05DOCUMENT Shepperton Studios Planning Application for Growth 2018 Planning Statement AUGUST 2018 Shepperton Studios Planning Statement August 2018 Contents 1. Overview of the Case 1 2. Introduction 3 3. Shepperton Studios: A Global Brand 7 4. Site Description 11 5. Planning History 18 6. The Proposals 19 7. Planning Policy Context 27 8. Policy assessment of the proposals 33 9. Green Belt 53 10. Third Parties 65 11. The Planning Balance 67 Appendix 1: Planning History (existing and expansion site) Appendix 2: Adopted Planning Policy extracts Appendix 3: Third Party Letters of Support Sara Dutfield [email protected] Client Shepperton Studios Limited Our reference PINR3003 16 August 2018 1. Overview of the Case1 1.1 The case for the redevelopment and expansion of Shepperton Studios is founded upon: 1) The projected growth of the global film and high-end television (HETV) sectors of the creative industries. 2) The Government’s ongoing policy of strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth and support for the creative industries. The leading role and potential of the UK, West London and especially Shepperton Studios in providing for the growth. 3) The role of the West London cluster as the prime location for investment in the UK film and HETV sector. 4) The shortage of capacity within the leading UK studio facilities in the West London cluster to meet the identified demand for large ‘blockbuster’ film and HETV productions, predominantly from the inward investment, international market. 5) The need for Shepperton Studios to expand and improve its facilities both to meet these identified demands and accommodate the current and future requirements of film and HETV productions. 6) The world-class reputation of Shepperton Studios, founded on an unparalleled legacy of almost a century of film-making, to be secured for the future through this proposed [£500 million] development. Spelthorne Borough Council’s (‘SBC’) economic and corporate strategies of recognising the importance and potential of Shepperton Studios to the local economy and to local education, skills and training opportunities. 7) The tested commercial and design solution for the redevelopment and expansion proposals. 8) The substantial associated economic and social benefits of scale. 9) The absence of a credible and viable alternative to a major expansion at Shepperton Studios if the UK film growth ambition is to be met and existing economic activity retained. 10) The considerable harm to the industry that would arise from lost inward investment and economic benefits should the proposed expansion of Shepperton Studios not be allowed to proceed. 1.2 The proposed expansion will deliver substantial economic benefits: • The sustainable growth of the UK film, HETV and screen based media industry. 1 See also ‘The Case for Space’ application document 1 • A significant step change in the capability of the West London cluster of production facilities to sustainably attract inward investment into the UK from the international film and HETV production market. • A construction spend of c. £500m. • A construction phase of four years creating approximately 1,470 FTE temporary construction jobs. • The accommodation of around 2,800 total jobs on site. • A total of 5,000 FTE jobs including those supported on site, indirectly through the business supply chain and induced through onward expenditure of wages in the economy. • A total contribution of over £320m GVA (gross value added)once the development is completed spill-over effects including: ‒ a total of approximately 900 FTE jobs supported in non-film industries ‒ a total Exchequer revenue of around £60m per annum ‒ a total export contribution of around £75m per annum • Education, training and apprenticeship opportunities. • Enhanced business rate revenue for SBC. 1.3 This is the case for the redevelopment and expansion of Shepperton Studios to be considered in the determination of the planning application and in particular to be weighed against the Green Belt status of part of the application site. A planning balance between Green Belt constraint and the demonstration of very special circumstances to outweigh the presumption against a grant of planning permission is the key planning issue for determination. The applicants’ case is that the Green Belt harm is outweighed by the other material considerations and benefits and that a grant of planning permission is fully justified. 2 2. Introduction Introduction 2.1 This Planning Statement is submitted on behalf of Shepperton Studios Ltd (SSL) to SBC in support of an outline planning application to redevelop and extend Shepperton Studios within its existing site and onto adjacent land for the reconfiguration and expansion of facilities for film and HETV production facilities and associated support services. 