INDEX NOTE.—For action on bills and resolutions see History of Bills and Resolutions. A MODEST EFFORT TO READ AND INSTILL Firearms: restrict ability of a person with certain Fed- Fair Credit Reporting Act: amend relative to applica- THE CONSTITUTION AGAIN (AMERICA) eral firearms license revocations, denials, or notices, bility of identity theft guidelines to creditors (see RESOLUTION to transfer business inventory firearms (see H.R. H.R. 6420), [17NO] Bills and resolutions 5718), [13JY] Federal aid programs: increase benefits for one month Enact (see H. Res. 1632), [16SE] Iraq: condemn anti-Christian violence that has forced in 2010 to compensate for the lack of cost-of-living AAMODT LITIGATION SETTLEMENT ACT Iraqi Christians to flee their homes and communities adjustment (see H.R. 4429), [13JA] Bills and resolutions (see H. Res. 1762), [14DE] Federal employees: deny Federal retirement benefits Enact (H.R. 3342): consideration (see H. Res. 1017), Israel: call for immediate and unconditional release to an individual convicted of a felony which oc- [19JA] of Gilad Shalit held captive by Hamas (see H. Res. curred in connection with Government employment Reports filed 1359), [13MY] or service (see H.R. 4531), [27JA] Consideration of H.R. 3342, Provisions: Committee on Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: repeal pro- OPIC: terminate authorities (see H.R. 5782), [20JY] Rules (House) (H. Res. 1017) (H. Rept. 111–399), visions that prohibit establishment of annual limits Taxation: modify the dependent care tax credit and [19JA] on health benefits (see H.R. 6452), [29NO] extend and increase the additional standard deduction Provisions: Committee on Natural Resources (House) ———repeal provisions that prohibit establishment of for State and local real property taxes (see H.R. (H.R. 3342) (H. Rept. 111–390), [12JA] lifetime limits on health benefits (see H.R. 6453), 5075), [20AP] ABORTION [29NO] ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, U.S. COURTS see Bills and resolutions ———repeal provisions that prohibit health coverage COURTS Dept. of HHS: tribute to family planning services pro- rescissions (see H.R. 6454), [29NO] ADOPTION see FAMILIES AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS vided under Title X of the Public Health Service ———repeal provisions that prohibit preexisting condi- ADVERTISING Act (see H. Res. 1476), [24JN] tion exclusions or other discrimination based on Bills and resolutions Foreign aid: prohibit application of restrictive eligibility health status for adults (see H.R. 6449), [29NO] Business and industry: require employees at call centers requirements to foreign nongovernmental organiza- ———repeal provisions that prohibit preexisting condi- who initiate or receive telephone calls to disclose tions based on provision of certain health services tion exclusions or other discrimination based on physical location of such employees (see H.R. 6309), (see H.R. 4879), [18MR] health status for children (see H.R. 6451), [29NO] [29SE] FTC: prescribe rules prohibiting deceptive advertising ———repeal provisions that require extension of de- ———require express authorization of a majority of of abortion services (see H.R. 5652), [30JN] pendent coverage to adult children under age 26 shareholders of a public company for certain political Health: ensure that women seeking an abortion are (see H.R. 6450), [29NO] expenditures by that company (see H.R. 4537), Political campaigns: require disclosure to shareholders fully informed relative to pain experienced by the [27JA] of any expenditure made by companies in support unborn child (see H.R. 5276), [11MY] ———require majority shareholder approval for any of or in opposition to any candidate for Federal, ———expand access to preventive health care services expenditures made to influence public opinion on State, or local public office (see H.R. 4630), [22FE] that help reduce unintended pregnancy, reduce the any matter other than the promotion of the com- Securities Investor Protection Act: provide insurance number of abortions, and improve access to women’s pany’s products or services (see H.R. 4487), [21JA] coverage for certain indirect investors caught in health care (see H. Con. Res. 305), [27JY] Consumers: protect from certain aggressive sales tactics Ponzi schemes (see H.R. 5032), [15AP] ———national policy to provide health care and re- on the Internet (see H.R. 5707), [1JY] form insurance procedures (H.R. 3590), corrections ACQUIRED BONE MARROW FAILURE DISEASE Dept. of Agriculture: repeal the Market Access Pro- in enrollment (see H. Con. Res. 254), [19MR] RESEARCH AND TREATMENT ACT gram (see H.R. 4683), [24FE] Reports filed ———provide for human stem cell research, including Dept. of the Treasury: require institutions to segregate Provisions: Committee on Energy and Commerce embryonic stem cell research (see H.R. 4808), Troubled Asset Relief