Red handprints Back on track I was absent that day Camlnis curmnunity respcmds After injury List year, Sara Columnist says his education to administration s decision Stockton leads team in hitting lacks something: Dating 1 0 1 Opinion, page 5 Sports, back page Opinion, page 4 Tuesday High7T April 20,1999 Low 55* M ustang Daily CA LIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY SAN LUI S OBISPO D Netuepe: Nome9 f«« Ë i l à i ^ à i > i s s i ' R«*« ''sifHHj i CAPTURE traffic decreases _____________________ l 1 fV5CVliWi)IUλt»iÀllaN campus debut last October in the residence However, it’s really ditticull to answer WeleoB«1 « Cti T%«M MR fcM« 1« Mam 0?« vili KK4«M Many students turning halls, and its campuswide debut March 11, exactly how much PC 1WER has attected iR tto MM»ta RR«4 loa 8f«ia|t the .imount ot calls to CAPTURE have C^APTURE, said jenniter Thoma, systems to online registration • L«* 'M arriMi QUICK AND decreased. analyst tor Academic Recatrds. She believes • Ka«r««(ri tlftsUtfM IRTI» EASY: Poly By April Charlton In winter quarter, 1S,TS4 students used PL'IWER will lessen some ot the calls CAP­ • Viaw Rt* .'OMtaa ta«« «a» • '»V« •« riMRbwfi mtfi tmmttjt Online Web Mustang Daily C^APTURE to register and 1,800 students i*a44M TURE receives, as students become aware • 'Aaw «•» Ittf •• ««R;laM Registration used POWER, compared with 14,016 stu­ ot the registration alternative. expands the • Lift e» '-uMNTtffi CAPTURE, Cal PolyV telephone regis- dents who used C'AI’TURE and stu­ opportuni­ “There hasn’t been sutticient time for • a41 or -Imm r'tfWrmx vo« tratum system, has st)ine competition in the dents who used PL^WER during spring rota­ (PeW ER) to have the impact it will,” ties students registratiem business: I’oly C'inhne Web tions, according to jeft Caddel, co-creator ot • vifuii« Lina have to reg­ Thoma said. ister for Registration, which may m.ike registering by PC>WER and L'ittice ot Academic Records RRMttKai Ar R « i » « iRH. v%RW ««MMR » 4 4m it. classes. the phone easier. Since 1\''WHR made its employee. see CAPTURE, page 2 ________- W. Davis bill requires college students «6. fi CT ir to volunteer time By Jenny Ferrari frolli Uahfiirnia’s jniblic colleges io Mustang Daily perforili communitv serv ice in order ê to gr.idu.ite. Every C^al !\ily student may be s ^ . ,\nn H.incroft, a spokeswom.in for rec|uired to coach little le.igue, help thè st.ite educ.itlon secret,iry, s.iid thè the homeless, te.ich the illiterate to propos.il is in its earhest stages. re.id or pick up trash on the side of “The det.iils h.iven’l beeii worked the ro.id if tiov. Uray H.ivis’ ci'iiimu- out yet," she s.iid. * nity service bill passes. The commu­ nity service proposal recjuires students seeVOLUNTEER, page 3 Derby Days event Dawn Kalmar/Mustang Daily supports children’s DAILY REUNION: Beth Laubacher, Steve Ronald Thurston, Steve Robert Thurston and Hank Laubacher — four family members — all attend Cal Poly. hospital charities By Carla Flores Mustang Daily **This year our goal is to A Family Affair raise $3,000 and with Sororities will particip.ite in .1 By Jessica Hagans Not only ck' f.ither and stm u" to the same week long competition beginnitiL’ everyone^s sufifiort, I am Mustang Daily school, but they also h.ive the same initi.ils, SRT. W'ednesd.iy to support IVrbv H.iys, confident that it can he Steve Robert Thurston, .in mdustml technologv Olle of thè l.iruc'st nalionwivle philan- reached,** .inv colicué student> pick ,i uniwrsitv sophomore, has ilwavs been known to l.imilv ind thropies in thè greek systeiii. because it o l.ir .lu.iy from home .ind rel- friends .is "1 alile Steve.” It vioesn’t bother “kittle iVrbv D.iy' is ,1 Sigiti,1 CHii spon- ilives. One tamilv ended up at C'al Poly Steve" th.il Ills f.ither goes to the s.mie school. sorcvl eveiit ih.11 raises money fot ihe — Matt McCool M,ii the s.iiue lime, however. (diildreii’s Mir.icle Network, "Pm le.illv e\c ited for him .ind I hope- tli.it .111 Derby Days chairman Steve Ronald Thurston is ,i 50-something enun evervtliinu vuirks out for him .iiid he uets .i job,’’ mtern.ilu'iial non profil org.ini:allon neering gr.idu.ile student who went b.iek to school Steve Robert Thuision s.iid devlic.itcvl to r.iisini: funds for .111 IVrbv 1 \ivs is the n.itioii.il ii.iiiie two and a h.ilt veais ayo. 1 le didn’t think he’v.1 be Ivth k.iiib.icher, .in .luricultiire business fresh .ilhaiice of 1 6 0 hospit.ils ,ind he.ilth given to the Siuiii.i ( In pliil.iiithroj-'y Uoing 1\K k to SI hool .ind he detmitely didti’t think m.in, Is Steve Ron.ild Thurston’s niece. 