2--0 1L1E OMAHA kl NDAY BEL; Kb.BlUAliY 122, 1914. BUSINESS CHANCES OFFERED FOR KENT. OFFERED FOR RENT. OFFERED FOR RENT. OFFERED FOR RENT. OFFERED FOR It EXT. REAL ESTATE IA7AXS ESTABLISHED Manufacturer wants Apnrtnenln lUtt manager. High clnsa artlcir; should Apnrtmrnta nnd Flnts. Apartment and Flats. nnil Flnts. Houses nnd Cottnors. Stores nnit Ufflvrs. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska forms. pay $10,000 annually; $WU to $1,000 capital; 105-- . you are Farnam St. flats, modern HOUSES AND COTTAGES. 1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2715. will pay .expenses to Chicago If L-B- House MCflpt heat; each, $tt. T CHANCE TO TAICB ADVAN- Ware for Rent . t ere. wa Rlchardson,-Ol- ..n,,. ... 1. , rit -J. It.- man want References. UW-- m Ho. 16th flats, TAGE 1,111 unu i ti ill nii", ,i, v Colony Bldg.. Chicago St. modern OF REDUCED RENTS. S. E. twjto except heat; each, MO. Partly Modern. Corner 10th and Farnam uumoni rnrniiiii, miinif. NEW, valuable money earning proposi- 185 Grace St and 2012 No. 18th St, 10 r., 161S aork, very close In; $12,50. Streets. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Om. Nat tion, cood feller, thousands In use. small THE ANGELUS rooms, modern; eaeh, $S.f. MODERN EXCEPT HJ3AT. Far-na- ( capital required. Call Monday, 1391 W. FARNAM. SMITH & CO., 6'T., 3400 Maple, first-clas- s condition; $15. Building formerly occupied by Allen REAL ESTATE AVANTEp. l'arnam Bt 2640 Chicago St., bargain at $18. Brothers Company, wholesale grocers; C - 4KK $15. stories nnd basement; latxltt foet; 120.00? I1ST your house with Osborno Realty L1VK partner with money to manage, 25th Ave. and Douglas. .MODKI1M lirlnb flat 10,1 J ir.i. tin Hamilton; 100 191$. Doug-la- s 2619 Burdcttp, colored people; $20. square feet of floor space; 2 electric ele- Co. Over sales In Call highly profitable manufacturing proposi- THOS. W. HAZnN. n STurnMi. n for vators; 1474. no competition Address O M. Hoe. 8TRICTLY MODERN. sprinkling s3r8te.11. steam heat tion: ii 5- Hoard - r., 30S1 $15. and Union Pacific, Burlington nnd North- your property with, -- nnd Itoamn. Decatur; LIST city residence MANAGERS WANTED. LJp-to-da- western trackage. seven-roo- m DISTRICT te HouSd-'Firo-P- roof 2S39 Cass; $25. us. clients five, plx and largo successful land company desires Omaha's Newest; Most Apartment This building has every advantage In Have for managers In THE KINOSLEY. 1WI N. 40th, choice place! $35. location, appearance utility. houses from $1,500 to $5,000 ln price. responsible men a district Large, well 6- -r., 3616 dis- and description. states Must novo heated rooms. Excellent Jones, choice residence 10 years. very reasonable. Write terms and each ot the central board, prices reas. filZ No. 17th. Tyler 14S& trict; reduced to only $20. Lase Rental INVESTMENT CO., ability, be ablo Sound-Proo- f. Kood character and and nnd 4S62 $25. 102S-3- 0 Bldg. llOOMMATR WA NTPtl A . ,n Dodge; George & Company, City Nat'! Bank to Invest H.0W. Ileferences Riven and 816 8. 35th Ave., choice residence Address V 410. Pee. porting woman with child In kinder- 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phono D. 756. garten. occupy district: $2Tk FAItMS FOR RENT. Want suitable woman to 9- - small npartment with me. Havo all r.. 2537 Farnam: $45. 3627 2D AVE. DUSIKSSS l'ERbOXALS FLATS. 6 rooms, well; rents $10; price $1,100, on FOR RENT form near Wood- needed furniture. Companion could have v bine, la. City Bk., Council Bluffs, la. excluslvo use during working Will Partly Modern. terms. Nat Drnss Foundries. Now Ready hours. 3- - 1410 $10. 3628 ! For Tenants. Klvo required rdferences. Wrlto 141, r., N. 17th St.; 3D AVE IJeo F r., 3115 N. 24th $15. S rooms, well; rents, $12; price, $1,350, on FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE R, B. raxton-Milche- ll Co. 87th and Martha Sts. Office. 8t; 191S N. 24th St.; $U.W. terms. HEAD MY HOARD und room In private family, 3 LI8T. Carpenters. Over apartments '6 STRICTLY MODERN. LOTS. 240-- Improved eastern Neb., 5p 4- farm, of 2, and 4 rooms each, all equipped Ir. strictly modern house; walking dis- - r., 2011 Howard, very cloBe In; $27.50. 52d St. and 5th Ave.. $400 for 3, on terms. best tance. Red. 4469. of land. Price. $30,000; Mtg., $6,300. Want CARPENTER. Repairing a specialty. 207 S. SOth; reduced to $25. A. F. SMITH CO.. good general Mdse. with 1007 very cholco stock for equity. disappearing beds, ranges, refrigerators,' shades, beau- STEAM heated south front room with 8. 20th Ave., a "SL (Fny Smith). 1B0-- farm, $30,000. n. first-cla- ss dis- Phone 329. 23 farm at China l'alutlnir. board In modern homo 4 in family. 