(Dll0 IL !N (D©D(D 2574 BeiHoRG/^ AMAZING STORIES QUARTERLY eo, ano 'The Eyrie shines with an inter­ gfgp^ TENTATIVE TITLE of a quarterly esting discussion of weird subjects bv a |$| science fiction magazine soon to be reader named Howard Brenton MacDonald. & published by. Ziff-Davis, is Amazing ' Representative of the new atmos- St or to s Quarterly, It will not be the where is the Boyce cut which heads the oldtime quarterly revived, however; the title page. At the risk of putting our- format will be the same as that of the selves on a limb, we say: watch Weird monthly; 260 pages of complete science Tales. and fantasy fiction. Editor 'Palmer states: “The maga­ FAMOUS zine ’.'ill be slanted to the general pulp Wi EMRY ICJTTNER seems to have made a readers; and, f*r that reason, l’m hit with "Pegasus'1 in the current afraid the fans won’t exactly be satis­ T Yha issue of Famous Fantastic Mysteries fied. The idea behind the quarter!^ is according to readerrs response. One to introduce a whole new group of writes: “It is a long time since such a readers to science fiction, and, in that beautiful story has appeared in the way to benefit the entire professional wages of any science fiction magazine.” stf field, as well as ourselves.” (Ex­ Request has been made by a Braile socie­ change, Kid-West Mews and Views.) ./ ty for reprint rights in one of their publications. A W WEIRD TuLES Incidentally, we make haste to cor­ A lA.aNCE COPIES of the July iesue of rect' and apoligizo for an error in our Ml eirci Tales show a regenerated mag- last issue. The companion magazine to 4/%\azine, yet one which has not lost Famous Fantastic Mysteries is to be anything of the splendid atmosphere titled: 'Fantastic Novels. (No “famous"). which has been built up around it. The price on the now magazine is to be Most notable is the variety of 20 cents rather than 25 ’as was announced subjects and presentations, a thing in the current issue of FEM, which cannot adequately be described, Cover is to be from “The Blind but wJr ch can soon be felt by the read­ Spot", a Finlay interpretation. It will er. The art work is principals by the be 144 pages, trimmed edges. newest addition to the MT staff, H. Del Campe, v.’hilc Finlay, Bok, and Ferman QUIP continue with the type of artwork which ,EE BACK COW roads the little in­ has endeared them to the magazine’s sert on the front cover of the new followers. revamped Fantastic Adventures. Wo Particularly recommended is Frank Slooked, remembering the excellent back Gruber’s brief talc “The Golden Chalice” covers by Paul on previous issues* as well as Seabury Quinn’s ’’Gentle All we can say is that wo apnraci- ' creT,olf", ’’The Crystal Ifordo”, an stf atc Editor Palmer’s thoughtfulness, ahd talc by. Harry Walton, .and Gans T. wonder ooftishly as to whether or not it Field’s “The Dreadful Rabbits”. might. be $ hint, but, after all, wo do The poetry section has been rctain- have-’;.a tynewritor . Science Fiction Weekly was e.woounded in the first two stories, Rogers does not apncar. This story en­ THE NATIONAL FAN REVIEW titled “Space Guards“ cops the cover of the May Astounding Science Fiction — a REPUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY at 2574 cover, coincidentally enough drawn by [®JBedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hubert Rogers I [j Volume One, Number Ten; Whole Num­ ber Ten. April 21, 1940. Five cents, AJ&B REDERIK POHL, editor of Astonishing per, single copy; three issues for ten an<$ Super Science Stories, states cents; eight for twenty - five cents. y that he is now willing to consider Please do not remit by money order. Ie purchases of serials. I'e has already hill exchange with any other fan maga­ accented a novel by Malcolm Jameson, zine. carrying the unusual title “Quicksands Advertising: full page nds for 75p; of Youthwardness“• When askod to ex­ ne will also exchange quarter-page ads, plain this odd' title, he stated thata same to be published whenever 3. more retiding convinced him that no other such are to hand, so that a full pge title could possibly fit. The first in­ is thus taken. In all such instances, stallment is tentatively planned for the an extra page of reading matter is guar­ October issue of Astonishing. He de­ anteed. clined to say whether this signified a Svavements or views expressed in shift to monthly publication, but said signed features or columns do not nec­ that it was a strong possibility. essarily reflect the opinions of the editors. The pages of this magazine are E-ANERT writes: “The South’s ^1 open at' all times to orderly rebuttals A$’\ fan (me of course) and his side