THE MAGAZINE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS SEPTEMBER 20 1 0 > POAL Volumes Up > Supply Chain Perks > Customer Collaboration CONTENTS POAL 2-3 4-5 6-7 POAL OPERATIONS FACE TO FACE: FOCUS Stuart Ferguson FOCUS REVIEW looks back – and Expansion & Upgrades forward for POAL SeaPACK & Empty Depot CRAIG SAIN GENERAL MANAGER SALES & MARKETING 8-9 PORTS OF AUCKLAND CONLINXX Supply chain 10-11 VOLUMES UP efficiency POAL We started our last NEWS FINANCIAL yEAR JULy 2009 in a state of uncertainty AbOUT volumes. In fact, as the 12-13 ENd OF FINANCIAL yEAR AS THEY 2009/10 results show SEE IT: (see pgs 14-15), POAL 14-15 What the MARKET papers say… achieved VERy GOOd ROUND UP volumes particularly BACK PAGE given the globAL DIRECTORY economic crisis. SEPTEMbER 2010 The result was largely due to some place which we are confident will enable us with our customers to get a clear grasp of shipping service changes – including the to deliver a more consistent performance their business and cargo flows so that we consolidation of the North Asia service moving forward. can prepare to the best of our ability, to by Hamburg Sud, COSCo, MOL and NyK service those exchanges efficiently. which based its import call on POAL from Customer COLLAboration July 2009. That decision was a pleasing On the flip side, we hope too that in this confirmation of the lines’ faith in POAL as This is however, a major challenge since closer working relationship, our customers the market these days in our container an optimal NZ location for import cargo. come to understand that an efficient terminal business remains volatile. What we POAL operation and service hinges largely Our Christmas peak volumes were also are now hoping for, is increasing stability in on interaction with our customers and much higher than expected by our the market – a little more certainty around especially on, information received from customers and ourselves. while all of us forecast volume and better schedule them. anticipated a short, sharp peak, we were integrity. Reports indicate continued volume surprised by a bow wave of volume that growth in the market. However, we have to Alongside our new web product continued to surge through a much longer set that against some capacity reduction developments like InterACT and changes than expected Christmas/New year peak particularly southbound. With the imminent to our business processes, we have also season. approach of the peak season, that is likely established business reference groups to mean the introduction of extra loaders by MARKET JITTERS some lines to cater for additional volume. which enable us to lift the level of They in turn, can once again exacerbate the collaboration with all stake holders in the despite that, the market remained jittery in ‘lumpy’ exchange problem we had last year. Supply Chain. This continues to be a key the face of continued uncertainty around the focus for us longevity and sustainability of the volume. we recognise that in such a volatile The consolidation of shipping lines leading market our customers need a higher level Information is a very important part of an to fewer services, reduced vessel numbers of flexibility in our service response. But efficient Supply Chain. It is a well known but larger ships, brought larger and ‘lumpier’ planning is key to the efficiency of our principle that when people have the exchanges. Both the lines and POAL have service delivery and to properly plan we information they need, they can do the job struggled with schedule integrity. At POAL need information and as early as possible! better – and if everyone in the chain does we’ve suffered the effects of the delays our To make sure we get that information we are their part correctly, the whole process customers have experienced in Asia. Add determined to continue to engage closely comes together. to that the increased use of slow steaming for lines to save fuel costs, and we see a picture of difficult instability in schedules all of which puts greater pressure on the port operation. For our part that uncertainty made us cautious – perhaps overly so. It was difficult to achieve a balance since there was volatility in volume from week to week and month to month. In the final analysis it meant that operationally we were stretched. we recognise the need to build more flexibility into our labour model and plant availability to cater for the inevitable vessel delays, increased exchanges and one-off events such as vessel swaps or extra-loaders. Right now we are putting mechanisms in 03 SeaPACK provides export packing and Should you have any enquiries regarding this consolidation services for a wide range of service, please contact Yvonne Theuerkauf on: products from timber and paper to steel, DDI +64 9 309 1369, Mobile: +027 333 3154 cars, swimming pools – even helicopters Email: [email protected] – along