Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60954-8 - The Asian Military Revolution: From Gunpowder to the Bomb Peter A. Lorge Index More information Index 1857 Mutiny 161 Babur 120–6, 128, 131, 137, 150 Baghpat 149 Aceh 91, 98 Bahmani kingdom 120 Admiral Yi see Yi Sun-sin ban 39, 118–19 Adolphus, Gustavus 4 Bangkok 103 Afghan 117, 122, 124, 126, 142, 149 Banten 99, 109 Afghanistan 115, 117, 124, 135, 148 Bartol’d, V. V. 127 Age of Commerce 97 bayonet 149 Agra 126 Beijing 164, 166 Ahmad Khan 148–50 Beiyang Army 170 Ahmadnagar 142 Belgaum 119 Ahmadnagar, Sultans of 142 Bengal 114–15, 118, 150, 151–2, 161 Akbar 138 Bengali saltpeter 155 ‘Ala al-Din Khalji 118 Beyond Good and Evil 176, 182 Albazin 166 Bhamo, Battle of 100 Ali Qulii, Master 120 Bhao Sahib 149 Ambon 95 Bhonsle, Rajaram 144 Amir Temu¨r 124 Bhonsle, Shambaji 143, 144 Amity and Commerce, Treaty of 103, 159 Bhonsle, Shahji 142 Anglo-Burmese War, First 102, 156, 157, 159 Bhonsle, Shivaji 140, 142–3, 147 Anglo-Burmese War, Second 102, 157 Bihar, Sultan of 131 Anglo-Burmese War, Third 102, 157 Bijapur 142, 143 Annam 103 see also Annan Bijapur Carnatic 143 Annan 103, 104 see also Annam Black, Jeremy 7 Arakan 101, 157 bow, bows 28, 31, 37, 39, 55, 80, 84, Arakanese 101, 157 118, 130 archery 28 Brahmins 141, 143, 146–7 archipelagic Southeast Asia 107–8 British India 101, 102, 150–3, Arcot 151 161–2 arquebus 15, 16, 36, 45, 49, 54, 55, 56, 57, Brunei 93 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 171 Buddhist 34 Aryans 116 Burma (Myanmar) 92, 93, 94, 99–103, 118, ashigaru 54, 56, 60 156–8, 159–60, 165 Asiatick Society 11 Burman 100 Assam 102, 118, 157 Burmese 100, 101, 103, 156–8, 159 atakebune 57, 58, 59 bushi 47, 48, 49 atomic bomb 176, 178 Au Lac 103 Cachar 157 Aurangzeb 137, 143, 144, 145 Calicut 123 Ava 100–1 Cambodia 93 Ayutthaya (Siam) 100, 101, 102–3, camel 128, 129, 150 108, 159 Chakri 103 183 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60954-8 - The Asian Military Revolution: From Gunpowder to the Bomb Peter A. Lorge Index More information 184 Index Cham 106 fire-spear 11, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Champa 104–6 fire-tube 34, 37, 38 Champanir 120 firingi (Frankish culverin) 121 Charles VIII 2 First Toungoo Dynasty 91, 101 Charney, Michael 95, 100 flintlock 133 Chase, Kenneth 13, 14, 16, 25, 26, 62, Franco-Chinese War 159 71, 128 French 136, 149, 151, 158–9, 160 Chen Gui 34, 35, 36 French East India Company 151 Chen Youliang 73, 74, 77 French Indochina 159, 160 Chiksan, Battle of 85 Further India 93 Chinghis Khan 124 Chinju 85 Galdan 166 Chioggia, Battle of 39 Galgala 143 Chitpavan Brahmin 147 Gama, Vasco da 123 Chola India 108 Gempei War 46 Cho¯shu¯ 172 Gia Long 103, 107, 158–9 see also Nguy˜ˆen Chu~’ Noˆm 104 Phu´c A´ nh Cipolla, Carlo 42 Gingee 144–5 Cixi, Dowager Empress 170 Giving up the Gun 62 Clausewitzian 139 Golconda 142, 143 Clive, Robert 150 Gommans, Jos 129 Complete Essentials from the Military Classics Great