J.P. Gumbert TTK collection Archives Archive number: Or. 27.236 Until his retirement in 2001, Johan Peter Gumbert (January 22, 1936 August 18, 2016) was full professor of Latin Paleography and Codicology at Leiden University, a position he held from 1979. Over a span several decades he brought together a collection of mainly Western translations of the Tao Te King (TTK) and other materials related to the TTK. In addition to this collection of over fourteenhundred books there are also archival materials, with a length of app. 2 meters, and app. one hundred digital files. These archival materials come from the following sources: Digital files (Word files, PDF files, website links etc.); documents found inside books in the book collection (e.g., invoices from suppliers, emails ààààà, handwritten notes by JPG etc.); documents kept by JPG (e.g., print out of TTK translations, handwritten notes, bibliographical data printed from the internet or from books, correspondence with publishers and translators etc.). Many of these documents had been sorted to a certain extent by JPG and were kept in separate folders or binders, and these documents are described per folder / binder. A another big batch of documents had not been sorted by JPG, and have been sorted for the purpose of this description. These archives are stored in eleven archive boxes. Contents: 1. Archival material on the TTK collection and on the process of collecting 1.1. Correspondence 1.1.1. Correspondence with booksellers/publishers 1.1.2. Correspondence with translators 1.1.3. Correspondence with Knut WalfàààààWààà comments by prof. Gumbert 1.1.4. Other correspondence 1.2. Invoices from booksellers, shipping documents from booàtform (Amazon.com,ABEbooks.com etc.) 1.3. Flyers and bookmarks, book launch invitations etc. from booksellers 1.4. Bibliographies, book descriptions, à (photocopied from books, printouts from Worldcat, ABEbooks etc.) 1.5. Lists and descriptions prepared by JPG on his TTK collection: bibliographical lists (by language); lists of TTK editions by translator/year; collection of different translations of selected TTK chapters 1.6. Documents related to the TTK exhibition in UBL (2002) and in Hong Kong (2007) 1.7. Acquisition of Yiddish TTK edition 1.8. Handwritten notes by JPG (bibliographical notes, notes on TTK editions) 2. Archival material related to the TTK 2.1. TTK complete translations (printed out from digital files, photocopied from books etc.) 2.2. Old Jesuit TTK translation manuscript in British Library 2.3. Photocopies of TTK translations (selected pages only, e.g., front page, title page, or (part of) individual chapter) 2.4. Articles related to TTK 2.5. Biographies of TTK translators 2.6. OàL. Includes book reviews (mainly from newspapers), unsorted documents. 3. DàààJPGàààààLàPààC. These documents are stored elsewhere. 3.1. Documents related to J. Hermans. 3.2. Documents related to J. Biemans. 3.3. Documents related to E.A. Overgaauw. 3.4. Documents related to E. Kwakkel 3.5. Documents related to I. de Loos. 3.6. Other documents related to the medieval texts studies of JPG. 1. Archival material on the TTK collection and on the process of collecting 1.1. Correspondence 1.1.1. Correspondence with booksellers/publishers Digital files. DààààDàáàII (printed out in July 2017): Clausbr.wpd: letter from JPG to Claus, providing biographical and bibliographical data to Claus. 3 p. Clausbr2.wpd: letter from JPG to Claus, providing TTK biographical and bibliographical data to Claus. 2 p. Clauslijst.wpd: letter from JPG to Claus, providing TTK biographical and bibliographical data to Claus. 3 p. Crumbl.br: letter to Crumbling Empire Press, to obtain a ààFàTTKààà Kaminski.wpd: two letters from JPG to Mr. Kaminski, àJPGàààààà the TTK, 2 p. Printouts of correspondence found inside books Includes a few dozen emails and letters to/from publishers in various countries, incl. the Netherlands, Germany (especially Matthias Klaus from the website dasklassischechina.de), Great Britain, France, Italy etc. Documents kept by JPG in one big envelop. Contains correspondence with booksellers. Also includes correspondence with Knut Walf and promotional items from various booksellers. Includes: Booklists from and correspondence with Gisela Grimm in Mainz, Germany. Includes invoicàààààààBààCàKààà Correspondence with booksellers in The Netherlands, Great Britain, Sweden, Spain, United States, Czech Republic, Germany. Name cards, bookmarks and flyers from booksellers. Includes one catalogue of Smitskamp Oriental Antiquarium (no. 616, April 1998). Red plastic folder containing a set of correspondence: Emails with Hilmar Klaus. Period 2006; main topics: oldest editions of the TTK in Europe. CààMàCàààààklassischeàPà 2006 2012. Main topic: German editions of the TTK. Total app. 90 p. A4. 