INGHAM COUNTY NEWS VOL. LIX MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, .TUNE 28, 1917 NO. 2ft McM.\i\.\.MOi\-.MIi;i5,S. MKS. ( HAKLKS FIKiil) I'LAYS A quiet home wedding took place AT (>. 10. H. CO, CONVIOXTION at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W, H, ION C0RTRI6HI SAILS Mrs, Charles Field of this cit.v, Miors last Wednesday evening, June gifted pianist and teacher of plana 20„ when their youngest daughter, music, charmed the large audience at Ida, was united in marriage to Glen ON FRENCH LINER the county convention of the Order McManamon of Lansing. The effec­ of Easter Star, hold at the Masonic WILL lll'l IN CAI'TAIX IIIOKINKO.N DKIilVIOnS tive ring service being used with Rev. Vi:itV FKW KKrUSK TO HKIil' ixTi;iu:.ST.s OF Y. M. hall In DunsviUe last week Tuesday, IM'.I) citoss <JI.;TS MATFHIAL ADDItlOSS. Maxwell performing the ceremony, THIS (JKIOAT CAU.SI!. €. A, by her rendition of Chopin's "Revolu­ and little Maxine Eckhart carrying tionary Etude" in C Minor, Op. 10, HFLI' IN SIIOKT OKDFH. V\uss of T\v('ii(,v-Si\ llaiiii ()v«T Keiii.s the ring concealed in a rose. The liotli H4)licit<>r,s Ami Soliciteil Hone Oineiiil.<« Huve Little Feiir of U-lhxit.s No. 12. Mrs. Field gave a masterly I>r, Oady, of LiinsinK, Oive.s Sti'ong —\<> Liners Utnt On Tlii.s Line. (o .hiiiiors 'riitii'Mliiy Kt'eiiiiiK' bride was gowned In .white voile and Their IMit.s Cliocifiilly. interpretation of this famous Etude, I'litriotic Ail<li'es.s»Cliili OrKi>Hi'''''<^L carried bridal roses. The bridal the theme blending perfectly with Tlio scliool .ludltoriiini w.is we'll couple took their places unattended The people of Mason and the sur­ A letter has been .received by Mr. the patriotic nature of the day's pro­ At a Red Cross meeting Tuesday niled lust Thursday (ivoiiing by in front of an alter of-white lattice rounding country have again had an and Mrs. J. A, Cortright from their gram. As an encore Mrs, Field gave evening held at the town hall, called friends of the twoiity-aix graduates, work trimmed with myrtle and terns. opportunity to express their loyalty son Ion, who was in New Vork and the popular "Dance of The Dolls" by by-Chairman I, W, Moe, one of the The stage was decorated with terns A bountiful two course dinner was to our nation, our Flag, and the boys waiting to sail for France last Satur­ P.oldlnl, most enthusiastic gatherings t>at and plants. Miss Mariani Longyoar served by the Misses Ruth Gillespie who will be called to the front in this day night. Mr. Cortright will take ever assembled in that place, listened opened the program with a inarch, up V, M. C. A. work. Following are and Mildred Ellison. war, by contributing ?4100 to the A t'OHKIlCTION. to an address by Dr, George L, Cady wliich was followed by. an invocation Mr. and Mrs, ^[cManamon went to National Red Cross for war relief and extracts taken from the letter: of l.ianslng. He delivered one of the liy rtev. G. W. Maxwell. Mrs. Bond Y. M. C. A. work. Dear Folks; I received your cer­ An article in last week's Issue, con- Detroit and Cleveland on their bridal corning some Brown Swiss cattle, strongest patriotic speeches ever lis­ and Mrs. Mlclcelson then sang a very tour and will be at home in Lansing ' A committee consisting of A. J. tificate of birth 0. K., without which tened to in this place, he gave it right pleasing solo and responded to an 1 could not have sailed. I wasn't stated that they were property of Lin- after June 30. Hall as chairman, A. Bruce Ball, sec, fred Marshall. These cattle were from the shoulder and the man that, •(Micore. The 2()tli was also the bride's par­ F. E. Searl, I. J. Kellogg and M. A. sure until this morning that I was to was asleep in this crisis and did not Captain Jonathan Dickinson of sail with the bunch Saturday. It I raised by_ L, S, Marshall, of Leslie ents thirty-first wedding anniversary. Bemont spent much time and thought township," get woke up l)y being hit right be­ • Itoonvllle, Mo., delivered an Instruc­ In selecting the workers and district­ iiadn't have understood an auto I tween Hie eyes was devoid of feeling. tive address, on tlie sul)ject of "Our ing tlie city, the surrounding country don't believe tiiey would have taken Mrs. Frank Gardner of Lansing also llorltago." He is Captain at the and getting matters in sliapo for the 1110. '• You see there are 5,000 men af­ gave a fine address to the ladies along Kemper MIlKary Scliool. Captain ELECTED PRESIDENT OF l)ig drive which began Tuesday morn­ ter :i,200 ,iobs, and good men, too. LOCAL TALENT WILL tlie lines of conservation of every i:)i<;klnson told of the doveiopiiient ol' ing, Juno 10, at S o'clock. Most of tlioni have been "Y" men so tiling oven to robbing the gariiage (li'Miocracy and its effects tliroughoul EAGLES ORDER A preparatory meeting was called 1 felt pretty good about being chosen, can. 