Average Daily. Net Presa Run SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1968 Fer tke Week Beded PAGE TVS^VE manrlf^atfr lEuftting l|frali» 2,.1M8 10,859 car. Water - and sponge and chamois. The works. After he got Over 50 Couples Member «f the Aedit e t C^ tdatlejiii MnnckeHer-^A City of Village Charm Aboti^Town ft ‘ shining to -his-imliifactibn;- he Piiiney-Ollari Nuptials. QUINN’S was -very careful in hi* driving that AtXouiilry" H e d r W M night to. see that he, didn’t, hit . any The Loyal Circle of Kings big puddles that would louse up Over SO couples, members of St. PHARMACY (aamined AdverUatag M rage 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1953 Daughters of the Center Church And on Some of Manche»ter*$ Side Streeltf Too his handiwork. He wanted his car will hold iU regular meeting at to be spotless for the trip to church Mary's 80-50 Club, last night en­ 7:45 Monday night at the church. Sunday, morning. joyed the Country Night program Surgical dressings will be folded. Cat Tale * and the man got his car started,. So it was with especial care that of the club held at the church. All OPEN SUNDAYS The hostesses will be Mrs. David he tucked his auto awaydhat night, Last week one of the featured He drove it to the station and left attending wore old clothes and en­ Muldoon, chairman, and Mrs. it there, since he wanted to have giving it an extra wipe-off before G O P Backs articles in Heard Along concerned tered into the fun of the square Clarence Petersen and Miss Doro­ a cat. Well, draw up a chair folks, the trouble checked. closli^ the garage door. 9A.M.io1P.M. thy Petersen. That was all until the next Maybe it was because he'd work­ and round dancing, for which Carl AFL Opposing we have another cat tale to pass morning about 11:30. In the same ed so hdl-d, but the next morning Wiganowski was prompter and along. ' Tony O'Bright’s orchestra furnish­ 6P.M.to9P.M. E seiihow er •‘Keeping up with the Jones' ” Is A local family lost its pet cat. spot where our friend had been our friend overslept a bit. When a problem in any family, and Mias stranded the night before another he got up, he knew he'd have to ed the music. The family searched and searched A potluck was served preceding Fay Moeller will speak on this sub­ man bad parked his car,- and- was- rush not to b « late for church. And the . immediaU neighborhood but the program, which was handled ject at a meeting of this Washlriff- vlsiting at a home nearby. A rush he did. He ran Into his ion could not find the feline. by Mr. and Mrs. William Bren­ ton-South Schools Child Study pickup truck from the aforemen­ clothes, grabbed his topcoat and A few nights laUr, the man of nan. group Mdhday night at 8 o’clock the house was several streets from tioned service station pulled up dashed for his car.' at the Washington School Annex. his house when he saw his cat play­ alongside the parked car;.(la drivel-. He was in so much of a hurry ! Wssbihgton, ^^eb. 9—(/P)— that he was halfway to church be­ Miss Moeller is a specialist in fam­ ing near a home. He got out of got out and climbed 'into the WE CARRY ALL 4 Miami Beach, Fla., Feb. •9—(/P)— The American Federatira Top Corigressiontl Republicsn ily relations from the University fore he noticed there was any­ his car and called to the animal. vehicle. LEADING BRANDS o f Labor today was prepared to launch a new and specialized leaders said today they had o f Connecticut A ll mothers,,, and Instead o f -coming, when . called,, About this time the. woman of. thing arniss. Then he saw those Hospital Notes .muddy. animal' Sprints.. that.. were attack bn the Taft-Hartley Labor Law expected to focus on 1« • father* are invited to attend. the cat 'riin into the cellar through the' house saw what -wax going- on- t a w tracked across his nice, gleaming AfUiur Drue Stem or 2b5a _maior - f ' ooiiils.■ A*"PT F L 'AAtiAnaCtlbn ii'tllwilt follow astatement statement issued issued an open window. and notified her guest. He looked Patients Today .................. IS l ‘ident Eisenhower on a wide hood. When he stopped at the yesterday by the CIO executive*— T“ ~ Healthy Children Help Crippled Ones Sunset Coiincll No. 45. Degree Knowing that the cat was a val­ out the window, saw the man program of legislation. Sen. church, he saw that the prints con AD M ITTED YESTERDAY board in Waahlngton, criticising | - ^ , -. T ^ 1 A. of Pocahontas, will hold a kitchen ued pet of the family, the man poking around in his car- and be­ tinued right up across the roof of Taft (R.;, Ohio) Republican walked up to the front door of the JCaren Schweir, South Windsor; krfw**-e^ eeew? ,/ • ^ C lM m ’52 R adi" social and grbeery bingo Monday came a bit perturbed. He opened thee car. Crusty, muddy prints house and knocked. He explained Pamela Holmes, 80 Summit street; fR^%;.orrVb.xriia;?r.? B r id e s F lo t floor leader, said after a night at 8 o'clock at the home of the door and shouted indignantly, they were, as if the animal were that his cat, missing for several Mr*. Nettle Briggs. 