1.1.2. Correspondence with translators Correspondence with Evgeny Torchinov. Period 19992000. A.o. about TTK books written by Torchinov and sent by him to JPG. Correspondence pertaining to TTK editions by Aleister Crowley and his followers. Includes: Correspondence in 2012 with Knut Walf on the various editions issued by the Ordo Temple Oààààààààà CààààWàBàààààáàCà Correspondence in 2013 with Stephen Skinner about his edition of the translation Correspondence in 2013 with a bookseller about a certain edition of the Crowley translation ; short biography of S. Skinner from his homepage VààààáBEàààáàCàTTKàààale ; some notes by JPG. Total app. 23 p. A4 Set of loose correspondence (period 19962012) with: K. Walf French bookseller Julien Mannoni B.J. Mansvelt Beck K. Schipper, Livia Kohn, Michael Lafargue various booksellers correspondence found inside books: Kaminski, Kim Unsong, K. Schipper, Total app. 70 p. A4 1.1.3. Correspondence with Knut Walf DààààDàá II (printed out in July 2017): Walf.txt: email from JPG to K. Walf in 2007 on the Hong Kong TTK exhibition, and àJPGà new TTK acquisitions Walf.wpd: email from K.Walf to JPG about the passing away of Helmut Martin. Also includes an ààKàWààLaoziTextversionen im Vergleich. Das Problem der historischen und inhaltsbezogenen, computergestützààDà29 p.) (see also Walfwtb.br.wpd: note by JPG to K. Walf, about corrections to his catalogue. 3 p. Not dated. Walfwtb.wpd: note by JPG to K. Walf, about corrections to his catalogue, 13 p. Not dated. Envelop with printouts of email correspondence with Knut Walf: Period: 2003 2014. Main topics: new TTK acquisitions by JPG; comments on quality and authenticity of translation / foreword / publication of various TTK editions. In one of these mails of 2014 JPG mentions he is being treated for a brain tumor. Total app. 80 p. Correspondence with Knut Walf kept in paper folding. Period 20002005. Mainly about new TTK acquisitions from JPG. Includes an ààKàWààLTextversionen im Vergleich. Das Problem der historischen und inhaltsbezogenen, computergestützten strukturellen Dàà, same as under Total app. 50 p. Correspondence with Knut Walf found inside books. Mainly about the TTK catalogues as put together by K. Walf. Also includes remarks by JPG about the quality of various TTK translations. 1.1.4. Others Postcard from Piet [Gorissen] to Peter, dated July 2002 Found inside books: two notes/cards from Piet Gorissen; email and namecard of Ruta Capaite; note and Christmas card from 1.2. I (Amazon.com,ABEbooks.com, individual booksellers, cash register slips, etc.). All these items were found inside the books. Several hundred items, for convenience sake split in four folders as per GUMBE shelf number: GUMBE 1 (AF), GUMBE 2 (AG), GUMBE 3 (AG), GUMBE 4 (AD) 1.3. Flyers, promotion materials and bookmarks from booksellers All these items were found inside the books. App. three dozen items. Includes a.o.: glossy brochure from Sevenstar Communications (HuaChing Ni publisher); La Gnose Chinoise; Basque flyer; small booklet on books by Carl Dallago. 1.4. Bibliographies and book descriptions (photocopied from books, printed out from Worldcat, ABEbooks etc.) 1.4.1. Documents kept by JPG in brown carton mailing envelop. Contains bibliographical data copied from books or catalogues. Includes: Five sets of photocopies: Photocopies of Cà‘ààWàLàáàCààCà Bibliography of Publications in English, French, and German through ààLàGà Thompson (p. 7891). PààBààTàs dans les langues occidentaààMà“à and F. Litsch, p. 141. PààDàKàIIààIII PààDà“àKààLààDààHàHàLàà Front page, foreword p. III, VIIX, Introduction p. 19, 4045; TTK p. 146149, 216241. PààBààTà“ààDàáàà“à‘ààBuddhist and Taoist Studies I, edited by Michael Saso and David W. Chappell), p. 122149 PààDàBààOà‘ààEàCààHà Cordier), 1878. Front page, p. 299306 ; supplement (1895) p. 16171622, 21572160. With 1 sheet with notes by JPG and 2 small slips with notes Set of photocopies: Book Auction Sales 16th February 1954: Bibliotheca Occulta collected by Prof. Dr. G. van Rijnkerk (4 p.) Bibliography from an unspecified English book, p. 121129 (9 p), p. 123129 (double) Bibliography from an unspecified English book, p. 132134 (double) Photocopies of bibliography from a book, p. 123147 (Yen Lingfeng edition?) Photocopies from various sources (most often unspecified), of pages covering books with a title/author ààààL)àIàTàNàUàCà1956 Ià(13 p., undatedàNational Union Catalog (14 p., undated) and other sources (English, French, German and Spanish), total 22 p. Includes also two short English bibliographies providing a short description of each title, printed from internet sources: Print out of text àEàTàààTàTàCà DàDàJàNàà specified. 2p. PàààTàTàCàNààTàNàauthor/source specified. 1 p. 1.4.2. GàààVàààáààTàTàKàPrint out from www.dasklassischechina.de, printing date August 27, 2012. Includes a 4page index of German editions of the TTK from 1870 until 2011, and a 3page list of the earliest TTK translations in Western languages.
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