$1.00 a copy Two Sections Casselton, ND 58012 Brad Burgum over the years Casselton Reporter • Kindred Tribune • Hunter Times 1952-2010- page A-2 Community meeting times with superintendent candidates set Casselton area community mem- Frank Schill, Cavalier superinten- The public also has the option bers are encouraged to participate in dent since 2004, at 2 p.m. of attending the board interviews, a discussion time with Central Cass This year’s community meeting although they do coincide with the superintendent candidates on Sat- will be slightly different than last community meetings. Board inter- urday, Feb. 27 at the school library. year’s in that it will include both views are 9 a.m. for Weston, 11 a.m. The schedule is as follows: Les Dale, the district faculty and community for Schill and 2 p.m. for Dale. Ashley superintendent, elementary members. It is anticipated that the new su- principal and activities/athletic di- The community meeting allows perintendent will be named in early rector since 1999, at 9 a.m.; Mark area residents the opportunity to ask March. Weston, current interim Central the candidates questions and engage Cass superintendent, at 11 a.m. and in discussion. Buffalo pancake feed successful Area residents enjoyed the pancakes and sausages made by the Buffalo Area Quick Response Unit (BAQRU) and members of the Buffalo Fire Department (BFD). This is the major yearly fundraiser for Les Dale Mark Weston the BAQRU and BFD. The funds are used for equipment and training explained Buffalo Assistant Fire Frank Schill Chief Paul Tinjum. For more photos and information from the pancake feed, please turn to page A-2. Kindred citizens form CERT Council By Amanda Gades answer calls for assistance in fight- The Red River Valley and sur- ing flood waters by having one per- rounding area is beginning to take son go out to the residence, assess steps to prepare for flooding this the situation and determine how year. In Kindred, there is a newly many volunteers and what supplies formed community emergency re- are needed. sponse team (CERT) group who is That would decrease on more going to play a critical role in ensur- people arriving on scene than need- ing an even more effective flood fight ed or people not being able to act as for their residents. quickly as they’d like because not The main focus of the CERT enough supplies are on hand, ex- group will be to create an informa- plained Dawn. tion station that will then be used The group has been meeting to as the central source for calling vol- form strategic plans for the informa- unteers and organizing supplies as tion center, supplies, food items and needed explained Rich Schock who an evacuation plan - just in case it’s is leading the group. needed. “We are focusing on flooding at Although plenty has already the moment,” said Schock. “When been prepared in regards to where that passes then we will sit down and how many sandbags need to and draw out what to do if there is be placed along roadways such as an ice storm, a tornado or if a child Highway 46. This information is all or snowmobiler goes missing.” documented in the flood preparation A more focused effort manual written by Kindred Public The desire to establish a CERT Works Supervisor Ken Blilie, who for the community came through is also the incident commander for a hearing about the 34 other councils flood situation. Photo by Amanda Gades/The Reporter throughout the state. All actions of the CERT council File Photos The Davenport Rural Fire District has 28 firefighters. Fundrais- “I thought the CERT council in relation to a flood effort would go ing is a significant source of income for the fire department but would be something good and posi- Kindred city officials will learn about the projected crest level of grants like the recent $40,000 Assistance to Firefighters Grant real- tive,” stated Schock. “It would help the Sheyenne River on March 2 during a meeting with the Corps of ly help small departments fill needs, explained Assistant Fire Chief bring the community together more CERT - Page A-9 Engineers in Valley City. Matt Palluck. and neighbor would be helping neighbor.” This past December, Schock con- tacted Citizens Corps Coordinator Sara Werner. This put the process Fire Department in motion. Then, specific residents were per- sonally contacted to be on the coun- cil. “I asked whoever played a key awarded grant role in last year’s flood fight,” stated By Amanda Gades said Palluck. Schock. About four months from now, The turn-out gear is thinner and a Kindred residents who have Davenport Firefighters will receive more light weight material than the agreed to be part of the efforts in- an equipment upgrade when the new current gear that some of