HUlIC LIBRJRT Nonci to WJiocifinit SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE NOTMS This paper will stop at once if paid to date and k 4m fid akmU Im so ordered by the subscriber. Not forced ou any one who quits square. Regular 10-page editkm 82.00 per year, or 6-page local edition S1.50 per D year, in advance. Please observe and oblige the % publisher. LOWELL, MICHIGAN. OCT, i, <22 VOLUME XXX. NUMBOt It and THE ALTO SOLO MlMlHDIISPffllHiflBi ~' LHI CLUBS 1 E. (Hi At LOOK'S State Bank, ot Lowell, Miukifu, Far aw LnweM Bay and Be Bee vice May COMO TO Lowell in Exchange Bntertaiaed by MIM Green, Grand Prograai for Dedication of MethodiHt ..Rapids Eloentionist Han Mm DeM( " for Bead Fnrnltnre Week . Chnreb House. Last week we attended the greatest Drug Con- •I ci«M af buaiiMW Saptambar ISth, Ittt.M An AM Arhar daily . Unnuthorlaed stntements have ap- The Lowell Literary club held October 6, 5:30, Ladies Aid society Ushad the following, to many Low- peared In some papers concerning a the first meeting of the year Tues- supper. veation ever held in the U. S. Over 60 manu- ell people. Interesting nuitrunoninl Thr-r is the Lowell plant of the day afternoon, October 3, at the / :30, Home-coming program. nuttrr^Mder^the h«ggj^^ YpsUanti Reed Furniture company; home of Mrs. L W. Rutherford. Af- Oct. 8, 10:30, Dedication service. facturerg displayed their merchandise and we but m definite statement has as vet ter the usual business session Presi- 7:30, lecture, "The Four Square •M DbcoiuiU been | public by officials of that dent, Mrs. (I. II. Horn, read a paper City." mMin -A nurriagi thai baf ml inter- got b lot of new Ideas and bought new goods llortpgH and Securities est to their nany AM Arhor friends concerning our club work. After Sermon and lectun* will be given am ImmI and due from banks *Amm accurred Thursday afternoon nt Tripla n ppof removin. •g the reed the reports of the committee were by former Pastor, Hev. Kusseil II. for late fall delivery. As long as we remain ia work of the Losvclwelll plant to loou^ given the following very enjoyable 44IU7 Flint, when Thsodore Paul Banks. Bready. aad Fixtures aadMiss Madylin Elsie Huher. of and bringing to the Lowell plant program was rendejed: Oct, 12.—Young People's night. business this store must be one of the best __ Boodt beldd dfdor safe keeping ajmrn the new and rapidly expanding Reading, Bud's Fairy Tale, James IjMMt Detroit. Married, the Supper and evening of games in of the Federal Reserve Bank ted hyMr. Banks' fath- spring makin_g business of the same Whitcomb Hiley. Miss tireen. charge of Hev. C. W. Mackenzie. drug stores in Western Michigan, with up-to- tittm er. wha Is a retired Methodist Epis- concern is being considered. and Solos, "The Letter" "Caro Roma, Oct. 15, Budget Sunday—Special copal Minister. They were attend- Superintendent Buck. of Ionia, has "Absence," Caro Homa, Mrs. C. II. music for these different services. date merchandise and the very best service. edky MM Freds Banks and ErhnH to Lowell to ascertain if the Runciman. You are invited. iks. sister nnd brother of the necessary hone power to run the . Readings, "The Old Front Gale" far Taxes. Interest and Depredation extensive machinery required would Will Carletou. Proits as heen a student at be svnllable from the Lowell elec- "De Wise Child," Thos. Augustus Did you say Corns? A Wiie Person Deposits (dweklni Accounts the University af School MMIC. and tric plut* Dalev, Miss Green. GertUkates of Deposit % i Is at present Militant to tiearge Os- The change, if mnde, will be great Solo—"Where My Caravan has UMietonon lDeposi t Bawen. euuiriiier of public ly to the advantage of Lowell, as the Rested." Herman lA>hr, Mrs. C. 11. If you mention coru* in Takes good care 01 their Mi Deposits al MUMC at AM Arhor. Mring making industry will require Runciman. our hearing we tsbull be teeth btcaune their health i naidddB. ddBilli s Rediscounted . ue employment of 15* people. Rrad'nK. Aunt Peggy in High Art, and coinlurt depend BO Bonds deposited with hank for safe keeping inent in faathaU circles on the TheUdger is assurred that official Miss Green. obliged to reeoinmeiid largely upon it. ISHjISljIt us aad WM counted on far the place announcement of any change deter- The club was very fortunate in M fuarterbnek on this yenr*! teaM mined will be made to the people of hearing Miss (ireen. elocutionist of Rasall Corn Solvent Klenzo Dental Cremo Grand Rapids. I A. Arehnrt F. W. Hlnyan but In the irst scrinunnge of the Lowell as soon as determined upon. We are sure you wish tu 0,' MSSOU Mrs. Agnes Kopf, of Houston, Tex- is the ideal dentriSce, free i. Berlin .O._ at Ferry BeM he Met with an . .T.Condon .