
OFFICIAL BULLETIN FREDERICK GORDO WIGHT, Oakland, Cal. (26768). Great-grandson of Jo­ OFFICIAL BULLETIN seph Wight, Corporal, l\Iajor Allen's Company, Col. Rufus Putnam's Mass. OF Regt. OTIS BUCKl\IINSTER WIGHT, Portland, Ore. (2758z). Great-grandson of THE NATIONAL SOCIETY / Silas Marsh, lifer, Capt. Benj. Freeman's Company, Col. Jonathan Holman's Mass. Regt., Corporal, Col. Jacob Davis's Mass. Regt. OF THI!: WARDE \VILKINS, Newton Centre, Mass. (27443). Grcat2·grandson of Bray Wilki11s, minute man New Hampshire Militia, Sergeant, Capt. Archelaus SO NS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Towne's Company, Colonel Bridge's Mass. Regt.; great2-grandson of Thomas Organized April 30, 1889 Aikct~, private, Capt. Heman Aiken's Company, Col. Daniel Moore's New President General Hampshire Rcgt. Newell B. Woodworth, Syracuse, N.Y. Incorporated by Act of Conireu June 9, 1906 HEBER WILLIAMS, Scotia, N. Y. (27540). Great-grandson of Thomas Wil· Iiams, private, Col. Roswell Hopkins's Dutchess County Regt. New Yorlc DECEMBER, 1915 Number 3 Militia. Volume X l k Smitl sonian Jnsti· HENRY T. WILLIAMS, Schenectady, N. Y. (27541). Great-grandson of Thomas he <:ecretary General (A. Howald C ar ' Published at the office of ctober December, and March. Williams, private, Col. Roswell Hopkins's Dutchess County Regt. New York _I • Militia. tution ), Washington, D. C.. m June, 0 ' 8 at the post-office at Washington, Entered as second-class matter, ~lay 7, 190 ' HOWARD CIIESTER WILLIAMS, Easton, Pa. (N. J. 27707). Great-grandson D. C., under the Act of July I 6, I 894· of William Brown, private, Capt. Caleb Bruen's Company New Jersey Artili· cers 2and Capt. John Craig's Company New Jersey Militia, widow pensioned; great ·grandson of Samuel Williams, private Essex County New Jersey Militia. t' by the General Officers, the THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN rec?rds National Committees, lists JOHN EDWARD WILLIS, Chehalis, Wash. (27244). Great-grandson of Henry a~ ~~~er Board of Trustees, the Executtve an o b s and important doings of Thomas, private, Captains James Neal and Uriah Springer, Col. John Gib­ d d of new mem er ' t son's Virginia Regt., pensioned. of members decease an h OFFICIAL BULLETIN may be u~ o DE 'WITT J. WINNE, Schenectady, N. Y. (27542). Great2-grandson of Frans State Societies. In order that t .e . the National Society archtves Win11e, Jr., private, Capt. John Scott's Company Albany County New York . tl preservatiOn m . · S t Militia. date and to msure 1e d . f the entire orgamzatwn, ta e of ; complete history of the omgs o t d to communicate promptly h t rs are reques e · JOSEPH RUGGLES WORCESTER, Waltham, Mass. (27761). Great-grandson Societies and loca I C ap e . t d accounts of all meetmgs of Noah Worcester, Jr., lifer, Captain Dow's Company, Col. William Prescott's. G 1 'tten or pnn e h Mass. Regt.; great2-grandson of Noah Worcester, Sr., Captain, Colonel Burn­ to the Secretary enera wn . f all notices circulars, and ot er ham's Regt. New Hampshire Militia. or celebrations, to forward coptesd ot otify hi~ at once of dates of printed matter issued by them, an o n JAMES LONG WRIGHT, New Orleans, La. (26283). Great"-grandson of Johtt Wright, private Fourth North Carolina Continental Infantry; great'-grandson death of members. of William Sumner Battle, private Georgia Militia. MANFRED CLINTON WRIGHT, Terre Haute, Ind. (27704). Great2·grandson of Eleazar Gilson, private, Col. William Prescott's and Col. Samuel Bullard's. OFFICIAL NOTICES. 2 Mass. Rcgts.; great -grandson of Joel Wilcox, private Seventh Conn. Regt., CoNGRESS will meet at Newark, N.}., Col. Heman Swift, pensioned; great2..grandson of Richard Williams, Sergeant, T!t)l TwENTY-SEVENTH.ANNUAL 6 The National Committee on Capt. Albert Chapman's Company, Col. Samuel Elmore's Conn. Regt., and on fhe third Monday m 19: New Jersey Society are con­ bombardier in Colonel Lamb's Artillery; great2-grandson of John Burroughs, ~ay, ~h Arrangements and the commtttees o . I e ts The headquarters will Sergeant, Colonel Bellows's Regt. New Hampshire Militia; great"-grandson of . f ffi · 1 and socta even · Isaac Shatlitek, private, Capt. Timothy Clements's Company, Colonel Long's sidering the detatls o o eta MT Plaza and it is expected that New Hampshire Regt. be at Newark's new hotel,. the t Sttar_y fi ld 'Princeton, and to Tren- . ·1 1 d to Mornstown, pnng e • k GEORGE EGBERT YOUNG, Schenectady, N. Y. (27223). Great2..grandson of tnps wt I Je rna e . d the Revolutionary Barrac s. Rufus Price, Second Lieutenant Second Regt. Conn. Line, pensioned. ton where a tab 1et WI' II be dedtcate on f IRA PLATT YOUNGLOVE, Chicago, Ill. (27397). Great2-grandson ot Daniel ' I I- has been issued and a ew sur- Beckley, private, Captain Stanley's Company Second Battalion, Wadsworth's. THE NATroNAL YEAR BooK forE 9 ;, . Committee held for sale to d f the xecutt ve · Conn. Brigade, pensioned; great2·grandson of Nathat~ Platt, private, Capt. plus copies are, by or er 0 The Year Book, 402 pages, Elijah Botsford's Company Sixteenth Conn. Regt., Colonel Beardsley. members of the Society at fifty cents eac 11. 