with palletised and hand-stacked general cargo. On the import side, a diverse NO EMPTY PROMISES range of goods are devanned or partially devanned taking at least one leg out of the SeaPACK’s relocation at POAL makes way Supply Chain for importers. An on-wharf for an expanded Empty Depot operation. A OPERATIONS Empty Depot provides an efficient source of vital element in POAL’s response to increased Empty containers for packing and for de-hire. shipping line hubbing over Auckland, the “At SeaPACK we can handle pretty much new-look Empty Depot (due for completion in REVIEW: anything” says Paul Bassett, Operations November 2010) will combine the two previously Supervisor. separate Empty Depot operations of both POAL According to SeaPACK Sales Manager, Fergusson and Bledisloe container terminals yvonne Theuerkauf, customers rate SeaPACK into one much larger, purpose-built facility. SeaPACK very highly. “They value the high degree of POAL Empty Depot continues to offer the expertise our staff bring to the handling of full range of services for empty containers: their cargo. We have a high level of repeat POAL’S ON-DOCK container wash, inspection, decontamination business which is a reflection of customers’ and pre-trip plus all the rail exchange and empty PACK/UNPACK appreciation of the quality service standard. A recent customer survey scored SeaPACK very container exchange facilities as well as a large BRINGS SUPPLY highly for service efficiency and for the Supply storage area. Chain advantages it brings as an on-wharf As Grange Pole, POAL Manager SeaPACK and pack and unpack service” she says. CHAIN PERKS FOR Empty Depots explains, the new Empty Depot Another important advance for SeaPACK model has been designed for greater efficiency BOTH EXPORTERS is the recent introduction of the service’s and throughput. “POAL is a major hub port; we very own SeaPACK E-Note. As Grange Pole handle the largest number of empty containers AND IMPORTERS. explains: “It’s a clear, concise and reliable of any NZ port. Our Empty Depot is therefore format that enables much improved reporting, an essential service. The cost of new 20ft and better planning and scheduling with a much 40ft containers has gone through the roof – up higher level of transparency in the information from around USd$1,800 a few years ago to Among many changes and upgrades continuing flow. Our customers are really appreciating USd$2,800 now for a 20ft container and up at Ports of Auckland, the specialist on-wharf this new electronic service”. One such to USd$4,500 for a 40ft box, which makes it Pack/Unpack service SeaPACK, has been customer – Lisa Berry, Operations Manager all the more important for carriers to maintain given a major facelift and relocated to purpose- for Transport Logistics – describes the new E-Note as: and service their container fleets in addition designed premises adjacent to the original to any repairs that may be required. A high “A SIMPLE, USER-FRIENdLy System that central port location. SeaPACK Operations volume of NZ’s containerised export cargo allows us to enter all relevant Manager Grange Pole, reports a smooth is food related which demands containers information for container transition to the new facility which is wider to comply to high cleanliness standards. The packing. Confirmation and Carters’ and much lighter and brings better utilisation Notes are emailed back to us Empty Depot also works closely with MAF of space. New entry/exit roads have been automatically – IT’S REALLy HELPFUL whose increased scrutiny of empty and full established for the efficient flow of trucks to and to have such clear, concise containers means greater demand for cleaning from the facility. documents to file straight awAy”. and decontamination facilities”. SEPTEMbER 2010 UCL – United Containers United Containers (UCL) is contracted to run Ports of Auckland’s Empty Depots at the Seaport and the Inland Freight Hub at Wiri. UCL’s prime business is the storage andEmpty repair DE potof shipping / pack chang containersEs for shipping lines, container fleet operators and leasing companies. It also operates a national container depot network. As Grange Pole explains, empty containers are an important part of POAL’s business: “Empties are also a significant part of Supply Chain costs. As the vast majority of NZ imports come into Auckland, the pool of empty containers largely originates here and with UCL’s expertise, POAL has been able to participate in this very important sector”. 05 FACE TO FACE WITH: Stuart FACE TO FACE: Ferguson Here he shares his experience and views seaboard and transhipment on to Trans on the major markers of the past few Siberian Rail for carriage through to the decades and their impact on the NZ ports Middle Eastern borders with eg, Iran and to and shipping industry today: Central Europe.
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