BARGAINS GALORE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! READ OUR ClAsSIHEDS. •!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •!• 85th Year, Issue 26 C) 1995 July 21, 1995 Newark, De l. • 3 5e THis WEEK Last LeBaron leaves Newark By MARY PETZAK go d job on al l of them to the very THE CANAL end," aid Wolfe. NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Chrys ler ha di contin ued pro­ ducti on of the Le Baron after 6 years 11-12 GIRLS The Chry sler asse mb ly pl ant in or record sales. ·'A total of 317,567 Newark celebrated th e end of the were built." aid Wolfe, "although line for their Chrys ler LeBaron con­ n t all at Newark. It was th e best SOFTBALL verti ble by raffl ing off one of the se ll ing convertible Chrys ler ever cars to a luck y emp loyee last wee k. had."' "The company felt they wanted Acco rd ing to Wolfe, the company TEAM to do this becau. e th e plant did such will still be mak ing the Tntrepid and a great job on th is line," said pl an t Co ncorde at the plant. "We know manager Jim Wolfe. we're lo in g the convertible, but WINSAN Mi chael LaRue, an assembly we're goi ng to fi nd work fo r the worker at the plant fo r 19 years. people here." became th e proud owner of a th e The plant closed down two weeks UNPRECEDENTED brand new LeBaron when hi s name for retooling and will begin rolling wa drawn on Ju ly 13. two-week layoffs when it reopens in LaRu e aid he was excited but August. However, Wolfe tressed see med to take his good fortu ne in that no employees will be perma­ stride. "I' ll probabl y let my wife nent ly la id off. drive it ," he said. "She' ll want to." "The potential is there that we :. lB Wolfe sai d th e car, val ued at might have to put a second shift about $20.000. arne off the last back on," said Wolfe. ''ln the mean­ assembl y li ne but none of th e work­ time. we wi ll lay off a shift every ers knew exactly whic h one it was going to be. "We wa nted to do a See CHRYSLER , 2A ... NEWARK'SFRESHME N STATE Medical REPSSURVIVE center FIRST to open here ·sESSION By MATTHEW W. STAB LEY mammograph y and ul trasound 3A .. ..... ........ ..... .. ... ... ....... ... ..... ...... equipment will be avaiJ able. There NEWARK POST CO NTR IBUTING WRITE R are also pl ans to make available IN DOVER. stereotactic biopsy, a fo llow-up to NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY MIKE KEPKA Groun d was broken thi. week for ab normal mammograms. The new a 52,000-square-foot ex tension at te hn ique mi nimizes di scomfort to Glasgow Medical Center that will the patient and red uces charges. TEN, NINE, EIGHJ, SEVEN, SIX. .. capitali ze on rap id gro wth in outpa­ Manag ing Director Jo eph Rul e ti ent surgery. stres. ed the importance of providing COUPLE ASSAULTED Brendan Tlgh , 12, of Newark watches the skies as he waits to launch his rocket. Tigh was one of The fac ilit y wi II house an these services at reduced costs. many youngsters In the area who participated In the Delaware Aerospace Academy last week. The Ambulatory Surgery Center with ·'Ln De laware, our ho pita! costs week culminated with a massive rocket launch on the last day of camp. J fo ur operatin g room.. In additi on, are . ub tantiall y higher tb an an y­ there wi II be 12 pati ent prep areas . where else in the reg ion," he said. OUTSIDE 2A rooms where patien ts can leave their Delaware Lt. Governor Ruth Ann valuab les. A waiting area will also Minner praised the effons of th e DEER PARK be offered for family members. center. Enh anced medi cal im aging and ''They have made it convenient, Storm zaps 35,000 X-ray services inclu ding X-ray. See HOSPITAL , 2A .... By MARY PETZAK hi s crews we re out on Sunday and by 7 a.m . and had ........... ........... .......... .. ..... ........ .... .................... repaired two 34-thousand volt circui ts damaged by NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER tree limbs a( Cree k Road and Route 72 respec l! ve ly. Vitelli stated that hi s crews also repaired a uti lity NEWARK COMPANY Last Sunday's storm was the "benchm ark storm " pole broken off when trees crashed into it at Ritter for Delm arva Powe l'" and Light, accordin g to Lane and two bac kyard Jines on Brook Dri ve and spokesperson Ri chard Hofmann. Tanglewood Lane. USES TECHNOLOGY "We had more customers out than the ice storms "I think we did a rea ll y good job," he said. As of of 1993 or Hurrica ne Glori a, and we put the power Tuesday, there were no electri c lines still down in back faster than ever before," Hofmann said . Newark. TO "At one point, we had 25 separate 12-thousand Doris Kennedy, director of acti vities at Newark volt circuits and fi ve 35-thousand vo lt circuits out, Manor Nursin g Home, said a large elm tree came BECOME all with many more ci rcuit dependent on th em." he down across a car there du rin g the storm . " Lt 's up­ said . The previous hi gh wa s a total of 18 major cir­ posed to be the second oldest elm in Delawa re," aid cuits out at one time. Kennedy. PAPER-LESS. The las t of over 35,000 customers who lo. t George Alexander, of Glyn Dri ve in Robscou 6A power so lely from tbe Sunday storm was fi nall y Manor, said he woke up after the storm Sunday restored by about 3 p.m. on Tue. day according to morning and found hi s car was buri ed under part of Hofmann . Following previous storms so me cus­ a fa ll en tree in hi. side yard. tomers were out as long as fi ve days. "You couldn 't even tell a car was there; · Eighty-fi ve electric crews and 25 tree crew Al exander sa id . "The leaves completely hid it. " worked around the clock to restore service. ln addi ­ The car suffe red a mashed wi ndshi eld and a RUSSIAN EPIC ti on, administrative sta ff ma nn ed phones for up to cracked dashboard but was sti ll drivable. The tree 17- hour shifts in an effort to kee p people informed lost three large limbs during the earl y mornin g stonn Hofmann said. FILM IS Ri ck Vitelli , NewaJk director of electri city, said See STORM DAMAGE , 2A .... RE -RELEASED FOR Hospitals join forces The Board of Directors of the MCD Founda tion sultati on," said Allen L. Johnson . president of the NEW approved an affi lia ti on between the Medical Center Medical Center of Delaware. of Delaware and South ern Che ter County Medical The new agreement also allows residents of Center. Medi ca l Center operates Chri sti ana southern Chester Coun ty who have enroll ed in th e AUDIENCES. 7A Hospital. new MCD heal th pl an, known as Mid-Atl antic "The aft1liat ion between our health care orgam za­ Health Services Inc., to receive care at eith er tion is very important for several reasons," said Larry Southern Che ter County Medical Center or at one Index · K. Spaid, president and CEO of Southern Chester. of the Medical enter of Delaware hospitals. "Many families who li ve in south ern Che. ter County "This is an important strategic partnership in work in larger metropolitan areas, such as ensuring th at we continue to anticipate and res pond NEWS 1-12A to the ex tended ommunity's health care needs. ~- Wilmin gton, Lancaster or Philadelphi a. We want to POLICE 2A ensure that these fa mi lies can access in tegrated Affiliations uch a this one with our fri ends in hea lth care . ervice hoth where they li ve and work.. southern Chester ounty protect an important local DIVERSIONS BA "Strategic affili ati ons like this one pro vide our re, ource - the community hospital," sai d Johnson. comm un it y with more overall acce . to health care Southern Chester Co un ty Medi cal Center, locat­ OPINION 4A services,'' sai d Spaid . ed near West Grove, PA, offers 24-hour emergency LIFESTYLE 6A The M D affili ation, while not an exclu ive room, outpatient and inpati ent services as well as CooiFR 1HAN AaJaJMJFR arra ngement. means th at outhcrn he ter otmty community outreach an d heaJth educati on programs. OBITUARIES 10, 11A Medical Center ca n take part. in the Medical enter The Medical Center of Delaware , headquartered ARTS __ _]_A of Delaware's sophi sticated information system in Wilmington , operates two a ute care hospital , computer network. Wi lmi ngton Hospi tal and hristiana Hospital, and a SPORTS 1·38 "Our extensive el troni network benefits the network of related entities . uch as primary care 4·8B patient directl y by simpli fy ing patient registra ti on ffi ccs in ~e ve ral n e i gh bo r h ods. CLASSIFIEDS transfer and by aiding ph ysician-to-ph ysician on- P CE 2 1t::W IU, POH • .J I.Y 21, 19 ~1 !) Police beat ·········· ·· ············ ·· ··································································· ·················································································································· • Police Beat is compiled each week and 7 a.m.
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