BURNESIDE ACTION PLAN: 2010 THE ACTION HOW IT WILL BE TACKLED PARTNERS TIMESCALE 1. Improve provision of local Work with County Council, Parish Council County Within 4 years transport transport providers and user Council, transport providers groups to : and user groups (Community) – provide bus services at convenient times – have all trains stop at Burneside station – promote local transport timetables 2. MaMaintenanceintenance & ImImprovementprovement – Work to iimprovemprove the state PParisharish CouncCouncilil CountCountyy & WiWithinthin 5 yyearsears ooff HHighwaysighways & FootwayFootwayss ooff road sursurfaces,faces, ffootwaysootways DDistrictistrict CCouncilsouncils & assocassociatediated hhighwaysighways UppUpperer Kent ParParishesishes ((HighwaysHighways & Traffi cc)) pproblems.roblems. PPrivaterivate secsectortor – InvestInvestigateigate provprovisionision ooff a shared “len“lengthsman”gthsman” fforor BurnesBurnesideide pparishesarishes – pproviderovide sasafefe ppedestrianedestrian ffootwaysootways fforor sectsectionsions ooff Hall Rd & HollHollinsins Lane 3. Campaign against Littering & – Request greater provision SLDC Within 3 years Dog Fouling & oversight of general Cumbria Police waste & dog bins. Residents Association (Environment) – Promote use of bins Private/voluntary sector – Explore issue of fi xed penalties – Litter-pick days for volunteers 4. ImprovImprovinging road sasafetyfety – RepaRepaintinginting ooff yellow llinesines PParisharish CouncCouncilil CountCountyy WiWithinthin 5 yyearsears & clear ssignageignage ooff parkparkinging CouncCouncilil ((Capita)Capita) ((HighwaysHighways & Traffi cc)) rrestrictionsestrictions CCumbriaumbria PolPoliceice – Re-examRe-examinationination ooff sspeedpeed lilimitsmits where appropriateappropriate – ProvProvisionision ooff sspeedpeed iindicatorndicator dedevicesvices 5. Village Improvements To devise a “facelift” scheme SLDC Within 2 years to include: South Lakes Housing (Community) – improved signage & public Progress Housing information boards Private sector – eradication of graffi ti Residents Association – planting up of areas United Utilities – to petition for sewage improvements to be included in United Utilities 5 year plan for 2010 – provision of a village “Gateway” sign in conjunction with speed calming measures THE ACTION HOW IT WILL BE TACKLED PARTNERS TIMESCALE 6. Promoting a sense of – Supporting work of the Parish Council Within 3 years Community Spirit Heritage Group Residents Association – Devising a Burneside Festival Heritage Group (Community) – Organising & supporting Private sector cultural/social events – Defending encroachment of Green Spaces from Kendal – Investigate cinema at the Bryce – Supporting the development of the Bryce as a village centre 7.7. SSurvivalurvival ooff the Post Offi cece EncourageEncourage reregulargular use ooff PostPost Offi ce WithinWithin 5 yearsyears the Post ofoffi ce & campaigncampaign ParishParish CouncilCouncil ((Community)Community) againstagainst any threatened ResidentsResidents GroupsGroups closureclosure 8. Preparation of Emergency – Identify threats that are SLDC/CCC Within 5 years Planning particular to our community Cumbria Police/Fire – Undertake the completion NHS (Community) and maintenance of a Residents Groups Community Emergency Private/voluntary sector Plan – Provide the focal point and management of the community response to an emergency 9.9. ImprovingImproving ProvisionProvision fforor YoutYouthh – To iinvestigatenvestigate the ffeasibilityeasibility ParishParish CouncilCouncil SLDCSLDC WithinWithin 5 yearsyears ofof a yyouthouth councilcouncil to CumbriaCumbria Youth ((Community)Community) includeinclude rerepresentativespresentatives CumbriaCumbria Police/Police/fi re ofof the Youth Club, SportsSports VoluntaryVoluntary & privateprivate sector Clubs,Clubs, SchoolSchool & Pre-school,Pre-school, BryceBryce & Church iinn order to promotepromote and co-ordco-ordinateinate activitiesactivities forfor youngyoung people 10. Improving Participation in – To investigate the feasibility SLDC/CCC Within 3 years Decision Making of a Council/Residents news South Lakes Housing magazine, twice yearly Progress Housing (Community) – Promote single issue Private sector meetings/debates Residents Association – Investigate provision of a Council Offi ce/room production has been combined on the The Results Burneside Mills site. Of the 850 surveys sent out, there was a 65% return. There were also 16 individual Background to the Community Led replies from businesses and young people. Plan: The questions addressed: Our old Parish Plan from 2002 needed ■ Transport and traffi c revision. Consultations on the new plan ■ Environment began in December 2008 when a steering ■ Community Spirit Burneside Action group of three parish councillors was set ■ Housing up. Additional members of the group Plan: 2010 were co-opted later from other councillors ■ Education and residents. ■ Safety and well being BURNESIDE PARISH PROFILE: The steering group met regularly and Burneside Parish Council is a combined were assisted by members of the South parish council: it is the amalgamation of Lakes District Council (SLDC), Cumbria Summary of Findings the civil parishes of Strickland Roger and County Council (CCC), and especially Generally speaking people found Strickland Ketel. The parish adjoins the from Action with Communities in Cumbria Burneside a safe and friendly place to northern side of Kendal and the village of (ACT). We thank ACT for their help with live, and appreciated elements of the This will require the whole community, Burneside is 2.5 miles from Kendal. funding towards the production of the rural environment. residents and councils (at all levels), The population of the parish is plan. The main issues raised were: young and old, volunteering to help approximately 1600 (2001 census) mainly Questionnaires were sent to residents, ■✔ Traffi c problems and speeding vehicles and take part in turning these suggested centred in Burneside and the remainder improvements into a reality. It is hoped businesses, youth and local community ✔ in the smaller settlements of Cowan Head, groups. There were three public meetings ■ Poor drainage, sewers and fl ooding that people will get together forming Bowston, Bonningate, Plantation Bridge and local groups and committees were ■✔ Litter, and the general appearance of groups to take on specifi c issues. Details and Garnett Bridge and on the farms that visited for comments. Reports on progress the area will be posted in the Parish Newsletter and are scattered throughout the area. on Parish Council notice boards, so keep were given regularly through the parish ■✔ Poorly maintained verges and watch. The age structure of the parish is broadly newsletter. footways similar to that for Cumbria as a whole, but And a big “Thank You” to all who have ✔ the most pronounced difference is in the ■ Dog fouling helped and participated so far. 45 – 59 age group which form 26% of the ■✔ Lack of repairs to Highways and the population of Burneside compared with general erosion of road surfaces in the 21.1% for Cumbria as a whole. area The majority of households (54%) have ■✔ Provision of public transport a gross household income of between ✔ £10,000 and £30,000, but 13.6% have a ■ Provision for Youth household income of below £10,000 and ■✔ Strengthening a sense of Community 10% have a gross income in excess of £50,000. The Action Plan deals with these and other matters. It provides a guide for tackling The parish is, and always has been some of the problems which residents agricultural and industrial. The rivers Kent have raised. & Sprint both fl ow through the parish and these along with their tributaries have provided the motive power for a variety of mills. On the site of the present day paper The Next Stage mill there has been woollen, cotton, sickle, Over the coming months it is hoped that, fulling and corn mills. The settlements of by working together, progress can be Cowan Head and Bowston both had a made towards making the plan translate paper mill but in the last 40 years all the into positive action. .
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