the guys clude Dawn Johnson, Pam Liebe- self-containing breathing apparatus- are wearing. es (SCBAs) and turnout gear arrives “It’s more mobile,” said Palluck. now, Scott Milbrandt, Darin La- thanks to a grant from the Assistance “It will keep our guys a lot safer.” verdure, Miles Girodaut and Chad to Firefighters Grant Program. Each set of turn-out gear needs to Dougherty. “We were very pleased to have be custom fit to the individual that Dawn Johnson believes that it is received this award,” said Davenport wears it which means that it will important to lend a hand to fight the Fire Chief Jeff Korol. take approximately three months to flood waters again this year. The new equipment will fill an receive following the fittings. “My husband and I did quite a bit important need at the department The SCBAs will not take quite as of sandbagging last year,” said John- according to Assistant Fire Chief long to obtain. An estimated arrival son. “It’s a good feeling to be able to Matt Palluck. date for them is 30 to 60 days after help out. I certainly learned a lot “This equipment was one of our ordering, explained Palluck. about how the flooding happens. I biggest needs and also the most ex- Both Palluck and Korol believe feel like I have that knowledge and pensive,” stated Palluck, writer of that the equipment will make a sig- nificant difference. I will use it this year. I think that the grant request. The $40,000 grant will make a “We will be up-to-date with the things went smoothly last year but significant difference for the small best gear we can get for the fire fight obviously there are some things that Last spring, the Kindred “sandbag central” was located at Dakota Ag. Volunteers played a significant department. could go a little bit more smoothly.” “Some of our firefighters are wear- Their approach is going to be to role in fighting the Sheyenne River last year and will be critical again this year. In conjunction with the Grant - Page A-9 Public Works Supervisor Ken Blilie, the CERT Council will help manage the volunteer operations. ing equipment that is 20 years old,” INSIDE: INSIDE: Agriculture.............. B-5, B-6 Obituaries...............................A-5 Tournament action Speedway lease Classifieds.................B-8, B-9 Public Notices........................B-7 -See page B-1 talks to resume Entertainment................B-10 School..............................A-6, A-7 -See page A-10 Lifestyle............................A-3 Sports...............................B-1-B-4 Opinion.............................A-4 Around Rural Cass......A-8-A-10 February 24, 2010 A-2 News Cass County Reporter Brad Burgum: Leaving behind a legacy that touched many By Amanda Gades but he was always wel- administrator of the “He calmly told the council what A true gentleman who made every coming and we were in- Katherine Kilbourne they could and couldn’t do,” stated moment count. volved in many activi- Burgum Charitable Pyle. That’s how long-time Casselton ties together. I never Lead Unitrust with A family man and dear friend resident Brad Burgum is being de- really realized, at that his siblings Doug and In his free time, Brad loved to sail, scribed after a brain hemorrhage time, what a profound Barbara. golf, water ski, cross country ski, trav- caused his untimely death on Valen- influence Brad would Many of Brad’s gift el, spend time with family and friends, tine’s Day. Brad’s impact did not stop have in my life.” to projects or causes act as host where he served the best in his last hours. His family fulfilled Brad’s cousin Keith were anonymous and wine and made grilled meals on the his wish to become an organ donor Peltier said that Brad many people may Big Green Egg. and four families were given a won- was high ranking in never know the actual “He was a great family man,” said derful Valentine’s Day gift of life. the Boy Scouts and had amount of the finan- Brian Neugerbauer who had been The man who had a real zest for life served as secretary/ cial contribution but friends with Brad since law school. served people in every aspect of his life treasurer of the Meth- it’s certain that these “Family was the most important thing including his profession as an attorney odist Youth Fellowship donations did make a to him.” for citizens throughout the county, his organization at the Ar- difference. Ron Mueller, Brad and Julie’s role as Casselton city attorney, and as thur United Methodist Although this is neighbor and a fellow volunteer in a volunteer Emergency Medical Tech- Church. not a complete list, numerous organizations described the nician for the Casselton Ambulance, “Even at a young some of the causes that legacy he leaves.
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