Know your sport: Sumo VFD REPORT - AVERAGE NET DISTRIBUTION OCTOBER 2013 - MARCH 2014: 18 715 Wrestling • VOLUME 31 WEEK 50 • TEL: 018 464 1911 FREE • GRATIS TUESDAY 9 DECEMBER 2014 8 WOEKER WOENSDAE GEMEENSKAPSNUUS MONEY MATTERS Langspeelplate How to cope with How to get omskep in kuns load shedding financially fit 2 3 7 Lekker Kersbederf Mej Klerksdorp Jeannie du Randt het op Woensdag 3 Desember die kliënte van die Adonai-sentrum vir gestremdes met ‘n Kerspartytjie bederf. Kersvader is nog besig met sy rondtes om Kersbriefies op te tel en daarom het Spikes Lawrence sy skoene volgestaan. Jeannie en Kersvader het geskenke uitgedeel, Kersliedjies gesing en toe het almal op ‘n glybaan baljaar. Nog foto’s die week in Klerksdorp Rekord. Dagboek • Diary ELKE SATERDAG: Goudkoppie mark en veiling. Skakel Rita by 082 897 9095. Elke laaste Saterdag: Art and Craft Mar- ket @ Guitar Man, Platan Avenue. 083 778 8395. Het jy iets vir die dagboek? Stuur dit per e-pos na salome@klerksdorprecord. co.za of stuur ‘n faks na 018 464 2009. Sarie Spaar reads Klerksdorp Record every week and lists all the specials advertised in the Dans die ou jaar uit newspaper. She agreed to share Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Toegang is R60 per person en die par- word. her list with Klerks- Waar gaan jy op 31 Desember wees? tytjie sal om 19:00 begin. Bring eie eet- en drinkgoed. dorp Midweek readers. The prices were Die oujaarsdans by die Goedgenoegsaal Die kaartjies is by die deur beskikbaar. Meer inligting is beskikbaar van Wynand correct as it appeared in Klerksdorp buite Orkney beloof ‘n opskop soos min. Sokkie en langarm musiek sal gespeel by 083 417 5536. Record. In some cases certain terms and conditions do apply. Handy House: 40 l cooler box, R995 Woeker Woensdae Mica Jumbo Hardware: Alumini- um 6 step ladder, R590 Pak jou kas uit en haal daardie ou langspeel plate uit en Devon Slaghuis: Biltong, droë- doen iets kreatiefs daarmeer hierdie vakansie. wors, cabanossi, R118/kg Essops: Readymade curtains (230x218) from R149,99 per drop Irene Lifestyle Garden Centre: Wednesday evenings bottomless ribs, Sit die plaat in ‘n medium hitte oond totdat dit buigbaar is. Neem ‘n R125 per person. bak as vorm en vorm die plaat daarvolgens. Bacini’s Express: Buy any 31cm pizza and pay for a 23cm pizza. Become a Maak ‘n oulike blood buddy horlosie wat jy ook as Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - SANBS and ‘n geskenk kan gee. OFM are teaming up to make the need for blood a reality. On 10 December, people will be reminded every 6 minutes about the importance of donating blood. Every 35 seconds, somebody receives a blood transfer. That is why OFM will dedicate a whole day from 06:00 till 18:00 to remind listeners of that. Every 6 minutes a heart monitor beep sound will be played - even if it has to interrupt a song. This will be done to create a sense of fear and urgency Maak ‘n koekbord deur among listeners. verskillende groottes plate Listeners who donate blood on this day has to opmekaar te stapel en vas te Maak oulike houers vir pos of send the word BUDDY with their name to 36636. gom om ‘n bord te vorm. boeke. Gebruik dieselfde metode There will be a target set for the day and the pre- in die oond en vorm dit volgens die senters will update this figure once per hour. grootte wat jy wil hê. All donors on that day will get recognition on the OFM website on the Blood Buddy Wall of Fame. 2 • klerksdorp midweek • 9 december 2014 Load shedding schedule for Kosh area Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - It the weekend. the statement reads. shutdown of two of our open cycle gas seems load shedding will become part of According to a press statement received To understand the schedule, readers first turbine power station which use diesel to daily life. on Friday 5 December, load shedding was have to confirm the load shedding stage on generate electricity. The diesel reserves The Matlosana Municipality has released implemented over the weekend due to an Eskom’s website at www.loadshedding. have been depleted at the Gourikwa a preliminary loadshedding schedule for “extremely constrained power system’’. eskom.co.za. The website will indicate if and Ankerlig gas turbines leading to the the city up to the end of the year. At the “This is due to unforeseen technical loadshedding is implemented and if so, on shutdown of the power stations. The time of going to press, Eskom’s supply problems at power stations, depleted water what stage. Drakensburg and Palmiet pumped sto- was seriously stressed and load shedding reserves