'i'he DansviUo orchestra rend­ I he foinitry. for all the workers at Hie court house Tiioy want ail around men, A sample GIVE ENTERTAINMENT ered several fine selections. At the .Mrs, i'Hii'.abi'lli Walker of .lackson .M)\v niATi;ij,\Ai) I.\.SUI;A.\CK on the Monday evening and about GO of quostlons; "Could you load in close of the mooting a voluntary sub­ riMidcred a solo and also responded singing'? Are you an auto nioclianic';' UNDFJt ALLSPICES OF PYTHIAN CO. TO ItK OIUiA.M/JOl). attended. The plan was presented, SiSTKiSS. scription was asked for and iii less to !in I'TUiore. discussed and accepted and tiie work­ Could you offer prayer to a brigade tlian twenty minutes ,iust six hundred Nailian Diivis, president of the (GOOD) ready to go to i)attle'? They William 11, Craliam, county clerk ers given tlieir territory. A very pleasing event is in store doliiirs was raised not including over .senior class, in a few well cliosen of Ingiiam county, was ciiosen state Every worker went out from that assume you lead a Christian life'; Can one hiindrod dollars in duos. words, |)r('s(.'nliMl the senior cuj) to you talk French, Italian, German, etc, I'or music lovers of our city at the president of Hie Fraternal Order of meeting witli a grim delerminatlon to Presbyterian church Friday evening. 'I'ho orchestra Ihon played America llic .iiniiiirs, .Miss ICsthcr Moshor, in iOagles at the convention liold at Es- do his best in a cause wholly worthy, etc'?" l)i'liiiif of ihe juniors, made liio I'o- 'I'he mombers of Mrs. Keliogg's class the audience joined in singing, they canalia last 'i'liursday. In addition and with a feeling that they wore Wo iiave had some -woudorful ad- will give a recital and will be assisted wore then dismissed by I'^^idor Pass- sponse and aecepled Hie cup for her to this iiigli iionor, .Mr, Graliaiii was doing iliolr lilt toward slamping out drosses by men from Hio front on ev­ class. by some of tlio best talent of our city, moro, ai:ter wiiicli the ladies gatliered (ilected representative of tiie Mlclii- i'lnissianism from the world, keeping ery sub.|oct. I feel already its a lib­ 'i'ho piano for this occasion will lie in one corner of the auditorium and i.. li. iMcArlhur presentotl Hie gan Slate Aerie from the second dis- Old Glory in its proper place, and eral odueatlon, but 1 wouldn't fool diplomas In the gi'aduates after which furnished by the \V. W. Kimliall com­ !i 'I'lirlfl Clul) u-iis organized liy Mrs. liastoiilng tlio dawn of' a universal right If I hadn't tried to got into the pany of i^ausing. Tin^ rocltal will Gardner. Mrs. C, W, Clark was .Miss (,'arwil' Clienoy presented I lie peace. So In spite of the rain on army first. 'I'liey may need mo yet, lii,i,'li school wllii Iwo lieaillifui pic- liegin at 7:;J0. An admission of 10 elected cliairnian, lAlrs, C, A, Diolii, 'i'uesday luorning aljo.ut '10 men and but I really believe I can do more cents will be clicrgod, the proceeds lo s(>cret;iry, Mrs, (lardnor, accompan- iiii'cs. 'i'iiey were portraits of two 18 women reported for work and af­ good in this work. I know Hie kind foi'iiu'i' presidents, tienrKi' Wasliing- go to tiio Pythian Sisters. 'I'ho fol­ li.'d liy Mrs. Dr. liarher will hold meet­ ter roeeiviiig tiielr suiiplios and final of boys those fellows are and -what lowing momiiers of Mrs. Keliogg's ings weekly here for the purpose of tdii and Abi-aliam I'jiicoln, and were iiislructions, started out on the er- llioy want and need and I have a in lai'ge walnut frames. class will take part in Part 1 of tlio instructing tlio ladies in Hie art of raiiil of mercy. A more dcterniinod "liniich" I'm going to surprise some program; Ituth llazelton, Mary canning all kinds of fruit and vege- lii'V. .Maxwell then •pronounced tlie and enlliuslastic lot of men and of those old heads. 1 ran across lieiit'diction. Minar, Walter Sabin, Janett Sever­ laldos.
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