£B.. LmhUU to his nnkle which has ns, a former member of the Lowell be rid of corns and you troin all iujurioufj Hub- t H. L. Weekes R. VanDyka nrobsbly put Mm out of the Uteraryclub made a few remarks. Unrry Day E can try tliii- on our iruar- Staucl-i!. Keepf thu teeth lor the tenson. The Marringe cere- Refreshments were served by the Mony nt Ma haMe In Flint on Thurs- OLD flip GONEdirectors . autee. bound and heahhy. Dw, day afternoon was perfonued while The next meeting will be held at 2Sc 25c and 50c tubas he stead with the aid of crutches. Mrs. L W. Walitsnd Died Suddenly the home of Mrs. F. J. Hosley, Octo- Mr. and Mrs. Banks returned to Snndny Moral M. ber II AM Arbor Friday where Mr. Banks Mrs. 1. W. Halstead. one of our will couMlete his studies nt the uni- oldest residents died quite suddenly versity during the coming year."— at her home in this village at 3 o'- [Ann Arbor Daily. clock, Sunday morning, Oct. 1. Al- D, O I J JO K Rev. nod Mrs. Banks, well-known though Mrs. Halstead had been in DEEP WATER TO SEi fanusr Lowell people, hove severnl failing health for some time it was One of the 8000 Rexall Drug Stores W* »• Strang, Safe, CMMmMw. with MS. other children of msrrisgrablr age. not thought that she would pass out 8t Lawrence Way Project Presented REV. RUSSELL H. BREADY. —or soon to ber-snd as the Elder quite so soon. to Clover Leaf Clnb "Dr. Bready, of Pontiac. Midu^in, stands ready to Marry them all Funeral services were held at the The Glover I.eaf club met with delivered his lecture: "The Four- without Money or price, It looks as home Tuesday at 2:3(1 p. in., con- Mrs. H. K. Hunter October third. square City," before the Northwest If the Banking buiiniis Is due for ducted by her pastor. Hev. H. H. After the usual business session and Indiana Conference, last uitfht at a large IncreaM In Michlgnn. Hsrrli. with burial in Oakwood a few words of greeting from the Trinity church. The church was cemetery. president. Mrs. M. B. Mcpherson, the packed to (he doors. Dr. Bready FAMBNI—DINNIB. Uiubeth Mdnlyre was born in program assumed a political aspect. has- the unique position of being Your Most Precious Gift Elbridue. Onondaga County. X. Y., Mr. ami Mrs. Huntley Russell were pastor of the largest clmrcii in a city April fl, 1836. December 31, 1855 guests for the day. Mrs. Russell at forty thousand, and City Commis- she married Isaac Halxtead. Two spoke concerning instruction ballots sionci', and Mayor, protein. Every Come. See and Buy children were born to them, one dy- and also about the three proposed person who is interesteii in com- .The bride was attended by her ing In Infancy, and Eflle, who sur- state constitutional amendmclits sub- munity building, outflit to hear tins sister, Miss Anna Fahrnl. and her vives her mother. In March 1871 mitted by the last legislature which lecture. It deals with modern Bower girl. Bvnuaellne Kropf. Era the family came to St. Johns, Michi- are to be voted upon Nov. 7. problems, running over with in- struction and humor.—- Klkhart, set Fahral. brother of the bride gan, and the following June to Ver- First, regarding the condemning Ind., News. ted m beet num. gennes. moving to this village in Oc- of land for public purposes. The bridsl party proceeded into •ober H72. and have lived in the Second, the state Income tax. is Your a drawing roan to the strains of neighborhood of their present home Third, the St. I.awrence deep wa- -ohengriirs bridal i ever since. Mr. Halstead was in ter projcct. This last amendment by Mrs._Jacfc Fahrni. the employ of the King, Quick A was explained by Mr. Russell. m BEES INITIIITE Md jou do not Bppnvkito it wttll H h lost or Impend, King ta* twenty-three years. He The deep water way project affects Onetloai it it loat for life. AU MtteritiM ami ttot Um .The bride WM dressed in a beau- was called home eleven year's ago. eighteen states and New York is (he Lowell Hive Will Receive Lar^c Ad- kMtiBfigoftn] Afc^init loat or Inpalred tjMtglit li prop- UM canton crepe gown. She enr- and the daughter, Eflle, Is left alone only state opposing the plan. Water dition to Membership TIum •rljnMde mm! ried s lovely bouquet of pink roee- to mourn her loss, but she has a transportation is seven times cheap- Evening. wide Circle of friends in tawell, er than by rail.
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