Siam Physics Congress 2015 Wednesday, 20 May 2015 - Friday, 22 May 2015 Book of Abstracts ii Siam Physics Congress 2015. iii iv Contents A galaxy rotation curve from a modified Newtonian model based on Mach’s principle . 1 CMB cold spot anomaly from cosmic void .......................... 1 Variations in the Neutron Time Delay Distribution at the Princess Sirindhorn Neutron Mon- itor .............................................. 1 Follow-up Photometry of New Eclipsing PCEBs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: SDSS J214140.43+050730.0 .................................... 2 Photometric Observation and Analysis of Hot Uranus Exoplanet GJ3470b by Transit Method ................................................ 3 Magnetic Field Line Random Walk in Isotropic Turbulence at Very High Kubo Number . 3 Analysis of Peculiar Dips Changed of SDSS J102102.25+174439.9 Light Curve . 4 On the role of short period Cataclysmic Variables from Catalina Sky Survey . 4 Star Formation and Age-Metallicity Relation in a Galaxy Group NGC 4065 . 5 Photometric Monitoring of Active Galactic Nuclei using the Thai Robotic Telescope in Chile ................................................ 5 Angular Extension of Io Magnetic Footprint in Corresponding to Volcanic Activity on Io 6 Black hole in Massive Gravity and its thermodynamics ................... 6 The oscillation spectra of the oEA stars ............................ 7 Simulations of Polar-Region Atmospheric Ionization Induced by the Large Solar Storm on January 20, 2005 ....................................... 7 Can Dark Matter be a Bose-Einstein Condensate? ...................... 8 Some Recent Developments in Statistical Mechanical Description of Galaxy Clustering . 8 Particle’s Trajectory Around Static and Spherically Symmetric black hole in Massive Grav- ity Theory .......................................... 9 Overcoming the Seeing Limitations at 2.4-m Thai National Telescope with Lucky Imaging Technique .......................................... 9 Observations and Monte Carlo Simulation of the Princess Sirindhorn Neutron Monitor at a Vertical Cutoff Rigidity of 16.8 GV ............................ 9 v Lumpy Cosmic Strings ..................................... 10 Influence of Magnetospheric Plasma on Aurora at Magnetic Footprints ofIo . 10 Rashba Effect from Schwinger’s Oscillator Model ...................... 11 Single Rubidium-85 Atom in a Far Off-resonance Dipole Trap . 11 Quantum Algorithm for Finding Roots of nth Degree Polynomials . 11 Four Level Dynamic in Rubidium-85 Magneto-Opical Trap . 12 Concentric-Ring Atom Interferometer ............................. 12 Split-Operator Method for Fabry-Perot Interferometry ................... 13 The study of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics as a heralded quantum memory . 13 Adiabatic Interaction between Rydberg Atom and Ground-State Atom . 13 Phase structure and microstructure of CaZrO3 powder prepared by molten salt method . 14 The Synthesization of biocomposite materials of Hydroxyapatite/beta-tricalcium phosphate/biopolymer scaffold for bone tissue regeneration ........................... 14 Hydroxyapatite and Ceramic Composite Coatings by Novel Plasma Spraying Technology for Bio-Medical Implant Application ........................... 15 Determination of Unconjugated Estriol by Using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Biosen- sor .............................................. 15 Free human Chorionic Gonadotropin beta (hCGβ) detection of The Triple Test for Down’s syndrome screening in maternal serum using Surface Plasmon Resonance Technique (SPR) ............................................. 16 Revealing an unusual transparent phase of superhard iron tetraboride under high pressure ................................................ 17 Cathodoluminescence study of electric-field induced migration of defects in single crystal ZnO ............................................. 17 Stability Diagrams of Single-Electron Transistors ...................... 18 Computational study of carbon dioxide adsorption on single-walled carbon nanotubes. 18 Ab initio calculations of structural phase transitions of XP compounds (X=La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) under high pressure .................................. 19 Hydrogen adsorption of Ti decorations in Mg-Metal Organic Framework-74: A First-Principles Study ............................................. 19 Theoretical Study of Charge Transport in Alternating Donor-Acceptor Complex Oligomers for Polymer Solar Cell Applications: Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Based Azole . 20 Theoretical constraints on additional higgs bosons ...................... 21 vi Projections at 14 TeV for Dark Matter Searches in the monojet final state using the upgraded CMS Detector ........................................ 