Rec & Leisure Guide 2019

Rec & Leisure Guide 2019

Residential & Personal Lending - Agricultural Lending - Leasing Commercial Lennding - Group RRSPPs - RESPs - RDSPs - Wealth Services - Estate Planning Member Servicces - Student Line of Credit - ATM Jackie Mullin Scott Beehler )LQDQFLDO6HUYLFHV 2IÀFHU Account Manager Deana Williamson 204.734.6841 204.734.6842 Manager, Member Services Roxanne Schhneider Pat Morden 204.734.6848 Manager, Personal Finnancial Services Account Manager Yvonne Brelinski, 204.734.6837 204.734.6835 Member Services Supervisor Melissa Sollis Nicole Vestby 204.734.6846 )LQDQFLDO6HUYLFHV 2IÀFHU Account Manager 204.734.6820 204.734.6823 Check us out Kanddace Hart online for a Mutuual Funds Investment Sppecialist complete list Creddential Asset Managemment Inc. of our services! 204.7734.6833 Mutuual Funds are offered throuugh ATM services available CCredddentialti l AAssett MManagement IInc. in Swan River & Benito 913 Main Street Easst Swan River Branch in Benitoo, Agency in Minitonas Contents Swan Valley District Recreation Programming 4 Town of Swan River Recreation Department Programming 5-11 • Arena & Parks • Aquatic Centre Mass Registration 12 2019 Volunteer of the Year Award Nomination Form 13 Swan Valley Fall/Winter 2019-20 Programming 14-15 Organizations and Community Clubs in Swan River 16-23 Organizations and Community Clubs in Benito 23-24 Organizations and Community Clubs in Bowsman 25 Organizations and Community Clubs in Minitonas 25 Where do I find Parks & Playgrounds 27 Swan Valley Stampeders 2019-20 Schedule 31 SV Recreation & Leisure Guide 2020-21 Registration Form 33 Index 35 Thank you for taking the time to read the 21st Annual Swan Valley Recreation & Leisure Guide. It is an excellent way for both residents and tourists to learn about the recreation and leisure opportunities available in the Swan Valley. Although every effort is made to ensure the contents of this publication are correct at the time of printing, misprints may occur or circumstances change. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you would like to have your organization included next year, please contact the Recreation Office before June 12th, 2020. The Swan Valley District Recreation Commission extends a huge thank you to the staff of the Star & Times for putting this guide together. A big thank you also goes out to all the sponsors for advertising in this year’s guide. Please show your support to the sponsors, as the guide would not be possible without them. We hope to see you at the Swan Valley Credit Union Mass Registrations nights in your community. It is an opportunity to sign up for the great activities taking place this year. 4 Swan Valley District Recreation Commission Registration Info Fall/Winter 2019-20 Programs Registrations will be on a first come, first served basis. In order to secure your spot, full payment must be received. Cash or cheques Youth & adult will be accepted. Cheques should be made payable to the Swan Valley District Recreation Commission. Registrations accepted at adult Co-ed VolleYball league the Recreation Office & Town of Swan River Office. Dates: Mondays, November 4 - March 3 Time: 8:00 - 11:00 pm The Swan Valley District Recreation Commission reserves the right Age: 16+ to cancel programs. This will only be done when circumstances Location: SVRSS deem it necessary. Every effort will be made to notify participants Cost: $150/team if this should happen. Wind-up tourney: March 8, 2020 adult dRoP-In basketball, sWan RIVeR 50% of the registration fee will be refunded if person does not Dates: TBD attend