Mughal 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 24, 33, 34, 40 144, 145, 148, 151 complexity theory Great Wall 68, 75–6, 164 corned, corning 14, 15, 16, 19 green standard 165, 166 coulverin a`main 15 guide 36 crossbow 28, 31, 37, 39, 80, 123 Gujarat 120, 121 crossbow bolts 31 Gujarat, Sultan of 120 gunpowder empires 127 Ða.iCoViˆ`ˆ e.t 103 Gupta 113, 114 Ða.iViˆe.t 88, 103, 104 Daoism, Daoist 8, 32 hackenbu¨chse 15 De’an 34, 35, 36 Haider Ali of Mysore 137 Deccan 141, 142, 143, 145, 147, 149 Hakata Bay 52 Delhi 117, 124, 126, 142, 147, 148, Hall, Bert 14, 15, 16 149, 161 Han dynasty 31, 33 Delhi Sultanate 117, 122, 123, 124 Hangzhou 74 dromedaries 144 Hanoi 104, 107 Dunhuang 34 (Hˆa.u or ‘‘Later’’) Leˆdynasty 106 Dupleix, Joseph Franc¸ois 151 Heian period 47 Dutch 95, 110, 136, 156, 166 Hideyoshi see Toyotomi Hideyoshi Hindu 142 earliest known specimen of a gun 69 Hindu king 147 East India Company (EIC) 129, 131, Hindu kingship 140 133–5, 136, 137, 141, 150–3, 160–1 Hindustan 122, 124, 148–9, 150 East Timor 93 H`ˆodynasty 104 elephants 113–31, 144, 149 HoHa`ˆ ´n Thu’o’ng 106 Empress of India 162 H`ˆoQuy´Ly 104 Hodgson, Marshall G. S. 127 fire-arrows (huojian) 39, 40 Holland 156 fire-ball 40 Hong Bang dynasty 104 Fire Dragon Classic (Huolong Jing)38 Honganji 56 fire drug 18 Hosokawa 79 fire-lance 34 Humayun 122 fire-ox 35 huoyao 18 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60954-8 - The Asian Military Revolution: From Gunpowder to the Bomb Peter A. Lorge Index More information Index 185 Hyderabad 143, 151 Latter Jin 163 Hyderabad Carnatic 143 LeˆDynasty 106–7 LeˆLo.’i 106 Ibrahim Khan Gardi 149 Li Gang 41 Ibrahim Lodi 122, 124 Li Heng 35, 36 Indian War of Independence, First 161 see also Liaodong peninsula 173 1857 Mutiny Lieberman, Victor 9, 93, 95–8 Indochina 93 see also Vietnam Lodi empire 120 Indonesia 93 Lodi Sultans 117 Indus Valley 116 Ly´dynasty 104 Industrial Revolution 154, 155 Lynn, John 5 iron roundshot 17 Irrawaddy River 157, 158 Mac 106 Islam Shah 122, 128 Macao 80 Islampuri 143 McNeill, William H. 127 Madras 144, 151 Jaomodo 166 Mahmud, Sultan 122 Japanese navy 66, 68, 83 mainland Southeast Asia 98, 99 Jaunpur 119 Malacca 101 Java 91, 94, 107–8 Malay 108 Javanese 99, 108 Malay archipelago 93 jaza’il 129 Malay peninsula 103, 108 Jiaozhi 103 Malay Sultanates 99 Jiaozhou 103 Malaysia 93 Jones, Sir William 11 Malwa 120 Jumna River 149 Mamluk 121, 123 Jurchen Jin dynasty 1, 25, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, Mamluk Egypt 119 42, 43, 51, 72, 163, 165 Manchu 162–70 Jurchen–Mongol wars 123 Mandalay 158 Manipur 101, 157 Kabul 115, 124, 147, 148 mansabda¯rs 136, 142 Kandahar 135, 147 mansabs 141, 142 Kamakura bakufu 46, 50, 53 Maratha 131, 135–51, 155, 161 Kangxi Emperor 166, 168 Maratha peshwa 137, 139, 143, Karnal 148 147, 161 Kashima 58, 59 maritime Southeast Asia 93, 98, 99 Kashmir 148 Mataram 98, 99, 109 Khan, Iqtidar Alam 121 matchlock 121 Khmer 100, 102, 106 matchlock arquebus 