On the Complexity of the Equational Theory of Generalized Residuated Boolean Algerbas

On the Complexity of the Equational Theory of Generalized Residuated Boolean Algerbas

On the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Zhe Lin and Minghui Ma Institute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-Sen University TACL2017 Praha Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas R-algebras A residuated Boolean algebra, or r-algebra,(B.J´onsson and Tsinakis) is an algebra A = (A; ^; _;0 ; >; ?; ·; n; =) where (A; ^; _;0 ; >; ?) is a Boolean algebra, and ·; n and = are binary operators on A satisfying the following residuation property: for any a; b; c 2 A, a · b ≤ c iff b ≤ anc iff a ≤ c=b The operators n and = are called right and left residuals of · respectively. Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas The left and right conjugates of · are binary operators on A defined by setting 0 0 0 0 a B c = (anc ) and c B b = (c =b) . The following conjugation property holds for any a; b; c 2 A: 0 0 0 a · b ≤ c iff a B c ≤ b iff c C b ≤ a Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Let K be any class of algebras. The equational theory of K, denoted by Eq(K), is the set of all equations of the form s = t that are valid in K. The universal theory of K is the set of all first-order universal sentences that are valid in K denoted by Ueq(K), Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Eq(NA) is decidable (N´emeti1987) Eq(UR) is decidable. (Jipsen 1992) Ueq(UR) and Ueq(RA) are decidable (Buszkowski 2011) Eq(ARA) is undecidable (Kurucz, Nemeti, Sain and Simon 1993) Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Generalized residuated Boolean algebra Generalized residuated algebras admit a finite number of finitary operations o. With each n-ary operation (oi ) (1 ≤ i ≤ m) there are associated n residual operations (oi =j) (1 ≤ j ≤ n) which satisfy the following generalized residuation law: (oi )(α1; : : : ; αn) ≤ β iff αj ≤ (oi =j)(α1; : : : ; αj−1; β; αj+1; : : : ; αn) A generalized residuated Boolean algebra is a Boolean algebra with generalized residual operations. A generalized residuated distributive lattice and lattice are defined naturally. The logics are denoted by RBL, RDLL, RLL respectively. Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Figure: Outline of Proof Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Sequent Calculus (Id) A ) A; (D) A ^ (B _ C) ) (A ^ B) _ (A ^ C); (?) Γ[?] ) A; (>)Γ ) >; (:1) A ^ :A )?; (:2) > ) A _:A; Γ[A ] ) B Γ ) A Γ ) B (^L) i ; (^R) ; Γ[A1 ^ A2] ) B Γ ) A ^ B Γ[A ] ) B Γ[A ] ) B Γ ) A (_L) 1 2 ; (_R) i : Γ[A1 _ A2] ) B Γ ) A1 _ A2 ∆ ) A; Γ[A] ) B (Cut) Γ[∆] ) B Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Γ[('1;:::;'n)oi ] ) α Γ1 ) '1; ::: ;Γn ) 'n (oi L) (oi R) Γ[(oi )('1;:::;'n)] ) α (Γ1;:::; Γn)oi ) α Γ['j ] ) α; ;Γ1 ) '1; ::: ;Γn ) 'n ((oi =j)L) Γ[(Γ1;:::; (oi =j)('1;:::;'n);:::; Γn)oi ] ) α ('1;:::; Γ;:::;')oi ) α ((oi =j)R) Γ ) (oi =j)('1;:::; Γ;:::;') Remark All above rules are invertible. Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Frame semantics A frame is a pair F = (W ; R) where W 6= ; and R ⊆ W n+1 is an n + 1-ary relation on W .A model is a triple M = (W ; R; V ) where (W ; R) is a frame and V : P! }(W ) is a valuation from the set of propositional variables P to the powerset of W . The satisfaction relation M; w j= ' between a model M with a point w and a formula ' is defined inductively as follows: Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas 1 M; w j= p iff w 2 V (p). 