7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COfY VOLUMELXXIII.NO. 15. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1950 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Patent Granted to Red Bank Woman Gets Purchase of Lots Three I nliiirl as Car Lands in (iullv *>«ia Itriplil Bmlhrr, Allen Asks Council $845 for Injury in Fall Parsons Lauos Si«»»-r Join .Navy Myrtle B. Williams of 183 West f. »r Kf'f^r Jr *on of Mr. and Rumson Man on Bergrn pi., has been awarded At Shrewsbury 'Devoted Service' To Take Over $845.90 in the New Jersey Work- men's Compensation court at As- Radio Frequency bury park. The award was bared Faces Early Vote Of James S. Parkes knoll wood Roads upon an injury, which Mrs. Wil- : r.\« .'<•• ••!.• Hunting Devise* a Navel liams testified she received as the School Board Slates HaiU result of a fall down the back steps On \J ntk DOIIP at Rotating Joint for of a home in which she was work- November Election Freeholder Desi II. > M .' • M •• ing as a domestic Deputy Director Memorial Park Multiple Feeds Harry S. Medinet* fixed the per- On Land Acquisition To Help 4 manent injury to Mrs. Williams' P. -i ! W \ • - -' A'V v Th8 United States Patent Office back at ten per cent of total. 1 Shrewsbur.. y voters will go to the MVhv iln Ih^ V* thr (.»•.;•> • 'I'- n on .Scp'.. 26 granted patent No. 2,- Mrs. Williams was represented by ' po early next month at a special ll P genr i MMW nt " Nf A ,|r: • •. V Hn- .7:3'148 on a "Radio Frequency Ro- tutnry 'i'MiMMl Th- •!.]..... I i ' I'-.- William T. Wichmann of Wise 4 [ school election to decide whether fi'.nc Joint For Multiple Feeds" sons 'in.--A *•! i d h.a " • :> 'i •>' ' • n Wise, Red Bank. The insurance I or not the board of education Sheriff W.»l<oil to .Al!><*rt S. White of Rumeon and Saturday ni^hi !••, 'If.-. ,i ;r»; '•' company was represented by John ! should spend $2,500 tor three lots W.'li.-.m H. Rhodes of Baltimore. •a use Ihf I'nitr.l S<vr - \- !i: i <l E. Duffy of Jersey City, I on Obre pi. This invention pertains to im- As outlined by Clarence Berger, with drrrnt pfiii-lr •• I'O \>>\( An!'- To Be Honored piovrmcnls in the means for tranf- president of the board, the three .). ppop'r liko J:inu-> S P.'IK-.- h ••! in;:;,njr j.idio energy between a lots will extend the school's play- Addn-.-inp nrailv 3"" !•••• ";< A Kn- number of fixed circuits and a num- Straus Company ground. The plot will square off who Ratlui nl I o hf'ii":- ! r:c \ ".;n Saturday Mght ber of ciicui's that rotate about a the playground with a tract of j common axis. In other vords, it meadowiand the board hopes to monial dmrui" :il t'n^'al H:i-.-u .UP IVunktl |o Spenk frequently is the practice to make Store-Wide Sale pui chase from the Maix family. Katontoun. thi- MttnrnHv yn. i '• r% use of a number of antennas Mr. Berger said it a-slo will peimit pi cs?cd th*' (•(•nil t v'> £i"i'.-' "If *<>: At Mil Dinner Untwe M - A' mounted en a rotating structure, the boaid 10 cio.se off the lane on th"' veyi s (if .-i i \ hi- Mi I1 it Uf - '. i and energy is fed to them from the southern edfce of tho school's <irvotrd to Ji'^iTiiniMiI. ' \\ r cAt Ol 4.OI* fiatior.ary transmitters. In in- To Mark Birthday property. This will be done by deed- drht tn ih" nit-n who. ,.,r ;(.w <.• s1. ircc.c where there pie only two ing a stretch at the western edge <* pul'ljr. srrvr th« u nrici'-tj I.I He ••IT••>•• •) fe.fl.s the problem has been solved 5 fth Anniversary ol the land to Frank Lane. tins." Mr. Pjii-Mjn.s ;.J=snN .1. * \\>,• i. i. r. ••• pr '•. by the use of two transmission Kvent Offering John Newman reported that the this foundation tc Mini, piumn.i'r.i i-.li.ln h.ie.s, one within the other, and Parent-Teacher association had i.s fIran. Upper Icvrl- r-in ^M (n p.', hawn:; Iheir common axis located Unusual Values unanimously supported the. plan to tho.se who wirld JIHWM, If ihf f->nn • t h i r n i * ! ifl Mr.'I- i-.-T V 1 »•", >c r, WHS ,v th» center of rotation of the d at inn remains <\ rony. thr- I 't.j (<i icvuiwng antenna structure. acquire the lot.'. Kenneth Putton. '•'•'-. ;t' : In appreciation of the patronage States can Mimvr ir.fl;.niiM, >•[•«,! - M • \\ • 1 epi ese nting the P. T. A., silggcstid c M- A Howcicr, accoiding to Messrs. received through more than half a that the election he held Nov. 2, of ton upt polit ical in;uli.n' . 