ats Press U.Mass, Penn State the anovan VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY VILLANOVA PA January 26, 1977 Senate Debates University Priorities By T ONY DiFRANCESCO ducing Ventures from sixth to shape iIs fut ure." T he University Senate will meet second and the Planning Function Hegarding the other significant t his Friday to discuss t he budget from first to sixth. In addit ion to changes, Tuition and Salary In­ for the 1977-78 school year. One of t his amendment, it was mot inned crease for Faculty and Staff the prime guidelines in de­ to include the rationale that ac· moved to first priority because termining the budget has been . \1\ companied the initial I isl of Father Breslin thought it im­ ordering of University priorities, riorit ies only for the informat ion perative that sa laries support which have been the source of of those who consult the list. Both rises in the cost of living. With much discussion at the past two amendments carried. 9.';.8 percent of University income senate meetings. In reference to the Planning derived from student tuition and On March 19, 197(;. the Ex­ Function, Paul J. Gormley. fees, the added concern for In­ ecutive Committee of the Uni­ Priorities Committee Chairman, come - Producing Ventures is ob­ versity Senate established an ad stated that it was in a sense a per­ vious. hoc Priorities Committee to de­ manent watchdog of the budget. Realizing the numerous amend­ vise this list of priorities. Since He indicated the time and effort ments to the 1976 Priorities Com­ April the thirteen member group expanded to accumulate the data mittee Report, Commerce and has met with members of the Bud­ necessary for asse ssi ng the Finance Senator Matt Christenson get Committee as well as in­ priorities and felt their periodic suggest ed the Senate s ubmit more dividuals representing a cross task would be eliminated by specific guidelines to the section of the university corn­ st rengthening the Planning Func­ Priorities Committee in the future munity. tion. According to the rationale of when the charge is given to the The Committee's report was the 1976 Priorities Committee, the committee to review priorities. presented to the Senate at its Planning Funct ion "will provide The appointment of a Priorities November 19 meeting and en­ the vision and consensus Committee for 1977 remains an countered immediate .r it ici om. necessary for the University to uncertainty, Reverend Hichard D. Breslin. O.S .A., c hairman of the Budget Committee, was disturbed by the Photo by NIch ola s Calapa placement of Academic Ex­ Architects Plan flOl J, Gormley . Chairman of the Priorities Co mmittee of th e cellence as seventh upon the list of lIy Senate, ten priorities. He suggested that the title ·'Hesearch·Faculty Development" be substituted for Center Location Academic Excellence and that the On .l anuary 7t h The Kling Part· d) Sullivan Fie ld adio Station Plans 1ist of prior it ies include a pre­ nership represented by Jon Naylor e) Vasey - Dougherty Hillis amble stating the University's and architects Robbie Cox and These alternate locati ons were chief academic goal to be Sam French. presented to the evaluated on the basis of specific New Format academic excellence. These Committee charged with over­ site considerations, proximity to DARREL DRUCK MAN wrap-up' on Frrday alternoons, amendments to the Priorities seeing the design phase uf the new campus centers, security. lllno\8'_ radio sial ion, reporting parties and other SOCIal Committee Report were accepted University Center. a summary of pedestrian and vehicular cir­ , recently held elections functions planned in and aroun~ culation, site utilities and visual pla~ned by the Senate. their progress to date. .-c10ll director. Select cd was Villanova. Also are ski Then, at an Extraordinary The University Committee was impact on the campus. While each a~d Bruckner, a junior with reports information as to class meeting of the Senate held on appointed by Fr. Driscoll last alternate site has some desirable day~ . ar experience t the cancellat ions on snow December 3, Father Breslin sub­ Summer to set up and conduct the and some undesirable aspects the BrUckner replaces the for- Bruckner's biggest hope IS to go mitted a new 0 rder of priorities. procedure for the selection of an site in the vicinity of Dougherty IOn director Jerry Kopen- FM. The station presently .trans- The main changes were as follows : architect. and to oversee the and Kennedy Hall demonstrates rnits on carrier current and IS able Tuition and Salary Increases for design phase of the program. The the most de sirable aspects and to reach only a