NovemberNovember 2001 2001 CowboyCowboy ChronicleChronicle PagePage 11 The Cowboy Chronicle~ The Monthly Journal of the Single Action Shooting Societyi® Vol. 18 No. 8 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. August 2005 THE SHOOTOUT AT MULE CAMP X 10 By Colonel Dan, SASS Life #24025 rom my saddle, the 10th See HIGHLIGHTS on page 78 Anniversary Shootout regis- F tered a 10 on the SASS fun Robin T Banks, Angel Diamond, meter! Bellicose Bill, The Snellville Kid, The entire Mule Camp crew and Gamblin’ Jones, Montana Brown, their primary sponsor Hodgdon/IMR Prairie Scooter, Stub, Woodeye, Powder Company along with all Gunshye Annie, Clay Buster, Yellow their contributing sponsors did a Creek Johnson, Creede Kid, Marshal bang up job in giving the Cowboy Dan Cutter, Man from Little River, Action Shooting™ world a very Lincoln Hawk, Gus Odum, Ima memorable anniversary match. As Peach, Brandie Whine, and Brock Will Sonnet said about such things, Holliday is very solid. that’s “No brag, just fact.” The stages were a clever mix of Mule Camp is one of the best some mighty fine memories over the facilities I’ve visited and reflects the past nine years topped off with a tremendous level of dedication and brand new stage featuring a mad sweat equity that goes into making attack mule that runs right at you this one of the finest in SASS. The when you grab your rifle. These improvements are both obvious and stages were what SASS was always all around—my gun cart really meant to be—big targets close up appreciated the paved road to the and scenarios simple enough that shooting area! even a retired old cav guy could For those who have never put on understand them. something of this magnitude, let me We got a chance to do a little pre- say there are a thousand major gunfight reconnaissance of the details and ten thousand minor ones stages Thursday during the 1st that wake you up at night, interrupt Annual Southeastern Regional Black your dinner, sit on your head, con- Powder Championship match— stantly whispering reminders in when we could see amid all the your ear that they need immediate smoke! The Soot Lords had grins attention! from one side of their hat brim to the That the Mule Camp gang does other—who wouldn’t? The Mule it so well, speaks volumes about Camp crew did a whale of a job host- their dedication and organization. ing that darkside shootout with over These events don’t happen by acci- 100 participants along with the other dent. From the most visible of Match Winners, known as “Lead Mules,” Shalako Joe and Island Girl, side events simultaneously. things like stages, props, goodie pose with their trophies and Island Girl’s Southeastern Regional Champion The Wild Bunch were very well bags, and souvenir magazines to the SASS buckle. Dang-It-Dan won the other Regional buckle. represented with His Honor and Congratulations! more inconspicuous like emergency SBSS Commanding General Judge plans, parking plans, event coordina- tion, trash management, pencils, doing, remember all that needs Roy Bean, SASS #1, SBSS# 425, the paper, envelopes, rakes, shovels, and doin’, have a solid plan to organize very lovely and always bubbly SASS Cowboy Chronicle tent pegs to the vital porta-potty 500+ shooters spread over 40 posses, Justice Lily Kate—the Judge’s plan, nothing takes care of itself or is their guests as well as curious visi- Command Sergeant Major—SASS on auto-pilot. tors, have back up plans, and most #1000, SBSS# 521, and the truly Murphy’s Law applies here and importantly, have a solid crew to exe- unique Coyote Calhoun—King of the In This Issue the only way to defeat that Murphy cute that plan—the Mule Camp B-Western Cowboys, SASS #201, 16 MULE CAMP COSTUMES- hombre is to know what you’re crew of San Quinton, Double Dealer, (Continued on page 60) BEST IN THE SOUTHEAST by Tornado Alli 40 ACCURACY OF BLACKPOWDER SUBSTITUTES by Captain George Baylor C h C r o 50 CIMARRON SHARPS o w REVIEW n b by Tuolumne Lawman i o c 23255 La Palma Avenue y 80 NEW MEXICO STATE Yorba Linda, California 92887 CHAMPIONSHIP l e www.sassnet.com by Silver City Millie August 2005 Cowboy Chronicle Page 3 August 2005 Cowboy Chronicle Page 5 This could be you. All it takes is practice, using the highest quality products like Starline Brass. Top value and top quality, proven time after time. Starline supports Cowboy Matches across the country and thanks those shooters who use Starline Brass. Send us a photograph of a deserving Starline shooter, and maybe he or she will be the next Starline Cowboy/Cowgirl of the Month. This is a partial list. Call for a complete list of products, prices and delivery. 