-v W fgffci * JffiSJ €!)ateu>ortI) p a in dealer FIFTY^SEVENTH YEAR CHATSWORTH. ILUNOIS, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1930 NUMBER 4 LOCAL GOLFERS ARE AD Together, Now! We CAN the B el! GIRL, YOUTHS. FIND THREE NAMES ACTIVE AS THE END OF FAST PACE ENDS IN A THE SEASON NEARS TERM BEHIND THE BARS KIBLER’S SQUAD As the golfing season nears a close At Lincoln, in Logan county, last ARE ADDO TO for 1930 Chatsworth players become week a Judge In the circuit court IN 1 2 0 VICTORY more active and every day that can passed sentence upon two of a trio find some excuse for side stepping /J that had terrorised the community DEATH'S ROLL work finds them on the links. for a brief time. The girl, although OVER WATSEKA ■X but 15 years old, seems to be about A blind bogy tournament was held as depraved as could be and seems to , Fnmk Fitzmmirice, Juckon B. on the local Klckapoo course last think she was a heroine for the part ChfttSWOlth' Tow nship H igh Trask and William Fortier Thursday afternoon. Eleven players she took in several holdups and rob­ School Eleven Wins competed In which four were entitl­ \ beries with two men companions. P u s Away. ed to honors. In the draw J. W. The end of this series of robberies Second Game. Helken was first; Dr. O. D. Willstead might prove a lesson to a few other , second and S. J. Porterfield, third. boys and girls who are “stepping ' Flw k FlUmaurice B. B. Herr was the fourth man. Mr. along” at a pace that eventually The net proceeds of last (Friday's Frank Fltimaurlce died at 10:00 Helken was given two golf balls for leads to trouble. contact between Coach Klbler’s foot­ o’clock Saturday, October 4, 1930, at first honors and a ball for low score \\ Pleas for probation made by Vel­ ball squad and the Watseka Com- 0C Joseph’s hospital In Bloomington, of the day. The other two men were ma Reed, 15, and Leonard Greitman munlty High School eleven wera after a week’s illness following a given a ball each. Rev. Father 23 members of a bandit trio which Chatsworth 12, Watseka 0. serious operation performed the pre­ Strovlnski, of Gibson City, a guest, C r t held up and robbed John Folds, Elk- The details of the contest are giv- vious Sunday for ulcers of the stom­ was given a ball as consolation prise hart night watchman, August 28th, en in The Tatler of this Issue so It la ach. His age was SI years, 10 for highest score. were denied by Judge Frank Lindley sufficient here to say that tbe Chats- months and 26 days. in circuit court Thursday afternoon.'worth boys made the breaks—op- Funeral services were held at 9:30 Nine Chatsworth golf players went Both had pleaded guilty, the girl to ponents’ fumbles—count and used a ’ Sm o’clock Tuesday morning In Saints to El Paso Sunday afternoon and robbery and Greitfan to robbery with i little better head work In tight plac- Peter and Paul’s Catholic church In engaged a like number of Benson IIA r e aABLE£ ¥ 'WiU.vmo a gun. es. Chatsworth and interment was made players In a medal play tournament Sentences Girl to Reformatory i The greater part of the game was In St. Patrick’s cemetery, the last of 18 holes. The Chatsworth men The Reed girl was given an In- played In the center of the field and resting place of the deceased being won 13 to 9 but the result was not determinate sentence of one to 20 honors were even as far as first beside that of his wife. determined until the last two men PROMOTION years at the Geneva state training downs were concerned, each team The pallbearers were Messrs. Jas. turned In their scores as the two school for girls while Greitman was j having four to Its credit. Outside Baldwin, B. J. Carney, William Reb- players were tied on the first nine given a sentence of one year to life, of Chatsworth’s two touchdowns it hols, Edward Rebhols, Peter Kur- holes and, still tied on the fifteenth The report on Joe Rozenski, 19, was a nip and tuck contest all of the tenbach and Dennis J. Herrins. but Dr. Willstead took the sixteenth the third member of the bandit trio;way. One outstanding piece of Among those from out of town at­ hole by one stroke and halved the who also pleaded guilty to robbery work occurred when Watseka made tending the funeral were: Mr. and last two to win the two points neces­ with a gun was filed late by Proba- a march, with the assistance of a Mrs. Don Bowen and son, Donald, sary to win the tournament for tlon Officer W. S. Ellis and the de- Chatsworth