.. ■it-8 fO — MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, June 17. 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER SPORTS FOCUS K IT ’N’ C A R LY LE ®by Larry W right Mall mauling may Zimmer, Yanks Oklahoma ways HOMES 109 ^APARTMENTS FOR SALE I I FOR RENT end in agreement gag in the ninth touch her meals Superb 10 room contem- ... p a g e 9 oororv — Dream kitchen, 5 Room Apartment 2nd ... p a g e 1 4 4 bedroom s, 3'/j baths, floor. Available July 1. A i',. professional dark room. Busline, heat Included. iMSGEliANEOUS nMiMiSCELLANEOUS $550 per month. Keith PAINTIIID/ In-law apartment. -Secur­ CHILD CARE 8ERVIGE8 SERVICES'------------ ity alarm. Snuggled on Real Estate 646-4126. TAPERINfi over 1 acre with view of pond and nature. Every Manchester In nice loca­ > Nome your own price — Odd lobs. Trucking. amenity possible. Call for tion, with secluded yard. Pother and son. Fast, Home repairs. You name WIT tASORBirST full details. $295,000. $595 plus utilities. Call dependable service. It, we do It. Free esti­ Strano Real Estate, 647- 529-0299. will do babysitting In my Pointing, Paperhanging mates. insured. 643-0304. We’ll correct all your 7653. n Licensed Manchester & Removal. Coll 646-5761. Manchester-Cozy 2 bed­ home. (Verplanck School Howkes Tree Service — water problems. Huge M aster — M anche s­ room with bullt-ln micro- Area). Call 646-3793. Commercial Pointing Bucket Truck & Chipper. Free estimates and ter, $108,900. "Lvdall wave and nice yord. $495 Confrocfors-lnterlor and Stump Removal. Free Es­ written guarantee. exterior pointing. 20 years timates. Special consider­ Woods” Williamsburg 3 plus utilities. Call 529-0299. Hat6hways, founda­ iManrkstrr HrralJi In business. Fully Insured. ation for Elderly and Han­ bedroom Colonial Includ­ CARPENTRY/ Manchester — A City o( Village Charm ing 12X22 living room/dln- Free Estimates. 7420638. dicapped. 647-7553. tions, cracks, gravity Ing area. 1st floor fam ily There's someone out ISJfREM0DELIN6 feeds, tile linee, dry room and laundry. Many there who wants to buy Delivering clean form loom; 5 yards $75 plus tax. wells. Sump pumps, condominium features your power tools. Find Farrand Remodeling — window wells and with your own lot and that buyer with a low-cost ELECTRICAL Also sand, stone, and Wednesday, June 18,1986 Cabinets, roofing, gut­ grovel. Coll 643-9504. 25 Cents very low maintenance od In Classified. 643-2711. ters,. room additions, drainage lines. fee. I'^j baths, garage, decks, all types of remo­ Dumas Electric— Having OVER 40 YEARS built In 1985. D.W. Fish deling and repairs. F R E E Electrical Problems? EXPERIENCE. RE­ Realty, 643-1591 or 871- estimates. Fully insured. Need a large or a small FERENCES. State 1400. □ Manchester-Large, quiet, Telephone 643-6017, after Repair? We Specialize In 1 bedroom opartment, 6pm, 647-8509. D & D Landscaping. Vaca­ Registered. Fully In­ ovallable July 1, neor bus Residential Work. Joseph Justice confirmations likely DUmas. Fully Licensed. tion cuttings, hedge trlm- sured. ALBERT IQ j CARS MOTORCYCLES/ to Hartford and 1-84. Air Carpentrv and remodel­ mlong, Prunings, flower 1 I Rore Find...Distinctive 5 conditioning, hardwood Free Estimates. '646-5253. ZUCCARO WATER­ I ^ ' I for sa le ing services — Complete & shrub plantings. Free MOPEDS By Jam es H. Rubin being taken off a drug used to ease day” show. bedroom Garrison Colon­ floors, appliances. $450 ideological balance, but his youth ial on prlvofe 6.8 acre lot! home repairs ond remo­ estimates. Call 659-2436 PROOFING. Hart­ The Associated Press back pain. “ Both men are quality people.” Includes heat and hot iHEATINfi/ Datsun B210 Light Blue, and his recognized intellect could The grounds and yard deling. Quality work. Ref­ ofter 5:30pm. ford S63-3006 or 1983 Honda Moped, 2000 “ I think that that's something said Simon. “ There undoubtedly give the court a powerful conserva­ water, no pets, call 644- erences, licensed and In­ 1980 five speed drive. Very miles, excellent condi­ surrounding this home 9113. PLUMBIN8 Manchester 846- WASHINGTON -Thechairman that, when you hold a confirmation will be some questions, particu­ tive voice for decades to come. must be seen to be ooprle- sured. Coll 6460165. Odd Jobs-Palntlng, win­ good condition. M u st Sell. tion, call 646-3203. dow cleaning, hedge- 3361. 649-2647. and a liberal member of the Senate hearing, it would be a legitimate larly to Judge Scalia, but every­ As an appeals court judge. Scalia cloted. Truly a noture Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ Judiciary Committee today fore­ lover’s paradise! There /lown cutting. Coll Mark Also, dampness- question, and I suspect Justice thing I hear is very favorable about has voted for the right of the U.S. throom remodelino; In- Chevrolet Monza, 1980, 2 Suzukl-Enduro, 1972, runs saw untroubled Senate confirma­ Rehnquist himself would ^want it these men of quality.” ore two large, cleared stollotlon water heaters, 649-5695 anytime. Park Service to bar demonstrators I HOMES -proofing. Concrete door hatchback. Auto­ great, $250. Phone 643- tions of Supreme Court Justice answered.” Leahy said. ‘‘I can’t Thurmond said hearings would from sleeping in Washington parks areas that are lust waiting garbage disposals; faucet 8502. for you to plant your own FOR RENT Independent Construc­ Bookeeoing fullcharge 14 walls and floors. matic transmission, William Rehnquist as the nation's even believe he would even have probably begin in mid-July, days and for a requirement that crim i­ repairs. 