INTERVIEW FOR ORUNODOI SAHAYAK Standard Operating Procedure-For Venue 1 Interview is scheduled on 15/09/2020- For time-schedule, venue and other instructions to be followed for appearing in the interview, please go through the attached document. 2.Bring your original documents along with one ID proof. 3.No Canvassing. 4.Maintain social distancing. 5.Bring your own sanitizer. 6.Wearing mask and gloves is compulsory. 7.Do not loiter outside the office. 8.No spitting in public places. 9.The selected candidates should be prepared to go to Guwahati on 18/09/2020 to attend training that starts on 19/09/2020 at Guwahati. 10.Failure to attend the interview on the stipulated time schedule will result in cancellation of their candidature. GOVT. OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ::: DIBRUGARH DISTRICT The following Candidates are requested to attend the interview for the post of "ORUNODOI SAHAYAK" in respect of Dibrugarh District on 15/09/2020 in the below mentioned venue & time indicated against their roll number : Venue, Date & Name of the Roll No. Address of the Candidate Contact No Whatsapp No Time of Candidate Interview DBR - 001 JOHIRUL ISLAM Bihpuria, North Lakhimpur 9365533095 9365533095 DBR - 002 GOURAV KALWAR Kenduguri, Joypur, Dibrugarh 7399919912 7399919912 DBR - 003 TAZNUR HUSSAIN Chawolkhowa, Dibrugarh 9101648546 9101648546 MISS UPASANA DBR - 004 Majuli Garmur - - BORAH Binoigutia Gaon, Lepetkata, DBR - 005 PRANAB BHAKTA 7099729200 8724924951 Dibrugarh KASHYAP KIRON Bordoloni, Wilton, Tengakhat, DBR - 006 7002506076 7002506076 DUTTA Dibrugarh Tekela Chiring Gaon, Bankim DBR - 007 BANKIM GOGOI 7002714784 7002714784 Chandra Phukan Path, Dibrugarh DBR - 008 RIMPI BORAH BVFCL Colony, Namrup 7635957274 7635957274 Moidumia Gaon, Mohanbari, DBR - 009 ABHIJIT BURGOHAIN 8723006127 8723006127 Dibrugarh PRANAB JYOTI DBR - 010 Keyan Pather, Dibrugarh 6900902675 9957652149 BARUAH MADHURIMA DBR - 011 Mancotta Tepor Gaon, Dibrugarh 8474899604 7002875113 SHARMA Deputy DBR - 012 GAURAB BHADRA Shantipara, Naharkatia, Dibrugarh 9954613560 9954613560 Commissioner's Office, Dibrugarh DBR - 013 ACHYUT BHUYAN East Milan Nagar, Dibrugarh 6002140902 8720995098 (Room No 44) on 15/09/2020 from 09.30 AM to 12.30 DBR - 014 MANTU PAUL Khowang Ghat, Dibrugarh 8135952844 8135952844 PM MANASH PRATIM Near N.F.Rly Workshop, Kodomoni, DBR - 015 6001275960 9957570809 DAS Dibrugarh DBR - 016 BIPLOB BORA Merbeel, Bhamuk vill, Dibrugarh 9954549209 9954549209 MRIDUSMITA Tinali Bongali Gaon, namrup, DBR - 017 7007861155 7007861155 GOHAIN Dibrugarh DBR - 018 PALLABI DEVI Lebangtula Gaon, Joypur, Dibrugarh 8402906722 8402906722 DBR - 019 MANJIT TANTI Ghinai Gaon, Dibrugarh 8638575500 9678435975 DBR - 020 RAJU KHAN Duliajan, Naoholia, Dibrugarh 8638084688 8638084688 DBR - 021 RITUPARN SAIKIA Naharkatia, Methoni, Dibrugarh 9101836564 8811876061 Moidumia Gaon, Mohanbari, DBR - 022 BASANTA BORPATRA 7576950295 7576950295 Dibrugarh DBR - 023 GHRITOM CHUTIA Phatikachowa, Naokota, Moran 9365490392 8011923590 DBR - 024 CHARU DEHINGIA South Khalihamari, Dibrugarh 8724096988 8724096988 DBR - 025 KHUSHBOO VERMA Rupshree New Market, Dibrugarh 8256095192 8256095192 GOVT. OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ::: DIBRUGARH