Court Action Clears Way for Hahne Center SEE STORY BELOW Clearing, Mild FINAL Clearing and mild this after- THEDAIII noon. Clear and mild to- Red Bank, Freehold 7~ night. Sunny, warm tomor- row. Long Branch J EDITION (Set Detiin. Pig, si Monmonth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 206 RED BANK, N.J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1969 30 PAGES e 10 CENTS m ir!:rfiiiiii'i[^:iiiinn niiiPMitiHiiiiiiiiiifun in mi inn I.II-M:<MI[IIII iiEisniiii.iin i!i:ii! iM:iirmiii!rtiiiiii[:;i;:i tn inrrFiiiMiiiEiMiMiiMiiiiirirn-i^iii^MiiMU iivnrHi^i;]M:iiM niini ^IE»MI ni'iii! ILIIII liMiiii.iiNUTiiiiiiiniiii.kiiHtuiJij HIIIUHJII nil! laitimfitmn Expect Nixon Protest In Downing of Plane WASHINGTON (AP) - debris late yesterday about The United States says the ed through the U.S.-North Ko- future. Neverthless, sources President Nixon's proba- 120 miles southeast of the plane, a modified Super Con- rean military meetings at the in Seoul said U.S. and South ble first official reaction to North Korean coast. But the stellation termed an EC121, Panmunjom truce site. North Korean planes had been North Korea's claim that it Pentagon said no survivors was on a routine electronic Korea, in fact, has asked for placed on special alert. shot down a U.S. Navy recon- were seen. reconnaissance mission and such a meeting to deal with Even though North Korea is naissance plane will be a Like Pueblo Incident never, was closer than 59 its claim that the plane had a Communist state, the strong protest, officials say. The incident was remarkab- miles to the Korean coast. flown over its territory. United States turned to the The lumbering propel- ly similar to the North. Ko- Nixon, moving with deliber- Besides a protest, U.S. of- Soviet Union for help in find- ler-driven four-engine craft rean capture 15 months ago ate calm, met with aides yes- ficials said, other later action ing the missing aircraft. was acknowledged missing of the USS Pueblo, a Navy terday but waited until to- could be the ordering of fight- When the debris was spot- yesterday after North Korea electronic surveillance ship day's previously sched- er plane protection for future ted a Navy plane asked two abruptly declared it had seized in the Sea of Japan be- uled National Security Coun- reconnaissance flights off Soviet destroyers to go to the downed the plane and its 31 cause it allegedly vio- cil meeting to call together North Korea. area and get a positive re- crewmen "with one stroke." lated North Korea's territo- all of his top diplomatic, mil- On Special Alert sponse. Earlier the U.S. em- A massive search for the rial waters. The Pueblo was itary and intelligence advis- However, there were no bassy in Moscow had request- unarmed plane, which North captured about 200 miles ers. signs of military retalia- ed search aid from the Krem- Korea claims violated its ter- from the area of the search Officials indicated the pro- tion by the United States, at lin. JET CRASH SCENE — Part of wreckage of Air Force jet fighter lies next to fire ritory, turned up a trace of for the plane. test probably would be direct- least not for die immediate As late as this morning, truck after crashing Into a vacant bungalow In Manasquan yesterday. there was still no official word from the United States (See Story, Page 2) (Reo/iiter Staff Photo) acknowledging that the plane ' had been shot down. It disap- peared without reporting any attack or other indication of Cuts in Nixon Budget trouble. However, Vice President Hahne Center Zone Spiro T. Agnew said in Man- chester, N.H., his informa- tion was that two North Ko- rean MIG fighters attacked Studied by Democrats the plane. "We are in the. Suit Is Dismissed process of making a com- By HALL1E SCHRAEGER er or not the court happens in the district," Judge Sim- plete investigation," he said. WASHINGTON (AP)-Two As heads of the committees whether the House would with the continuation of social FREEHOLD — Superior to agree with the governing mill declared, citing at least And other officials indi- Court Judge Elvin R. SimmUl body. four other non-residential Democratic congressmen who that act on revenue raising vote a spending ceiling like programs. cated privately last night they collaborated last year to and spending, Mills and last year's if Republicans op- The $5.8 billion surplus yesterday dismissed a court BROOM had contended the uses in the neighborhood. He had little doubt the North Ko- action which sought to invali- township acted arbitrarily, said property values might force a massive cut in federal Mahon collaborated last year pose it and are joined by a claimed by the Nixon admin- reans had brought down