REPORT OF INTERSTATE AND OVERSEAS TRAVEL UNDERTAKEN BY MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT FUNDED BY THE IMPREST SYSTEM FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED 30 AUGUST 2013 This report contains a summary of all interstate and overseas travel undertaken by Members of Parliament on official business funded by the Imprest system. REPORT OF INTERSTATE AND OVERSEAS TRAVEL UNDERTAKEN BY MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED 30 AUGUST 2013 FUNDED BY THE IMPREST SYSTEM MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT TRAVEL -IMPREST SYSTEM INTERSTATE TRAVEL HON T WALDRON MLA (M) 11-Jul-13 13-Jul-13 SYDNEY ATTENDED 2013 $750 CONFERENCE OF STATE PARLIAMENTARIANS. HON M DAVIES MLA (M) 11-Jul-13 14-Jul-13 SYDNEY ATTENDED 2013 $1,840 CONFERENCE OF STATE PARLIAMENTARIANS. S LOVE MLC (M) 11-Jul-13 14-Jul-13 SYDNEY ATTENDED THE $2,530 CONFERENCE OF STATE PARLIAMENTARIANS L BAKER MLA (M) 22-Jul-13 26-Jul-13 DARWIN TOURED THE NORTHERN $3,254 TERRITORY PARLIAMENT WITH THE SPEAKER, KEZIA PURICK AND FORMER SPEAKER, JANE AAGAARD. B WYATT MLA (M) 24-Jul-13 25-Jul-13 CANBERRA ATTENDED THE $1,046 COMMONWEALTH GRANTS COMMISSION HON N GOIRAN MLC (M) 23-Aug-13 25-Aug-13 MELBOURNE ATTENDED AND SPOKE AT $1,802 THE RIGTH TO LIFE AUSTRALIAN ANNUAL CONFERENCE. HON B JOHNSTON MLA (M) 19-5ep-13 22-Sep-13 CANBERRA ATTENDED THE $4,077 "INDONESIA UPDATE 2013" CONFERENCE AT THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. OVERSEAS TRAVEL A MITCHELL MLA (M) 02-July-13 09-July-13 LONDON VARIOUS MEETING TO $1,600 GATHER INFORMATION THAT SUPPORTS THE ROLE OF PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY TO THE MINISTER FOR MENTAL HEALTH, DISABILITY AND CHILD PROTECTION. L BAKER MLC (M) 25-Aug-13 28-Aug-13 JOHANNESBURG ATTENDED THE $2,688 COMMONWEALTH WOMEN'S STEERING COMMITTEE AND ATTEND THE COMMONWEALTH PARLIAMENTARY ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE. HON B HOUSE MLC (M) 25-Aug-13 31-Aug-13 JOHANNESBURG ATTENDED AS AN $2,754 AUSTRALIAN REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE AT THE COMMENWEALTH PARLIAMENTARY ASSOCIATION, VARIOUS MEETING WITH PARLIAMENTARIANS OFFICES. T KRSTICEVIC MLA (M) 25-Aug-13 31-Aug-13 JOHANNESBURG ATTENDED THE $1,783 COMMONWEALTH PARLIAMENTARY ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE AND VISIT THE WEST CAPE LEGISLATURE AND SURROUNDING REGION. T BUTI MLA (M) 27-Aug-13 08-Sep-13 ZAMBIA VARIOUS MEETINGS WITH $1,870 GOVERNMENT MINISTERS, MINISTER OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE, VOCATIONAL AND EARLY EDUCATION AND MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, MOTHER AND CHILD HEALTH. ALSO SUPPORTED A CHARITY HEALTH HOPE ZAMBIA. TOTAL FOR PARLIAMENT TRAVEL -IMPREST SYSTEM VISITS: 12 $25,994 ADDENDUM-REPORTS INCORRECTLY REPORTED V CATANIUA MLA TRAVEL TO CANBERRA WAS ON 31-MaY-13 01-Jun-13 - $4,407. (REPORTED IN IMPREST ENDING JUNE 2013) - LATE SUBMISSION THE FOLLOWING REPORTS WERE SUBMITIED TO THE IMPREST SYSTEM AFTER THE JUNE 2013 REPORT WAS SUBMITIED BWYATIMLA(M) 14-May-13 19-MaY-13 CANBERRA, ATIENDED MEETINGS WITH $2,557 MELBOURNE AUSTRALIAN AMERICAN YOUNG LEADERSHIP DIALOGUE, PROVIDE A FEDERAL BUDGET HON J BOYDELl MLC (M) 30-May-13 02-Jun-13 CANBERRA A TIENDED THE FEDERAL $1,482 CONFERENCE OF THE NATIONAL PARTY OF Han Terry Waldron MLA Our Ref C53ddIW14/9 August 16, 2013 Director General Department of Premier and Cabinet Locked Bag 3001 WEST PERTH WA 6872 Dear Sir This is my written report regarding my attendance at the 2013 Conference of State Parliamentarians in Sydney. I attended the Conference of State Parliamentarians (COSP) in Sydney from Thursday July 11 to Saturday July 13 2013. This conference is run annually in different states by the Nationals State Parliamentarians and the purpose of the conference is to meet and exchange ideas as to better government and service delivery in particular to regional Australia. Issues discussed included Agriculture, Education, Gonsky Report, Regional Communications, Country health (Aged Car) and many other issues. I have attended these meetings annually (except 2008) since I have been in Parliament as they are extremely beneficial in assisting me to be a better Member of Parliament. I attended the COSP conference at New South Wales Parliament House on Friday 12'h July. The conference covered many political issues Australia wide and focused on issues concerning regional Australia including reports from State leaders from each state and resolutions. I gave a report on behalf of The Nationals WA. The day ended with a COSP dinner at Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel. I have attached my Imprest Claim with this report. Yours sincerely r .71" Hon Terry Waldron MLA Member for Wagin terry,[email protected]'l.au \'NI\'1.terf)"l'laldron,com,au PO Box 483. Narrogin WA 6312 83 Federal St. Narrogin VIA 6312 ::;108 98811225 ~:t>: 08 98813082 fr;'i'C:.i1l1800 782 997 Government of Western Australia Department of the Premier and Cabinet PARLIAMENTARY IMPREST REPORT FORM Members are to provide a report to the Director General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet on the cost, purpose and benefits of all overseas trips within two