DISTRICT The following Candidates are requested to attend the interview for the post of "ORUNODOI SAHAYAK" in respect of Dibrugarh District on 15/09/2020 in the below mentioned venue & time indicated against their roll number : Venue, Date & Name of the Roll No. Address of the Candidate Contact No Whatsapp No Time of Candidate Interview Chabua Tea Estate Staff Colony, DBR - 026 RUPAM TANTI 7002295278 7002295278 Chabua, Dibrugarh Teporguri Gaon, Sohapata, Moran, DBR - 027 INDUMONI SAIKIA 9707168706 7002382613 Dibrugarh Shankardev Rly. Colony, Kodomoni, DBR - 028 NIHAL SHARMA 7896751538 7896751538 Dibrugarh DBR - 029 MOLEN DIAS Kodomoni, Bholanath, Dibrugarh 7002269144 7002269144 DBR - 030 CHIRANJIV GOHAIN Komargaon, Rajabheta, Dibrugarh 8011647047 8011647047 DBR - 031 ANKUR SAIKIA Rongagora Gaon, Duliajan, Dibrugarh 6001099102 9127340637 DBR - 032 BHRIGU DEKA Sarengchuburi, Mongaldoi, Darrang 6901753669 9101777645 DBR - 033 ANSUL KURMI Mohanbari, Dibrugarh 8299245810 9936477950 DBR - 034 MOHIKANTA GOGOI Thengal Gaon, Moran, Dibrugarh 9365064197 9365064197 DBR - 035 TINKUL SONOWAL Ronchongi Vill., Chabua, Dibrugarh 9613294331 9613294331 Naharkatia Near Hindi High School, DBR - 036 DIPIKA DEY 6000184467 8486953802 Dibrugarh Deputy DBR - 037 SUBHAM RAJAK Paltan Bazar, Dibrugarh 8724841859 8724841859 Commissioner's Office, Dibrugarh DBR - 038 RATUL GOGOI Jamirah Patra Gaon, Dibrugarh 9706621502 9706621502 (Room No 44) on 15/09/2020 from NAFIFA TASMEEN Dibrujan, F2 Lane, Jalan Nagar, 01.30 PM to 04.30 DBR - 039 9101483287 9101483287 RAHMAN Dibrugarh PM DBR - 040 PRERANA GOGOI Subhachuk Gaon, Dibrugarh 9707169049 7576833724 DBR - 041 NIRANJAN DUTTA Naharkatia, Ward No 3, Dibrugarh 7637807694 7637807694 Khalihamari, Red Cross Road, DBR - 042 PRIYANKA SARMAH 7002456837 7002456837 Dibrugarh DBR - 043 IRSHAD ALI East banipur, Dibrugarh 9101344213 7662822743 DBR - 044 RASHMI SEN Moran Hatkhula, Dibrugarh 9365012825 8486423628 Buddha Mandir Road, Duliajan, DBR - 045 RUMA DEBNATH 6001521426 6001521426 Dibrugarh DBR - 046 BINTI DAS Kadamoni, Kalibari Path, Dibrugarh 8638297136 8486319847 Khowang Tea Estate Chariali, DBR - 047 RIMPI DAS 6002678339 9864641731 Dibrugarh DBR - 048 RAJA PRASAD Paltan Bazar, Dibrugarh 7002691330 9706806210 Balijan, Paniara gaon, Chabua, DBR - 049 KALYAN BORUAH 7636003124 7636003124 Dibrugarh RATUL CHANDRA Dibrujan, Near Mizo Church, DBR - 050 9678247822 9678247822 DAS Dibrugarh GOVT. OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ::: DIBRUGARH DISTRICT The following Candidates are requested to attend the interview for the post of "ORUNODOI SAHAYAK" in respect of Dibrugarh District on 15/09/2020 in the below mentioned venue & time indicated against their roll number : Venue, Date & Name of the Roll No. Address of the Candidate Contact No Whatsapp No Time of Candidate Interview DBR - 051 GEETALI DEVI Dhekeri Gaon, Banipur, Dibrugarh 6003184882 9365192725 Natun Nirmali Gaon, Panchi Path, DBR - 052 ANUP GOGOI 6000951121 7576833989 Dibrugarh DBR - 053 KARAMJIT SINGH Naliapool Nabajyoti Path, Dibrugarh 8761970966 8761970966 SURABHI DBR - 054 Borpathar Konwar Gaon, Dibrugarh 8638826891 7575914052 RAJKONWAR VIJAY KUMAR DBR - 055 