15 Khubilai Khan 30, 50, 51, 53, 71, 72 matchlock muskets 121 Khyber Pass 147 Maurice of Nassau 4 Knaap, Gerrit 95 Mauryans 113, 116 Kobayakawa Hideaki 62 Maw Shans 88 Konbaung dynasty 101, 102 Meiji 172–3 Konishi Yukinaga 82 Meiji Restoration 172 Korean navy 66, 83 Mekong delta 106 Koryo 50 Melaka 98, 99, 107–8 Kunjpura 149 Melaka Straits 108 Kurushima 58 military labor market 131 Kurushima Murakami 58 Military Revolution debate 4 Kyongsang fleets 83 Ming dynasty 14, 64, 70, 71, 163–5 miracle at Myongyang 85 Lahore 148 Mon 100–1 Lan Na 88 Mongol banners 165 Laos 93, 160 Mongol invasions 47, 50, 69 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60954-8 - The Asian Military Revolution: From Gunpowder to the Bomb Peter A. Lorge Index More information 186 Index Mongols 1, 25, 28, 29, 30, 36, 38, Pagan 100 42, 43, 44, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 71, Pagan, Battle of 100 72, 74, 75, 100, 112, 117–18, 123, Palembang 108 165, 167 Pan Jixing 34 Mori 58 Panipat 113, 123, 124, 146, 149 Morillo, Stephen 14 Panipat, First Battle of 123–6 Mughal empire 112, 154 Panipat, Second Battle of 122 Mughals 6, 10, 16, 113–31, 161, 181 Panipat, Third Battle of 136, 150 Muhammad II 148 Parker, Geoffrey 2, 5, 6, 19, 32, 106 Multan 148 Peacock Throne of Shah Jahan 148 musket 15, 66, 68, 77, 84, 88, 123, 146 Pegu 100–1 musketeers 144, 147 People’s Liberation Army (PLA) 163 Mustafa Rumi 121 People’s Republic of China 11 Myanmar see Burma Perdue, Peter 30 Myongyang, Battle of 85 Perrin, Noel 62 Persian Gulf 117 Nadir Shah 147–8, 150 Persians 124, 148 Nagashino, Battle of 55, 60 Peshawar 148 Nagashino Castle 55 peshwa see Maratha peshwa Naginata 49 Pharmacopoeia of the Divine Agriculturist 33 Nan Yue (Nam Viet) 103 Philippines 93, 156 Nanchang 73, 74 Pigneaux de Behaine, Pierre-Joseph 158 Nanjing 169 Pitt, William, prime minister 152 naval warfare, combat 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, Plassey, Battle of 150, 151 33, 41, 68, 73, 74 Pondicherry 151 navy 28, 30 Portuguese 45, 54, 63, 77, 79, 82, 91, 95, 99, Needham, Joseph 2, 16, 34, 38, 39, 70 101, 108, 110, 121, 123, 136, 164, 165, 166 Nerchinsk, Treaty of 166 Portuguese arquebus 45, 54, 61, 81 Ngasaunggyan, Battle of 100 Portuguese artillerymen 80 Nguy˜ˆen106–7 Portuguese matchlocks 123 Nguy˜ˆenHuˆe. 158 Portuguese muskets 66 Nguy˜ˆenKim 106 Portuguese-style arquebus 54, 82 Nguyen˜ˆ Phu´c A´ nh 107, 158 see also Gia Poyang, Lake 73 Long Prakash, Om 113, 114 Nietzsche, Friedrich 176, 182 Pune 142 Ningbo 79 Punjab 124, 148, 161 Ningxia 83 Puran Mal 131 Nizam-ul-Mulk 139, 147, 148, 151 Pyongyang, Battle of 84 Noryang Straits, Battle of 86 nuclear bomb 176 Qi Jiguang 61, 81 Qianlong Emperor 101, 107, 166, Oda Nobunaga 45, 55, 56, 59 167, 168 Odawara Hojo 59 Qin dynasty 2 Okpo 83 Qing banner 166 Onin War 47, 53, 79 Qing dynasty 101, 162–70, 173 opium 168, 169 Qizhou 41 Opium War, First 168 Quaritch Wales, H.
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