 Trdat 513, 531–3 classical antiquity 509–15, 528–38 Armira Roman villa 401–2 David the Invincible 516–18, 522, 524 Arsenale gate, Venice 25–6 definition 509–15, 530–1 The Art of Poetry (Horace) 228 diaspora 509, 514–15 Artashat 511 drawings 529–38 Artavasdes II (54–34BC), Armenia 510 ethopeia 511, 516, 519–20 artists 21–33, 115–19, 133–44, 229–30, Garni Temple 509, 511–12, 530–1, 260–73, 279–85, 335, 398, 401–9, 534, 538 452–5, 493–504, 509–15, 528–38, Government House 514 544–5 Grabar language 511, 521–2 see also drawings; paintings; sculpture Greek 509–15, 516–25, 528–38 Arts and Crafts movement, UK 127 Greek inscriptions 509–10 Artsruni, Gagik (915–921) 513 Greek mythology in medieval Arutch cathedral 513 literatures 522–4 Asclepiad 353 Hellenism 509–15, 516–25, 528–38 Asia Minor bridge, Bulgaria 398–9 Highlands 514 Asparukh, Khan 389 historical background 9, 181, 509–15, Aspasia 349 516–25, 528–38 astronomers, Copernicus 4, 166–77 Homer 510, 511, 520, 522–3 Atalante 523 illuminated manuscripts 509, 513, 524 Athena 136, 150–1, 155, 184–5, 523 The Jewish War (Flavius) 509, 511, 543 Athenaeus 226 Latin 520–5, 528–38 Athenian enlightenment 1 literature 509–15, 516–25 Athenian naval empire 48 medieval art conversion 528–38 Athens 1, 48, 133–5, 149–50, 398, 488, 517, medieval Greek literary relations 516–25 519, 543, 552 0002833610.INDD 562 01/03/2017 12:08:08 PM Index 563 Athos 542 The Baptism on the Savica (Prešeren) 70, 88, Atreides 212 92–4 Attica 398–400, 523 Barańczak, Stanisław 161 audiences/viewers, staging Greek tragedies barbarian invasions, Romania 280–1, 438–47, 548–58 293–4 Auge 519 Barbaro, Francesco 48–50 August, Stanislaw 195 Baroque style 117, 125, 198, 266, 335, 348, Augustus (Octavian) (27BC–AD14) 25, 351–2, 428–9 27–30, 82, 195, 247, 252, 253–5, 297, Barrault, Jean‐Louis 152–3 323, 341, 452, 482, 484 Bártfa 235 Aulularia (Plautus) 19, 356 Barvitius, Antonín 137 Aurelian 281–2 Baths of Agrippa 27 Aurelius, Marcus 130, 281–2, 322, 453 Bathsheba 237 Aurora publication 264 Battle of Thermopylae 122 Auschwitz 257 Batumi 553–4 Austria xviii, 6, 16, 19, 69–86, 123–4, Baudelaire 126–8, 361 136–8, 161–2, 163–4, 200–1, 246–57, Bažant, Jan xii, 3, 5, 113, 115–20, 133–45 329, 331, 332–3, 336, 344–5, 360–1, Becoming within Being (Noica) 300, 302–11 405–6, 461 Bela IV 338 Austro‐Hungarian monarchy (1867–1918) Belarus 162, 202–3 6, 123–4, 252, 329, 331, 332–3, 336, Belgrade 40–1, 333, 334–5 344–5, 360–1, 405–6, 461 see also Serbia autobiographies, Croatia 35, 40–1, 44 Belikov character in Chekhov 462–3, Avars, Eurasian 280–1 464–5 avant‐garde Bellini, Jacopo 25 Bulgaria 437–47 Bellona 351, 355 Czech Republic 121–31, 137–8 Benedek Virág Monument, Serbia 360–1, 366, 371 Hungary 267–70 Avvakum 470–1 Benic,́ Bono (1708–1785) 340–4 Axer, Jerzy xii, 3, 8, 190–206, 208–9 Benja, Juraj 49–51, 54 Berg, Josef 152–3 Baalbek 31, 534 Berindeanu, Florin xiii, 279–86 Babits, Mihály 230, 257 Berlin 265–6, 283, 331, 500 Bacchae (Euripides) 149–50, 419, 510 Berlin Congress in 1878 331 Bacchanalia 40 Beroe (Stara Zagora/Augusta Bacchantes 431, 434 Traiana) 399–401 Bacchylides 240, 487 Berzsenyi, Dániel 245–7, 256 Backvis, Claude 192 Bessi 340 Bagratid kingdom, Armenia 513, 528–38 Bevilacqua, Giovanni Battista 48–50 Bagratuni, Smbat II 531 Bibic,̌ Polde 108 Bakst, Lev 454 The Bible 16–17, 70, 237–40, 243, 302, Balabanov, Alexander 393, 439–41, 338–9, 379–80, 404–5, 413, 473, 498, 442, 444 510, 513–14, 519–20 Balassi, Bálint 242 Biglia, Andrea 54 ballet 148–9 bilingualism, Poland 190–5 Baltadzhieva, Zhivka 429–30 Bion 228, 356 Banjvaric,́ Ilija 53–4 Birds 101 0002833610.INDD 563 01/03/2017 12:08:08 PM 564 Index Birgitta, St.
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