1 fT M-.r:: s ".d.v. The attt.rnry urn or ul * JHJ*1I r.= *- I. I'M; White ,-m'l Rhodes, the foregoing) century, Straus company of Bi ond | dVlU" I'r",ho"next V. T. A. meeting K« 1 •• e If nv'hon! becomes too complicated j st. is marking the 54th annivers-I follow fd rrmaik^ hv Kep .[.line- <' \CH.IKI .-Hi''' : He said that "."> pri.-ons attended 1 t ' 1 UP (>r\ wlir-n mrue than two feeds arc in- ary of business in Red Bank by the la>t nieelinc of the association Amhinrld -.'-, who .-aid. "V - i.ni nf l'<17. \o'ved. and it, therefore, is the offering unusual merchandise val- and tl*at all favored puicliase of trn that MnntiKiiith *-i>iinI> h..« thr ;i,r r object of their invention to over- ues during a store-wide sale start- pnvilfgr to honor a m!in lik*1 .J.uiir> oflii'i-i the lots. p.-.; u-a s come such limitation. Thus they ing tomorrow. John B. Myers, Jr., wlio with .S. Parkre." Thr roi^rr^^in-u) Jj.-tcd t]f, ai t- npp-;r- Mr. Parkrs' frirnillino.cf>.. CIKIIHI Irr, ion >.f have devised a coupling network John H, Mount, Jr., previously ! nil. K i f i r. a n comprising a group of stationary aelf-sncriticr and flrli-ilcrnul as con- • *)f I- nf; Hi .HV II. voted against placing the question trihutory to his "dfviitfil (jo.sirr tn filters --devices that arc designed to before the voters, disagreed with Car which plunged through the railing and into Throctn-iorton s pass one range of radio frequencies dt> sonit'thing worthwhile fur pt-nplr t ;,e 1 .-.er. fh'it Mr. Sutton. Describing .such a sug- t he i to the exclusion of others-each of qu''y en River rd. Saturday night. Broken line shows path of car. with whom hp coin*'." in contjict " gestion as "politics." Mr. Myers w l.s •,, • rn.:r,ed. Sluy which is coupled to one of the sta- Jtimc, Jones of Long Branch, the driver, suffered minor cuts 01 ''HP'H served hi.s enmnmnity -*ind tionary circuits and functions to asked whut assurance the hoard has I >en t | that Mr. Lane is agreeable to mak- country with grrat distinction." de- pass only tha frequency band of the ieg. Two others in the car escaped injury. clared Rr-p. Auchinrlti^s. "ThmiRh lr.i.' n, <v i • ing the proposed exchange of land. pi r,, ..... h ]• hig jol» such circuit. Another array of he's retiring of hifl own fife ^ill. 1 identical and corresponding filters Mr. Newman and Mr. Berger said j we'll have thr benefit of hi? .^if. invu \ injr 1 it of d might Is provided for the rotating struc- Mr. and Mrs. Lane had given the | Heads State Ass'n sacrifice and devotion to all. It's a rer|' ire 1 V ture, and to complete the. assembly board verbal assurances they would j Country Estate „. cat opportunity and a. privilege M F: v r\ i. hori'ijrh r.lerk, • •„ an interconnecting transmission be agreeable. beyond expreasion to pay tribute tn read a le m I'Vjiiglas Clark line, containing suitable joints and Outcome of the discussion was | (Continued on Page 2> n! Sri i'h Wmvilind r) r . who SHld other parts, is set up between the that District Clerk Lester C. Scott In Rumson Sold p^irt^ -f 'hit rond r*.T,l heen iva. n- two filter arrangements. was directed to contact Joseph L. ed .T.VIV >•>• re'-ent riini and asked Clayton, county superintendent of thi> re[iai.« he niTlo Maynr De- It Is claimed that thie novel con- schools, relative to the legal as- By Hintelmann Pru to Observe ni^e stater! the condition had al* struction is simple, and practical, pects of the election. The election and in ita use the interconnecting will be held at the earliest date al- line serves to transmit the fre- Oak lea Comprising Mr. Smith r<-ad th» rerort of H. lowed by law. 75th Anniversary I.ynnwond Mn'on. huildinjjf inspect quencies of all of the tIrculta while k th" various filters assure that the In other business of the four- Over Five. Acre* Hai Local Office tn Hold for. f'ermits fir new .u:'dinga anft frequencies on one side of the ro- hour meeting. Charles Maikham re- othor rrin-t ri.'t: in w-ork flmouni- tating joint will appear only in the ported that the question of having New Owner Parly at Old Orchard injr >n ?3:i.Mn.i ••.TH i>»u"d during corresponding circuit on the other a school bus pick up pupils in the SeptornHer to Charley Imlay, Ri\ er northwest and southeast .sections of Andrew J.
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