penalty, to within five and Robert Culkln, of Chicago; Mr. Chatsworth. fendant will be brought into court'yards of the Chatsworth goal line and and Mrs. Carl Gerbraeht and their This was the second time the Friday. jwas held for downs by tbe Chats- daughter, Alverta; Mr. and Mrs. Stu­ Chatsworth players have defeated Blamee Girl’s Mother worth line supported by an alert art Plonts, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, of the players of John Helken’s old Judge Lindley in passing sentence backfield. W eston; Mr. and Mrs. August Brd- home town, but they are still game on the girl, said: "She Is more to be. Make Ready for Sanoemin man, of Colfax; Mr. and Mrs. Albert and a third match has been arrang­ pitied than condemned. This re- While the victory was appreciated, ISrdman, of Anchor; Mr. and Mrs. ed for this afternoon at the Kicka- port reads like a wild western story The local squad has taken it modeet- William Culkln, of Clifton. poo golf course, after which the and shows that within a week's time ly and has not shown any signs of Frank Fltimaurlce was born at Benson players will be guests of the all the laws of the universe have overconfidence which Is so destruct- Chatsworth November 8, 1879. He Chatsworth players at a chicken su­ WOODMEN LEAGUE CHEBANSE MAN been violated." lve to team play. Monday afternoon was the son of Patrick and Catherine per. BALL PLAYERS IN GETS NINETY DAYS ON “She never had a chance and the they were on the job making ready Fltimaurlce. now deceased, and the SUPREME COURT court would feel more justified in for their contest at Saunemin to- ANNUAL BANQUET LIQUOR CHARGE youngest of nine children, of whleh Klckapoo golf course never looked sending the mother to the peniten- morrow (Friday) afternoon. all are also deceased. prettier than at the present time. tlary than the girl. The evidence Froin all reports the Saunemin • On September 6, 1906, he married Poor greens are the only handicap to Nine baseball teams were organ­ DENIES APPEAL L. W. "Lou” Wlenand, Chebanse, shows Bhe couldn’t have had proper bunch Is considerably stronger than Miss Alvifta Gerbraeht, of Chats­ the prettiest course In this locality. ised last spring In Livingston county was fined $100 and costs and sen­ home training. I’m Inclined to be­ last year and boasts a couple of fast worth. They lived here for nine This course could easily be made the and sponsored by the Modern Wood­ tenced to serve 90 days In the county lieve the girl’s story that the mother backfield men who will be hard to fears and then moved to Dixon, liv­ finest closer than Watseka. man life Insurance company. IN OLIVER CASE Jail by Judge John H. Glllau In the put the child out of the house.” stop If they get Into the open. The ing there nine years, when they mov­ Chatsworth had a team In the county court Wednesday morning, Seleect* Pontiac as “W ont” game will be called at 2:45. It Is ed back to'Chataworth, where he has Members of the Chatsworth Golf league the tore part of the season after he entered a plea of guilty to Greitfan was given an opportunity probable that numerous Chatsworth since lived. Club have been Invited to witness a but dropped out several weeks ago, Chatsworth M a n a n d Other charges of sale and possession of li­ to choose between Chester peniten­ pupils, parents and fans will witness His wife preceded him In death six match game next Sunday atternoon forfeiting the unplayed games of the quor. tiary and Pontiac reformatory and the game. years ago this month. He is sur­ between George (Chick) Evans, a Besson. Heirs Benefit By Court Wlenand was arrested Tuesday asked Judge Lindley to send him to Ominous Onarga October 17 vived by six children, namely: Mrs. nationally famous golfer and Victor A banquet for the members of the night at his home In Chebanse, where “the worst” and then selected Pon- One week from Friday the locals Frances Retaing, Emmett, Bdward, Wilson, the champion golfer of east­ teems and the officers of the league it is said, he has conducted a flour­ ,tlac as he declared that he had al- play their only home game of the Paul, Alfred and Catherine Flts- ern Illinois, who won the season's was held in Pontiac one evening last ishing trade In bootleg liquor for ways heard that was the worst. season having for their opponents mauiice, and one grandchild, James honors in several elimination con­ week.
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