Tipam, Joypur, Dibrugarh 6001559283 6001559283 PANDEY DBR - 056 PALLABI TANTI Harishpur, Namrup, Dibrugarh 8471903914 8471903914 DBR - 057 TUMPA CHOWDHURY Naliappol, Dibrugarh 6001885075 7664843120 MANASH JYOTI DBR - 058 Near Nirmali Gaon, Dibrugarh 8812075990 8812075990 DUTTA PRATIKSHA DBR - 059 Borhapjan, Tinsukia 8638897304 8638897304 BORPUJARI MONALISHA DBR - 060 Kathalbari, Khowang, Dibrugarh 9435190256 9101080779 DOWARAH DBR - 061 RIKI ARANDHARA Sassoni, Naharkatia, Dibrugarh 8752948859 8752948859 Deputy DBR - 062 DIMPI BISWAS Naliapool Rly Colony, Dibrugarh 8135059964 9706376958 Commissioner's Office, Dibrugarh Smashan Para, East Chowkidinghee, DBR - 063 RIYA DUTTA 8486897996 7576027737 (Room No 36) on Dibrugarh 15/09/2020 from 09.30 AM to 12.30 DBR - 064 KALPAJEET BHARALI Chiring Chapori, Dibrugarh 6026696945 7086669719 PM DBR - 065 SWASTIKA SHARMA Udaipur Chowkidinghee, Dibrugarh 8486938192 7002877180 DBR - 066 DIPANKA SAIKIA Kushal Nagar, Moran, Dibrugarh 8638215581 8638215581 2 No. Borkheremia Ghilaguri Gaon, DBR - 067 JUNALI GOGOI 7002412449 7002412449 Namrup, Dibrugarh DBR - 068 SHILPI DEY K.P. Road, Dibrugarh 7577025098 7577025098 Nahar Saku Gaon, Lahowal, DBR - 069 TINASHREE BARUAH 8638905423 8638905423 Dibrugarh Merbeel Bhakat Gaon, naharkatia, DBR - 070 TRISHNA KALITA 7086153281 7086153281 Dibrugarh DBR - 071 GOURI NATH PANDEY Paltan Bazar, Dibrugarh 9365622929 9126847057 LAKHINATH Garudharia Patra Gaon, Barbaruah, DBR - 072 9957612738 7483724176 SILPONIA Dibrugarh Moricha Alohi Gaon,, Chabua, DBR - 073 DURLABH DAS 8822336279 8472076481 Dibrugarh DBR - 074 DEEPJYOTI BARUAH Bishmile Chabua, Dibrugarh 9365057256 9365057256 New Market, Kalibari Chariali, DBR - 075 ANNY MAZUMDER 9085946343 9085946343 Dibrugarh GOVT. OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ::: DIBRUGARH DISTRICT The following Candidates are requested to attend the interview for the post of "ORUNODOI SAHAYAK" in respect of Dibrugarh District on 15/09/2020 in the below mentioned venue & time indicated against their roll number : Venue, Date & Name of the Roll No. Address of the Candidate Contact No Whatsapp No Time of Candidate Interview DBR - 076 ROSHMI SAIKIA Komargaon, Rajabheta, Dibrugarh 6003383701 6003383701 Tairai Gaon, Kaliapani, naharkatia, DBR - 077 TULIKA GOGOI 9101960393 7896351116 Dibrugarh MRINAL JYOTI DBR - 078 Balijan (H) TE, Hogrijan, Dibrugarh 8876648163 7002708972 KUMAR PALLAV JYOTI Greenwood Tea Estate, Mohanbari, DBR - 079 9365319099 9365319099 GOHAIN Dibrugarh Kachalu Pather, Tingkhong, DBR - 080 YUVRAJ THAPA 9101647930 8724802283 Dibrugarh PALLABI GOGOI DBR - 081 East Chowkidinghee, Dibrugarh 8638481427 8638481427 LODH Tenga Koch gaon, Bamunbari, DBR - 082 BITUPAN GOGOI 8638012415 9401087495 Dibrugarh ASIM AKHTAR DBR - 083 Laluka Gaon, Dibrugarh 8638018467 75780933398 AHMED DBR - 084 SIMANTA CHANGMAI Moran Lachit Nagar, Dibrugarh 6001816969 6901677595 Assam Petrochemical Ltd., Namrup, DBR - 085 DIPALI GOGOI 7002014880 7002014800 Dibrugarh UDITA DBR - 086 West Banshbari, Dibrugarh 8486009870 8486009870 CHAKRABORTY Deputy DBR - 087 DEBAJANI SAIKIA Tipling Nabajyoti Gaon, Dibrugarh 8472957402 8472957402 Commissioner's
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