21 N=2 seven-dimensional SO(4) gauged supergravity from eleven dimensions . 21 Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced by vector-boson fusion and decaying to bottom quarks ...................................... 22 Photon Generation in a One Dimensional Oscillating Cavity with a Uniform Magnetic Field ................................................ 22 Dynamical Casimir Effect in an Oscillatory Cylindrical Cavity on a Magnetized Background ................................................ 23 Development of Charm quark Tagger at the CMS Detector . 23 Influence of form deviation to diameter measurement of cylindrical master . 23 Development of AC High Voltage Measurement System with Digital Technique at NIMT 24 Development of microwave-infrared drying system for industrial prototype of STR20 pro- duction ............................................ 24 Determination of Density According to Test Method A1 (Two Different Reference Weights Weighed in Air) of OIML R111-1, 2004(E) ......................... 25 Preliminary Study for the Establishment of Oscillation-Type Density Meter Calibration at NIMT ............................................. 25 Controlling output signal of frequency generator for NMR . 26 Using relative gravimeter to determine vertical gravity gradients at NIMT . 26 Discover the New Reality for Your Analytical Electron Microscope . 27 Development of a shear-wave generator for shallow seismic investigation . 27 New solitonic, periodic and chaotic behaviors of ion acoustic waves in a nonextensive electron-positron-ion plasma ................................ 28 Generation of ozone in Dielectric Barrier Discharge and Its Application for Water Treat- ment ............................................. 28 Improvement of RD31 rice seed germination using DBD plasma treatment . 29 Development of cost effective plasma technology at university of Malaya . 29 Development of 3.3 kJ Small Plasma Focus for Medical Radioisotopes Production: Prelimi- nary results ......................................... 30 Metal nanoparticles synthesis using atmospheric pressure micro discharge jet . 30 High-Quality Pure Cubic GaN on Patterned GaAs (001) Substrates with [110]-Oriented Stripes by MOVPE ..................................... 31 Controlling the thickness of silicon dioxide shell of iron boride nanoparticles . 31 vii Fabrication and Characteristic of BaTiO3 Based Ceramic by Molten Salt Synthesis . 32 Mie Scattering by Small Sphere Particles ........................... 32 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Synthesis of Graphite Encapsulated Magnetite Nanopar- ticles for Counter Electrode of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells . 33 Giant Dielectric Permittivity and Low Dielectric Loss Tangent in Yb-doped CaCu3Ti4O12 Ceramics ........................................... 33 Phase Formation and Microstructure of Sodium Niobate Powder Synthesized Using Molten- salt Technique ........................................ 34 *In situ* XANES Study of MnO2 Electrode for Supercapacitors . 34 Rapid thermal annealing and structural properties of lattice-matched InGaPN on GaAs (001) grown by MOVPE ...................................... 35 Synthesis of Carbon-Encapsulated Fe3O4 for Supercapacitors Electrode . 35 Characterizing Electrical Properties of ZnO Nanowires with Scanning Probe Microscopy 36 Synthesis and Characterization of Cu2−xTe Quantum Dot on ZnO Nanoparticles . 36 Improvement of Graphene-Metal Contacts by Current-Induced Cleaning . 37 Neutron spectrometry for radiation protection purposes . 37 Design of a BSA for Producing Epithermal Neutron based on D-T Neutron Source for BNCT ................................................ 38 Modelling and experimental investigations of irradiation effects in Si radiation detectors 38 Opening ceremony ....................................... 39 Greeting ............................................. 39 An optical surface measurement for laser removal of graffiti . 39 Arc Discharge Drawing Silica Nanowires ........................... 40 Cuvette’s effect correction for practical light-scattering experiment . 40 Measurement of linear thermal expansion by using fiber optic displacement sensor method ................................................ 41 The Development of Proving an Existence of Single Photon by Three Detectors . 41 Simulation of circular polarization filter in 1D chiral photonic crystal structure with defect using FDTD method: oblique incidence .......................... 42 Teaching Physics, Conservation Laws First .......................... 42 Teaching Problem-Solving Strategy in Circular Motion to First-Year Science Students . 42 The Use of Interactive Lecture Demonstration to Teach High-School Physics in Magnetic Force on a Moving Charged Particle ............................ 43 viii Measurement of Triboelectric Charges
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