13626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 18 Alfred Warrington Marriner, Air Cor~& To be a major Guy Harrison Gale, Air Corps. LePage Cronmiller, Jr. Muir Stephen Fairchild, Air Corps. James Gradon Taylor, Air Corps. To be a first lieutenant Leland Wilbur Miller, Air Corps. David L. Henderson Raphael Baez, Jr., Air Corps. To be a chief quartermaster clerk TO BE MAJORS Homer Sterling Joseph Cyril Augustin Denniston, Air Corps. John Halliday McCormick, Air Corps. Earl Walter Barnes, Air Corps. - SENATE Charles Henry Caldwell, Air Corps. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1940 Edgar Turner Noyes, Air Corps. James Keller De Armond, Air Corps. (Legislative day ot,Wednesday, September 18. 1940) Walter Llewellyn Wheeler, Air Corps. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration Norme D. Frost, Air Corps. cf the recess. Linus Dodge Frederick, Air Corps. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the James Gordon Pratt, Air Corps. following prayer: Milton Miles Murphy, Air Corps. Lee Quintus Wasser, Air Corps. Almighty God, Thou fountain of divine blessing, whose Benjamin Thomas Starkey, Air Corps. infinite mind dwells behind the shadows, and whose heart of George Vernon Holloman, Air Corps. lave pulses beyond the stars: We acknowledge Thy presence Glenn Oscar Barcus, Air Corps. in all the universe, and, with the faith that will not be Turner Ashby Sims, Jr., Air Corps. quenched, we trust the infinite beneficence of Thy purpose, Samuel Wallace Van Meter, Air Corps. seeking only to order our lives in perfect harmony with Alfred Henry Johnson, Air Corps. Thine. Draw near to us, dear Lord, that, in the spirit of James Roy Andersen, Air Corps. kindness and readiness to serve, we may manifest in the Samuel Russ Harris, Jr., Air Corps. doing of our tasks this day a human sympathy for all suffer­ Shelton Ezra Prudhomme, Air Corps. ing humanity and an active zeal for whatever may promote John Paul Doyle, Jr., Air Corps. a wider happiness in our own beloved country and among Leon William Johnson, Air Corps. the nations of the world. Guy Beasley Henderson, Air Corps. Quicken our devotion to the highest, holiest principles ·of Henry Raymond Baxter, Air Corps. that perfect- manhood revealed in our Lord and Saviour, Morris Robert Nelson, Air Corps. Jesus Christ, in whose name and only for whose sake we dare Kenneth Perry McNaughton, Air Corps. to pray. Amen. TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES THE JOURNAL TO BE LIEUTENANT GENERAL On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, Delos Carleton Emmons, commanding gen~ral, General the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar Headquarters Air Force. day of Friday, November 15, 1940, was dispensed with and TO BE MAJOR GENERALS the Journal was·approved. ' Walter King Wilson Benjamin Oliver Davis METHOD OF N~BERING UNITED STATES LAWS Ernest Dichmann Peek Sanderford Jarman The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore <Mr. KING) laid be· Fulton Quintus Cincinnatus Frank Maxwell Andrews fore the Senate a letter from the Acting Secretary of State, Gardner John Francis Curry relative to a projected alteration in the method of number· TO BE BRIGADIER GENERALS ing of the laws of the.United States, which was referred to Edward Marsh Shinkle Walter Putney Boatwright the Committee on Printing. Gilbert Henry Stewart Arthur Griffith Campbell ERVINE J. STENSON William Alexander McCain Robert Clifton Garrett Ulysses Simpson Grant 3d Jack Whitehead Heard The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Sen­ Joseph Alexander Atkins John Chilton McDonnell ate a letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, trans­ Rolland Webster Case John Bernard Brooks mitting a draft of proposed legislation for the relief of Ervine Norman Foster Ramsey Clinton Warden Russell J. Stenson, formerly senior clerk and special disbursing agent Forrest Estey Williford Carlyle Hilton Wash at the Southern Navajo Indian Agency, which, with the Alexander Garfield Gillespie Lewis Blaine Hershey accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Ray Longfellow Avery Claims. APPOINTMENT IN THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES TARIFF INVESTIGATION AS TO CRAB MEAT GENERAL OFFICERS The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Sen­ ate a letter from the Chairman of the United States Tariff To be major general, National Guard ot the United States . Commission, reporting that, in accordance with the provi­ Robert Sprague Beightler sions of Senate Resolution 200, Seventy-sixth Congress, the To be brigadier generals, Adjutant General's Department, Commission has instituted an investigation, under the provi­ National Guard of the United States sions of section 336 of the Tariff Act of 1930, relative to crab George Ade Davis meat, fresh or frozen, etc., which, with the accompanying Mervin Gilbert McConnel paper, was referred to the Committee on Finance. REAPPOINTMENT IN THE OFFICERS' RESERVE CORPS OF THE ARMY SEPTEMBER 1940 REPORT OF THE RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE OF THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION GENERAL OFFICER The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the John Francis O'Ryan, Inactive Reserve, to be major gen· Senate a letter from the Chairman of the Reconstruction eral, Inactive Reserve. Finance Corporation reporting, pursuant to law, as to the PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY activities and .expenditures of the Corporation for the month of September 1940, including statement of loan and other MARINE CORPS authorizations made during the month, etc., which, with To be a brigadier general the accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee Charles F. B. Price on Banking and Currency. 