John Deere Collectors Auction Saturday, June 27, 2009 @ 9:30 A.M. 412 N Division Street – County Fair Agri Hall Building, Audubon, Iowa Owners: Dennis and Patty Mohr Ph: 712-764-4700 evenings Print the listings below as it will be the catalog for the Farm Toys. Once the toys are sold we will be moving outside for the flat bed items, tools, parts, recreational vehicles, D-4 Cat with dozer, machinery, and the John Deere 320 tractor that is considered rare because it came originally from the factory with brown/red paint? Make plans to attend! 1.JD Model H NIB 2.9300T 1/64 2000 Farm Edition 3.8040 FWA 1/6 4.9400 t 1/64 5.630 LP Standard 1/64 6.95 e Cat Challager 1/32 7. Case Quadra Track 1/64 8.9390 19997 Case IH Collector Edition triples 9. 1170XCase Black Knight Collector Edition 1/43 NIB 10. Big Bud 440 power shift triples Black 1/32 11.Versatile 1156 duals 1/32 12.Steiger Panther duals 1/32 13 Big Bud 440 Power Shift duals Black 1/32 14.Big Bud 370 Power Shift duals Green 1/32 15.Big Bud 370 Power Shift duals Black 1/32 16.Oliver 1950 T FWA Hiniker cab NIB 17.JD 7020 Dual 2003 National Farm Toy Show NIB 1/32 18.IH Cub Lowboy 1/16 19IHC Titan Vertical Engine 1/8 NIB 20.JD Waterloo Boy 2 horse Engine 1/8 NIB 21.IH 1586 Cab Duals 1/16 22.IH 1PR Picker 1/16 23.970 Case Cab White 1/16 24 JD wagon flare box 1/16 25.JD mounted Hoe 1/16 26.1948 F1 Pickup Special Edition 1/25 27.OLD O liver Hay Rake 28.New Holland Hit&Miss 1/8 29.Bobcat X325 Mini Excavator 1/32 30.Allis 1948 “G” 1/16 31.Allis Roto Baler 1/16 32.JB Truck Bank 102 33.IH IPR Picker 1/64 34.Wagon Flare 1/64 35. IH 300 Rowcrop 1/64 36.JD 80 1/64 37.JR “R” 1/64 38.JD 820 1/64 39.95 Combine 1/64 40.Tera-gator 3 wheel Float sprayer 1/64 41.1953 F-100 Country General Pickup 42.Oliver HG Crawler Metal Tracks 1/16 43. JD Styled AR 1/16 44.Very old 1/16 Marx Pull Type Grader 45.Degelman Rock Picker First Edition 1/16 46.JD 110 IND Crawler with blade Collector Edition 47. JD 9400T 2000 Collector Edition 48.Farmall 560 1/16 old excellent condition 49.JD custom made 12 bottom plow 50.JD 60 LP Orchard 1993 Special Edition 1/16 51.JD 620 Orchard 1992 Two Cylinder Club 1/16 52.JD styled “D” 1/16 53.JD “R” 1/16 54.JD Model “H” with custom 2 row cultivator 1/16 55.JD 9300 T 1/16 56.JD 220 disc Black gang 1/16 57.JD two-cylinder Club Expo XIII-2003 NIB 1/16 58. JD”A” Hi-Crop 50th anniversary 2000 Expo X NIB 1/16 60. JD Precision Collector Center #3 “G” Hi-Crop with box 61. JD Percision #13 730 Diesel with box 62.JD Precision #2 “A” with 290 series Cultivator with box 63.JD Precision#1 “A” with box 64JD 520 wide front with box 1/16 65.JD LA 1/16 66.JD BW Unstyled with box 1/16 67.Minn. Mo UDLX “COMFORT” 1/16 68.Allis Chalmers “C” 1/16 69.JD 630 NIPackage 1/64 70.JD 620 Standard NIPackage 1/64 71.JD Styled “D” on steel 1990 Edition Special 1/16 72.Red Ertl Spreader 1/16 NIB 73.Hesston 4755 square baler with bale 1/16 74.Allis Chalmers Precision #3 WD 45 in box 75.JD Precision #20 3010 in box 76.JD Two Cylinder Expo XV 330 Utility NIB 1/16 78.JD 5020 yellow top box NIB 79.1937 “BR” with flare wagon NIB 80.JD 70 Standard #23 Precision in box 81. IH Super WD9 1993 National Toy Edition NIB 82.JD Precision #15 Waterloo Boy in box 