1 1 1 f : ..-.;.-.••. .v^' .".' f.,.;;;^' -;-. •;v. "'.." • •;;•/•••-: "'tv':'-'•!:'/'• •"'•'• "'' '"••••'-'••-''•••• '"•' ;'-•••.*"•'• <'-*•'••• --•. ^.r: -•• - •;' ' •-• - • * —;. *•._..;—!_:—_..,;..... r—j—•'•'•'.••« •—'•'. -. •—-——i-^*v«——- —• r~- ——•'•-—• —•-—*>—•—•«=—-~f ••"• ••'-—~r—•".' "•:—••-- , •-,'.'' '..- ' •", . " • -' ", ,',.'V '.:'.' . • • . , • •• .>••.'* ' ' , I • ,,• 'CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. CRANFORP. N. J. THURSDAY, MAV « among children under 4 also occur ton on May 25. in the home. Is this not ample Mrs. Charles G. Albury, youth Home Agent Cites Hazards reason to follow a few simple consultation service chairman, an- precautions? .-•'•• • nounced that the annual YCS < leant To Ploy The Piano Homemakers deal, daily with smorgasbord will be held Wed- Your children will thank you oil Of Housecleaning Season simple gadgets that can be booby- nesday, May 18, at St Peter's par- \ (The following article was prepared .by Mrs. Mary W. Arm- traps for the careless, complicated ish bouse. Perth Amboy. Reserva- their Hv» if thoy laorn to p y-ExtensioiL-Services-who-— -mwhahical-equipmeiit,—higb/TVolt- is participating this week in the annual observance- of National age electrical apnlicances,. steam A. Bedell or Mrs. E. W. Morris. the piano while they are young. cf Home Agents' Ytteek. The Union C6u,nty Unit carries but a pro^ and Aot liquids, fire, sharp tools, An "evening of cards" for. the fif gram of extension work in agriculture arid home.economics with; cutlery, poisons, fuel and heating benefit of YCS will be held follow- Entered a* Heood clau mall matter, at equipment and so on. It is im- ing the covered' dish supper on MLXVP- No. 16. 4 Sections, 26 Pages CRANFORBTNEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1960 Th* Port Oflloa at OranfMd. N. J. TEN CENTS the cooperation of the College of Agriculture at Rutgers Vniver-: portant to remember the three , sity, the United States Department' of Agriculture and the Uniori . June 6. the guild's final meeting of major rules for the use of. every the. season. County Board of Chosen Freeholders.) . .. ' '. • • '• • labor-saving device: Follow^, in- By MABY W. ARMSTRONG, Home Agent structions safely: install it cor- Mrs. Albury reported that June 2 will be a cooperative day at iummer UCfi Scholarshi Housecleaning season is a time when' accidents "In the home are rectly;, maintain it in good con- dition. Do not expect a gadget The Evergreens, Moorestowh, the more likely to occur than at any other time. Falls off step ladders, Episcopal home for. the aged. All from tripping on extra material left on stairways dr out of place, or which has no mechanical brain to think; for you in an emergency, who-plan to attend should notify from slipping on wet. soapy or By High School, Coinbine^Elementar. says, the New Jersey -State Safety Mrs. Albury by.May 12. liven by High School newly waxed floors are all likely Council. " . • - Scholarship." winner announce- Procedure as Land The WestirieW Music Club lun- Cranford'High School will offer a summer session begin- housecleaning time accidents, .But cheon will" be held in Sherlock ments were made this week by the cuts, burns, prisoning also are pos- > Monday, June 27, and< ending Friday, August 5, it was Hall on Wednesday, May 11. Mrs. ounced this week. Classes will meet five days each week. Cranford High School PTA and . sibilities related to housecleaning, the combined PTA's of the six mostly because of the fatigue Skit Highlights Frank H. Washbourne is chair- Julv 4 a hpUday, will be made up on Saturday, July 9.) The man with Mrs. Morris as co-chair- elementary schools. Vicki Kaplan level. ^ily schedule will begin at 8 am. and dose at 12:10 pjn.. with and Margaret . Mittricker have 6 In industry and on--highways, (Guild Program man. • • •" - • SHOW IS A LIST OF EXCITING ,10.ininute recess. _ Township Committee Tuesday night withdrew from public if A skit. "Visions of a Parish Pre-! Refreshments were served by been awarded scholarships accidents are most likely to occur TRY A PIANO IN YOUR HOME Advanced credit subject amounting to $150 each by the sale a 100-fobt parcel [of township-owned land on Stratford ter- a) certain times of the day due to sident," was presented at a meet-(Miss Harriet Best, Mrs. Robert J. GIFTS TO MAKE MOTHER HAPPY high school unit, while Georgiana race after three bidders had run the price from $5,500 to ing of Trinity Guild Monday eve- jLaier., Mrs. Bert Mackenzie and will meet the entire fatigue. Preventing, fatigue or ^orning. Only one such sub-Open House9 Yuschak is the recipient of this $6,200. lessening it reduces., the accident ning in the guild room of Sher-- Mrs. Arthur Woodward. Pay cis year's $260 award from the com-' The action drew.from Mayor Ira D. Dorian, who presided, lock Hall. Participants were Mrs. ]____ ; ^_ ON THIS — HER BIG DAY ject may be taken. Review or. frequency. This is just as true little as $O Per Month u bincd elementary groups. the sharp, comment that ."this in regard tp home accidents. William H. Old. Mrs. Robert F. | ke-up subject classes wUl meet Garden Tm Fatigue on the. part of the home- MacKinnon and Mrs. John P. \^ (olus cartaae) hours daily. t Two review or Vicki Kaplan is the daughter of js deplorable" and "what has C-UP subjects may be sched- Mr. arid Mrs. Aaron Kaplan of 71 happened shows this was not a maker may increase accidents Lynes under the direction of Mrs.