2 M; w 6j= ?. 3 M; w j= ' ⊃ iff M; w 6j= ' or M; w j= . 4 M; w j= o('1;:::;'n) iff there are points u1;:::; un 2 W such that Rwu1 ::: un and M; ui j= 'i for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. 5 M; w j= (o=i)('1;:::;'n) iff for all u1;:::; un 2 W , if Rui u1 ::: w ::: un and M; uj j= 'j for all 1 ≤ j ≤ n and j 6= i, then M; ui j= 'i . Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Unary case: 1 M; w j= ♦A iff there exists u 2 W with R(w; u) and M; u j= A. # 2 M; w j= A iff for every u 2 W , if R(u; w), then M; u j= A. Binary case: 1 J; u j= A=B iff for all v; w 2 W with S(w; u; v), if J; v j= B, then J; w j= A 2 J; u j= AnB iff for all v; w 2 W with S(v; w; u), if J; w j= A, then J; v j= B. Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas From RBL to MRBNL # The translation (:) : LRBL(Prop) !LMRBNL(Prop) is defined as below: z oi (α1; : : : αn) = (::: (α1 ·i α2) :::) ·i αn) :::) (oi =j)(α1; : : : ; αn) = (::: (α1 ·i α2) :::) ·i αj−1)ni (::: (αj =i αn) : : : =i αj+1) z ((Γ1;:::; Γn)oi ) = (::: (Γ1 ◦i Γ2) :::) ◦i Γn) :::) Theorem For any LRBL-sequent Γ ) α, `RBL Γ ) α if and only if y y `MRBNL ((Γ)) ⊃ α . Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas From MRBNL to MKt # The translation (:) : LMBFNL(Prop) !LMKt (Prop) is defined as below: p# = p; ># = >; ?# = ?; (:α)# = :α#; (α ^ β)# = α# ^ β#; # # # # # # (α _ β) = α _ β ; (α ·i β) = ♦i1(♦i1α ^ ♦i2β ); # # # # # # # # # # (αni β) = i2(♦i1α ⊃ i1β ); (α=i β) = i1(♦i2β ⊃ i1α ): Theorem For any LMBFNL-sequent Γ ) α, `MBFNL Γ ) α if and only if # # `MKt (f (Γ)) ⊃ α . Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Figure: Translation # Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas From MKt to Kt Let P ⊆ Prop and fx; q1;:::; qng 6⊆ P be a distinguished propositional variable. Define a translation ∗ (:) : L t (P) !LK:t(P [ fx; q1;:::; qng) recursively as follows: K12 p∗ = p; ?∗ = ?; (A ⊃ B)∗ = A∗ ⊃ B∗: ∗ ∗ (♦i A) = :x ^ ♦(qi ^ A ); # ∗ # ∗ (i A) = :x ⊃ (qi ⊃ A ); Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Theorem For any LMKt -sequent Γ ) α, `MKt Γ ) α if and only if ∗ ∗ `Kt (f (Γ)) ⊃ α . Figure: Translation ∗ Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas (Id) A ) A; and inference rules Γ[A ◦ B] ) C Γ ) A ∆ ) B (·L) ; (·R) ; Γ[A · B] ) C Γ ◦ ∆ ) A · B ∆ ) A; Γ[A] ) B (Cut) Γ[∆] ) B Γ[A ] ) B Γ ) A Γ ) B (^L) i ; (^R) ; Γ[A1 ^ A2] ) B Γ ) A ^ B Γ[A ] ) B Γ[A ] ) B Γ ) A (_L) 1 2 ; (_R) i : Γ[A1 _ A2] ) B Γ ) A1 _ A2 (· L), (· R), (^R) and (_L) are invertible. Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas PSPACE-hard Lemma If `LG Γ[A ^ B] ) C and all formulae in Γ[A ^ B] are _-free and C is ^-free, then Γ[A] ) C or Γ[B] ) C. Lemma If `LG Γ ) A _ B and all formulae in Γ are _-free, then Γ ) A or Γ[B] ) B. Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas By σ(e) we denote a formula structure z1 ◦ (z2 ··· (zn−1 ◦ zn) ··· ) such that 8 <xj if e(xj ) = 1 zj = :xj if e(xj ) = 0 σ(A) = σ(D1) _ ::: _ σ(Dm) and σ(Di ) = y1 · (y2 ··· (yn−1 · yn) ··· ) such that 8 >xj if xj 2 Di <> yj = xj if :xj 2 Di > > :xj _ xj o:w: Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Lemma e(A) = 1 iff `LG σ(e) ) σ(A) Zhe Lin and Minghui MaInstitute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-SenOn University the complexity of the equational theory of generalized residuated boolean algerbas Let us consider a quantified Boolean formula φ in DNF form i.e.

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