2 OFFLCL\L BULLETIN N.\'flON.\L OCIETY, S . •\. R. 3 contains the usual list of offi f S cers o tate Soc· t" d C the Declaration of Independence, and the Secretary General was re­ proceedings of the Portland Congress dd Ie Ies an hapter ' the · · • a resses at Portland ba quested to inform the chairman of the committee that it is authorized and at t pa notic meeting and banquet at San nquet to continue that work under the same joint committee as heretofore. of new members enrolled from May I I I ~rancisco, and pedigrees :Mr. Wentworth, chairman of the Committee on Organization in the are also for sale a few pamphlet ' . 9 4. o May IS, I9I5. There Thruston's address at the S F r.eprmts o! ex-President General West, reported on progress made and suggested the importance of . an ; ranc1sco meetmg on tl "O · . securing the interest of leading men in the work of the Society. E vo Iution of the United State Fl " 1e ngm and mailed, or at rs cents each fo: s~ agji at 25 cents. each for single copie },!!r. Henry, chairman of the Committee on Organization in the Middle at expense of purchaser. pp es ordered m bulk and forwarded State , presented a report expressing the views of the several members of that committee as to the best methods of work, each of them calling particular attention to the great advantage of local Chapters. Good MINUTES OF ME~TOIVEGMOF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. results have come through co-operation with the Daughters of the BER 29, I9I5. American Revolution. The attention of the committee was called to the plan of operations in Michigan, where several Chapters have been A meeting of the Executive Committ f . the Sons of the American R I . ee o the National Society of organized, the State Society being practically placed on a Chapter basis. President General was held etvothutioUn, . duly. called by direction of the The fact that 300 members of the State Society resided in Detroit and F'f ' a e mvers1ty Club F'fth1 only about 50 in the remaining parts of the State naturally resulted I ty-fourth street, New York Cit • avenue and in a feeling throughout the State that social activities of the Society at I0.30 o'clock a. m. Present. py, ?dn MoGnday, November 29, 19!5, . res I ent en era! New 11 B W held at Detroit were primarily of benefit to the Detroit members only, wor tl 1, pre 1dmg ; Mr. R. C. Ballard T e . ood- bert M. Henry of Michigan M EI hruston of Kentucky; Mr. AI­ and that the "State" Society was in fact, if not in name, but a local Chancellor L Jenks of Ill" '. r. d; mer M. Wentworth of Iowa. Mr Detroit affair. To remove this condition, the Detroit Chapter was . InOIS, an Mr John Le d M '11 . organized, membership in which was optional to State members residing J ersey, members of the com 'tt . I . nor ern of New F p d 1111 ee • a so VIce-President G 1 H in Wayne County. This Chapter levied its own dues of $2 per annum . un erson of Massachusetts T G enera enry of 'ew York, ex-Presidents G~ne ret~~e~ eneral John H. Burroughs and took 0\·er the conduct of all social functions in Detroit formerly Morris B. Beardsle•· of C t' ra wm · Greeley of Connecticut given by the State Society. including monthly meetings during the o onnec 1cut Mose G 1 p • Massachusetts, and Cornelius A p I s ree ey arker, M. D .. of winter season. The State Society continues to hold but the one func­ Louis Annin Arne of the Em ir~ ugs ey ~f. New York; President tion-the annual meeting and banquet-and it is the intention of the Moore U S N · . p State Society. Commander John H State Society to hold this at different cities throughout the State, as • · · ., v1ce-c 11a1rman of Comm 1'tt A . · the Society grows in strength. When it became understood that the Aliens, and Secretary Gener 1 A H d ee on mencanization and floor was extended to tho a . owar Clark. The courtesy of the Detroit member were no longer using the State Society as a local Ti e present not members of tl . Society, the outside members began to evidence a willingness to co­ 1e minutes of the meeting of th .
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