the program and has notified the Recreation Office at least Time: 8:00 - 10:00 pm two days prior to the program start date. No refunds will be given Age: 15+ if person has attended some program sessions/or does not attend Location: SVRSS and not notified the Recreation Office. In the event of the program Cost: TBD being cancelled, a full refund will be issued. adult dRoP-In soCCeR Dates: Wednesdays, November 6 - February 26 Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Fall/Winter 2019-20 Programs Age: 14+ Location: ESRSS Children and Youth Cost: FREE. Donation from Kornelson’s Valley Service and Ceramic Tile Depot Youth IndooR soCCeR adult WalkIng PRogRaM, sWan RIVeR Date: Mondays, October 14 – February 24 Dates: Tuesdays & Thursdays, October 8 - March 19 Time: 6:00 – 7:00 & 7:00 – 8:00 pm Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm Location: ESRSS Age: K - Grade 2 & Grade 3 - 6 Cost: FREE Location: Taylor School Gym Cost: $45 adult dRoP In basketball, MInItonas Dates: Mondays, November 4 - March 9 Red CRoss babYsItteR CouRses Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm Date: Early 2020 Age: 14+ Age: 12 and up Location: Minitonas Middle Years School Cost: FREE. Donation from Kornelson’s Valley Service and Ceramic Tile Depot Locations: Swan River, Bowsman, Benito, Minitonas Cost: $50 adult WalkIng PRogRaM, MInItonas TBD Youth sPoRts nIght - boWsMan Date: Once per week beginning November 2019 Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm Age: 5 - 12 Programs subject to change. Information on all our programs can Location: Bowsman School Cost: FREE be found on the website at . Youth sPoRts nIght - sWan RIVeR Date: Once per week beginning in October 2019 Age: 5 - 12 Location: Taylor School Cost: FREE Contact Info General Manager of Recreation: Patti Henkelman Phone: 204-734-4586 ext 3 Fax: 204-734-5166 Email Address: [email protected] Website: Location: Town of Swan River Office, 439 Main Street, Swan River Mailing Address: Box 1356, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm 5 Town of Swan River Parks & Recreation Department ball diamonds, soccer Fields, Centennial swan Valley Credit union aquatic Centre arena & legion Park Contact Info Recreation Operations Coordinator - Aquatic Centre: Brendan Contact Info Fedorchuk • Facility Number: 204-734-4119 Recreation Operations Coordinator - Arena and Parks: Hugh Hunt • Email Address: [email protected] Facility Office/Centennial Arena Phone: 204-734-4141 • Website: • Location: 1424 1st St. North Fax: 204-734-3831 • Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:00am-9:00am, 12:00pm- Email Address: [email protected] 9:00pm, Tuesday, Thursday: 6:00am-8:00am, 12:00pm-9:00pm, Website: Saturday, Sunday: 12:00-5:00pm Location: 221 9th Ave N The facility will be shut down September 1st-29th inclusive for Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm annual maintenance. The Customer Service Desk will remain open for business from 12:00pm -5:00pm, Monday to Friday from swan River Centennial arena schedule September 16th - 27th. (September - March) Parent-tot-adult-senior skating Dates: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am Cost: FREE thanks to the Rotary Club of Swan Valley Public skating Dates/Times: Tuesdays & Fridays 7:30 – 8:30 pm & Sundays 3:30 – 5:00 pm Cost: FREE thanks to the Rotary Club of Swan Valley Check weekly schedule for changes noon hour hockey Dates: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm Cost: $140 for the season swan River lions Club outdoor Rink November - March (weather permitting) Open 7 days a week 8:00 am - 10:00 pm Fees & Charges 6 Riichardson Recreation and Wellness Centre ^ǁĂŶ sĂůůĞLJ ƌĞĚŝƚ hŶŝŽŶ ƋƵĂƚŝĐ ĞŶƚƌĞ ϮϬϭϵ >ĞƐƐŽŶ ĂƚĞƐ͕ &ĞĞƐ Θ ŚĂƌŐĞƐ- Fees do not include taxx WĂƌĞŶƚ WƌĞƐĐŚŽŽů &Ăůů>ĞƐƐŽŶƐ ηŽĨ ůĞƐƐŽŶƐ ^ǁŝŵWĂƚƌŽů ΘddŽŽƚ ƚŽ>ĞǀĞů ϲ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJƐ ϯϬŵŝŶ ϯϬŵŝŶ ϰϱŵŝŶ KĐƚ͘ϭϮƚŚ ʹ ĞĐ͘ ϰƚŚͬϭϵZĞŐ͘ďĞĨŽƌĞ͗ KĐƚ͘ ϯƌĚ ϭϬ ΨϳϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϳϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϵϬ͘ϬϬ dƵĞƐĚĂLJͬdŚƵƌƐĚĂLJƐ KĐƚ͘ϴƚŚ ʹEŽǀ͘ ϳƚŚͬϭϵ ZĞŐ͘ ďĞĨŽƌĞ KĐƚ͘ ϯƌĚ ϭϬ ΨϳϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϳϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϵϬ͘ϬϬ tŝŶƚĞƌ>ĞƐƐŽŶƐ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJƐ ϯϬŵŝŶ ϯϬŵŝŶ ϰϱŵŝŶ :ĂŶ͘ϭϭƚŚ ʹ DĂƌĐŚ ϭϰƚŚͬϮϬ ZĞŐ͘ ďĞĨŽƌĞ͗ :ĂŶ͘ ϮŶĚ ϭϬ ΨϳϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϳϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϵϬ͘ϬϬ dƵĞƐĚĂLJLJͬͬdŚƵƌƐĚĂLJƐ ƚŚ ƚŚ ƚŚ ΨϳϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϳϬ͘ϬϬ ΨϵϬ͘ϬϬ :ĂŶ͘ϭϰ ʹ &Ğď͘ ϭϯ ͬϮϬ ZĞŐ͘ ďĞĨŽƌĞ :ĂŶ͘ ϵ ϭϬ 'ŽƚŽ͗ ǁǁǁ͘ƐǁĂŶǀĂůůĞLJƌĞĐ͘ĐĂʹŽƌ ĐĂůůƚŚĞ ƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ ĞƐŬΛ ϮϬϰ-ϳϯϰ-ϰϭϭϵ ĨŽƌ ŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͘ KŶůŝŶĞƌĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶŝƐ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞŝĨLJŽƵ ĂůƌĞĂĚLJ ŚĂǀĞĂ ůŽŐŝŶĂĐĐŽƵŶƚ ĐƌĞĂƚĞĚ ΎtĞ ƌĞƐĞƌǀĞ ƚŚĞ ƌŝŐŚƚƚŽ ĐĂŶĐĞů Žƌ ƉŽƐƚƉŽŶĞĂŶLJ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵŽƌ ĂĐƚŝǀŝƚLJΎ ĂƚĞ ŽƐƚ ŐĞ dŝŵĞ &ƵŶůƵď - &Ăůů KĐƚ͘ϵƚŚ ʹ ĞĐ͘ ϭϭƚŚͬϭϵ ΨϵϬ͘ϬϬ ϳ-ϭϮ ϰ-ϲƉŵ ƚŚ ƚŚ &ƵŶůƵď - tŝŶƚĞƌ KĐƚ͘ϭϬ ʹ ĞĐ͘ ϭϮ ͬϮϬ ΨϵϬ͘ϬϬ ϳ-ϭϮ ϰ-ϲƉŵ WƌŝǀĂƚĞ>ĞƐƐŽŶƐ͗ ΨϯϬͬϯϬŵŝŶĨŽƌ ƚŚĞĨŝƌƐƚ ƉĞƌƐŽŶ - Ψϯ͘ϱϬ ĨŽƌ ĞĂĐŚ ĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶĂů ƉĞƌƐŽŶ ǁŝƚŚĂ ŵĂdžŝŵƵŵ ŽĨ ϯ ƉĞŽƉůĞ͘ ;ƉĂƌƚŝĐŝƉĂŶƚƐŵƵƐƚďĞ ŝŶ Žƌ ĂƌŽƵŶĚƚŚĞ ƐĂŵĞ ůĞǀĞůͿ ĚǀĂŶĐĞĚƋƵĂƚŝĐƐ ϮϬϭϵͬϮϬ ŽƐƚ ϮϬϰ-ϳϯϰ-ϰϭϭϵ ƌŽŶnjĞ^ƚĂƌ ΨϭϮϱ͘ϬϬ KĐƚ͘ϵƚŚ ʹ ĞĐ͘ ϭϭƚŚ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJƐ ϲ-ϴƉŵ ƌŽŶnjĞDĞĚĂůůŝŽŶΘ ŵĞƌŐĞŶĐLJ&ŝƌƐƚ ŝĚ ΨϮϮϬ͘ϱϬ ĂůůƚŽ ĂĚĚLJŽƵƌ ŶĂŵĞƚŽ ƚŚĞůŝƐƚ ƌŽŶnjĞƌŽƐƐΘ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ&ŝƌƐƚŝĚ ǁŝƚŚ Ψϭϲϴ͘ϬϬ ĂůůƚŽ ĂĚĚLJŽƵƌ ŶĂŵĞƚŽ ƚŚĞůŝƐƚ ƚŚ ƚŚ ŝƐƚŝŶĐƚŝŽŶ ΨϭϮϬ͘ϬϬ Ɖƌŝůϴ ʹ :ƵŶĞ Ϯϰ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJƐ ϲ-ϴƉŵ EĂƚŝŽŶĂů>ŝĨĞŐƵĂƌĚ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ ΨϯϮϱ͘ϱϬ EŽǀ͘ϭ͕ Ϯ͕ ϯ Θ ϴ͕ ϵ͕ ϭϬ >ŝĨĞƐĂǀŝŶŐ/ŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŽƌ Ψϯϰϭ͘Ϯϱ ĂůůƚŽ ĂĚĚLJŽƵƌ ŶĂŵĞƚŽ ƚŚĞůŝƐƚ Standard 1st Aid with AED Ψϭϱϳ͘ϱϬ ĂůůƚŽ ĂĚĚLJŽƵƌ ŶĂŵĞƚŽ ƚŚĞůŝƐƚ Emergency 1st Aid w AED (includes CPR) Ψϳϴ͘ϳϱ ĂůůƚŽ ĂĚĚLJŽƵƌ ŶĂŵĞƚŽ ƚŚĞůŝƐƚ Fees & Charges 7 Resiidents of non-contributing Swan Valley municipalities pay double the listed fee. DROP-IN AND MEMBERSHIP FEES - 7D[ZLOO EH DGGHG WR WKH SULFHV DW WKH WLPH RI SXUFKDVH Ressidents of non-contributing Swan Valley municipalities pay double the listed fee. Except for daily admissions which are applicable to all. 10 20 Daily 1 3 Annual Membership Tickets/ 10 Tickets/ 20 Admission month month visit pass visit pass Fammily $23.00 $193.20 $362.25 $202.00 $518.00 $975.00 (2 parents and their children) Seniors (60+) $6.50 $54.60 $102.50 $55.00 $141.75 $350.00 Adult (18 and up) $8.00 $67.20 $126.00 $66.00 $170.00 $435.00 Student (with valid student ID) $6.50 $54.60 $102.50 $55.00 $141.75 $350.00 Teen (131 -17) $6.50 $54.60 $102.50 $55.00 $141.75 $350.00 Child (33-12) $5.2525 $44.1010 $83.000 $477.000 $114.000 $235.000 Tots (2 & under) free free free free free free Aquatic Fitness Pay a regular drop in fee or use your membership card.

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