4 North Fair- Law. White House eall that Con­ Mrs. Myra Fitzgerald. 12 Bralnard "Hey, you, what are you doing out wearing boxing gloves. place. Prizes will be awarded and days, had been seen outside the there," field street; Mrs. Madeline Pratt, The CIO said the changes fell gress ia shooting for a July 4 f.+ . Our friend had plenty of time to FILMS refreshments served. The public house and had run Into the cellar. The service station man knew 487 Center street; Miss Frances short of "the standard o f justice adjournment and he believed He wanted to know if it was all what he was doing. "W e got a call think about the incident later while DEVELOPED AND and faiiness to labor promised by Convictions i'Letters Forge<H is invited. he was busy wiping off the tracks. Rose, Stafford Springs; Joseph it could, be achieved.. right to go into the cellar after at the station that there was a President Elsenhower" and charac­ He finally hit upon a pretty plausi Gilman, Chicopee Falls, Mass.; PRINTED ’Taft gave this quick rundow n on Mrs. Everett Beldlng of 54 Cam­ the pet. car stuck up here with a dead terized them as "p e tty liberaliza­ subjects which h4 said will 'be WfiAhington, Feb. 9— (/P)— ‘ ble solution which was clinched Mrs. Marilyn Stavnitsky, 72 Drive 24-HOUR SERVICE tions . .coupled with new anti- bridge street home service direc- The home owner said it was battery," he replied. ' when he went out to ungarage his H, Silver Laine Homes; Mrs. Mary A re taken up by Cqn’gresa in thlA ses­ Sen. Bfirrett (R., Wyo.) said] union restrictions.” . tor of Roskln Distributors. East O.K. and the man entered the cel­ The owner of the car became a car Monday morning. As he opened Brown, 8 Rogera place; Adrian Film Deposit Box sion and. whieh he aald he la cer­ today a Senate subcommittee, Hartford, returned yesterday from lar and picked up the cat. He came little red-necked. He Infom ed the A ipecial committee of top AF1-. the door, he had the wits scared Groot, 452 Main street; Harvey A t Store Entrance tain ‘qf approval. has asked the FBI to deter-: D u U e s H i S t Joseph, Mich., where she visit­ up the cellar stairs and was m t man, in no uncertain terms, that out of him by two big cats that Howe, 68 Olcott drive; Mrs. Cath­ leaders has - been studying the Washington, Feb. 9— (4*)— Tliey ara: ed th* automatic washer factory aMUt ready to leave the home he hadn't called any gasoline sta­ came scooting off the top of his erine Kosak, 134 Union street; question for weeks. Its report. 1. Reorganisation of executive mine whether 'Vice President! •and attended home laundering when tha-woman pf.the house said. tion .. and „* .that... ■'there's _ nothing autor- AH - they left behind -the»» Mrs.- laHlie'- Bdmekleri • •• RockvIHef ' taeedbaaed' '■ mIn pa<4.pert- oon n . aaawera ilram.i.Tbe, ,SHPI!bWb -Cpurt. tP^aj depanMefiU a » « agencies;------ - Nixon was slandered dtifihjsf' school to observe methods of test Where are you going, with my wrong wliii, that car.’’' ' ’. were tracks, big muddy ones, all Frederick Warren, Bolton; Charles KEMP'S presidents of unions a «lla ted with I held----- the— conviction-----^ ____Of I 2. Appropriation bllja to be Euro* ing washablllty on the new syn^ Thoroughly bewildered now, the the election campaign. ! Cftt, over the paint. Mitchell, South Windsor; Howard . the AEL. Is reported ready for persons---------------------- accusedj of conspiring tot action by the Senate not Barrett, chairman of th* Elec-; thetio fabrics. Sure enough, it was her cat. service station attendant scratch­ Being a rather clever Individual, Wilson. Broad Brook; Cynthia •tudy by the A F L executive coun­ to.bring aliens into this coun- later than May;lS. The man Is still scouting around ed his bead, shrugged, climbed tiona stibcommlttoc, said thrgroup our friend has figured out that the Hubbard, 236 Main street.* cil.
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