maximum of 3800 Vilianovans re aware of Faculty and Staff from the fourth Committee is haired by Fr . John least undesirable aspects. The listeners. There are numerous ob­ 1ltt10l\ and frequen tly tune in priority to the first. [ncurner Pro- Deegan. Vice President for Committee accepted the archi­ bur ports coverage and (Continued on page 4) Student Life and made up of the tects recommendation for placing mu te. But, with the many following members: Fr. Driscoll the University Center between PM tation in the Phila­ (ex officio). Fr. Mahoney, Vice Dougherty and Kennedy Halls. II rea, WKVU often lacks a President for Financial Affairs. The architects underscored the lISt ning audience. Bruckner Mr. Edward Murray, Assistant to problem with the existing system to lleviate this problem. the President, Dr. James Duffy, of pedestrian and vehicular cir­ culation on campus. They Oll.Monday morni ng, .lanuary Associate Professor Education proposed the following plan as 111.00 a.m.,the st ariu n opened Department and Mr . Joseph Phase I in solving this problem : I new format. T he new Walters, Member. Board of m I directed toward t he Trustees. PHASE I ate audience. Hath er than The Kling representatives - An additional loop road and analyzed the existing campus in ". the top forty hits. sc lec­ parking lot (260 cars) north of terms of the use of land. the pat­ Will be gean' d toward music Sullivan and Kennedy HIIII. popu lar wit h the st ud en ts. tern of pedestrian and vehicular - Relocat ion of the \than Avenue circulation and utilities, and its rea_ed sports coverage is vehicular entrance from ils In visual characteristics including planned. A new fea t ure is present location just north of prominent landmarks, attractive Lancaster Avenue to a location uled where basket ball star view s, and definition of ar chi­ Herron wi ll have a pregame just north of Bartley Hall. te ctural exterior space. -Enlargement of the Dougherty dunng which he wiII discuss The architects further, I umg game. Hall service area 10 serve the evaluated five alternate sites for University Center. er Bruckner feels that the new University Center: The The Committee rejected this IDoIt important aspect of the sites are in the vicinity of: proposal plan and have asked the I to orient it toward the a) Alumni Hall - Library architects to re study their a community. li e wants to b) Library - Corr Hall proposed solutions to the parking th t 18 pert inent to the c) Kennedy . Dougherty Halls and circulation problems, u h a 'we -kend Ne w WKVU Station D irector. Wally Page 2 • THE VILLANOVAN • January 26, 1977 Odds, Ends, and Opportunities The Classil-al :\lu,ic s.~· The Accounting Soc iety of Omicr on Delt a Epsilon an­ The Villano.a Celtic Societ )' . ~I .t ) Planning to win a Nobel Prize, enjoying a com..bark an,) pI or just like to write for fun '! Come Villanova University is principally nounce s its annual select ion of will prese n t lUI l'vc ni ng of Iri sh ' an ' hold an orKanil.alion m••1 to the Wrile,,' Wurksh op . Each operated to provide all the 0 <" new members. Ea ch year the In­ Folk Mu sic, T raditiona l mu sic, tonight, Wedn esd ay, ,Januan work is read by the author and cou nt ing majo rs in the College of ternat ional Honor Society in songs , an d step.danc ing on Sat ur ­ in t ill' En t Lou n ~ e of Dough,: constructively cr it icized. This is Commerce and Finance with in­ E eonomics selects el ig ible day night, January 29t h, at 8 p.m . I~ all . Anyone who is inter"'lfd your chance t o make known and formation related to th eir futures st udents to he re cognized for out­ Noted local performers in cl ude Clusaical Mu sic j« IIlvited to improve your wriring skills. Come bevond Villanova. The meetings standing achievement in the st udy champion fidd ler Eugene O'Don­ in bet ,,:el'n 7:00 p.m, and 10 and show us what you've got. ar~ forums where "l\ pea kers from of economics, and to become as­ nell, fo lk singe r and in­ p.rn. Hring ~'o ur homework and Meet ings are held every Monday various business roncerns are in ­ sociated with this internationa l st r umentalist M ick M al oney, lOy lin eve mng of b,-autiful m at 7 p.m. in St. R it a's Chapel. vited to talk about the op­ group of sc holars. Ui lleann pip e player Thom as ~: n ~1 Everyone is welcome to come portunities, problems and The requirements for pros­ Stan deven, and T he M aureen D r . He in ? of the I when they can, whether or not te chniealities in the fields th ey pe e t i ve me rn be r s h i p a re: a McG rory Iri sh Step-Da ncers, The Depar t men t 18 our moderator H t hey've got something to present.
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