83.JD 950 Combine with corn and bean heads 84.JD Precision #11 Baler in Box 85.JD “HN” 2000 Collector Edition 1/16 86.JD 1037 “BN” NIB 1/16 87.JD Two cylinder Model 60 High Seat Standard NIB 88.JD Collector Center Precision #4 JD 40 t all fuel with 2 bottom mounted plow NIB 89.JD “G” 90.JD 1930 Series “P” 65th Anniversary Edition Expo V 91.JD 70 High Crop Farm Toy Museum 92.JD Precision #24 Unstyled “B” 93.Yoder JD 730 Industrial State of Nebraska 1 of 500 1/16 94.JD 70 Hi-Crop Natioal Farm Toy Museum 1/16 95.JD “GP” wide tread 1/16 96.JD Precision #19 Hay Wagon 97.Big Bud Modern747 with duels 1/16 98.Massy Harris “GP” four wheel drive on steel #1762 1/16 99.JD “GW” Collector Edition1997 1/16 100.JD 50,520,530 tractors Series Set #1 NIB 1/64 101JD Historical 4 pc toy set Waterloo Boy,Model”R”,Model “G”< Model “M” 1/64 102 JD 400 Series 4010,4020,4320,4620 NIPackage 103 JD Custom Built Unstyled “AW” adjustable front and rear wheels on steel 1/16 104 JD Custom Built Hay Loader 105. JD 80 Columbus 60th Anniversary Edition 106.JD 330 NIPackage 1/64 107 JD Model “A’ to the 8400 playing cards includes model”D” NIB 1/64 108 Trumm JD 330 Utility 1/16 109 Trumm JD 430 Crawler 1/16 110 Case 1170 Black Knight with duals Collector Edition NIB 1/16 111 Case 1470 Black Knight Collector Edition NIB 1/64 112 Minnie Moline Custom Threshing Machine 1/16 113 JD Custom 6030 with duals and cab 1/16 114 Oliver Sickle Mower 1/16 115JD 420 Crawler 62 Blade and ripper, 3 pointhitch Collector Edition 1/16 116 JD 70 with wide front 1991 Collector Edition 1/16 117 JD 620 Hi- Crop 2001 Collector Edition 1/16 118. JD Precision #10 720 Diesel no box 119. JD 820 Diesel 1/16 120 JD Collector Center #2 “BWH” 40 1/16 NIB 121 JD 630 Gas Hi-Crop Collector Center #1 NIB 122.JD Yoder 720 Industrial Electric start 1/16 123.JD Yoder 720 Standard diesel Electric start adjustable front 3 point hitch 1/16 124 ERTL Red Gravity wagon NIB 1/16 125 JD 1924 “D” 75th Anniversary NIB 1/16 126JD 1917 Graham Panel Van Delivery 127 JD Model “A’ Hard at Work in the Field Tractor Sculptured base. !/16 128 Case 1470 no cab 4 wheel drive 1/16 129 IH Super MTA with finders ! National Farm Toy Show 2001 1/16 130 IH Super MTA with finders and wide front end 1992 Special Edition1/16 131 JD 7520 4-wheel drive 2 stacks 1/16 132 Case Quadrac Track Collector Edition 1996 1/16 133 Franklin Mint Wined up Model “B” with key 1/16 134 IH Quadtrac 1/32 135 JD 1924 “D” 75th Anniversary Edition 1/16 136 JD 50 wide front plastic 1/16 137 JD “GP” on steel 1/16 138 JD Flare wagon on steel 1/16 139 JD 1925 Kenworth truck bank NIB 140 JD R 50th Anniversary Edition NIPackage 1/64 141 JD 1950’s Gas Pump NIB 1/25 142 JD Complete set 50 card boxed set includes JD 7800 with 2 wheel drive NIB 1/64 143 JD 7020 Diesel 2003 Natioal Farm Toy Show NIB 1/64 144 JD 1926 Bull Dog Pickup Bank 145 JD No.12A combine 1/16 146 JD Introductory Model 1985 1/64 147 JD disc Tandem Wings both sides old excellent shape 1/16 148JD Drag Type Tandem Disc Very old excellent shape 1/16 149 JD 4010 Diesel Hiniker Cab JD 40th Anniversary Edition 1960 to 2000 1/16 150 JD 1956 Ford Pickup truck #113 Introducing The New “20” Series 151 JD Yoder 720 Narrow front Electic