3i0i Louis" flat In residence Pearl St. $10,000, exchange clthor for Mdse, or gro- tiful lighting and plumbing fixtures, first-clns- s N. 24th. Phone Web. 091. trict; $32.60. cery business. Will dlvfde. janitor serv- 6- -r 212 8. 41st Ave., one of the finest OFFERED FOR SAIjE Dandy cottage painting. Outside flftnb done, Furnished Uuoiua. St. LoUls flats In the West Farnam Dis- and barn, best repair, !5iB b. at. P. ice, steam heal, two passenger modern but heat, nicely finished. Price, iir" f. c. iiqynes. th 4m elevators, apartments beauti- trict; $10. Furniture. $3,000. om Wont vacant lots or autos. Chiropractors, FURNISHED ROOM-Ro- with pri- 105 8. 36th St, very choice brick Clear lot, fully decorated with imported paper. vate family; good location, near Farnam dwelling In tho West Farnam District; ALL K'nds of furniture, steel range, gas South Omaha, for equity iu car line. Tel. H. S303. range, 939 small house or Ford auto. 1). 2322 Howard. D. 8161. $43.50. cheap. N. 21th. 3 clear lots, town, J C. Lawrence. C. 10- - G19 easy walk-ln- g small Pierre. 8. V., TWO newly furnished rooms. Private r., S. 25th Ave., within FOR Complete offlco well located, $000. D.C.. 409 Pax. Ulk. P. 4043 $28.75. SALE set of for auto. Mako offer wTETPurviancc. Prices right, with no charge family. Heat, light, phone. No otlier distance: furniture. Inquire, 230 Brandels Theater. Can match equitable deals and values. Dr. A. F. SNYDER, 1 S. 10. P. for heat during balance of roomers. Call and boo them. Man and HEATED APARTMENTS. D. R. BUCK & SON, r. 7 CARLTLE, Typewriters. Supplies. Hub wife or two gentlemen preferred. On Har-no- y Apartment ilo. In tho 912 Omaha Nafl Bk., Omaha. Neb. Creameries, Ualrlrs itnil winter. Make your selections now. Phono or call on us car, 2S24 California St. C25 8. 18th St: strictly modern nnd within easy walking distance. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Cen-tr- ol CORNER lots with a large garags DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. for full information. Hotel, 21st nnd Chi- Special price made until Oct 1st. Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. 17th building cleur, In Bloomfleld, Neb., $2,50J Open for inspection today. cago, now man- - St 300 acres near Neligh, Neb., price $9,000: tinder No. "B." in tho 8TOECKER. - Madison fLCpmAttl. 14 1.1 J $3,000, toitnmcra, wio mortgage. 1919; rd flrut.rlnaa 823 8. 24th St.; bargain at 3 summer and Premiers "omo, uuai nil unit due rented one-thi- rooms, special rates by week, meals $30 of their makeis. The Remington crop. with winter. Typewriter Co. Telephono 480 FtTLL drets ult; party dresses for sale distinctive home service. Douglas B393. Seo our complete Douglaa 1S21. acres, fifty miles Winnipeg Canada. We havo others. Rental credited If you 4 or rent. Open evenings. John Feldman, printed list before renting. purchase, and only miles railroad town; clear, price, $9,000. ma. very newest and highest grado machines 160 8 aw N. Bin. uougioa 1C06 COMPANY, r- acres, miles Brofy. N. D.; N. 23rd HL, South Omnha. South 10QL PAYNE & SLATER aunt. nut. Tint mnnt,a rn - th rented ".,--- , f ..un....iwl. i.fi.titmni In lllro 616 Bldg ii.,,. H crop; highly Improved; price, $5,600; BAinl.tiiiDam..n - ii' a 'T Omaha Nafl Bank understroke $3 per Sons. 1814 Howard Payne TWfl t.M- machines, or month for mortgugc, $1,600, duo 1917; would prefer Thee, Lleben St & Co. at Slater and Ilirrif ri tnnw hll,1isr. H FLATS. viBiuio vasutK.sfa bvUUQIUCUsAMaiM. urs iiwi niuutii writers. Omaha property. Dancing Academics. ferrcd. 209 S. 2Sth St Ml So. 33th St, 5- -r modern. $30. Musical TRAVER BROS., Contractors and 1717 Park Ave., modern, $25. Instruments. Builders, 705 Omaha National TIIAT large, modern home north-a- i $18, Bank. dancing academy, Mth at 2011 Miami St., mod. ex. fur., nnATTTTE-TT- r. ,v,- S. TUIIPIN'S new Doug. 101G. ner 35111 Avc- - w tlrtl - GIG Omaha Paveuport at. 2C09 r., ox. fur., $12. vv MmiiUi THREE corner lots with a large garage Tues. school National Lake Bt, mod. iianuftaiii 1 . and Farnam. Assem. hlh Bank Bldg 2947.0 chunn fnr nt, -- priv, lted &21 2Sth mod. ox. $15. h..i,,in f.. .Mi building, clear, ln Bloomfleld, Nob., Sat., beginning class Mon,, Thur. So. St. fur., 1053 """""" ""wwu. $2,500; soc r., Park. two acres near Neligh, Neb., Private- - lessons dally. II. E.. 4201 Lako St., 1st floor. $15. price class. CALIFORNIA I $9,000; , 4- -r .. mortgago $3,000, 1919; EDUOAXIONAJi, HOTEL 2211 D. 1st floor. $9. nVR- " lltldcrVlfw rtnvln.. -(till J1L11Ull..,.. duo rented J.IST IN "s St, " t,v, 6, I'luuis, one-thir- d RENTS. 3014 Ames Ave.. 1st floor, $11. used, excellent tone, mahogany case; crop. - fine , 60 ALU) "y day. Wo up. HOUSES. ntVnill- l.avtnD- fnmv,. ,,"., . ...lit .
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