144 - SPIRULA nr. 358 (2007) Artikelen in tijdschriften Journal papers: continentalmalacology R.A. Bank Sorted Malacological papers published in journals. in thefollowing order of succes- sion: Faunistics/Ecology - Fossil Assemblages - Bivalvia - Gastropoda (alphabetically rubricated at thefamily level) - Miscellanea - Publications in the Bulletin of Zoologi- cal - - Nomenclature (new cases comments onprevious cases Opinions). Within each item, papers are orderedalphabetically on the name ofthefirst author. FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES - PAN, H. & X. ZHU (2007): Early Cretaceous dae) from Lake Baikal. Zootaxa, 1466: ALEXANDROWICZ, W.P. & D. RUDZKA (2006): non-marine gastropods from the Xi- 55-67. Auckland. Molluscan communities from cave and - azhuang Formation in north China. Cre- slope deposits of the limestone rocky hills taceous Research, 28 (2): 215-224. AGRIOLIMACIDAE in the eastern part of Podhale Basin SCHNABEL, T. (2007): Die kanozoischen Fil- CHERNYSHEV, A.V. (2006): The slug Dero- (southern Poland). - Folia Malacologica, holiidae WENZ 1923. Teil 4: Die eo- und ceras caucasicum (SIMROTH, 1901) in the 14 (4): 191-201. Poznan. Vertreter der Russian Far East: 10 after the fïrst oligozanen Gattung Tripty- years ALTABA, C.R. (2006): A new land snail from chia, nebst Bemerkungen zur Ökologie finding. - The Bulletin of the Russian Far the Quaternary of Mallorca (Balearic Is- und bzw. Verbre- East 10: 133-134. geo- stratigraphischen Malacological Society, lands, western Mediterranean): Darderia itung der Filholiidae sowie zur Evolution Vladivostok. [Russian] bellverica n. gen., n. sp. (Gastropoda, Pul- der Gattung Triptychia. - Archiv ftir Mol- JORDAENS, K., J. PINCEEL & T. BACKELJAU monata, Helicodontidae). - Animal Biodi- luskenkunde, 136 (1): 25-57. Frankfurt am (2006): Life-history variation in selfing versity and Conservation, 29 (2): 195-200. Main. multilocus genotypes of the land slug De- Barcelona. SCHOLZ, H., O. TIETZ & J. BOCHNER (2007): roceras laeve (Pulmonata: Agriolimaci- Esu, D. (2007): Latest Messenian "Lago- Unionoid bivalves from the Miocene dae). - Journal ofMolluscan Studies, 72 Mare" Lymnocardiinae from Italy: Close Berzdorf Basin (eastern Germany): taxo- (3): 229-233. London. relations with the Pontian fauna trom the nomie remarks and implications for Dacic Basin. - Geobios, 40 (3): 291-302. palaeoecology and palaeoclimatology. - AMNICOLIDAE Lyon. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaon- BLCHAIN, J.-M., M.-C. BOISSELIER-DUBAYLE, Esu, D., G. MANGANO & L. BONFIGLIO tologie, 244 (1): 43-51. Stuttgart. P. BOUCHET & S. SAMADI (2007): Species (2007): The molluscan fauna ffom the up- I. I. VASILIEV & W. KRI- delimitation in STOICA, M., LAZÜR, the genus Bythinella (Mol- Pleistocene per vertebrate-bearing deposits Mollusc JGSMAN (2007): assemblages of lusca: Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea): a of S. Teodoro Cave (north-eastern Sicily). the Pontian and Dacian deposits from the first attempt combining molecular and - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologiae Strati- Topolog-Arge§ area (southern Carpathian morphometrical data. - Malacologia, 49 grafia, 113 (1): 127-138. Milano. - foredeep- Romania). Geobios, 40 (3): (2): 293-311. Philadelphia. JIANG, B., J. SHA & H. CAI (2007): Early Cre- 391-405. Lyon. SZAROWSKA, M. (2006): Molecular phyloge- taceous nonmarine bivalve assemblages A. TAVLANI, M., REMIA, D. ESU & M. SAMI ny, systematics and morphological charac- from the Jehol Group in western Liaoning, (2007): Messinian Lago-Mare mollusc ter evolution in the Balkan Rissooidea northeast China. - Cretaceous Research, fauna from the Gorgona Island slope, (Caenogastropoda). - Folia Malacologica, 28 (2): 199-214. Tyrrhenian Sea. - Geobios, 40 (3): 351- 14(3): 99-168. Poznan. MATSUBARA, T. & K. KOMORI (2007): The 358. Lyon. first record of fossil Ellobium (Gastropo- YANES, Y., M. KOWALEWSKI, J.E. ORTIZ, C. AMPULLARIIDAE da: from northeastem - Ellobiidae) Japan. T. CASTILLO, DE TORRES & J. DE LA NUEZ BURELA, S. & P.R. MARTIN (2007): Nuptial Venus, 65 (4): 325-331. Tokyo. (2007): Scale and structure oftime-averag- feeding in the ffeshwater snail Pomacea MIENIS, H.K. (2006): The local land and ing (age mixing) in terrestrial gastropod canaliculata (Gastropoda: Atnpullariidae). freshwater - molluscs. In: Y. GARFINKEL - assemblages from Quaternary eolian de- Malacologia, 49 (2): 465-470. Philadel- & D. DAG (eds.), Gesher. A pre-pottery posits of the eastern Canary Islands. - phia. neolithic A site in the Central Jordan Val- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, WADA, T. & K. MATSUKURA (2007): Season- ley, Israël. A ftnal report. Bibliotheca ne- Palaeoecology, 251 (2): 283-299. al changes in cold hardiness of the inva- olithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis. sive freshwater Aplle snail, Pomacea Berlin (ex Oriente): 175-180. GASTROPODA canaliculata (LAMARCK) (Gastropoda: MIQUEL, S.E. & E.S. BELLOSI (2007): Micro- Atnpullariidae).- Malacologia, 49 (2): gasterópodos terrestres (Charopidae) del ACROLOXIDAE 383-392. Philadelphia. Eoceno Medio de Gran Barranca (Patago- SHIROKAYA, A. (2007): A new species of nia Central, Argentina). - Ameghiniana, Gerstfeldtiancylus STAROBOGATOV, 1989 ARIONIDAE 44(1): 121-131. Buenos Aires. (Pulmonata: Basommatophora:Acroloxi- BECKMANN, K.-H. (2007): Arion (Kobeltia) - 145 SPIRULA nr. 358 (2007) occultus R. ANDERSON 2004 und weitere PLOS Biology, 3 (9): 1559-1571. Archeo+Malacology Group Newsletter, Nacktschnecken auf den Aran-Inseln (Ir- CHIBA, S. & A. DAVISON (2007): Shell shape 11: 7-9. Oxfordshire. land). - Heidia, 5 (3): 99-100. München. and habitat use in the north-west Pacific MINATO, H. (2007): Seven species of the HONEK, A. & Z. MARTINKOVA (2007): A field land snail Mandarina polita from Hahaji- family Clausiliidae (Gastropoda: Pul- method for quantifying the grazing activi- ma, Ogasawara: current adaptation or monata) and the present status of the habi- ty of slugs, with particular reference to Ar- ghost of species past? - Biological Journal tat ofthe land snails on Hachijo Island, Izu ion lusitanicus (Mollusca). - Malacologia, of the Linnean Society, 91 (1): 149-159. Islands, Japan. - Chiribotan, 37 (4): 186- 49 (2): 273-281. Philadelphia. London. 