1300 W. Henry Street • Sedalia, MO 65301 Order Factory Direct on-line at Prices include shipping and handling on brass only within the United States except Alaska and Hawaii. Add $1.20 per $100 up to $300 and 40¢ per additional $100 ordered for shipping insurance. Prices are subject to change www.starlinebrass.com without notice. TERMS: Payment must accompany order. VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, cashier’s check, money order, personal checks accepted. Orders subject to check clearance. or call 1-800-280-6660. Page 6 Cowboy Chronicle August 2005 EDITORIAL THE CHRONICLE IS CHANGING! By Tex, SASS #4 month. The good news is if you’ve Thankfully the $35 domestic it will be available instantly! SASS always wanted a pet alias but it annual renewal fee covers the cost members can access each issue on was taken, you might re-inquire to mail a year’s worth of Cowboy the web page and can print them soon … it may be available again! Chronicles within the US. These out to maintain one’s individual The Cowboy Chronicle will also annual fees are the life-blood of library of back issues. And, the soon undergo its own exciting SASS and are critical to support- annual international renewal fee changes. We’ve finally reached a ing the Headquarters staff, build- can be reduced instead of increased! Tex, SASS #4 point where we are able to provide ing, inventories, and all the other Think this is just to make life an electronic version of The Cowboy aspects of running a business. better for our international mem- Chronicle for our international The “easy” way (but not the bers? Think again! How many of t seems everything in SASS is members. “Cowboy Way!”) would be to simply our domestic members have com- Ichanging. Fact is, change is the Our struggle with overseas increase the international fees. plained for years they receive their only constant … change keeps shipping has been an ongoing chal- However, that would create hard- Cowboy Chronicles weeks after every- everything new and fresh, makes lenge. The issue is this: it costs over ships all around, and there would one else (if at all, sometimes!)? life interesting, and keeps the game ten times more to ship Chronicles be an inevitable black-lash against Well, an opportunity will soon be from getting stale. But, change is overseas than it does to our domes- SASS. provided to let these folks also sub- not only occurring on the range … tic members. Years ago this gener- An alternate approach to dis- scribe to the on-line service! it’s on going in SASS Headquarters al situation was recognized, and the tributing The Cowboy Chronicle will There will always be a physical as well. Recent audits of the mem- annual international SASS rates shortly be available on-line: an on- paper produced … we see this same bership database revealed several were adjusted accordingly. How- line subscription service! SASS phenomena with the major newspa- shortcomings that are being ever, international shipping rates will post The Cowboy Chronicle on a pers around the country … they resolved. The net result is inactive have continued to increase, and we secure web site that can be print newsprint, but they also have members (annual members who are at a point where it actually accessed by our international mem- on-line subscription services that have not renewed their member- costs more to ship The Cowboy bers. The issue will be in full color quickly and efficiently service ships) will have their aliases Chronicle internationally than we throughout, rather than just the clients around the world. The Cowboy purged from the system in about a receive in membership dues! few color pages available now. And, Chronicle will be no different! August 2005 Cowboy Chronicle Page 7 The Cowboy CCONTENTSONTENTS Chronicle 1 ON THE COVER The Shootout At Mule Camp X 10 . 6 EDITORIAL The Chronicle Is Changing! . Editorial Staff 8-12 NEWS Magma Engineering New Bullet Mold ...Hide Crafter’s New Hunting Bag Video . Tex Editor-in-Chief Ain’t We Something? . Fort Leavenworth Is The Oldest Fort . 14-24 LETTERS Cat Ballou Editor The Best Costumes In The East . 16 CAT’S CORNER Chiz Managing Editor 18 CHIZ BIZ What’s Goin’ On . Advertising Director Adobe Illustrator 26 POLITICAL Domination Through Incrementalism . Layout & Design Donna Oakley 28-36 ARTICLES The Cowboy Hat . The Heartbreak Of DQ . The Buff’ler Hunt . Advertising Administrator Contributing Writers 38-49 GUNS & GEAR The “OH S#!* Syndrome! . Holsters, Time, Place & Persona . Bird Dawg Dan, Bison Butt, Bluegrass Lass, Bob Crismon, Calgary Kate, Capt. George Baylor, 50, 51 REVIEWS-PRODUCTS Cimarron’s 1874 Sharps .50-70 No. 1 Sporting Rifle . Carolina Longshot, Catawba Kate, Col. Buckshot, Col. Dan, Deacon Will, Ellsworth T. Kincaid, El Tigre, Hill Beachy, 54 REVIEWS-BOOKS 2005 Standard Catalog Of Firearms .
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