months of the completion of the trip. The Department of the Premier and Cabinet collates and coordinates the tabling of the reports in Parliament on a quatterly basis. The repolt below should be clear, concise and focus on the benefits of your ttip to your constituents and/or parliamentmy processes, the Westem Australian community and/or the State of Westem Australia. Please do not attach PowerPoint presentations, research reports or reports otherwise available to the Pat·liament. NAME OF Mia Davies MLA, Member for Central Wheatbelt MEMBER: DESTINATION/S: Sydney NSW DATE OF Thursday 11 July 2013 to Sunday 14 July 2013 TRAVEL: PURPOSE OF TRIP: To attend the 2013 Conference of State Parliamentarians (CaSP) on Friday 12 July and Saturday 13 July 2013 in Sydney. BENEFITS DERIVED FROM THE TRIP FOR THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA: The Conference was held at NSW Parliament House and reports were provided by State Leaders of Parliamentary National Party's. Round table discussions were then held on a number of policy issues including regional health services, natural disaster impacts, coal seam gas, agriculture priorities, children's sport and local government. I confirm that this travel was related to and for the benefit of my Parliamentary and electorate duties and will assist the formulation of State Government Policy. dt;~4l· Government of Western Australia j~!t~~L Department of the Premier and Cabinet PARLIAMENTARY TRAVEL REPORT FORM Members are to provide a repOli to the Director General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet on the cost, purpose and benefits of all overseas trips within two months of the completion of the trip. The Department of the Premier and Cabinet collates and coordinates the tabling of the reports in Parliament on a quatierly basis. The report below should be clear, concise and focus on the benefits of your trip to your constituents andlor parliamentary processes, the Westem Australian community andlor the State of Westem Australia. Please do not attach PowerPoint presentations, research reports or reports otherwise available to the Parliament. NAMEOFc Shane Love MEMBER: DESTINATION/S: • Sydney DATEOF.···· •.... July 11 - July 14, 2013 TRAVEL:. - PURPOSE OF TRIP: Attend the Conference of State Parliatnentarians BENEFITS DERIVED FROM THE TRIP FOR THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Extensive discussions on a range of issues affecting regional residents and industries including land use. These issues are common to the states of NSW, Qld and WA. Government of Western Austl'alia Department of the Premier and Cabinet PARLIAMENTARY TRAVEL REPORT FORM NAME OF Lisa Bakel' MLA MEMBER: DESTINATION/S: Northern Territory DATE OF 22 July - 2.6 July 2013 TRAVEL: PURPOSE OF TRIP: From 22 to 26 July 2013, I travelled to Darwin to complete a tour of the Northern Territory Parliament and to meet with the Speaker ofthe N0l1hern Territory Parliament, Kezia Purick, and the Fonner Speaker of the Northern Territory Parliament, Jane Aagaard. The programme of activities and meetings, and the result of this programme are summarised below. Tuesday 23 July: Meeting with Speaker Kezia Purick, and former Speaker Jane Aagaard. Ditmer with Speakers and partners. Thursday 24 July: All day - tour of Parliament HOllse, meeting with Northern TelTitory Clerk and staft~ visit to hospital, museum, galleries and water front development. Friday 25 July: 9.00am-12.00pm - meeting and touring with Speaker Kezia Purick at Darwin Agricultural Show. Saturday 26 July: Return to Perth. I undertook this visit to: • Improve my understanding of the workings of the NOlthern Territory Parliament, • Visit the Northern TelTitory Parliament House and meet the Clerk and staff; and • Brief the newly appointed Speaker who has recently joined the Steering Committee of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Australia Region COlllmonwealth Parliamentarians. BENEFITS DERIVED FROM THE TRIP FOR THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA: I was lucky enough to have been able to arrange two meetings with the Speaker of the NOlthern Territory Pmliament. Firstly to discuss her role, her electorate and then to be briefed by the Speaker on the current agendas of the Northern Territory parliament and recent challenges she faces in her new role. I was also able to have a broad discussion with the Speaker about the Northern Territory community and specific issues concerning mining, fanning and agri-businesss in her electorate and across the NT. As a new member of the Australian Region's Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians' Steering Committee, Speaker Kesia Purick of the Northern Territory Parliament was vety interested in the background that I provided to her on the role and function of the COlllmonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP). I provided the Speaker with information on the progress that CWP has made over the past tluee years. As the Speaker has only recently joined our CWP COllullittee, I also went through the CWP's constitution, the CWP's three year strategic plan and our operational plan for 2013.
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