196. Tokyo. [Japanese]. JORDAENS, K., J. PLNCELL, H. KRIECKEMENAS ÖRSTAN, A., M.Z. YILDIRIM, S. CEYLAN, T.A. & T. BACKEUAU (2006): Accurate identifi- BULIMULIDAE PEARCE & F. WELTER-SCHULTES (2007): A cation of cryptic slug taxa of the Arion SILVA, L.F. DA & J.W. THOMÉ (2007): Re-de- new species ofIdyla (Pulmonata: Clausili- subfuscus/fuscus complex by PCR-RFLP scription of Simpulopsis decussata PFEIF- idae) from Aydin Mountains, Turkey and (Pulmonata:Arionidae). - Journal of Mol- FER 1856 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pul- the associated land snail fauna. - Journal luscan Studies, 72 (3): 323-325. London. monata: Bulimulidae). - Archiv für Mol- ofConchology, 39 (3): 329-334. London. MIENIS, H.K. (2007): Een geval van slakken- luskenkunde, 136 (1): 9-17. Frankfurt am de Gewone - De Main. COCHLIOPIDAE mijten op wegslak. Kreukel, 43 (1): 8. Diemen. PONS DA SILVA, M.C. & I.L. VEITENHEIMER- MIENIS, H.K. (2007): Een onverwachte CAMAENIDAE MENDES (2004): Redescrigao de Pota- Records of molithus catharinae base nieuwe vindplaats voor Limacus flavus en KAMEDA, Y. (2007): Satsuma com em topóti- in Purmerend. - De in rio Her- Arion vulgaris mercatoria (Pulmonata: Camaeinidae) pos (Gastropoda, Hydrobiidae), Kreukel, 43 (10: 15-16. Diemen. Yoron and Iheya Islands, the Ryukyu Is- cïlio, Santa Catarina, Brasil. - Iheringia, lands, southwestern Japan. - Chiribotan, Sér. Zoologia, 94 (1): 83-88. Porto Alegre. ARIOPHANTIDAE 37 (4): 183-185. Tokyo. [Japanese], PONS DA SILVA, M.C. & I.L. VEITENHEIMER- KASIGWA, P.F. & J.A. ALLEN (2007): Quan- SUTCAHRIT, C. & S. PANHA (2006): Taxo- MENDES (2004): Nova espécie de Heleobia tification of shell banding polymorphism nomie review of the tree snail Amphidro- (Rissooidea, Hydrobiidae) da planicie in the East African tree snail Sitala jenynsi mus ALBERS, 1850 (Pulmonata: Ca- costeira do sul do Brasil. - Iheringia, Sér. - in 94 (Pulmonata: Ariophantidae). African Zo- maeinidae) Thailand and adjacent areas: Zoologia, (1): 89-94. Porto Alegre. ology, 42 (1): 59-69. subgenus Amphidromus. - Journal of Mol- LEE, Y.-C. & W.-L. WU (2006): An invasive luscan Studies, 72 (1): 1-30. London. CYCLOPHORIDAE Ariophantid species ffom India. - Bulletin SUTCHARIT, C., F. NAGGS & S. PANHA NUNES, G.K.M. & S.B. DOS SANTOS (2007): of Malacology, 30: 55-60. Taiwan. (2007): Systematic review ofthe land snail A reversed coiled Neocyclotusprominulus genus Neocepolis PILSBRY, 1891 (Pul- (D'ORBIGNY) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, ASSIMINEIDAE monata: Camaeinidae) from north Viet- Cyclophoridae) ffom Grande Island, Rio - - 41 FUKUDA, H. & W.F. PONDER (2006): Conas- nam. Journal of Natural History, de Janeiro, Brazil. Revista Brasiliera de 24 siminea, a new genus of the Assimineidae (9/12): 619-631. London. Zoologia, (1): 258-259. Curitiba. (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea) from southeastern Australia. - Journal of Mol- CHAROPIDAE DIPLOMMATINIDAE luscan Studies, 72 (1): 39-52. London. MIQUEL, S.E. & E.S. BELLOSI (2007): Micro- CHANG, K.-M. & A. TADA (2006): Descrip- GLÖER, P., M.D. NASER & A.G. YASSER gasterópodos terrestres (Charopidae) del tion of Diplommatina hayasakai KURODA Assiminea - Eoceno Medio de Gran Barranca MS from Hualien Taiwan (2007): mesopotamican. sp. a (Patago- (Pulmonata: new species from Mesopotamia, Iraq nia Central, Argentina). - Ameghiniana, Diplommatinidae). - Bulletin of Malacol- - 30: 43-50. (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Assimineidae). 44 (1): 121-131. Buenos
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