* • .:. SEE for other family members as well Charles G. Goodfellowr. program, if desired. » . • Success Tol Spruce street. She has been ac- bona fide public sale." cepted at Montclair State CoVjege, as. herself. But there arc othci- chairman. • ' : SCREENS RENT A PIANO at GRIFFITHS InstrucUon in Reading . and 'The whole^ < town cooperated Motion-to reject allvbids was pitfalls to be avoided in connection Mrs. Moses* A..Craig, retiring: •ersonal Use. Typing will i>e to make thgr^Our River where she plans to major in arr made by Public Affairs" Comm'is-•,.''• ARPEGE hcduled for one-hour periods. Her extra-curricular activities at with home accidents. Clothing is presdent, presented, the' gavel to j Brand New Spinets fuii seal* (88 MUM) REVLON open hotfso and garden tour of sioner H. Raymond Kirwan, chair- . a factor. Too high heels for ahoratory periods in biology will Cranford High School include Mrs. W. Kenneth Frederick, newly I the Garden CluK of Cranford man of the real estate, committee, . work, too tight skirts, or tot) full elected president. '•..... ] Excellent Makes—Latest Models in the afternoon. The li- serving- as president of the. Art and .seconded "by Public Safety ones, dresses or aprons with pock- . Mrs. James F. Lancaster, parish i TRAVELER Manicure Sets wlll be open during the day success last Wednesday," a spokes^ Club, member of the yearbook and iJommissioner Nicholas St., John ets that catch on hooks, or knobs custodian of the United Thank Of- LIFETIME If you decide to buy the piano, all-money paid for u.' pupil use. man for the "club reported this; Spotlight' staffs, treasurer of the. >aCorte. Public Works Commis- and streamers or ties that can eas- fering reminded members that rental and delivery-will be deducted from the purcliaee-' The summer session is approve^ week. "Township Engineer Pat- Library Council and bulletin board i'oner,. C. Van Charnberlin • also . chairman .for the library. She de- r ily ignite when close to a flame Sunday, May 15. is the date for the Aluminum Prod. price and be applied to the ddwii-puyinent. So simple the State Department of Educra- rick J/ Grail had town properties oted for the motion. are "among some of the possible signed the program cover for the MARY W. ARMSTRONG semi-annual offering, which is to *2.95 Pupils who are residents of in excellent condition; neighbors MajCor Dorian and Finance Com-; clothing hazards. •' ' .«. be presented at the annual meeting 102 South Ave., W. —you don't have to visil our store—phone or mail ihe iford will be enrolled on a MARGARET MTTTRICKER senior play, "Plain and Fancy." ; took special pride in bavins their VKD GEORGIANA YUSCHAK missiorier J. Howard McAteer ab^ ' Undertaking to move- too heavy of the Episcopal! Churchwomen. coupon belowv ' -• - • ' ' • n-tuition basis. Non-Tesidents Margaret Mittricker is- the stained .from vbting. Both stated ., objects alone can cause back strain hazard that may be accentuated (awns and shrubs at their best, and Diocese of New Jersey, in Tren- be enrolled on a^tuition .basis daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank- they were opposed to placing the or even more serious difficulties. during spring housecleaning. •preferenge is given Cranfortf : COUPON— Rll out—tear out and moil the azaleas and dogwood gave the lin Mittricker, Jr., of 24 Windsor property oh sale, but, once offered, .;4> Possible , relocation during the Statistics reveal that about four PRINCESS TIMEX and iupils. .', , , town a spring and festive air." Junior Hig] Cake Bakers Ready Samples place. She has been accepted at they said the property should have cleaning process of bottles conr but of five fatal homeiaccidents oc- I am interested in rcnlinp a- The following adyanced/sub- Robert Koller. chief forester ol Newark./State College in"Union, been sold to the highest bidder. • taining drugs 'dangerous when cur inside the house and that three (Indicjtc grand, spinet, or upright) for credit will beyOffered In reading the noticeiof-ttye pub- taken in large -doses, is another out of four accidental deaths SUMMER DAY CAMP (Coeducational) the Union County Park Commis- wherCyShc will major in elemen- Nanie GARDNER WESTCLOX oviding tjfere is sufficient regis- sion, labeled the trees in thfc H. R- Music Event Cranford Days Contest tary education. She is a member lic auitionr"-whieh-rconteined.
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