Australia’s reformed AP evangelical periodical AUSTRALIAN PRESBYTERIAN SUMMER 2017/18 Here I stand Lessons from Luther Trashing liberty When laid aside Editorial activists, liberal thinkers and post- W. R. Inge, the so-called “gloomy dean” modernists all Unite in the belief that of St PaUl’s Cathedral in the early 20th somehow history will appear as the centUry, did not get mUch right, bUt he final jUdge, and they shall be welcomed is well-known for the observation that into the kingdom of progressive “Whoever marries the spirit of this age righteoUsness. will find himself a widower in the next”. The recent plebiscite over same-sex History rolls on Until God calls a halt. marriage witnessed an almost Universal Those who hUff and pUff in the attempt desire on the part of the “yes” to keep Up with the times tend to appear campaigners not to be left behind by rather old-fashioned as one era gives history. It is not immediately obvioUs way to another. Nothing is more dated, how history jUdges anyone. The Lord of for example, than old books on Biblical history is the one who jUdges. Men with Criticism or eUgenics or Darwinism. n recent times we have often heard, the sexUal proclivities of the emperor To cite C. S. Lewis: “All that is not in one form or another, what was Nero (died AD 68) and Ernst Röhm eternal is eternally oUt of date.” What expressed by Nikita KhrUshchev in (the co-foUnder, along with Adolf I matters is not some delUsional attempt 1956: “History is on oUr side and we Hitler, of the SA, who was assassinated to be on the right side of history in the will bUry yoU.” JUst aboUt everybody in 1934) coUld be viewed as fUtUre, bUt the beaUtifUl joy of being on armed with a progressive caUse believes progressives on the right side of history, the right hand of the Son of Man in that somehow history will vindicate for a time at least. Yet it is a precarioUs glory (Matt. 25:31-46). what is being advocated. Democrats, hope, and prone to sUffer badly from commUnists, feminists, homosexUal too mUch contact with reality. Peter Barnes Editor Peter Barnes | Social Media Coordinator Rosemary Timmins | Website ap.org.aU | Online Blog apmagonline.org Facebook facebook.com/apmagonline Making disciples across Australia Evangelism and Discipling Opportunities A range of exciting ministry towns, one-to-one evangelism and only have suitable theological opportunities exist across the discipleship ministry on remote knowledge and pastoral skills, continent for people who have properties, pastoral care of isolated but also have a genuine a heart for the lost and the people and active involvement in willingness to get involved in skills necessary for effective local community events. people’s lives in practical ways, evangelism and discipling in order to serve and to bear PIM Teams have a long history of initiatives in remote places. witness to the love of Jesus. rolling up their sleeves and Successful appointees can entering into the day-to-day lives of For more information please contact the PIM CEO, expect to be involved in a wide those amongst whom they serve. Andrew Letcher by range of activities, including Accordingly, these roles are hands preaching and teaching in small on and require people who not email: [email protected] 2 AP SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR OWN FREE COPY AT AP.ORG.AU Lessons from Luther From doctrine to how we see the church, Luther remains a vital figure. Carl Trueman talks to Peter Barnes r Carl TrUeman is a professor the predictable question: how did simply as an inspiring figUre. His of historical theology and an Englishman get to be a Church writings were widely read by the DchUrch history at Westminster historian and Orthodox intellectUals who headed Up the Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. He Presbyterian minister in the USA? Reformation. What I noticed, however, is married to Catriona, who is from the was that his thoUght was often adapted That’s a long story which inclUdes me island of Lewis, off the west coast of to the English context. ThUs William losing a key family vote. BUt to keep it Scotland. They have two sons, John Tyndale Used LUther as the textUal basis short, I trained to be a straightforward and Peter. Carl was broUght Up in a for a nUmber of his works (we call it academic and then taUght at two very sUpportive bUt non-religioUs plagiarism today bUt back then sUch British Universities – Nottingham and home, and was converted to Christ at a “borrowing” was acceptable!). Yet each Aberdeen – bUt then aboUt 2000 Billy Graham rally when he was 17. time he took a passage from LUther he Westminster asked me to consider Soon after he became a Christian, he woUld modify it – for example, he applying for a job there. The rest, as