6490539. Vlso/M- power steering, new gardens, home Is sur­ tion Co. General Contrac­ osterCord accepted. years experience for next chief justice and staunch accepted the president's appoint­ after the end of the court's current nal defendants claiming insanity rounded by tall pines, and Glastonbury 2 bedroom tors, custom home build­ small business. Write C & brakes, new tires, rust- A. Henry Personalized proofed. Runs good. Very conservative Judge Antonin Scalia ment if he didn’t think that was term. Burger’s retirement will undergo examinations. Is lust a beautiful setting! house with complete In­ ing and remodeling, N Bookeeping, 47 Teresa Lawn Care-Coihplete to take Rehnquist’s place. something that could be solved.” take effect upon the confirmation STRETCH YOUR burger Rd., Manchester, CT. Cleon. Excellent condi­ He also wrote an article calling The home features a mos- law apartment, 521-5234. siding, excavation, etc. lawn core and landscap­ "We anticipate no particular Thurmond said he did not of his successor. ter bedroom with Its own Cali 456-8865 or 456-7215. budget By using one port tion. $25(X) or best offer. MISCELLANEOUS the Freedom of Information Act. ing. Free estimates, fully 647-9203. Keep trying. I strong opposition.” to Reagan's anticipate roadblocks to Reagan’s Thurmond said Rehnquist “ is the law that defines the public's bath and a total of 3 full Manchester-3 bedrooms, soy extender to four ports Insured, all work guaron- AUTOMOTIVE baths, family room with appliances, $675 per of meat. Your taste buds surprise nomination of Rehnquist plan to elevate Scalia to the high highly respected and. in my right to obtain government docu­ feed, senior citizens dis­ 1982 Buick Skylark. One wet bar, oak staircase, month. Security, No Pets. WANT AOS ore the won't be able to tell the counts. 647-1349. to succeed Chief Justice Warren E. court after the Senate acts on the opinion, will make a great chief ments and attend meetings, “ the barnboard panelling and 647-9137. friendly wav of finding a difference, but your Doubis A Fence Co. Ex­ owner, very good condi­ Parting 1979 Chevy C-10 Burger, Judiciary Committee Rehnquist nomination. justice.” Taj Mahal of the Doctrine of much natural woodwork, cash buyer for oppllan- budget wllll Boost your pert stockade and roll tion, 4 door, 6 cylinder, Pickup. 8 foot bed, p,ose, Chairman Strom Thurmond said, Scalia. SO. a legal scholar most of Despite Thurmond’s prediction. Lawn core, driveways standard transmission, wheels and cop. Call 646- Unanticipated Consequences, the on enclosed sun porch ces. musical Instrumpnts. budget by selling Idle fencing, repair or Installa­ sealed, special weekly anticipating hearings by-the mid­ his life, has been a member of the Democrats likely will voice opposi­ Sistine Chapel of Cost-Benefit STORE AND cars and a host of other air conditioning, power 1786 offer 5:30 weekdays, with woodstove, fantastic Items In your home with o tion. Call Tony Albert. summer rote. Manches- dle of next month. U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — tion to both men because of their Analysis Ignored" home for o large and OFFICE SPACE Items. low-cost ad In closslfled. 649-9906. steering, power breaks, all weekend. ^ 4 ^ ter/Bolton. Call 647-0467. rear defrost, tilt, cruise, A few Democrats expressed considered the nation's No. 2 conservatism. Burger, saying “ 17 years is long growing family, must see misgivings on ideological grounds courtroom — since Reagan put to appreciate the natural AM/FM stereo cassette, Sen. Donald Riegle D-Mich., enough for anybody.” said he is Manchester - Downtown wire wheels. $2995. 649- Ladder rack tits van. $60. — Rehnquist is often thought to be him there in 1982. He would beauty of this home and Call 649-9567.0 said Rehnquist "has not demon­ retiring to devote full time to retail or office space, 1750 3261. the court’s most' conservative become the youngest justice and strated ... the extraordinary ca­ running the national commission property. Additional 4 square feet. 668-1447. acres also available with member and Scalia fits the same the first one of Italian-American pacity for leadership one expects coordinating the 1987 celebration Ladder rack tits van $60 the potential tor subdivi­ BOATS/MARINE MISCELLANEOUS CARS 1969 Volvo.
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