Program funds and prohibit (House) (H.R. 1230) (H. Rept. 111–637), [28SE] [10MR] use of such funds for political expenditures or elec- Health care professionals: prohibit taxpayer funded ADAMS, WILLIAM E. tioneering communications (see H.R. 4617), [5FE] Bills and resolutions abortions and provide for conscience protections (see District of Columbia: permit advertising and sale of Major William Edward Adams Dept. of Veterans Af- H.R. 5939), [29JY] lottery tickets within certain areas inside the ‘‘Fed- fairs Clinic, Craig, CO: designate (see H.R. 5798), Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: modify eral enclave’’ (see H.R. 5703), [1JY] [20JY] special rules relating to coverage of abortion services FRS: prevent funding from being made available to (see H.R. 5111), [22AP] ADERHOLT, ROBERT B. (a Representative from Ala- corporations that finance political campaigns or polit- ———protect rights of conscience relative to require- bama) ical propaganda (see H.R. 4768), [4MR] ments for coverage of specific items and services Bills and resolutions introduced FTC: establish the Office for the Prevention of Fraud (see H.R. 6570), [22DE] Foreign trade: remove preferential trade treatment for Targeting Seniors (see H.R. 5884), [27JY] certain textile articles (see H.R. 5940), [29JY] ———prescribe rules prohibiting deceptive advertising ACCESS TO BIRTH CONTROL ACT NASA: impose certain requirements on expenditure of of abortion services (see H.R. 5652), [30JN] Bills and resolutions funds for the Constellation Program (see H.R. 5614), Gulf of Mexico: require BP P.L.C., to establish a re- Enact (see H.R. 5309), [13MY] [28JN] covery fund focused on travel and tourism to be ACCESS TO CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORDS FOR ADLER, JOHN H. (a Representative from New Jersey) administered by the Gulf Coast Claims Facility in STATE SENTENCING COMMISSIONS ACT Bills and resolutions introduced the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (see Bills and resolutions Dept. of Veterans Affairs: increase plot allowances for H. Con. Res. 309), [29JY] Enact (see H.R. 6412), [16NO] certain veterans and provide a plot allowance for Health: prohibit misleading and deceptive advertising ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY IN spouses and children of certain veterans who are or representation in the provision of health care serv- RATING AGENCIES ACT buried in State cemeteries (see H.R. 6013), [30JY] ices and require identification of the license of health Reports filed ———provide for the tolling of the timing of review care professionals (see H.R. 5295), [13MY] Provisions: Committee on Financial Services (House) for appeals of final decisions of the Board of Vet- Political campaigns: constitutional amendment permit- (H.R. 3890) (H. Rept. 111–685), [16DE] erans’ Appeals (see H.R. 5045), [15AP] (see H.R. ting Congress and the States to regulate expenditure ACKERMAN, GARY L. (a Representative from New 5064), [16AP] of funds by corporations engaging in political speech York) Depts. of the Treasury and HUD: implement cost sav- (see H.J. Res. 74), [2FE] Appointments ings (see H.R. 5782), [20JY] ———constitutional amendment prohibiting corpora- Conferee: H.R. 2194, Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Education: require additional disclosures and protec- tions and labor organizations from using operating Act, [22AP] tions for students and cosigners relative to student funds for advertisements relative to Federal election Bills and resolutions introduced loans (see H.R. 5458), [28MY] campaigns (see H.J. Res. 68), [21JA] Colleges and universities: recognize contributions of EPA: make grants for the improvement of storm water ———disclose third-party communications made for university and college immigrant assistance programs retention basins in the watersheds of National Estu- or against a candidate and identifying information (see H. Res. 1398), [26MY] ary Program estuaries (see H.R. 5670), [1JY] in Internet communications, and apply disclosure re- 3061 INDEX ADVERTISING quirements to prerecorded telephone calls (see H.R. on counseling to prevent suicide (see H.R. 5170), Goodall, Jane: anniversary of the beginning of sci- 4749), [3MR] [28AP] entific research in what is today Gombe Stream Na- ———prohibit corporations from making independent ———recognize service of medical and air crews in tional Park in Tanzania (see H. Res. 1543), [20JY] expenditures or disbursements for electioneering helping transport wounded warriors back to the U.S. Guinea: condemn violent suppression of legitimate po- communications without prior approval of a majority and commend Air Force aeromedical evacuation per- litical dissent and human rights abuses (see H. Res. of shareholders (see H.R. 4644), [22FE] sonnel (see H. Res. 1605), [30JY] 1013), [13JA] ———prohibit
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