start 1/16 152 JD Historical 4 Piece Toy Set Overtime,Model G,Model MI,Model 80 NIB 1/64 153 JD Dubuque Set 330 and 430 NIB 1/16 154 JD 50 and 60 Series 50th Anniversary Collector Set NIB 1/16 155 JD “D” 1/8 signed by Joseph L. Ertel 156 Versatile 936 1/16 157 Case IH 4994 4-wheel drive 1/16 158JD 9200 Triples 1/16 159JD 40 Crawler Plastic Tracks 1/16 160 Cletrac Crawler Metal Tracks 2000 SFTS 1/16 161 JD 430 Crawler Metal Tracks 62 Blade 3 point hitch 1/16 162 JD 430 Plastic Tracks Yellow 1/16 163 IH T340 Crawler Yellow 6 way blade plastic track 1/16 164 JD “BW” with umbrella 200th Birthday Edition 1/16 165 IH Model”A” 1/16 166 IH Model 130 High Crop 1/16 167 JD 9600 Combine Collector’s edition with bean and corn heads 1/16 168 IH 660 Standard 1/16 169 Ih 600 Standard 1/16 170 Avery Half track tractor tin 1/16 171 Farmall “AV” 1/16 172 JD “MC” with blade 1/16 173 IH 650 Standard 1/16 174 IH 560 Standard 1/16 175 JD 4 bottom pull type plow “old” 1/16 176 JD 720 Hi-Crop Two Cylinder Club Special Edition 1990 1/16 177 JD “G” 6th Annual Toy Collector Show #12 1983 1/16 178 JD “AW with umbrella 1/16 179 JD 40 and 70 Series 1/16 50th Anniversary Collector Set NIB 180 Advance Rumely OIL Pull 1/16 181 JD 620 Standard Summer Farm 2002 Toy Show 182 JD Precision #21 630 Row Crop 183 JD Two Cylinder Club Expo ix HWH 184Franklin Mint Oliver Super 99 1/12 185 JD TwoCylinder Expo xiv 2004 830 Rice Special NIB 186 JD 4520 2001 National Farm Toy Show Collector Edition 187 JD precision #5 4000 Diesel 188 JD 40 Crawler with Blade Plow City Toy Show 189 JD Two Cylinder Expo xiv 2004 830 Rice Special NIB 190 JD Two Cylinder Expo xiv 2004 830 Rice Special opened once 191 JD Precision #2 9420T 192 JD Prceision Classic # 16 Barge Wagon 193 JD 452 Grain Drill 1/16 194 IH Tandem Disc older model 1/16 195 JD 6 bottom plow on land hitch 1/16 196 JD 2 axle spreader 1/64 197 JD 730 with 237 Picker 1/64 198 Cat 65D Challenger 1/64 199 Cat Tandem disc double wings 1/64 200 JD 520 1/64 201 JD Flare Wagon 1/64 202 JD DC-3 Air Plane Bank NIB 203 Structo Grader “OLD” 204 IH 4 bottom plow semi-mount 1/16 205 JD Tandem disc “older” 1/16 206 JD Baler with Ejector 1/16 207 Truscale Elevator 1/16 208 OLD TRAIN CAR 209 Mac Tractor and enclosed trailer 210 JD Manure Spreader 1/64 211 JD 690 DLC Excavator 1/64 212 Bob Cat 331 Excavator 1/64? 213 Advance Rumely OilPUll 1/64 214 JD 2010 Industrial Crawler Collector Edition Blade and Ripper 1/16 215 John Deere Model 62 1/16 216 McCormick #9 Model 200 Spreader NIB 217 John Deere Precision #22 8020 nib 218 John Deere Model 80 Diesel NIB 1/16 219 John Deere Precision #17 4440 NOB 220 John Deere #4 4020 Power Shift wide front 221John Deere 200th Birthday 830 NIB 222 John Deere Prestige Collection 45 Combine with 2 row corn head 1/16 NIB 223 John Deere Precision #18 720 Tractor 80 Blade and 45 Loader 224 John Deere 4010 Hi-Crop National Farm Toy Museum 1/16 225 John Deere Precision #14 4020 Tractor with 237 corn picker 226 IH Precision #14 560 with 2MH Picker 227 John Deere Precision #8 8400 228 John Deere Dealership 1947 Dodge Canopy Delivery Pickup 229 John Deere 6 row mounted planter 230 John Deere BW 40
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