New*^ ■ WILLIAfTI AND fTlARY Permit No. 26 Wednesday, February 13, 1985 Non-Prof it Organization Volume XIII, Number 21 U.S. Postage PAID at Williamsburg, Va. Deborah Jetterman appears as Agnes (left) and Cara Newman plays the Mother Quintet of the Americas Superior in the upcoming William and Mary Theatre production of "Agnes of Cod." schedules appearance 'Agnes of God' is next The Quintet of the Americas will per¬ form at the College on Wednesday, Feb. 27, in Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall at 8:15 p.m. It is the fourth event in this season's offering by Theatre W&M Concert Series. The group of young musicians has pre¬ An emotionally troubled young nun Ms. Fetterman, who is making her sented concerts throughout the Western who has b^en indicted for manslaughter is William and Mary stage debut in this pro¬ hemisphere, championing works of com¬ the focus of the next play to be presented duction, is a junior from Boyertown, Pa. posers from two continents. In its southern by the. William and Mary Theatre. "Agnes majoring in English. She was active in high swing this month, it is performing at the of Cod," by John Pielmeier, opens Feb. 21 school theatre and also starred in Bucks University of Virginia, Mary Baldwin Col¬ for four performances through Feb. 24. County (Pa.) Playhouse Theatre produc¬ lege, and the University of Richmond, as Curtain time is 8:15 p.m. for the Feb. 21, tions. well as in Williamsburg. The ensemble 22 and 23 performances and 2 p.m. for the Ms. Wright, a junior sociology major features a blend of classics from the wood¬ Feb. 24 matinee. from Philadelphia, has been active in Col¬ wind repertoire, works by major contem¬ Agnes, whose deprived and tortured lege theatre as Blanche Dubois in "Street¬ porary composers and ethnic treasures. childhood has left her barren of any car Named Desire," "Fiddler on the Roof," For three years the quintet was the intellectual capacity, has given birth to a "Sweeney Todd," and "Fade Out-Fade In." ensemble in residence at Hunter College in child that is later found dead. Claiming that Ms. Newman, a senior from Fairfax New York City, and since 1982 it has been she doesn't remember having conceived majoring in Western European studies, is a in residence at New York's Center for the child, or even having given birth to it, William and Mary Theatre veteran, with Inter-American Relations. Supported by her case is assigned to a court psychiatrist productions to her credit that include grants from the National Endowment for to determine if she is legally sane. "Cabaret," "Tartuffe," "Fiddler on the the Arts and the New York State Endow¬ Thoughts that her pregnancy could have Roof," "Sweeney Todd," "Good Women ment for the Arts, the quintet's New York Quintet of the Americas been a divine conception cause church of Setzuan," and "Lu Ann Hampton concert series has met with critical superiors and the court psychiatrist to Laverty Oberlander." She has worked pro¬ acclaim arranged by Donald Draganski; Pasquinade examine the possibilities of such modern fessionally for Show Camp in North Established in 1976, the quintet's inter¬ by Louis Moreau Cottschalk, arranged by miracles, and it is this point on which the Carolina. national activities have included a South Robert W. Tucker; A La Costa by Jorge plot focuses. For tickets and information about American tour presented under the Olaya Munoz; Quintette en forme de Director for the play is Louis E. Catron, "Agnes of Cod," contact the theatre box auspices of the U.S. State Department and Choros by Heitor Villa-Lobos; and Quintet professor of theatre. His most recent direc¬ office at 253-4272, 1-6 p.m. daily. the Colombian Institute of Culture, as well in E-flat Major, Op. 88, No. 2 by Anton torial credits at the College include "Fid¬ as radio and television appearances broad¬ Reicha. dler on the Roof " and "Sweeney Todd." In cast worldwide. There will be 300 tickets available to the commenting on why he chose to direct The program here will consist of: Trois public at $5 each. These may be "Agnes," Catron says the play had an Pieces Breves by Jacques Ibert; Quintet in purchased at the box office on the evening "indefinable quality" that appealed to his Two Parts by Steven Mackey; Three Pieces of the concert, or reserved in advance by own spiritual nature. from Marriage of Figaro by Mozart, telephoning 253-4557. He added that he believes the play is well-written, and the fact that it has just three characters, all female, also presented a challenge in keeping the production Mackey's music to be heard interesting and visually engaging. For the production there will be no set, he says. Action will be carried out using only cur¬ in concert here Feb. 26 tains, tables and chairs. "Agnes of Cod" first opened on Broad¬ When the Quintet of the