and logistical issues relating to On Friday, load shedding was done in rage schemes which use water to gene- could again be implemented at the end of diesel supplies at peaking power stations,’’ stage 3. “The change in stages is due to the rate electricity have reduced output as a result of depleted water reserves. A further 1 000MW of capacity is offline after three coal powered units tripped last night (Thursday) due to technical faults,’’ the statement continues. The load shedding of the weekend was done to build up reserves for this week. Eskom urges consumers to help alleviate pressure from the system by reducing their electricity usage as much as possible. Eskom has also asked major customers to contribute by redu- cing their usage by 10%. “Our objective for load shedding during the weekend is to fill the pumped storage dams, fill diesel tanks and undertake es- sential maintenance. Our aspiration af- ter that is to avoid load shedding if at all possible until mid-January,” Chief Executive Tshediso Matona said. “Unfortunately we cannot guarantee this but we will put in every effort over the festive season to avoid interruptions,” he said. How to cope with load shedding… Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Es- a good idea. kom has released a load shedding sche- To ensure that you will be able to get into dule till New Year’s Eve! (and out of) you home, release automatic Many readers were caught off-guard electric garage door mechanisms and switch over the past weekend. These are tips to electric security gates to manual operation. be more prepared. Refrain from opening the refrigerator door Get a first aid kit ready. When the power is during a power outage as this will allow cut you are more at risk of having an acci- the cold air to escape. By keeping the door dent. The potential lack of light makes it im- closed, a power outage of up to four hours portant that you have first aid items gathered will not cause food to spoil in the fridge, together. Remember, you will have to locate while a freezer should keep frozen food safe it during a power cut, which may mean in for at least a day. It is a good idea to have the dark. Keeping the kit in the same place snacks available that do not need refrigera- always will help your family locate it quick- tion. ly and without difficulty. It may be a good From a security point of view, ensure that idea, however, to check the load shedding all doors and windows are locked should schedule in your area in order to try to be pre- your alarm system not have a back-up po- pared and have your kit ready for when the wer supply. electricity is cut. You will need to think about cooking and Without light you are stuck. Get candles the like, as load shedding occurs during the and matches ready and put them where they time you would be preparing food for your can easily be found. family a lot of the time. If you are aware of A good idea is a battery powered torch. when your electricity will be down, you can These are safer and do not present the same make sure you boil enough hot water before danger of fire. Consider how many mem- it happens and put it in flasks, so that you bers of the family there are and how many can at least have your cup of coffee when torches you will need. Don’t forget spare you need it. batteries. A second precaution you could take is to Make sure that your cellphone’s battery is prepare stews, casseroles and curries before- fully charged at all times. Not only is this a hand and freeze them. This means you can good idea regardless of the circumstances, just warm it up on a gas stove or on a gel but when landline telecommunications are stove and have food ready for the fa-mily. interrupted due to power outages, you will Alternatively, why not use the opportunity need your cellphone to reach the outside for family bonding? world. A good, old fashioned braai, a picnic on Adequate fuel in your vehicle is another the lounge flour or a Chinese Stir Fry could precaution, given that pumps at petrol sta- make for a perfect evening with the ones tions cannot be operated during power outa- you love. ges. The same goes for ATMs, therefore You could include your children in the pre- some cash stored in a safe place at home is paration of your salads or braai.. 9 december 2014 • klerksdorp midweek • 3 Deel in Christelike kinderprogram Klerksdorp Midweek, Klerksdorp - Dis sluit aktiwiteite en etes in. Die program vakansietyd en weer tyd vir die Impact begin daagliks om 07:30 met opening en Youth 4 Kids program.
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