'she chose e.ire f.icihties .icross thè United .ind its purpose is “to promote .1 week he would end uj'' gomu to the s;une school .is one Ual Poly because it is ,i good .igneiilture school States and t^in.ida. Network hospi- of friendly compel it 10 11 between of his sons, his niii i- .ind his nephew. .ind because "m> rei.Hives live here ... so I’ve seen t.ils tre.it .ili types of illnesses .md sororities for .1 vvortlu c.iiise," s.iid “When I took mv two sons to \ isit various earn It before <ind 1 re.illy liked it." ilflietioii', reg.irdless of thè f.imilv’s eh,unii.in M.ilt MeUool. puses, I started \ isiting various enuuieering I l.ink I .lub.icher, .in ag business junior, is Steve .ibihtv to pay. E.ich sorority will receive fmii schools,” Steve Ron.ild Thurston s.iid. “I |iist real- Ron.ild Thurston’s nephew ,md IVth’s brother. Silice UMN w.is .idopted ,is its co.iches to le.id them ihrouch the i:ed I re.illy w.intevl to (uo b.ick to school) ,is charity oj clu'ice in 1992, Sigma (.dii week. The house th.it ,ucumukites well.” see FAMILY, page 2 chapters around thè n.ition bave the most points throughout the week don.Iteci more th.in $ 8 )2 ,7 9 9 io help sick and iii|ured children. see DERBY, page 3 www.mustangdaily.calpoly.edu. 2 Tuesday, April 20,1999 News Mustang Daily Students have asked for web registra­ CAPTURE tion for se\eral years, said Marcia ** There are so many dif­ continued from page 1 Friedman, associate registrar. ferent services offered “There are so many different .ser­ “There hasn’t been sufficient time on the wehf it makes vices offered on the web, it makes tor (POWER) to have the impact it sense to students that will,” Thoma said. sense to students that we would offet we would offer registra­ Renneth Kuroshima, a network registration this way,” she said. As ft analyst for Information Technt)logy more students register on the web, tion this way’ Services, at^rees with Thoma. He said this should make it easier for students ITS tracked POWER’s effect on who choose to register hy phone ... we — Marcia Friedman know that many students are frustrat­ CAPTURE during its pilot period, associate registrar hut the information ITS received was ed when they call CAPTURE and inconclusive. can’t get in right away.” prefers it m telephone registration. CAPTURE has 40 points of access “We saw some decrea.se in the use “1 like it way better than CAP­ while POWER has .several hundred. of t'A PTU RE hut we don’t know the TURE ... It’s intue convenient, This makes it easier for imire students facts yet,” Kuro.shima said. “We don’t because you can look at what clas.ses to register simultaneously using web know what to attribute (the decrease) are open before you register,” she said. registration. to.” She also likes that there isn’t a Caddel and Wehrmann said ITS isn’t presently tracking time limit on how long it takes to reg- they’re happy with the way their pro­ POWER, because it’s a non-registra­ gram performed during the past week. istet with PCWER. tion time, but will start in the fall, C'al “You don’t get shut off like with The two .said only minor problems Poly’s heaviest time of registration. CAPTURE when you take too long were reported, and the majority of the C'addel agrees with Thtana that as to punch in a code.” awareness about PC')WER increases, feedback they received was positive. Becky Offut, an animal science so will the numbet of students regis­ “We had two students who report­ freshman, used I\W ER to register ed when they registered for 2 0 units tor spring classes and would use it From Your tering for cla.sses via the web. C'addel and Scott Wehrmann, Cdal Poly com­ (POWER) reported hack to them agaiti. “(Pt^WER) works really well ... it’s Little Bro-Xavier puter science senior, said they created they only had two units, but all thcir much taster than CAPTURE. It otily PC'iWER to give students an alterna­ cla.sses were still displayed ... and they YITBOSÜ tiH)k me about five minutes to tegis- were registered m all those classes,” tive way to register.
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