Americas gives degree, from S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook with way on March 30, 1982 and starred a concert here on Feb. 26 at Phi Beta an M.A., and studied with Pulitzer prize- Elizabeth Ashley, Geraldine Page and Kappa Memorial Hall, it will perform winning composer Donald Martino at Amanda Plummer. Plummer and Page both Quintet in Two Parts, composed by Steven Brandeis University for his Ph.D. won Tony awards for their portrayals. The Mackey, assistant professor of music at the William and Mary cast will include R. College. He has won numerous awards, including Deborah Fetterman as Agnes, Stephanie D. the 1984 League-ISCM National Com¬ Wright as Dr. Martha Livingston, and Cara Local musicians are excited that his music has been chosen to be presented on posers Composition; a B.M.I, award from Allison Newman as the Mother Superior. Steven Mackey a national tour by a well-known group, and Broadcast Music, Inc.; the Charles Ives in a program featuring such other com¬ Scholarship from the American Academy posers as W. A. Mozart, Heitor Villa-Lobos, and Institute of Arts and Letters; the Phi Beta Kappa offers new and Jorge Olaya Munoz. Joseph H. Beams Prize ffom Columbia University; the California Arts Project from The Quintet in Two Farts was written by the University of California at Berkeley; McCulley Humanities Award Mackey in 1979 when he was only 23 and has been a Fellow at the Berkshire Reflecting the interests and contributions Alpha of Virginia, Phi Beta Kappa has es¬ years old. It has been played a good deal Music Center at Tanglewood, and the of Dr. McCulley, the areas will include, but tablished the Cecil M. McCulley by quintets and has achieved critical Johnson State Composers Conference. not be limited to, literature, drama, crea¬ Humanities Award to honor the late acclaim. The Boston Globe, in commenting on a performance by the Brookline Wind tive writing, critical writing, and journalism. beloved professor of English at William and He has received commissions from such Quintet, said of Mackey's composition, "It Choice of the recipient will be made by Mary. Dr. McCulley died last July 9 at the groups as the 1984 Naumberg Award-win¬ is a short, succinct, rigorously constructed the Committee on Nominations of Mem- age of 66. He had been a member of the ning Lydian String Quartet and the Pro piece of music, with an airiness of spirit bers-in-Course, Alpha of Virginia chapter. faculty since 1948. Arte Chamber Orchestra of Boston. His and yet a tight-lipped quality. The initial stipend for the award will be The award bearing his name will be music is published by Margun Music, Inc. $250, and the recipient will be given a given annually to a graduating senior who Steve Mackey graduated summa cum and the American Composers Alliance copy of the faculty memorial statement has demonstrated dedication and excel¬ laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the Univer¬ Mackey joined the music faculty here in honoring Dr. McCulley. lence in any area of the humanities. sity of California at Davis with a B.A. 1984. Wednesday, February 13, 1985 New/maker/ Alfreda S. James, assistant lo the Dean budget presented to Congress for action. of Admissions, was recently appointed by McCormick appeared on the 6 p.m. and 11 Gov. Charles Robb to the Statewide Stu¬ p.m. newscasts Feb. 1 with his comments. dent Recruilmenl Committee of the Vir¬ ginia Plan Bi-racial Advisory and Consulting Ned Waxman, assistant professor of Committee. business administration, is the co-author of an article in the Feb. issue of the American Robert ). Orth, associate professor of Bar Association journal on "New Practice marine science, was invited to participate Under (he Amended Bankruptcy Act." His at a meeting entitled "Saving the partner in writing the article was W. Chesapeake Bay: The Pennsylvania Con¬ Homer Drake, Jr., of Atlanta. nection" on Jan. 26, in Pennsylvania. Among five panels set up for the meeting, Three professors in the physics depart¬ Orth served on the "Shellfish and Finfish" ment are among the newly elected Fellows panel and discussed the role of submerged of the American Physical Society. Roy L. aquatic vegetation as a Bay resource, Cnampion and Lynn D. Doverspike especially as a nursery area for commer- received the honor for their collaboration c ially important species. in atomic physics experiments, specifically, "for measurements of differential and total Ars Antiqua de Paris will perform Feb. 18 at the Williamsburg Regional Library Audi¬ torium, sponsored by the Creative Arts House and the French House. Beverly Anne Weeks, associate profes¬ cross-sections, both elastic and inelastic, of sor of marine science, presented a talk ions on atoms and molecules." Carl E.
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