the date a zoning ordinance capriciously and unreason- even appreciate. spending differed today over to force a mandatory $6 bil- substantial number of lib- istration, Mills said, is made American plane. eral Democrats concerned possible only by lumping to- amendment in Mdddletown. ably; that the amendment "There is no question the whether a similar slash can lion spending cut in exchange Nixon's caution was in Be repeated. for granting Johnson's re- gether the operations of gov- The amendment permits violates the master plan, Hahne Co. benefited," said ernment trust funds, such as sharp contrast to the cam- does not advance zoning pur- Judge Simmill, but he added Wilbur rw Mills of Arkansas quested 10 present income paign criticism he made of the construction of a Hahne surtax. the Social Security fund, and Co. fashion center on Rt. poses, allows spot zoning, that the benefit is "not a one- and George H. Mahon of with the ordinary 6perations former President Lyndon B. disregards the character of Texas, the heads of two key Mills' committee, now 520 (Newman Springs Road) way street." Two Gas of government. Johnson's handling of the the area, does not conserve Judge Simmill said there is House financial committees, working on general tax re- Pueblo affair. in Linoroft near the Garden The ordinary operations, State Parkway spur by chang- property values or provide no proof the area was rezoned also took different positions form, plans to take time out Nixon said then the seizure for the most appropriate use on President Nixon's claim soon to consider Nixon's which were budgeted sepa- ing a residential zone to a for the "sole purpose" of ob- of the Pueblo by North Ko- of the land; that its sole pur- taining a high tax rat- that he has sharply cut for- recommendation that the sur- Firms Set rately in the past, Mills said, rea, which he called "a fourth- business zone! pose is to attract a high tax able, but, even if it were es- mer President Lyndon B. tax be continued for another show a deficit of about $5.8 rate military power," showed Judge Simmill commended billion on the basis of the ad- the members of BROOM ratable; and that it creates tablished that this was so, Johnson's budget and made year past its June 30 expira- that world respect for the a traffic hazard. possible a $5.8 billion surplus.; tion date. To Merge ministration's own figures. United States had declined. (Business • Residential Or- there would be nothing wrong Mills spoke in a talk to be ganization ' of Middletown Judge Simmill said the with it. Mills, chairman of the Would Couple ASBURY PARK - Gordon The long range need, he master plan is a guideline, delivered for him at a busi- said, "is to re-establish the Inc.) for being willing to dig 'Clearly Proper' Ways and Means Committee, Mills would like to couple C. Griswold, president of "not a straitjacket," that the Brooklyn Union Gas Co., and nessmen's gathering in Sear- credibility of American pow- into their own pockets to fight "It would be clearly proper contended the Nixon budget a spending cutback to the cy, Ark., and all amplifying governing body may agree represents an actual deficit extension. W. D. Williams, president of er. The Pueblo seizure has for their beliefs, but he told and legally unobjectionable," New Jersey Natural Gas Co., interview. further undermined that cred- them their best remedy is at with it or not. He said the the judge opined. in ordinary government Mahon said his committee question of the best reason- operations. has not yet received enough announced yesterday that the Mahon said the budget ibility. What we have to en- the polls and not in the courts. Judge Simmill said the mu- Johnson left for his succes- BROOM officials have not able use of the land is debat- Wants More Cut information to be sure of the two companies had entered sure is that it has not been nicipality had studied the sor is generally considered, yet decided whether they will able, and that the burden of He said Congress should possibilities. But "there into a merger agreement un- irrevocably undermined." traffic patterns and had even by the present adminis- proof is on the plaintiffs. consider a spending ceiling to doesn't seem to be any like- der which New Jersey Natur- At another point in the cam- appeal the decision. consulted "the best local tal- tration, to be substantially force an additional $5 billion likelihood that we will be able al would become a subsidiary paign, Nixon said what the Judge Simmill ruled that Judge SimmUl noted that ent." tighter than his earlier ones. slash. to make cuts of the magni- of Brooklyn Union.
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