S COTTSDALE A IRPORT 15000 N. Airport Drive, 2nd Floor, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 PHONE (480) 312-2321 FACTS FAX (480) 312-8480 www.scottsdaleairport.com Scottsdale Airport: The “Plane” Tale average of 360 days a year using Visual Scottsdale’s only industrial-zoned cottsdale Airport is a popular Flight Rules (VFR), which attracts all area, the airport and airpark are pri- destination for business and types of flying activities and flight mary sources of employment. In Svacation travelers. Owned and training. Scottsdale Airport is a gen- 2005, the airpark area was head- operated by the City of Scottsdale, eral aviation reliever facility and is quarters to more than 30 national/ it’s close to corporate offices, world- home to many corporate aircraft in the regional corporations and home to class resorts, retail, hotels, restau- valley. Airport facilities are contained nearly 2,200 small and medium- rants, residential areas, and golf on approximately 300 acres of land in sized businesses with more than courses. Scottsdale Airport is an the north central part of Scottsdale, 42,000 jobs. ideal choice for vacationers and Arizona. Located 7 miles north of The regional economic contribu- business travelers because it is near Scottsdale’s downtown area, the air- tions of aviation activities generated some of the city’s annual signature port is bounded by Frank Lloyd at Scottsdale Airport is approxi- events such as the Barrett-Jackson Wright Boulevard on the north, mately $180 million per year. This Classic Car Auction, FBR Open Thunderbird Road on the south, impact originates from a variety of PGA golf tournament and the Scottsdale Road on the west and aviation-related activities including Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show. Hayden Road on the east. charter flight schools, gen- The City of Scottsdale is known The mission at the In 1995, the eral aviation activities, as throughout the country as a com- Scottsdale Airport is to pro- Arizona well as travel and tourism. munity where quality of life and vide users with a safe and Department of These aviation activities economic progress are synonymous. secure aircraft operating Transportation create “spin-off ” impacts The outstanding facilities of the air- environment. presented Scottsdale by providing jobs and sup- port, the city lifestyle offered and with the Arizona port structure for other the amenities of the Scottsdale area The “Plane” Trends Airport of the Year non-aviation businesses have attracted many businesses to ith approximately award. around the community and the Airport/Airpark. These same 200,000 takeoffs the state valued at $3 bil- facilities and amenities draw general Wand landings a year, lion. aviation and corporate business trav- Scottsdale Airport is one of the busiest Scottsdale Airport operates as an elers from all over the country to single runway facilities in the nation. enterprise fund with the city, and visit Scottsdale for business and In 1995, the Arizona Department of functions self sufficiently without recreational purposes. As Scottsdale Transportation presented Scottsdale any general fund subsidy. develops into one of the major mar- with the Arizona Airport of the Year kets of the Southwest, Scottsdale award. In addition, “Professional Pilots The “Plane” History Airport plays a key role in linking Magazine” has rated our Fixed Base cottsdale Airport’s history the Scottsdale economy to the Operators located at the airport began in June 22, 1942, as Southeast and the nation. among the top 50 every year since SThunderbird Field II, a basic 1993. training facility for World War II The “Plane” Background Army Air Corps pilots. Since its ith an average median The “Plane” Economic Benefits inception, Thunderbird II graduated temperature of 70 cottsdale Airport and its sur- more than 5,500 students, a total Wdegrees, Scottsdale pro- rounding Commerce Airpark is a three times greater than the entire vides the country’s best year-around Smajor economic asset for the total contemplated by the Air flying conditions. Pilots enjoy an City of Scottsdale. Centrally located in Forces’ original expansion program. The Airport at a Glance Scottsdale Airport began in June 22, 1942, as Thunderbird Field II, a basic training facility for World War II Army Air Corps pilots. In 1966, the City of Scottsdale purchased the airfield from the Arizona Conference of Seventh Day Adventists. The first business jets landed at Scottsdale Airport in August 1967. The first airpark tenant broke ground in August 1968. In addition, Thunderbird II pilots mechanics, woodworking and welding. flew nearly 26,500,000 miles, more The airfield itself became a training The airport is open 24 hours a day. than 3,000 times around the world field for missionary pilots. In 1963, in More than 450 aircraft based at at the equator. Two years, three order to finance renovation of its phys- Scottsdale Airport, from single engine months and 24 days later it was ical facilities, the academy commis- recreational