1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 13627 REPORT ON THE FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT LIBRARY mergers, and certain other matters, relative to control of the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the reorganized Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Senate a letter from the Archivist of the Unit.ed States, Co., which was ordered to be printed. transmitting, pursuant to law, the first annual report on BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION INTRODUCED the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library for the fiscal year ended· Bills and a joint resolution were introduced, read the first June 30, 1940, which, with the accompanying report, was time, and, by unanimous consent, the second time, andre­ referred to the Committee on the Library. ferred as follows: PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS By Mr. PEPPER: The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the S. 4421. A bill for the relief of Mitchell Baryshanski; to Senate a resolution adopted by the Thirty-third Annual Con­ the Committee on Immigration. vention of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association at By Mr. McKELLAR: Richmond, Va., favoring the taking of prompt steps for the S. 4422. A bill relating to the compensation of William J. construction of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in the Muse for services rendered as a clerk in the post office at interest of national defense, which was referred to the Com­ Mountain City, Tenn.; to the Cominittee on Post Offices and mittee on Commerce. Post Roads. He also laid before the Senate the petition of Hyman Wal­ S. J. Res. 302. Joint resolution authorizing the President to ter, of New York City, praying for the creation of the salaried invite foreign countries to participate in the Pan American post of poet laureate of the United States, which was referred Cotton Congress; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. to the Committee on the Library. FUNERAL EXPENSES OF THE LATE SENATOR PITTMAN He also laid before the Senate a letter from Derek White, Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, on behalf of the Senator chairman, advisory board, National Aircraft Training Council, from Nevada [Mr. McCARRANJ, I ask for the present consider­ Los Angeles, Calif., offering his services and those of the ation of the resolution which I send to the desk. council to the United States for the purpose of speeding up The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. The resolution that portion of the national defense having to do with the will be read. production of airplanes, engines, and component parts, which, The resolution (S. Res. 328) was read, as follows: with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate hereby is authorized on Military Affairs. and directed to pay from the contingent fund of the Senate the He also laid before the Senate a resolution of the annual actual and necessary expenses incurred by the committee appointed meeting of the Hudson River Baptist Association, North, by the Acting President pro tempore of the Senate in arranging for and attending the funeral of Hon. Key Pittman, late a Senator Schenectady, N.Y., protesting against the action of the State from the State of Nevada, upon vouchers to be approved by the of New York Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control in au­ Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the thorizing manufacturers and wholesalers "to sell and deliver Senate. alcoholic beverages to post exchanges, canteens, officers, and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objec­ regional messes within Federal military and naval reserva­ tion, the rule requiring reference of the resolution to the tions,"' which was referred to the Committee on Military Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of Affairs. the Senate will be waived, and the resolution will be adopted. He also laid before the Senate l\ telegram in the nature of a petition from R. G. Allen, of Dallas, Tex., praying for the ELECTION POLLS, ETC. prompt enactment of the so-called Walter-Logan bill and Mr. McKELLAR submitted the following resolution (S. Res. amendment of the Wagner Labor Act, and also remonstrating 329), which was referred to the Committee on Privileges and against final adjournment of the Congress, which was ordered Elections: to lie on the table. Resolved, That a special committee of three Senators, to be ap­ pointed by the President of the Senate, Is authorized and directed REPORT OF CO~TEES to make a full and complete study and investigation with respect to Mr.
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