kik upon any statements appearing herein. /All Bill Dubruoq, have decided to form the Dixie American Federation of Science- Editor - in - Chief Fictionists, hereafter referred to as Robert VI. Lowndes "Daffs”. “This is an organization simple i n Associates structure, but all-embracing in scope . Chet Cohen Dick Wilson Fashioned on the plan of the Illini Fan­ Leslie Perri tasy Fictioneers, but requiring no mem - bership fees save 25$i to cover the cost of handling and mailing members* cards. CUT DESK “he will charter branches, the only BOUT 12 YEARS AGO a writer then un— requirement being three members and a known, Philip Francis Khowlan, sold subscription to Science Fiction Weekly. a story named “Armageddon 2419 AD“ The official paper of the ’haffs’, Abo Amazing^ Stories« Shortly thereafter, PA^htjia Rraecoz, will be issued monthly he did a’Tequel called “The Airlords of wVcli up to tlie minute news of who is Ilan also published in the original Ama­ doing what in wherei zing Stories. All science-fictionists below the J-hese suories introduced a civiliza Mason-Dixon line will be contacted in tion set some centuries ahead, and a the next few weeks in what is to be a cnaracter known as “Buck" Rogers. Radio gigantic membership drive. Our hopes, listeners soon became acquainted with no doubt, will exceed our returns, but this character although there was little '.e intend to show another organization real connection between the sound stf of i.rho would like to rule the fan world ’Armageddon" and the harum-scarum ex­ that it just can’t be done.“ ploits of the radio A comic strip “Buck Rogers Don Ebllheim*s “People of Planet p“ Shortly before his untimely death, is the third of his tales- to see accep - Philip Francis Knowlan wrote anothr tale tance this year. Storjr has been taken centering around the same general time by Mr Malcolm Reiss of Planet Stories, and portraying the same civilization a s and may appear in the 4th issue’. THEIR OEN PETARD by II. C, Koenig that you may not have heard much about ES1HE NEETEST TRXCK OF TEE WEK. — Esperantigm, ” bji From ’’Mystery of the TThito Raider” (An ’ism' that we may not have O in Fantastic Adventures, Feb, 194-0, heard much about? Oh, Mr Eornig, where ’’Struggling and shoving','” it took the have you been? You don't get around three of them their united strength to much, do you? Haven’t you been reading lift that gross, heavy body. They man the magazines lately? why, I have soon aged it finally and staggered dorm the so much about it recently in the fan stairway with it, dumped it in the back magazines that I am pretty well fed-up of the roomy pc Mee car.'”’ ~ with it. t ~(Now look at the illustration. Some people — well-meaning folks, It s a honey and shows that ’’gross, no doubt — seem to believe that Esper- heavy body" flung clear of the car and autism is a definite part of science- hurtling dormuxCrd*’ to the water. Shortly fiction. I disagree. Except in a casu­ thereafter one of the characters speaks) al way, it has no more place in fantasy "I don’t suppose the corpse would fiction than pig-la,tin. or some of the float out anyway, it wa_s jammed pretty other 'isms’, Entirely too much space tight in the back,” ' ' and time has been devoted to the- sub­ (Then the corpse pulls a reverse ject of Esperantism in our fantasy mdg- Houdini. Note the next paragraph.) zincs. If these advocates of Esperanto Durnc gave the necessary instruc­ wish to preach their gospel, do it in tions for the river to be dragged, and magazines devoted to the subject and toward four in the afternoon the salvage don't clutter up the science - fiction •was complete. The derelict car was re­ mage zincs to which many of us now’ sub­ moved to the official headquarters and scribe. Thy PRJ'J’JS jornmed inside was dumped on a Just to Reep the records straight, slab in the morgue. I do not dislike Esperanto; nor do I From “‘By Lay of Correspondence” in dislike Esperantists as a. group. I _L2 Vonibitcur, Volume 3 Number 5. ”lnci- merely dislike the inclusion of so many dcntly, I was not ’bored 1 by the admira­ articles and letters on the subject in ble constitution New- Fandom presented, fantasy magazines.) merely stifled and nauseated by the limitless ambition w'ith w'hich the New dick Wilson’s STRICTLY PUBLIC Fandom trio credit themselves. It is For a long time we have been passively only a pity that the ’inner circle’ of annoyed at the British custom of rele­ your admirable organization could not gating first names, no matter hew im­ h( vc been in on the forming of the portant to initials (J, Venue, T.
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