planes to numerous deactivated. sioned the first combined-use Scottsdale Airport is corporate jets. Throughout World War II, design of a clean industrial one of the busiest Thunderbird II devoted its park surrounding an airport. single-runway Runway: 03/21, 8,249 feet long, 100 every facility to the train- The City of Scottsdale airports in the feet wide. ing of more and more acquired the airfield portion country... cadets. In spite of the of the academy’s property in The FAA control tower is open intensified training, the field gained 1966 and has continued to own and 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. a widespread reputation for thor- operate it since that time. oughness of instruction and high In 2004, there were more than 450 More than 10 million gallons of caliber graduates. aircraft based at Scottsdale Airport, aviation fuel were pumped at SDL in After the war, Arizona State from single engine recreational planes 2004. Teachers College (now Arizona to numerous corporate jets. State University in Tempe, Arizona) Approximately 200,000 takeoffs and The most recent Noise Compatibility acquired the airport in order to landings occurred, making Scottsdale Study was completed in 2005. implement its own aviation pro- one of the busiest single-runway air- gram. Distance from the college ports in the country, and the busiest The most recent Airport Master Plan campus and cost of operating an corporate jet facility in the state. for SDL was completed in 1997. aviation program soon convinced Scottsdale Airpark, the 2,600-acre the college to abandon its plans. commercial area that surrounds the The Arizona Conference of airport, has become a national model Seventh Day Adventists purchased for airport-based business parks. This the Airport in 1953 and established model has been achieved through the Thunderbird Academy. Former bar- efforts of numerous City of Scottsdale racks became dormitories. Hangars civic and community leaders. Several were adapted to house a wood prod- important factors have contributed to ucts industry and a vocation educa- the success of the Scottsdale tion center offering training in Airport/Airpark. The workforce with- in its boundaries has tripled in the past Scottsdale Airport What’s the difference between the Airport Why don’t airplane owners get rid of and the Airpark? those noisy jets? Frequently Asked Scottsdale Airport, operated by the Aircraft owners manage their trans- Questions City of Scottsdale is contained within portation budgets very much like 296 acres of land and includes the ter- automobile owners; they trade vehi- Who uses the Scottsdale Airport (SDL) minal building, runway and numerous cles when it is economically advan- today? facilities on the airport property. The tageous to do so. For the commer- There are numerous types of aircraft Airpark is a commerce and industrial cial service airline fleets over 75,000 that utilize SDL, including single area surrounding the Airport and con- pounds, the U.S. Congress mandat- and multi-engined propeller-driven sists of privately owned businesses ed a phase-out program designed to aircraft, jets, and helicopters operat- within approximately 2,500 acres. provide noise relief without impos- ed by business pilots, recreational ing an undue economic burden on pilots, military, and flight students. Why do planes fly over my house? aircraft operators. Currently there is The size of an aircraft is restricted There are several airports in the no legislation to require “hushkits” to an operating weight of 75,000 Phoenix metropolitan area: Phoenix or phase out of jets under 75,000 pounds or less due to runway pave- Sky Harbor, Williams Gateway, lbs., which is the type of aircraft ment restrictions. Scottsdale, Phoenix Deer Valley, that operate at Scottsdale Airport. Glendale, Chandler, Mesa Falcon Federal Law prohibits new local How do you measure Airport activity? Field, Goodyear, Luke Air Force Base new noise abatement restrictions Activity is measured in operations. and other private airports. In fact, without first conducting a cost-ben- One operation is a take-off or a there are about sixteen airports in efit analysis following the 14 C.F.R. landing. A common training Maricopa County. The FAA regulates Part 161 requirements. Noise regu- maneuver called a “touch and go” is and classifies airspace throughout the lations enacted prior to 1991 are considered two operations. Valley to separate air traffic both hori- “grandfathered” and are allowed to What are the benefits of having an zontally and vertically. It is inevitable remain in place. The 14 CFR Part Airport? that air traffic will occur over all areas 161 process requires airports to Airports provide vital links for of the Valley, however, overflights will demonstrate how many residential transportation services and a wide occur more frequently if you reside or other incompatible uses will no variety of aviation services that add closer to an airport flight pattern.
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