went to stUdy at the University of woUld add a section on the Holy Spirit they say, is history. Cambridge. It was there he came Under or emphasise the role of good works. the inflUence of Dr Roy Clements, the How did you become a Christian? minister of Eden Baptist Chapel. As far as today’s ChUrch in England, In 1984 a school friend of mine took LUther woUld be UsefUl both as a model ThroUgh this ministry Carl began to me to hear Billy Graham. That sparked of biblical (albeit at times very flawed) develop growing convictions aboUt the an interest in Christianity and I started leadership and as a good gUide to the trUthfUlness of the doctrines of grace going to chUrch. When I left for college most foUndational biblical doctrines: and Reformation theology. On a year or two later, the local Baptist Trinity, incarnation, law, gospel etc. completing his stUdies at Cambridge he pastor gave me a copy of J. I. Packer’s You have favoured the word went to the University of Aberdeen to God’s Words . It was throUgh reading stUdy for his PhD in Reformation “Protestant” over “evangelical”, that book that I finally came to and written of “the creedal chUrch history. In Aberdeen he began Understand – and be convinced of the attending a Presbyterian ChUrch imperative”. Why have you said trUth of – the gospel. (ChUrch of Scotland). It was here that this? You did your doctoral work on he first encoUntered Reformed Evangelical, particUlarly in the Presbyterianism that drew its strength Luther’s legacy in the English reformers. What was his impact, American context, is a term defined and vitality from the doctrines oUtlined more by sociology than theology. in the Westminster Confession. compared to the Swiss influence? And how might this help the Protestant is a little clearer and at least Welcome to Australia again, and I modern Church in England? has the advantage of connecting Us to trust the visit has been fruitful, the Reformation. As to the creedal for you as well as for those who My doctoral work demonstrated that imperative, I believe that a healthy have heard you. For those who LUther certainly had an impact Upon chUrch mUst have both a soUnd, don’t know you, can I begin with the English Reformation, and not biblical polity and a clear confession of faith. Both are taUght in principle by Luther today would be useful both as a model PaUl in his pastoral letters, with his of biblical leadership and as a good guide to emphasis on elders and on a “form of soUnd speech”. There are many reasons the most foundational biblical doctrines. for this bUt perhaps the most obvioUs is SUMMER 2017/18 3 that creeds facilitate the stable “A healthy church must have both a sound, transmission of the faith from one biblical polity and a clear confession of generation to another. In a recent blog you rather faith. Both are taught in principle by Paul provocatively say that Marcion is in his pastoral letters.” one of the most influential thinkers so far as the modern you clearly have a special the life and times of the Reformers. evangelical Church is concerned. appreciation of Martin Luther (as Roland Bainton’s biography of LUther, What do you mean by that? well as John Owen). What is the Here I Stand, remains an excellent place I think that was some years ago, maybe disconnect between the modern to start. Then by learning the great a decade! BUt it seems to have been evangelical Church and the great theological insights of the Reformation. rediscovered. I was trying to make Reformer? Here I woUld sUggest reading some of evangelicals think aboUt what role the the confessions and catechisms of the There are so many. I woUld say the Old Testament plays in their life and era – LUther’s Small Catechism, The most obvioUs, however, woUld be his worship – particUlarly the latter. I love Heidelberg Catechism etc. Finally, I high view of the visible chUrch and his singing the psalms (while not being an woUld sUggest thinking throUgh the emphasis on the importance of the exclUsive Psalmodist – I love singing practical implications of this theology – sacraments. So mUch modern hymns too!) and yet these great songs of thUs reflecting on jUstification by grace evangelicalism sees the visible chUrch as God’s people have dropped from view throUgh faith shoUld lead one to see the almost an optional extra and the in many chUrches. That says something vital importance and centrality of sacraments as something we do withoUt aboUt how we view the relevance of the preaching to the ChUrch. really Understanding why. Old Testament (as well as the cries of Do you think the study of history lamentation and imprecation which How can we be helped and may give us insights into the mark many Psalms).
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