2.2 The application site comprises c.60ha of land comprising the existing Shepperton Studios site, land located to the south-west and west of the existing Studios site owned by SSL (the ‘Expansion site’) and the River Ash corridor. 2.3 The proposal is described as follows: “Outline planning permission with all matters reserved (except for principal points of access) for the redevelopment and expansion of Shepperton Studios, comprising the partial demolition and replacement of existing accommodation; construction of new sound stages, workshops, office accommodation, entrance structures and reception, security offices and backlots; creation of a new vehicular and pedestrian access from Shepperton Road and the relocation of existing access off Studios Road; with associated car parking; landscaping and ecological enhancements.” 2.4 This Planning Statement is intended to addresses all the relevant planning policy considerations associated with the proposed development, and should be read in conjunction with the other documents and drawings submitted in support of the application, including: • Planning application forms and certificates of ownership; • Community Infrastructure Levy Forms; • Application drawings: ‒ 3542-FBA-00-XX-DR-PP.1 Existing Site Layout ‒ 3542-FBA-00-XX-DR-PP.2 Demolition ‒ 3542-FBA-00-XX-DR-PP.3 Movement ‒ 3542-FBA-00-XX-DR-PP.4 Development Zones ‒ 3542-FBA-00-XX-DR-PP.5 Heights ‒ 3542-FBA-00-XX-DR-PP.6 Green Infrastructure ‒ 3542-FBA-00-XX-DR-PP.7 Flood Protection ‒ 3542-FBA-00-XX-DR-PP.8 Levels ‒ 3542-FBA-00-XX-DR-PP.12 Composite Parameter Plan • Illustrative drawings: ‒ 3542-FBA-00-XX-DR-05_10-007 Illustrative Masterplan 3 • The Case for Space; • Review of the UK film and high-end TV production facility market; • Behind the Scenes at Shepperton Studios; • Expanding Shepperton Studios: The Economic Impact • Design and Access Statement (including illustrative sections); • Environmental Statement; • Ecological Assessment; • Landscape and Visual Appraisal; • Sustainability Assessment; • Heritage Statement; • Arboricultural Implications Report; • Geo-environmental desk study; • Planning Noise Report; and • Statement of Community Engagement. 2.5 The application is in outline form with all matters reserved for future consideration except principal means of access into the site. In accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, the application provides details of potential routes of access through the site on the Parameter Plans, although the fixed routes and designs will be secured through reserved matters. Context 2.6 This Statement is intended to assist SBC in its determination of the application having regard to the requirements of the Development Plan, the National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) and Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). It evaluates the proposed development against local and national planning policies and carries out an overall planning balance. Structure of Planning Statement 2.7 The remainder of the Statement is structured as follows: • Section 3: an introduction to Shepperton Studios as an iconic brand leader in the global film industry; its reputation, heritage, scale, facilities, significant offer and role both nationally and internationally; 4 • Section 4 and 5: a description of the site and its surroundings, planning designations and the relevant planning history; • Section 6: the proposed development in detail; • Section 7: a summary of the development plan policies, national policies, economic, film and screen based media policy context against which the development proposals will be assessed; • Section 8: the outline of the proposal’s compliance with the Development Plan and other material considerations; • Section 9: Green Belt assessment; • Section 10: Third Parties; and • Section 12: The overall planning balance. Environmental Impact Assessment 2.8 Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (hereafter referred to as the ‘EIA Regulations’) identifies projects where an EIA is required. The EIA Regulations implement the requirements of the European Community’s Directive on Environmental Assessment (85/337/EEC), as amended by the Council Directive No. 97/11/EC and 2011/92/EU. Further guidance is provided in the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG). 2.9 The size of the Site is above the 0.5ha ‘threshold’ for an urban development project as set out in category 10b of Schedule 2 of the EIA Regulations, and therefore the need for EIA must be considered. 2.10 A request for a screening opinion was submitted to SBC on 6 June 2018. SBC subsequently issued its Screening Opinion on 26 June 2018 (Appendix 1 of the Environmental
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